HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 59-A-2"IST .ORDIYANCF . " To be entitled an ordir_arc:e requir.'Ln€; the Beai:,mont Wa r Vforl:s, Company, to render water sef ice for automatic sprinkling ap- py atus installed in bui1din(;s now erected, and hereafter to be erected, in the �Cit,y of Beai4ont, l c)r greater f -_re protecttion; and grant irg a.uthobjAy to said Company to contract for such service, vii.thuut ' creating any liabili- ty to the per:len, fii-m or coi.�prj,rat ic)n to ir!hom such t er.•vice is rendered, and providing that the rendit:.ion of mach service by s�L .d cofnpany, and its re- . sulta.nt effect upon the quantii,y oj' water in the pubic l ire hydr,,:r.ts shall never,at v..ny tfnle,be considered a breach of anl- of the prow=sions of the franchise of sa,:ici .conlraily,e )res:�ec or a.mplied,:-A-th the Cite cf Beau- mont; ai--d providing that the City Council .gall have the right to fix_ reasoneable rules,regulations and rages governing such service,and pro- viding hoer such connections a.nd service from the water,ma,:ine fihall be made; imd rF.;pscLl:.ng "1.1 orclinancns,er d- parts- of ord-inances, A.n conflict herewith. RT IT ORDAIZTF�I) BY T�I�+; ()I7"C CCL12Tr,Iz or T1 CITY ()I' BFAUIsRCITT . SECT ION 1:. That the Beai-tmont Nater Works Company is hereby required to render service for Automatic Sprinkling Apparatus instal=led in any of the builldinE;s in the City of Baatmtont, and in E,ny of the buildings here- after to I)eE::-eater fire j)-04 ct cn. SBCTION 2. �k That 5iLid Bea-Limont Water V'.rorks Conlpa7iy is hereby granted the r.ik;ht and authority to contract v it.h an,, person, firm or cor-, prat ior_, owing any building or build ings,for. waste:., se:rvice for such automatic sprLnkling apparatus; and in such contract- t3ha,l-1. have -tY r -g;ht ;Jto elimi- nate. ally liali lit:y upon its part to such per:scn,firnn or cd;rporation, for da. ages of any character arising out of, or incidc._tal to such autorna,tic Esprinkling ser,Tice; provided that the City Council Mhz ll have the right to fix recLsonahle rules a e(ula.t iur_s and rates governing such service. SECTION 3. No "utUPjatic ai:para,tus sr;all ever be ccnnected with any grater main unless there be placed Zt or near such connection a standard gate valve with cover; all of which shall be done at the cost of the party installing. sli.ch :seryjee; and no s,..ch connection_ :hall be made untiil after the location.of FtLch connect_''.cn,and the standard_.gate valve, y i shall have been a6re;ed upon by the -Ti,re Chief of the Cite of Beaumont, and the owner of such build .ing or buildings, &md rat ifi-A- . by Cmimittee of the City U B ��tuszoiipr aced fur trier '.hL.t ttiiere tE.11 be cL Sta-Izda.rd sate: Valve, .N,T'.Li.h 'Wheel on the connection.fr on the ;rater.• n?a.ir_ to shall never,at any tirZe,be considered a breach of any of ihe prov-isions of the franchise of said .conlY>all�r,e �reesed or implied.,vA-th the City of Beau- mont; ai--d providing that the City Council shall have the rig'lt to fix_ reasonab-le ruies,regulations and rates governing such service,ardi I)ro- vidAng how ;3uch c onrec+ dons a,nd service from the wa,t er- inairis Shall be made; itrd repealing �Lll ordinanceo,er.d partb of ordinances, in conflict here j,ir i. t . IT ORDAIITM) BY THE (IT 7" r COUYCIL" OT TIT C'•ITY OF BFAUMOYT . SECTION 1. That the Beaumont Nater Works Company is hereby required to render service for Automatic Sprinkling Apparatus ir_st&.11ed in any of the buiidir_gs in -the Cit -,.T of Beaumont, and in a-ny of the buildings here- after to ;)e const:ructL-d i'c;= ereater ''ire Protuction. SBOTION 2. Thats�Lid Beaul,iont WaterWort B Companyis herebygranted the right and authoat :Lty to contract vrith any persozy,fiim or corporation, outing any building; or buildings,for water zervice f'ox• such automatic sprir_kI.