HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 74-A-2t 11?1 TT 0 R- D I T, A I; C Ell Entitled an ordinance creat.ir_p� the office of Fua c�la.sir; A: 3en-t for the Citi of Beaumont, prescl:ibinb., his dudes, raethod of appointment, his bond and method of compensation. � B ` IT OIRDAITTED BY TIME, CITY C0T111CI1 01" T F, Fl, 01T"f OP RT -1, UI10K,T:- UVw'uifv��,tc . Section 1: That the office of City Purcha=inE Agent of —the -hereby -created. ------ - - _ Section S: It shall be the duty of sr:1 k officer to yarch-ase all supplier for said City upon the order of the City Council or anY elective or a-.-.ointed officer of the City, thouOl."sa11 (,i't;T Pureha,sir_ AUent iiiay in his discretion refitse to 1)u -.•chase a -r.7 Supplies for any of_cice�r, unletis so. ordered by the Citi Cou�icilo ge shall also keep Find store; all s111-lPlies,,f eversT cha,ra.cter of said Cite, and to di^'tribute such ou",-),plies to the officer or o icers h�).vir_; .uthorit�T to "receive wane a�1d to take and lfeep filed receipts for <<11 sup:Olics distributed. Section_ 3: It shall be his further duty to 1Lee- a seL of nooks, showin a complete record of a.11 su;)yliea purch�i-s`ecl ��nd Trow whom ,urchz-.sed and -t'1e ;price and terms .on tirhich surae are y�u:OchC.sed and up on 7 hose order same are " arch � ed, an_d alsoa ret Mrd of all Supplies of said Cityon hada or Mored at all times arillere and hoer stored, and also a record of :ill sly:;,_diet; distriru'ted anti to l7hom clistribut e'd and 1-1-100n. tirhose order distributedHe shall be resiponsil�le t0 5 1Q itJ for C,,ll l�tlrcll<.seS 17d -for L111 di ,tribixFio11s r 11 sui)ylies oT every G11ar cte]' Ori h�3,llct 0 atOY'LCi• of supplies and for �a-_ - -lection ? : �-T all lie suis joct to the cli_x ection of the pity - - Council and shall do and perforin such other incl further e�'vices as '4. -;he Oi1iv Council r1a r OLir iCi t7o a(Ij,j nn 5: He shall be aDDOintel a�. other �, , }onti�re r;ITTTF � BILUTH0!TT :B IT ORDAINED LS T Y CTHE l: That the o_Cfice of of the -Cit-7- of 2eaumont_ i-s_hareby or_ea-ed.- _--- - - Section 2: It shall be the duty of said Officer to l)urchase all surplier for said Citi; ul)on the order of *the Ciu7j Council ox' anJ elective or alo_.ointed o-fficer of the OitY, though Said 'City -U. chasil-I .- gni ei nl, 'ma.�r in his discre iOn Y-0- 11Se to ,lt?'Giic�Se sell --lies for o.ny officer, unless so orc�cxed by the .,1�� o lcil. e shall also keep ..i1c_ Store all ,su?-nlissAf every Character of Sc.id i%, aa1cj to di ­;tribute Such ou-1rolies to the Of-2-ic-e-' officers he'vin a.athorit0T to receive s4>>�ne and to take and keep filed receilYGs for �,.11 suyp plies distributed. Beerier_ 3: It shall be his further duty to }Lee_ a ,et of ; �, i complete recozd of all Sul);,,,�_ies fUrchri,sed emd from 0 o oks , slot rin ,, whom �uxchz sed anti the mice and terms .on which same are -,)u-.--ch ..sed C uy�on 1 hose order s.aine are uxch ed, ar_d also a ret ;xcl of all supplies of said Cituy on hand or utore d at s,ll times ar1d vrhere and hoar stored, and also a record of all st?y>>1i.e,5 ;iistributad Land, to ,rhos distributed and !-,',On Whose order distxibuted. He ;shcz:�ll be ,-ox-11 ;>urch<.•sesl�d lox �j.11 cZi st:,-ib-u,-0na resy�onsj.ble to <iid ltd - 0= OUOyliG'S azd for 11 su��lal�c:s o, e'Jex�i chi xLcter on h�3,nL or Stored• 1 ,1 Tie shat be SI j„ct to the cli-:section of the CitY-- - - - ouncit and s1nall do nd y�exfOr111 such other nei further services -as the 1 t �y Council Ma -Y c_irac-� • �ection �• He shall be aynointed ao other or_Live officers axe:}1 thou?;11 the Citi Council ria clesii]l�'•te sof officer no:r in the emrloy of the Cit --r to do Such �r0r1c ORD, D, � �L--A-` -2 gection Before entering upon the tluties of his office, said City Aurchacing Gent shall tale anri subs>ct-ibe 'lie oath of office 7resc2!ibed by the constitution of the State, and" shall also Cive a bond with two or more ;;ood and sufficient sureties or signed in ,uch,amouant .ps the City Cbivaoil Tia;+ 'direct, same t -o be a,-p-Ciroved by the City Cowicil, conditioned-- �,•,i �;; L'- ���.k—Lf-;4hO faithfully discharge and perform the nuti esu:; ncurrioeni; upon j if is a {'such of'_ icer, a ccorc? ins. 10 the cons t:itutioil a,rf'cY laws of th-e i f h ate jof Te a.s ztind the Charter and Q:c(Iinarces of -thee";Ci-tZuM071-GJ / Section 7: He shall receive n-� full compel1c F�tion: f o '. �s -, -� e City Council may f -TOM time -t 0' til"' �F N e rv� u e�s such as.�otu� t ��s th J fj -) : oU be diminished durin:�: hi, term of of -ice, but Lla;r be' inc:ea.s ed. S�ectio-n S: This ordinance shall tak, effect and be in u.'+l force from tend afL-r it,�������a e;-����7;rova.l b is Ma�o-r a�.�d lavl-ful J - -- yablicat ion. dip rovedthis the �'T day off/ . D. , 1/plc o Atten - / 1 3- t .� J ,. e c, r e uq. r i a