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ORD 10-A
Lzjtitlet3 ��n ord:in��nca a,m ncl2-_lg an ordin€acc fi ink the scut iCs of the CffiecYs of t1he Cityof Be,.iivaont, Texas, beginning April 1:)12 a.nd ending April 1574, passed by the City Council of the City of 13ca11ri:n'c, Fal;rua.ry 20th, 1.912-, in so fz;.r a.s tt rcla.t6s to the sal pries of the Building Inspc ctoi•, 71E ctrical I iallaotor and nater and G€"s 1,ietci� Inspector, resrectivel.y, and declaring '51, emerge'noy; i3F IT OF;�1�TI`1 :�3 i?Y 'i'ITE CITY COTnrCTT, OF THE (,TTY OF _,IIAL7i,:C)ivT: Seetio,l T. 71* Fat that portion of an ordinance passed Fmbrua.rIT 20th, 7.912, fixint; the salaries of the offic_rs of thea City of Beaumont, beginning AI?ri1 191"; and ending April 1914,in so far as it relates to the salarios of t;?-)(- Building inspector-, Flecti,ical Tnsq)e,ctor and ',Yater L721d Gas :'.1© ter T7?.:�`?Bctcr , respecti.vely, be a]Tiendcd so that said portions shall hereafter read as follows, to -wit: ,KTILDII�yG INS-EC'.?`OI?. The Building Tns_,ectom sb, ill reccivr ! per an ura, and €111 -Fees that z:I y be attachable by la.Rr in. favor of said offi.ccr shall hereafter be taxable in favor of the City of T?awamont, and shall be »aid into the General Fu _d of the City FT,7_cTRTC'AT_ TNS"LCTO.R: The Electrical Inspector shall recei ve a salary of "•�� `� per annum, ane, a11 fess that may be attaeha.blet by lav its favor of said officer shall hereafter be paid into the Rentral Fun, of the City of Beaumont. R Aa�_y u lS liTER IVT73'•'FC i0R l .e T''ytar and CTF.is !�.let.'r Inspector shall r� 1eive a Salam of r. C1 a r Y, l 1 1 fe h,- t n�-,r 1 ^t 1-r �j iz3 C 112111.'.1, a.2iC. eS f' lv Jf' u.xGh� _i__ by la�:v in f a os of said cfficcr small hereafter be paid into •f, -he General Fand.. of� t)Ie City of Railcaoiut . sect!;_)n 11. All �X di neuicee or pa 'ts of o:r.di.na,n0 eS in c ):,I -D, ct ,ritr thi a, ordinance are ner6by pecific�.,11y repealed. salaries of ti -e Building Inspector,�•lectx-ica.1 1nopm©tor and ratter anc� Gas ?Mete= Insreetor, resr:ectively, and dcclarinS aii ernergency-, i3J IT O Ji1Ti? B 13`i ?'?TI�' CITE COf.7i CIT: DF TIi "TTY :.�F-9!''Li' N1T: Section I. T1 -Qt that, portion of an ordi,�anco passea Fe.lbrua.ry 20th, 1. 1'12, fixing the salaries of the offi c ,rs of the City of Reaumont, beginning April 191,; and end.ino April 19114,in so far as it icla.tcs to t1)m, salarios of th�-- Building Inspec,tor,, ,lectrical Tngpflctor and `,vlater and Gas 1.iotar Tnsypector, respectively, be a,nended so that said portions shall hereafter read as follovis, to -7-i- it �J'TI1.D 11V% 11,13 .`Eli TOR • . The B1iildin- TnsDectcur sball receive s-.laxy o:� per annum, and all f es that may be attaclha?_le by law Jin favor of said oTi'icer shall here}after be taxable in. favor of the City of L�(§aumont, and shall be paid into thn General F'ul-d of t11e .City. EI:�CTRTC LT IITS�'LCTO p t The -Electrical Inspector shall recti ve a salary of per annum, and all fags that may be attachable bar lamo- in favor of said olficer shall nerdafter be paid into the R•eneral Fund of the City of Beaumont. .11-Z1 't,: Y J II1 3_ i!C 1,:/.f.{ T ''7_� ,•ir l�.t wr and Gas Het,�r Inspector shall .receive a ss.lar;;T of �' L' r anilism, -.nd. ell fees t?)c-:.t may be attachable bar law in fz�-or of said officer shall hereafter be!raid ii11;o f -h9 GrI eral ( Fend.. of - lie' City Of Raiiiaont • �� Secti�n TI. All dina.nc(�s or -a -ts- of or.dinsnces in c,)nflict wi th this ordinance are hni!Aby specifically repealed.. ction III. r'lheroa.s a vanancy exists i:a the offices of tl-le Bv_ilcli ng Iasrector, 10nectL1, cal :'.Inslectox, i;.11a ',tater and 'Gas P.Ietar Ins?;ector9 t iv 31y , r''ILEi THIS THF DAA OIL— ° J . JTTO N, /0 l And Whareas it has be -an determined bjr the City Council that the present Swvax and Plumbing Inspector , R.A.Heartfield, :,bf C-� should be appointed to also fulfill the duties/,above offices,ancd Whereas the salary hareitofore paid the Building Inspectoxy Elect:oital Inspector and Tater'and Gas Meter Inspector is to be reduced for said reason, created an emergency and. pz'bl e niecessity so that the rule requiring ordinances to be read on three separate meetings be and the same is hereby suspenddcl €end this ordinance shall go into force and effect from and after its passage and lawful publication. Passed this the me day of. A. 1913. Approved this the day of ATTEST City J,-, t- )) A.D.191,3 . I Beaumont, Texas* Nov. 25th, 1913. Hon.Idayo.r & City Council, C I TY, Vic,. Yoiir Oxa I nFnce Committee, to wiaom the attached orclinanca was referracl, beg leave to raport, that -after careful consideration, the recommend. the adoption of sarne. • �eSpeCt:�ll ' �br'.�teC�, Ord'inar_ce Cbmmittee,