-Mg apparatus; and in such contract rihall have t:h right' oto eli ii- -nate. any liability upon its part to :such pe.rscn,firm or cOrporation,,ior dax.-iag�s of Ftr1ir character out of, or incidental to such automatic sprinkling; se.r�•Lce; provided that the City Council shall have the right to fix reasonable mules re6ula.t ions and rates governing such service. hk. SECTION 3. No a,utoriatic vprirkling appar"tus bhali ever be ccnnected with any water L Un unlesS there be placed at or near such connection a, Standard gate valve with cover; er; all of which shal). be done at the cost of the party insta=_ling mich service; and no such connection shall be made unt"i after the location E,uch connect::.cl�,rl�.ti the st;ancza.re4 gate ��c�lva7 &hall. lia.ve 1 -)eon agreed upon by the Vire Chief of the Cite of Beaumont, and the olrmer of such build .inp or buil &Ung;s,s.nd rat.if'ied I -, Fire Committee of City f B «Izmont i f;r6z- ac:ec� fu ;he�',C t ttirei•e sAE,Ii be Stailda.rd gate 1��1VP,,"�',':ith v4heel on the conrection,fr ori t' -,he !,ater main. to the' caYlnect:ion into the build=rip; , to be pl1 ,,ced at the. most convenient point., all to I)e installed at the cost o;' r of :arid SECTION. 4. The ). enC? its -on of Zmr ny Sitcii autom;.tic k�pryLp.Y.sang service ILI Mo as herein Prov ided f e i, 1):�, sa.`Ld Bcn,,�j-ao -I t J�u ter VIC) r1c) G i j - 1r- 0 1' C 0 1'1) o.1 a_� I cli �LT�d tl2e rt�,si'lj_tzmt ej-'r C-� c -f succh alAtcriu-.tic kipr`rkl �ng servicv -polt -ch(1,,lantit.y of in [-,he pit1blic f -J, re 2_eve r at" zny 1, i):Ie the, allt Omlt j. c By),- I' --,-.kJ-'-ir,6 t­.pp�,rtu.F: 1S in ope--rai, ion be CC_)M3id.C1'f!d U b1'U(JC'11 Of L"ny of tl-lu provisionz; of ii„5 ad 7 0'r irIJ5_Lied,Wth tl't(,, C1 Of BCc,Ur10T1t ST,'C T IOTT 5. All ordinunce;B and I)L?,rts of ordii,&.rces in confLict oith .kk_2xkIdp.:,.XJLJh tlLlls C rd IiII&X Cel. Cr i:, here -11-- ropeL�Iod. And the approved _ t I -I c s + I a ell I A, 7). 191p, 1 1.G 'E U�Xp 1 .'e S-111” 2-('J)C;Kied. SE C T I ON 6 . Thit, ordinance -TizIl T)e in fit!! fc)2:-(,c L_Y!d el-'Tect from and ,%fteitS if :L­eqizi_-ed t.o ";)e Approved th, S da"a, QJL,* 101allch --- A.D. 1� a:, ' 0 22 Attest: 9 TO THE HOMO ALF MAYOR AND CITY C OU14C IL OF THE CITY OF BEA RAONT* Gentlemen: G J t -A J)"Iarc, , )9 16 We, your fire conmittee, to whom was submitted the cormunica- tion from, the Beaumont Water Works Company in reference to the rendi- tion of water service for individual fire protection through the automatic sprinkling system and through individual hydrants to be installed in buildings in the City of Beaumont; and to whom also was referred the letters from C. T. Heisig and the insurance companies relative to such matters, beg herewith to report that we have duly considered the same and have had many conferences with the respective parties with reference. thereto* That after a full. investigation of the subject, we have prepared the attached ordinance which we respect- fully recommend to your Honorable Body for enactment. Respectfully yours, 1ra��n ..x'...30 _rs Qaz13 FILED THIS T E_1=- DAA U : J ....._...