HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 39-M�11Y Vi1L1 iYH1YV7� ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND EMPOWERING THE MAYOR OF TQM CITY OF BEAUMONT TO ENTER INTO A ONE YEAR LEASE CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT WITH THE I SOUTH TEXAS STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION, AND CANCEL- ING THE PRESENT LEASE CONTRACT BETWEEN SAID PAR- TIES DATED THE 16TH DAY OF JUNE, A.D. 1935. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: That the Mayor be, and he hereby is authorized to enter into a certain lease contract, a copy of which is at - Cached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes, for a period of one (1) year, with the South Texas State Fair Association, a Texas corporation, covering certain land sit- uated in the City of Beaumont and being known as "Fair Park",. and being fully described in said lease. Be it further ordained that the lease contract now existing by and between the City of Beaumont and the said South Texas State Fair Association be, and the same hereby is canceled, annulled and vacated9\." PASSED by an affirmative vote o�f,,_the City Commis- sion of the City of Beaumont this the � day of. , A.D. 1940, - MAYOR .. s fi) I "IN OMMMANCTM Now". E - LEM AlT ORY)TNANCT H .ZIZIITG AND EMPUMMIPC TITIT . HHOT _ 9 TM 111AYOR OF ME CITY OF BEAUMOUT TO EY.T1,R I -TU -0 SRM 7VAR LEX CONT111-ACT AND AGREHITIM WITH TBEE SGUrl"El TEXAS STATE FAIR ASSOGIATIOMw AND; CANCEL- UTIG TIS PF-1fl1:,'S.TVTT W",, -ASE CONTRACT BETMIMEN SATM PAR- TIES DXTED TIM 16TH DAY OF Ali EO A,D. .1935,; BE IT ORDILIMED BY TIM CTI -Z COMMISSION OF U!E CITY OF BEAUMONT't That the Mayor be,,. md he hereby is authorized to enter into a certain lease contraeto. a copy of which is at- tached hereto and made a part hereof for all purpose s., f,0V a period of one (1) -year.. Frith the 8auth TeXW State, Fair Association., a Temas eorporatl,oncovering certain LPLad sits tiated in the City of BeaMont and being knovn as "Fair 'parkt? and being If ly fully describod in said lease* Be it further, ordained that the lease contract n0W exist-ing by and between the City of 5eaumont and the said South Texas State Fair Association be.,O, and the same hereby is canceledo. annulled and vacated#. PASS' b7 = affirmative vote of the City COM1115— of tile, CIty of Beaimont this the dal off ENTITLED AIT 1,'1T3P7`HA11X1,7 ALIT111-11,011- lzilqc) XtIT3D 'IT UVE MAYOR OF TT:,T,, * CITY OP BEEAUN0,14T TO ENTER Tj,, 0 k mm � C , t"?_ 'T--' THE yiiii-rz 17P.WCE 0',),NTriA T " � r, A(3,REEL INV SMT11 ral'XAS STATE FAIR ASSOCIATION5 aWD iNG, 1111 I, 01,71UPTUICT BETWE 111 3 <,'.A T D P DlffED TIM 16TE1 DAY OF JUNES A*Dv 1035a. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIM, CrFY COMIYID23,31011 01"" T'H', CITY 014, BralITIACILVt That the Mayor be.,, and he ljoreby is authorizOd to ejTb,-er- Imto a certain lease contraetj, a copy of wkAlch is at- tacbed heroto and made a part hercOf Or Q11 _PArFusee s for m-riod of one ya.arj rilth the Smth Tama State Fair Assoejatjp a Texas corporations covering cert-ain land sit-. Mted In t1,16 01t7 of Beamont and being k-eiown as °' .r Park"j, and being fuI17,dei sorlbed in. said 18,aSe. Be it furtlher ordained that the lease cvxitraet now ezisting by and between thd cst7 of Beaumont and the said South Texas State Fair p.osoeiation be# �,nc'# tb.e saner heroby, in ovnceled,, annuLled and vacated#. C ID b7 an affIr-matiVe votO Of '116 CitY 0 is - City of Beaivmont this the day 0 TIB -9 T!