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ORD 77-A-2
"A TT O R D I IT. 2,� 7 i �r 6)R& 117- A -- z, 'FILED fi S -THJA j}y . SU TT0N, J R . Entitled an ordinance to prohibit an-kT .rail;°ray companyor its agent or employees zroin ,sw,i -ching cross ar�jr street south oz Ghe north line of ?'C;©lle Stroe,t at its ilitErsection 't_�it}L Iia lr'_aad-A-ve:nue- in the City of Bealunont, and prescxibinL, What io, rieant bYT svlitchin� and l- Iso Providing Denalt;,T dor. iolation c icrF ofe BB I' ORD.1UED BY MHr CITY COU TTOTL or mzlr, 0p BBO?T� Saotion 1: It shall be b3-ilaiiful for any locomotive ongineex, firs n, z'orer�aal, scritcil���an, y � :digaster, conductor or an;, other a.,P,ent dor employea of ?ny .railxoE�d co�:ilan�T, operating or articipating in any pt�c�c manner in the operatio,z, control or mana,M;e-url nt of any locomotive or switch an ;ine or o Uhor train o i engine of ::hatever character to -witch freight cars on any railway in the City of Deaamont,, at- <ihy ,. out! of the 1Torth line of "College- Street,. at its, inter ,ection with Railroad- 1�Trenge, �;t.itchin� in thisi article shell be constr-aed to mean, the jrajlinv° up and backinL ri,crosc, or the b .ciLin ; �Icross and ;gulling up of any fr ei ht car or cars across the Il orth line o:: .C.gi1 ge Stre_et;.,- at its intersection with Railroad eve:;, e cejot that the z� ouulin� over of any c,.ar or .c;ars, of a through trait., from one tracer to another -�rhen - handled b�T the road on ine shall not be construed to be sviitchinF,; ;ri thin r . the mean&jliS of this a rticl , when the train is too lonL; to clear main, line crossings, if any, --and the ''north line o� :�al� ege ' � deet' ` at :its intersection t,�ith Railroad Avenue.. And shall sall be anla, for or anp e ,or_ menuionea in 'his ar"ticle in th; manare�nent -or centr-;1 of such trains as a.foreBaid to - Ila1Te up cher said'trains grid shift and s itch_ :freigrt cars in the pr cps rat on and making up o, f such trains at an7.po int on t -: Entitled an ordin@:bllce to ;prohibit any,_.rail-aay eompwnf o'r its agent or employees from switchinL,, across any street south of the north line of T C' lIeSO S-trP4 at its intersection With R�21z'_oad-����enua in the City of Beaiunont, and pre-;cribin�,- vrhat is rleant b1T s iitchin_•, �f an also �roJiclin ��enel_1yT for%ioltion-_t?zc-reofo _- n nY� E r+ m , -� E r n BE IT Q'_?D��TIT.N�D BY "'h.�� CITY CQUU'T�.,IZ OF �: �.,I_.'_ Q_ B�,.+V'.0."..:- Section 1: It shall be iaJ11��Wful for anY, locofnotive engineer, fireman, foreman, mi'dtch)man, Y,tL.rd14a Iter, conductor or any other agent or aLrplO�ee o= ar_;r.railro�Ld cuiii�)an-I, ol)eratin or i_>z�rticiy�atin in an;� ,Wanner in the .operatiOii, COilt`rGl Ox mii7£t�.P,InE:nt 0-� �11f l�COlnO"t1VG Or ,1ritCll enE;ine or oiihor train oi' engine Of V"rha.tever character to switch freij3ht C�.rS 017 ai1� ;,ails=ra;J in the City o1 i16 i raont., ;:t c'111? the 5011C,i1 Of the iTorth line o =College Street;. Lit its intersection with Railr:d°•rrge, t°ritch�.11; in thi-s article shall be con;=,trued to MORYI, the T)k ling' up and be cl�iri ],Crc)9R, Or the b�:ckill-: a ro,m bald i7u11:1,11L uy� of any freight car or across the iio-rth line o: .College Stre;pt,,.; at its intersection with �R€Lilro�.d eve:';, exco )t that the c_cublin�; over of anycar or .carr of a through train from one track to another -�rllen handled by the roz�d e11 ine shall not be construcci to be switchii.F� �-rit yin the mean.a g of this articl.;, when the train is too lonL`, to clec main. line 6rossings, if any, -amCL the 11orth line 01�:' .001113gc ' i;reeJc►'' at its intersection with ail.roa3 Even-Ue., And. it shall. be tulla.4•rful for a.r�7 Per on mentioned 111 phis c"r.rtiCle in the management Ol COntr")1 Of Sucl? trail f Or F,Sc`Li C� t0 na.1Fe up their sr�icl trains and shift and -s, Ch fY'cign_t caxs in the - preparation and rna:Lin up cf such trains at L V point on their line youth of �tl,e T_Torth line of s'ai.O31ee-_Stxe.cty at its. inter vection yJ1th Roilroad•.1ive.,, O:c to. v'rorl'. thereat in t„.ny manner except }ie3'ei7ib0'ore� ihi0V1C ed SO1 , and for the put Dose of cp-rr—` i 1C, through trC:LinS LC10SS ;girl Pa;ilroad avenue all =0r the Furth )-” �,1"�';)ose ,)T CarrVln Cars t0 ��I1C1 { rOL1 tile, C!iffEe ent Du`�iness J_nclu-stri located South of "the ,1Torth line o- -College. Streeu=, at its intersection twitll •Railroacl .�vent�e� 9LLL�, 131 1q16 -2 Section 2: Any person o.0 Persons, a'sez"I or 6iq.1.)IoYeeS 01" P-n,� coT_1p 1.n7r, tvh0 shall vioL:I:te and refuse to comply with any of the pr;;)vi sions of this ordinance, shall be fined in any sum not er cecdi.l� �;20Q.00o Section_ 3 : This oz!dinance 5:1a.11 tale efferat and be in f1111 force froTa, andafter its �'- :��?.?.t9, al.,.Droval by tho Mayor, Cand .l�,ta.ful ��u,�licatior.. Passed this t?�E, da'r of Jul:r, ,:1 D , 1910. .11y) ,rOVed this the %�� day of July, D. , 19i0. tJ_ G GUSU: - e0rir� .