��U�TTOi� CITY RY SECRETA TO THE HOMO -RABLE KAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONTo Gentlemen: - We, your fire committee, to whom was submitted the cormunica- tion from the Beaumont Water Works Company in reference to the rendi- tion of water service for individual fire protection through the automatic sprinkling system and through individual hydrants to be installed in buildings in the City of Beaumont; and to whom also was referred the letters from C. T. Heisig and the insurance companies relative to such matters, beg herewith to report that we have duly � considered the sane and have had many conferences with the respective parties with reference. thereto. That after a full. investigation of the subject, we have prepared the attached ordinance which we respect- fully recommend to your Honorable Body for enactment. Respectfully yours, c).L. n s__. 30 =- SIH' FILED THIS T EOF ��--DA.� U-rTON, J.CITY SECRETARY: Asst-. MA "AIT ORD IN.:1ITCEly To be entitled an Ordinance requiring the Beaumont T7ater ."Yorks Company to render ;nater. service for automatic sprii)]:ling ap"�aratus and hydrants installed in buildings now erected and hereafter to be erectediin the City of peaumon-t -for Ureater fire protection, ane._ granting authority to said company to contract for such service without creatine; any liability to the ,?erson, firm or corporation to whom slzch service is rendered, and providing, -that the rendition of such service by said company and its residtant effect upon the ILLI City of _�ratex in -the public fire hydrants shell never at any time be considered a. breach of any of the provisions of the franchise of said company, e Lpres _ped or implied, vrith the City of Beaumont; and providing that the City Council shall have the right 'to fix reasonable rules, regulations --and rates governing such ser -rice, and providinC k��T Such connections and service from the i"d,tti3r mains sha•11 be made. BE TT ORDAINED BY THE �C`IT7`f COUTTCIM OF T TF CITY OF BEE.itPKOIT'T : Section I. That the Bea.-Lu,:iont 71ater iTorhs Coripany is hereby required to render service for automatic spri:frfting apparatus Lnd,�iydraants`f} insta.11od in any of the buildings in the City of Teaumont, or any of the buildings he.r.caftex to be coust-ructecl, for greater fire protection. FILED THIS THE le~ DAY oF....,..,...­­­1940 ....................... J. G. SUTTON, CITY SECRETARYm _hr� t �r._..��. ��. _ _ Asst. Section 2 said Beaumont 7ai�er `7or7;s Cor�p��ny is hereby granted tele right and aali.thority to contract rith any person., finM ar corporation ownine cuch building, or buildings, for grater service for S12Cj1 a1Jt0lTiatic sprinhlin� al"?i aratU_S. :eco: = `} �?1d in such /contr�_)ct s'liall have the -right to eliriinate, any liability upon'' its pest -'Go -such per^on, -fir.!l or corl-or=.tion rot del-acos oy° a..=r character Y7 S1i1g; Out O' , or inc ide?ltal t0 ;i1C;'1 S8rV1Ce� provided the City Council shall have the right to "iv reaucnahle rules, 1 eSlllati ons -�.r_d rates governinE r1zch service. Section TT ._ „�..,1 9-1'f-jrl J.q p' -a ,ll ever ,je 0 () 2'.1.1` eC; :i Cid I Bcont `?'e;Las, M r S `"ATE OF T^�:'yS ) COUNTY 0.7 MFFERSOIT ) I�Tar cll is t , 1910. TO THE H0iT0R PTB 1UffOR A"TD CITY COUT?CZT, 06 Pi, AT-T110T , T-"XA S. GF,NrnTFTi�E;': Your Comlittee to whom mas referred the prop Used ordinance regliiriliC the Beaumont a ter -"Torks Uo�mi any to re nd er '"Yater ^ervice for 2--,t17.omatic o-orinhling and hydr-m!'u- i irlstz:lled in buildings noir erected and hereafter to be crected in the City of Peawaont for better. fire 1-)rotect.ion. anti granting ;?.uihority to said colt oany to can'tract 1'o� �'UGn service, otc., ,as shown by the proposed ordinance hereto attached, market?"'