�NAS 0 U"U'r,")TY C -P This COINT-R,�u`,,T and 4,*iGRE-4,,i'.1"1--­N-zT lmade ,mc2 ent c,'r- ed into by on betwoon tho Clql' OF a -municipa-1 corporation duly e.x1zt-1zaV;, vm,"or t,nd b7 virtue of the 1,, -ms of- the Sta-to of Texas and loce.,ted ir, jefferson County T OX, a.. 3 act-�ng 'by and th--rolj,��m G-ec, W, T.To rgan, Its !�'%7or heromito - dmly- authorized, horeinafter called F-Irst Part7,, and the S03,UTIE! 11,,'TL!1X.-n.S ST,,TE i' J%1.11 v. non-profit shaving, corpora tiian created, m-f-er and by virtm of t6he lems of the Stoats of Texas wltb its dozmdclle and place of bus ineas s n B'nw---iimont A.L Je,""nirson Coruntyv Texasp by and throtigh Its Prenident, R',, Gardmr,, hfsiriaunto duly aut',,orlzed., r o n after dos imv,Ju-cd Bocond Party W11 I ---*; N E S 3 E T H: -section I Up.on tho consideration cmd subject to11-0-ho; ijorms aac condlitions 1,-4C reinnftoa,.- set for e th rat F ,rty horeby a,gracs .tfao and LET -unto Second Party for a. per-lod, of one (1) -yeam", from anr2 after the date of this co-n-tracti, certain tracts of land in said c-Ity, for t1he sole puwpose of oncouragament off ag ,ricuho lture and rt-Icultu-res, the ma-intonance of public Fairs, the exhlbitf-1(m of stock and farm products and for puiblic amusements, said tracts of land belrZ, -.moro particularly described as frillews, to -wit: 0 FISTTRZACLIT: That certain tract of Iand ccntaln- in,q,-, thfIrtywiirght (33) acres, n-ic-Te or leas, lying adllvl.ninand, viest of Gulf Streets oppoolbe and westward of 11agnolia Park --".n scaid city, I-mcTwn as the M27 Fair Park., said 1�)%-OPCI-t7 having been pur- c1nased b -j;- the City of Bcavrioiit from t-0 H* UcFaddln by deed dat,&"; 03rd day of April., 19,0213, reco-�r`ed -In 'Vol. 205., page 382 , of the Deed Records of Jefferson Comty., Texas, to reforence is were made for a description of said property.. save amd except the following described praperty vit.dch the City of Bona-i'mo-nt has leased to Toxas Highway Co=ission: ir"j- V-1fi. LtiVl .1 2.L 0 F9 w? l k .3; e,3 1 Z -CYT:.-"u i -F--, m�4 I -Ina of Plum AvOmatr -olith the norltheeaSt 11 -no of Concord", Roc.,d; the.Ince Onstorly parall0l Vith nnd fifteen (11-5) f"ect dist�ant from, tho lnort]'rk 11"no of PI,am. I.-Monue V'a.rcdc 'hundred. fif-bir (3,50) feet., Or lee"ON to a, point fmty (40) f'eot west-a-ard. fro-va the we,,�,7't olde of the OV -1 Bog Pon PrO- ch'i c 43d soirbhwa:rd-1 -b-hence norzthvmtrd paraillel with -and forty (40) fee�'G Olst­A-nt �,,,Tost',imrd 10, -ie west zide WT the oaid old HoF Pon B�n-.*Lld.lnf. g two I'llmdrod, ,nore or jez�s,� to a pallzat one, ifteen (215) feet I , I U - hm_c2red tvient7 (120) for. -.t souabh of' the south sidle o.f' the Oarni%ral Grom,"is sidevnalk; thance '.'n a north-ematerlyy direction Darallel 5�i.lk.t-h the north" cast line of the Joy Kerra et al rmne-acro tract (aa dlo;Dr�rlbed 1m deed, frarn, t4o the ' page Vol,, 205.,t, 01ty of BeaiumcrntV , and recorded in 332 et- the no es Records ol" jefferacr, Oovnt'y..,T1b,7.as) a d,jsbc&4ce of s _- hundred ninety-four And sevens ten�tjjs (69467)feet to a point In the west line cg the &_-.uth Texas State 'air Grounds- thence south alorg said west lina a distmee of IGAV.m huP.