+;`_liblt A" and made a part hereof, be-' to report that it has cluly considered saia proposed ordineuioe, and fine: First: `.'ILat it would be to the boat interest of the 4k business houses and industrial inst'tutions thet such an ordinance be passed. Your committee, -t(—,herefore, rf-,;coi-mends, that the naiL i ,.,,ropo!! eod ordinance be Li).ly ad-oppteci. ar-d p asped by this Coi��.icil ui,dex the suspension of the rules. ` Resp?ectfull y sui:,rait tea, on this the 1st- o"ay of "'larch A -D— , 1910. I I r-� F.. •I �1+'I T`__17r S'ATE OF TFC , S ) COUNTY 01-7 JEFFERSON) TO THE 703TOR11??IE PtI?'�MR �,�TD C1T_ COUTICIB, B71,11M`rQN7 TEXAS. GRN71.E11EII:- Your Cor rnittee to tiia= -was referred the ;proposed ordinance regnirlmL the Beaurryont 77ater 'Torks Company to renE,er ,«ater service for atrzoma-tic 0-nrinlIlin ap ,ar<tus and hydraz,Us installed in builainr;s now erected and hereafter to be orected in the City of Beaumont for better fire protec ,ion, an« �Zran-ting n., thority to said company to contract I'or gush service, etc., as shown by the pro- ostia ordinance hereto 4l-tached, m-artied 11E-xhibit All and hiad.e a hereof, beg to report that it has duly considered quid proposed ordinance, and find: First; That it viould be to the best interest of the business houses and industrial institutions that such Lin ordinance be passed. Your conrnittee, therefore, rr,-coi�zuends, that -the said A, roposeJ ordinance be c_uly adopted ani. passed by this Council under the susiDension of the rulds. Bes?�ectf-ally s -Omitted, on this the 1st clay of PTa reh; A.D. , 1910. t -2- ins tallea, and J&t 311.0111 EonnELtiC21 wituh saiO Crater main -here, shall tae placed a Standard rate valve, 'ait, cover, all of VII-iioh shqQ,l be dome at cost of ra.rty installinz- such service, a3u' any connectioni nog. riac?e for Ct,cir service must be cira lz d the cove of the owner to coral iy herewith bar c1a.te of AlDril �Oth, 1910; and- failure ndfailure to so chavf e ,aid. connections as to coniplV heretrith by the time herein s�-)ecified, all such service to such bilild-in or btLildinEs shall be disconnected an.': disconti-mued from ;:raid hater mains; provided -=further that there, shil.l be a stonda.:••d gate valve evith, ,,hell on tire; connection from the t•,,ater ,sails to the connection into the Lzzildin;� Uo be placed at Elie ' most convenient ��oint, all r to be installed at the co^t of the o nen of s-�ic� i�uild.inF- i�_ ink suca ser`71(;e. Section 4. The renditi on of ra.ny s,zch service as herei7- provided for by sa.id Beaut_lont ?J .tor i702?2�:s 0 om7)an`r, to �-n-,r »erson, firm or d corporat_aut and the resultant effect of such serviU upon the �1 qiLajit it y of ;.ater �n -L-_hefire hydra:.nts, shall riever at any time, ii>en tilE�Spri7}klini; c�.�,;�aratUS (and ln�clrants�7.i1�%alled� be co s dered a breach of any of the provisions or franchise, expressed, or im.Llied, with the Oity of Beam,onto ec'tlon J. This ordinance si.Lail 'be in full force and effect from and a414- its p� s aye, larJful yaublication- �1. _ --.-.. . AD -proved this the P day of �sttest:� snaii tie piacea a )tr,,.ncLarc Cate vc,.lve, c;ith cover, all o' vthich sizl be clone at cost of pEtirty installirt,such service, :incl £.Tly connection nov, -made for ctueh service must be- chane edy at the cost of tine &;tner�to comply heye-,;�ith by date of AI)riA �-') Qth, 1310; and failure to so chaT� e said connections as to comply herer:ith by the time herein specified, all such service to such buildiri or buildir_4s shall be disconnected an« discor_tin-o-ed from said iia ter mains; provideC further uh,-,.t there simall ba standL,rd date valve with:.-iheCl on thc: cor ectiori from the water ,_min to the coraiection inc to the uildinU-qto be placed at the �2ost convenier:t ---)oint, all r - to be installed aL. the eof:t of the owner of said buildin[; ?sing LA $uch service. Section 4. S� p r• M<*W `� o f +' The rendition -of -any. s;?ch service as herprovided for by said Beaumont 71: -ter ITorks Comy)atly, to any person, firrl or e corporation, and. the resultant effect of such 7ervict upon the quantity of 1,7.7,1 -ter �n the tiblic 'Lire-hydraait-s, shall never at any time, rrl?en the s .ri?2]�lin- a�,paratus cnd hyd�� ,Zts,�iilst�tilledk be. considered a breach of any of the provi sious Of it)s f`ca.nchise, expressed, or implied, with the City of Peailssont. Section 5. This ordinance shall be in Lull force and effect from znd aft-Qr its p� s�,looafull^ yublication, _ e, A-,.) ecl this the %day of X11 �! �. , 1910. , le,�g'zz Attest.- 1.� :vOx`6 DK) 5q-f� C. L WALLIS, PR E 1 L J. BLACK, VICE-PREST.' ry} A. C �C. �4J1S,18P1. T. B AUDI NT' -IRON WORKS* COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO BEAUMONT IRON WORKS, INC. GENERAL FOUNDERS,- MACHINE AND REPAIR SHOPS DIRECTOR% C. L. WALLIS W. C. TYRRELL H. H. DICKSON, C. E. WALDEN T. S. REED T. W. LARKIN B. R. NORVELL C. T. HEISIG L. J. BLACK BEAUMONT, TEXAS, FILED HIS T] IE I- , C.C.�'oberts,.. J^ MAY Je2Y S? .(.TY SECRETARY: 3i ��� NOTICE: QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE ACCP' E. SALES ANDaCONTRACTS N DE SUBJECT T�0 TRIKES, F 6_: ACCT DENS-. t OTHER CAUSES. STENOGRAPHIC ERRORS SUBJECT TO CORRECTION. IF GOODS ARE DEFECTIVE ON ACCOUNT CF'r .'ERIAL ANO MANUFACTURE. THE MEASURE OF DAMAOES IS THE PRICEI ARGED FOR DEFECTIVE PIECES. CLAIMS FOR SHORTAGE. DEFECTIVE PIECES OR OTHER DEDUCTIONS MUST BE PRESENTED PROMPTLY AND BEFORE ANY DISPOSITION OF GOODS IS MADE. ALL BILLS PAYABLE AT BEAUMONT, TEXAS. - J C'.a lo nll tid:ome 4.i"jiC:n'f'7.i)P1 iJ- ,o an C'Ir,,U lY'1"co i;h,�? C-nc1 oco Jrlx C'ro•tl' 1t Y't"". }1F'�T1'� f'i1'k?.. CnJ"i71oct,- ons 11"mrC'• yl- oCf. nocte''I. 1.'�'i' �. < .0-ro"'1 '• Vim, ire OIL the le u— 7'r+;4 tle-1,f .0 ,, h(i mal 1n. Tn Ci?rn'J."I ollt `t _-,o- [' C'?'1 : 0,:f '."f i. s�Y li Yllnlc , tflo. 21e;r '-nlont 7 t, -­ `orgpp.l�y- }i vo ',.o `Ila 011 1! Cf'+:(l )1€' C:t,OA ,- -f 1 -�' 7.T1?1.Pi� �' 'S E'3' til^7.�_ .:'>"•i;}i . i �. 6 ay t;.: t ;e hl, --v , rt ','�tcr t on- .tect 1.c�r:' >>.I�. < horlf11 ?:r �; 7., r ,c..,. r;:n ; ;1<�c �,n t',,e l - 4 omi.n.c.lino <.�.3.aW o{7mo P, i..i 5^�i ill, 1� <: �. :'I� IJ �-r i }:C :)J.colt :t. ni. te"l 't}. ho9C: C'C7t11PG'�?.nom oj, Pt''trt'rfil-pn:ln"iy } C) � . i7 i ^ t . S� •1 r� , c? m n t 1"c' fl: or:? o , '.:`e oo3-ijl(-.,ots, V;j A;i, .._ in ,c,troet. :i1 on, n '�.�"3�''. f?lt;_ �. :� ��. ate, nrt ':jar, ? ��1�'.c-1 �, � %2i.oh f.. r, ov-Y' 1-0 ft. 3n , not �' c.t:e i:C'�"ris na ':;;.7C �..,1:lnc.i:C(I �:^ ? :_Q I.f <<s1 ^i+.'�^j in ct e ao it re n,gl.i �o G Oi ITO.'r1J.t^noe fm . r'?2rnvlVe, T oo:f. 4.T1 C° C '`: 4on e }? ave f)el, 0 n !7f .. i.iF?0. 1o, BC'r?u?'1C1_rt �c.'�;C":1'' 0!- i •ot"'l­t't?e eu.1.C}. -rq t( "II- f-1 `r'o 11 Ouy' :10 a: '?''e - j.i1 K?.31u f}. !% ri1 7iG' &, Ton";.�. conen ((�� . :, d!ll' t�1 !7.': tt::!�j,iy Cl •. TJ'l th ;vo 117.J, ion }1F a7el.J.070!. Of .-'nc''I'; nr le^V.l.?? th(- y .:l` e 1-0 ft. i fir., �:�� •.� :i1: 9 1't 1' �' ».'lF. �fn�o}lC'C'- r.I �'-}lt �.i�_ 7't C _ .L ��1, a C' 7.e2a I.S.r`,?Z (' n t.t 3l ^i+.'