- ed fifteen m.d. seven -tenths (2115,;7) feet to rye. nort.1-;.east 11"ne of t1he John Kerry Ot- ala 01-104-aOxm tract* thence 1n. a sout"heasterly d1reation with the said northeast line, c6.4 three 'Kerr tract a dic- tance of two hunOred si:4ty-fou_r and six -tenths (26406) foot to nlortheast connter of said one- aeve tract; thOrloo jr4 a ocrathwosterly direction with the east 11ne of I'Ghe one -acre tract and at sevamnt7-ai:rt condt nlne-tent'_-A (76,9) feet -,,'ass U10 r.04�ptj.2v,,qst oojTnor of c, ho 1,95 acre tract isased to the state Hij, 'ghysay 1)epartment Anr-1 .15S 1932ij. mid �j total diotck-ice. of tsm b-mdred 'aciz- tobnz and nine -tenths (21G,q) feet to the -acct.east I-i-ne of 'Ghe (.'on -cord Road; thence southeeregard -wlt'h the said northeast, Jiro of the Concord Road, or -e- htmdred tventj-five (1 x5) femtj more or les=A.,, to the place of baginntng,mid contal-ning Pour (4) acres of Imid, TRAM: All r.," '2-,Joc'�K tjt,�, (0) cantain- 3 all of 11.1ock No* on (10) twenty cont,u,:?,n2,nU twonty-5:1-7. ('5210) lots; eal of Block Eo#, d) containln.g twelve (12) lots- Lots rileven (I $ nizabored Eleven (11) to 11vonty (20)� both Imclu- s4,.ve, in !_,,Joch No, Siz­ (6).v Lots numbored Four - term e,36), botl--1 inclusive,, in Block 11o, Seven (7) in md. of the Gold Hill hddi- tion to t'_'aO City of f."Gaumont, 1-n Jefferson County$, Twxas 0 and the f ollor, J_ncry st-re et and allays t Mwmile Street from the eaot Side of St, Folona, 2`treet, -LI-JO the, rest side of GuV' Strout ; Begent Street from the east side -f osst.® T-Talena Street to the west olde cif Golden lano S'treet 'fwlaleh StroOt iS a130 knom on tho Uty miamp as Jiro -u Stroet'6 Air Zi'treot shown On 46110 City map as Averill atraot'o from Mamia Street to a Ie parallel with the soot -h line of the alloy rumn-InC.?, thio -ugh Blocks Nos, Slx (6) and Seven (7) or the said Gold 17111 AdAlltion j,O t1 City of Ban-ni-maltj Texunl# aad Golden Hill U Lme ca- Jirou Street frVIS MM"mAe Street 0 the soutL 11-ne of egelit Strect amd t!).e alloys through Blooke Nkno (9).. Ten (10) r.md -,Ieven (11) of suld- Gold 1'eference 'Ic horo -racy for a lbotter dvoorip- 4- .!on of saki propertys same Having been pvrchzaed 0 fron the 3outh TeyAs State 1:'air Assoc!,atioln 1�)y the City of Bea-unrjntu by clood dated. 23rcl Oa -y of Sep,- te,rlberj, 19121,50 recorded in Vol. 260., pare 32.9 of the '_Deed Rec�ords of' JTe-ffE,­_,-,s0n, Cozaxty T -,ar, -` which reference 13 here made for a descriAl ion of ,_._ Property. r-, 2 e c I- Tntlud.ecl wil'th t -ho, boundarl-ev of the Lin 6l and nreriioes d.eser_Ibed. In S'eatlrja I he;roof -'s it ­- I.xated, a certaf*tn Strip OfF land off of the. vresteim b oun d.,ar y 'Of the rair Grounds contairnirgr Thrce ,and 250tty-slx ono - (3.066) acres ch V..rst Perty may hercef ter 11 -;he term of th-Is Ie,'ise$L cles.-Ire t-0 �re-enter and V.s- SlIt'.ie Complet-0 ELnd excl- d I 4� I cc, trol "Glheveo�ver 11-4 4; - w J, t, Ope-Ecres exvr.essly arvooC anca undevetood-, by ana 1',J o tv., e o n Glao horcto thzat Party may by 00cond Party. thSllrty (30) days notice '-,'.n -zr:I.tTng,, cn-ncel,, pa gal vacate Vh1"..9 1C. -'ase as to aal�.I 3.06EE', acres of lwtd- tj - .4 %, -e s.=_e being moroprzticult"al-,v flescribed as follovas., to -wit! Beginning at a poInt in 115. lie 7.,eot bo,,_-.-.,_ndtr-.ry of- Soud'L;h Texas State PEO -r CrounfOls, tho sainzo be -Ing, t -he east li.ne oil" Dvako 31-'reet* st_-,id '-,�cfint- also boing two I=ncLved fiftGon ancIl seve-n-tentlis (1215.7) feot nwth of the ncrthyve,cl-p lino of the John Korr3 of ,-,I$ one -acre tract; luheneo north along the west; bc;cnVii: ­-.z--Y Wlk' tiio Fe -ii, Crounds tract .a d.l.stance of eight I=d -vee -n-,i-two end sevon-tenthq. (392,7) ".Pesti to. tho na-zthwest corner of ,-he South Te - as Stato Fzair Orox.rnds- thence east slc---n�,­ th%o north I-Ine WE, "ho FaIr Grotaknds 7ti.ar,,opevty a diata_n,,ce of one hone, -rigid fort -y (1 0) f�et; thence south par- allel with the west line of the Fair Gvoinada property a disteunce of one thousar.d fif"been axncl throe -tenths (1015,3) feet to a point in, tbhe nart,heaft IfIne of the "Vo-ar -acre tract dese-ribed hevoin as First Tract; thence no-.?