�^j CZ F? it'1' t_;E'' ��;.':i,.? I7 n,gl.i j;tl i't,"' v c' CDP; D 5` -'IMA -Z Mlctrch 1�,,1910 in- of th.i-. si;;e, �;het�.f;h tJ� plant *houl.o. Imrn _Lown, conid not m Leri al ly aj fect V. b(. voter pressi re. . on an oik- ni_nv: Lq rger than 31' that sas fused encs tt- sivr-ly ."car f_i_rr rurooso, vithmil, an4 Meter connect ion there - vi th , o hould. have. the oete valve placed as no;,, stetted in the ThshYin- V ou for tin eiox .y emsiArrati on of the matter, ,,,:e }yen- al n, YoIIr s vex dr tr. �f. , BEAUi,TONl IRON ----NA�,acGn, -A - MCArck Beaumont ,Texas , Mar .14,1910. J' To the Hon. City Council, ,I Beaumont,Texas. Gentlemen: - Your petitioner, the undersigned, begs leave to respectfully submit the following,towit: That heretofore your Honorable Body granted him permit to extend his six inch supply pipe to the Sprinkling Equipment that he is installing in what is known as the Heisig & Norvell building, to a connection with the eight inch main on the Test side of Pearl St. ,necessitating the crossing of Pearl St. ,and which pipe your petitioner had laid i i across said Pearl St. ,and ready for connection with said main; but subsequent to the laying of said pipe your Honorable Body,in an ordinance pas.s.ed at your last meeting,directing the Water Co. to make said connection, included a clause providing that all such connections should be made at 100 feet away from the building con taining said sprinkling equipment,which provision your petitioner I humbly begs to represent,not only adds an additional expens,e,but also defeats the object of its purpose, to -wit: in that it puts i. the connection nearer to the unprotected risks,thereby making it much more uncertain to be able to get to such connection in case of a general conflagration. Your petitioner therefore humbly requests of your Honorable Body that he be permitted to make the connection as originally contearplated,and he asks that this permit be done by a h resolution at tads meeting,as he is ready to install the water service in the building above referred to as soon as this connection can be made,and desires to make this connection immediately. Respectfully submitted, To the Hon. City Council, Beaumont, Texas. Gentlemen: - Your petitioner, the undersigned, begs leave to respectfully submit the following,towit: That heretofore your Honorable Body granted hien permit to extend his six inch supply pipe to the Sprinkling Equipment that he is installing in.what is known as the Heisig & Norvell building, to a connection with the eight inch main on the West side of Pearl St. ,necessitating the crossing of Pearl St. ,and which pipe your petitioner had laid across said Pearl St.,P.nd ready for connection with said main; but subsequent to the laying of said pipe your Honorable Body,in an ordinance passed at your last meeting,directing the Water Co. to make said connection,included a clause providing that all such connections should be made at 100 feet away from the building con-' taining Paid sprinkling equipment,which provision your petitioner humbly begs to represent,not only adds an additional expenae,but also defeats the object of its purpose, to -wit: in that it puts the connection nearer to the unprotected risks,thereby making it much more uncertain to be able to get to such connection in case of a general conflagration. Your petitioner therefore numbly requests of your Honorable Body that he be permitted to make the connection as originally contemplated,and he asks that this permit be done by a resolution at tads meeting,as he is ready to install the.water service in the building above referred to as soon as this connection can be made,and desires to make this connection immediately. Respectfully submitted, I t � J. F. KEITH PRLIIDENT - -- KEITH LUMBER COMPANY GROUND FLOOR KCITH BLDG, BEAUMONT. TEXAS March 5, 1910. The Honorable Mayor and City Aldermen, ---.