`thvveoterly along the northea.A line of the foir-r-acre tract a distnme of ono him red eighty-six r d s -Ix - tenths (IBG,6) feet to Uho place of beg -lnninrz. and conteiiniiing .3,060 a-cres of lannd�c, It Is e2pre:7..sly unders"Good so.d. agrecd that any action taken vIth L - . refarc-,7,co to the propooftion to cancel this lease as W-fects the above descrSbed 3.066 acros of land, ohall in nowise affect the remainder of this lease agreement, �74 U1 quo 400 ev Ayvj PU000, U; poqpoa Opt IJUKO almeq PONOT. 1y 4T aq, jojoaqvOO-Pur UPIOPOSeod SATUnjono wqq uaqa P -zed Asp (09) Zonis an Man Uum aswo 9=1 VTQ JO MaN !It qv qnqq Oq*wq solqMrd wqq Unoxq, PUw POOqOmpun pus P0043I 41 2 104000 01jav, qcaTg go quamoo odd q4;m pus Q Q0090 aijavar4o zo U014 .7PUOO TeUTSTao vy maj PaqwAU00 ao SUTPlinq OU quqq Qaa9aOq "POPTAOad joevol aTq4 jo maaq OaTquo Oqq Kjaup 003011ATad Pim SUOISIGOU05 moaj POAT009a pm LOU= Ile OypalavT equamsem, put 40rawoo essel slqq jo ojjj onq Sulanp sesTmaid plan uliqla Vow= 1ju maj amaCha ga TIry OA1000aa, Pao 30 joalwo 4POP Taond OOTwaOqqO UTOaa 01-1 on qdOvxa Wwq jjuq-� josarzqq, wT pun 4mmams'U, hut} €.T •P040vaqw0o aa qjlaq aOqjUOaOv, eq Muz oke qovc c4uomawnadmT anyo ao cluiplTnq Or s 11-m wea pun WNW MOUP00a 11v jo Gsuedto aqq umneow Oen `OSUM -up PUM qS013 MMO U'4'� Osomor QOaal sqavd PU000", _V&S, � I# 1 13 ,Tqa9a puowg Aq paqlamoad aq 11sys w cmW Ions jo 4uMed aqq uodn qdwre gidoanq 4azd A= ao apu�,toao pTso oq uolseymps puu lo eon aqq moaj aTjqad I# OpnToxa vuu UPTan.OXD Oqq OV010 Oq qqzja aq4 awq !IBIS Lqaad smart eq_q aapun Lyna.qwTA Q AqaB4 pumag Oq pawallop Lqyauq $1 UnTesegood aAlmlaw soup (09) QxTG 30 PoTaod Plus Oz7z!_,T1:-Q I an fam Popmad ujDaQ s spuno& pTvs to uoT4ysodke puu al, o1jqnd v ploq "q! Q peaeallop Q j0wazq I a0jq -002 UT PoNaVEOP PUUj jo 0491A4 P,;Ug jo u0jovoccod 0AInUTO Y%o y4 omr,,,� xoj jo Umupw oq4 uT Snp (0 9) QXTO v Ujqq3m "Ilya Qat'l paooaj�, itself the to coxidact hard and Wt bullbecomball gamos and other HOW anterprises on that portion of the promises coveredl by 70 --vis leane not Wng used or heretofore having bean used too the porpoze of carrying on SaK games & or exhibitian; W Pipst Palty shall bo eaqtltled to all - ravenusa derNed tberofromo That all MIGH32# Nprovemonta and apDox tenances on MA pvonlsre. s sAbject to destruet&n shall be insured and kopt insured in the nama of First .titrty during the entire Period of this loase contrqatlor propep amormto entire thereca to be paid by Aoo�nd _Pavt7.,, A polioies to be depoalted with tbo 01ty Clork of the City of Bca7 ont; that L ca8e of loss by f1roi monoy colleaNd o; such insurancoo MN'the consent of First Party, shall be collected aid used by Second Paxty to tepair the property destroyo?j and/Wr dam.� aged or shall beei,-pendad by Second Party on other improve - meats if agrecable with Firnt Party, Notion 7 That the use Of ouch property for the purposes stated shall be subject to such rules a regn-laticne as mny'* from time to time be promulgated.by t City Commlssign of tht City of Beaknuat for the protootion of the moralso bealth caid Wety of the ccamunityq, 11 Mon a Second Party by and ;??.tla the consent of First Party is Wreby grantod the right to erect wqh struetapes Incident to op necessary for the laiful rurposca of said faiv and for public ausoements, which struaturns shall in all respects ooln- fox" to the