--- B e aumont, Texas. Gentlemen: It has been brought to the writer's attention that an ordinance has been passed, requirij:g all '-property ornery to have valves_in the water pipe connected at least 100 feet away from buildings. -- Now it has been the rule.heretorore to have these valves placed in the curb stone on the sidewalk, which plan was followe_d__out im.- the construction of the-vrriter's buildings, on Pearl and Forsythe atreets,.the valves being connected v:pith the Water main, in a concrete box, with a lid, and easily accessible. _� ------ -- To change -t -he -se now would _:vor!K a. great -.-hardship, as it would be necessary to go do :.a under the pavement, an(! dorm the street 100 fest with a pipe, as it woulcl not be possible to get 100 feet away from the buildings by going straight across the street. I virite to Inlor: if you would not reconsider this, as I do not believe Jou mould care to put property or: -hers to such epxpense, when the benefit to be, gained vioul not justify. Yours truly, FILED THIS- D TH �.A Y 0r 19/60 r G. SUT i ON, CITY SEGRETARY, Asst. - _ _a I Beaurnonta T@xasi, April 6th... 1910, THE STATE OF T INAS, ) COUNTY OF JE 4 1 SON ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, BEAUTMONT, TEXAS. G E N T L EMENa- Your Committee to whom was referred the proposed ordinance requiring the Beaumont Water Works Company to render water service fnr automatic sprinkling apparatus installed in buildings now erected and hereafter to be erected in the City of Beaumont for greater fire protection.., as shvwn by the propose ordinance hereto attached, marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof, and recommended by the Fire Committee on, to -wit; March 17th, 1910, beg to -report that it has duly considered said ordinance and find° First. That it is reasonable and will regulate the users of water fDr the purposes intended. Your Committee, therefore, recommends that the said proposed ordinance be duly passed and adopted by this Council under the suspension of the rule .requiring ordinances to be read at three regular meetingso A.D., 1910. Respectfully submitted on this the 6th day if April;, THE STATE OF TEXAS, ) COUNTY OF JEl+11MI SON ) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCILe BEATPHONT, TEXAS. GENTLEMEN: - Your Committee to whom was referred the proposed ordinance requiring the Beaumont Water Works Company to render water service for automatic sprinkling apparatus installed in buildings now erected and hereafter to be erected in the City of Beaumont for greater fire protection, as shorn by the proposed ordinance hereto attached, marked "E'Yhibit An and made a part hereof, and recommended by the Fire Committee on, to -wit; March 17th, 1910, beg to report that it has duly considered said ordinance and find* Firsts That it is reasonable and will regulate the users of water fnr the purposes intended. Your Committee, therefore, recommends that the said proposed ordinance be duly passed and adopted by this Council under the suspension of the rule requiring ordinances to be read at three regular meetings. A.D.y 1910. Respectfully submitted on this the 6th day if April,, Mcgrc..1-7 11 I J D Beaumont, Texas ,ljarch 17,1910. To the Mayor & City Council of the City of Beaurnont: Your Fire Commi,ttee,to whim was referred the several communications relative to an ordinance passed by this Council on the First day of March,1910,commonly known as the'Automatic Sprinkler Apparatus Ordinance; beg to report that after considering said com- munica.tiorn,and the ordinance, we recommend that said Ordinance be repe.aled,and that the Ordinance hereto attached be adopted and passed in lieu thereof. Respectfully submitted, Fire Committee.