rules and rogulations of the duly constitstad authorities of the city of heaumants and the title to all such struMumos ahall fovever be'and romain in First Partyo ZKOept f1vMpnS t1,10 8j. -&u7 (60) da,7 perlod deScribed in foriagoing section 3 hereof# first party reserves the r 811 and privilegro -age and lot the City Fair Fark Auditorltnz vfnen Z .,E�Vep it Sees fit to U30 sw_e and to let same for the pur- pose of entertainment Or- edueatiOn Of Its Oit-lzanff; 1-"rzt party, jjowe,70rs, ctET-ees that on snah oc(,asiona the actual ex- panse lneld6nt tO thO oper&,,I-.n of the audltcrim for the me let$ sball be barna by it in order that there will be x10 3,03s sustalned b7 Secand Party& Bnation 10 It is r-igreed that the boc-IM and records and all papers of Soojjd party are to be open and sub feet to the In- sp@otjon ana. audit of the Auditor of the City or Bea UMOnts and such audit shall be inoltuded In tl,,.e xe,3U�r aijxaal audit of Oold O-ItV and aiall be paid for by Second Fattyo -a COPY Of sveh audit to be furnlahed second Part7i,. s000nd Par 7's Searotq.ry uLaj-j give a bond pa , yable to the; SO-ath Te_xa8 State Vigil- Association. rand the City of p,O.,jjU-gr,nt in on =01Llt which shell be flxeci cLrkd dotermined by .j�xeased 01, doe), -eased during p ord Partyo wh1oh bond may be jr the term of office of said Secretary; provided that said bd shall neve be Mxed at a 101.ver sum then rive Thotisand (111�111500W.00) D611ars,, and shall b* condItioned that the said seett.tary shrill safely keep all -,MnsYs or other things Of Value coriing g in -to his hands by vIrtue of MS official dr as -1d. bajj n�ejther dispose of any proerty nor pay out. any SM of noney until and -an-leza proper authority Is given.. and aball faitbftI17 discharge all of the duties imposed upon him tmder the terms of thio agreement 'or tmder Vne terms of., his 00_n.traet with aecond Party,,, whiob bone, ali-all be depwited vritL, the City Clerk of the Mt7 of Bea-mraont.+ 'Thwl; no dire ator or other afficer o:e Second 'Party chall recelve or be allowed any t=pen$aticXl W,141+-M'r 'sa'm, and exeept- -its Secretary,, w1woo compans-zation shall he. Vizx_d by Second Part7., rillch sTald notapOnall-tirm M&Y be inere-azed., d5z,-Inlshed ow c�bollshed by Second Parte many t1mO dmllng�� she +,(,rnl of azi.eh w.n.ployment.. sGetion 13 It is fjrther rratua_1�17 w-derstood and agreed by end betweon t3he parties hereto that no Off4eer.. e,,q ploy&S. agent or oervant of- e1l.ther of -'Ghe partleo hereto shall in cry man - nor$ dAredtly or indiractly., be pecunlarily 1-ntereated L-4 any show, conoeasion or attraction or m -q other erste: pri-se u1bich Is or may be operated on nn7, part of the prem-11-ses covered by tj�!Ln lease.,,, for proflt, duringr 'it -b'41,40 to.= hoPeof,* ane. ahoUd an.7 Stich Offleorp, agent, sex" want or emplo7eq be rolmd guilty of a violatIon of this Section he shall be 3700300t to IMedlate �Octlon 14 Second party hereby ooven,-;�unts and agree: to Indlem- -,n1fyyj save and keep harmless the City of DO&ILTont against any cost or o.-.Pense -*Crem any ix_Qur7 or damage to nersons or propertys real or asserted$ for which First Party way be he liable or responsible* accruln, or occurring On said preralsOs diLr.-InZ the 'tima said Second, ?artysha-11 be 1r, possesslon of the sema under this agU peement.. oj- aver ing or ooeii-m-ring CU or, in such buildIngs that Second Paz-ty 1.6 obligated herein to winch is ie 1voix-Imate result of the negligonos r,,f Second Party; and It Is T ether exprenaly understood and agreed t1hat 8�ezond Party s. 11 ear ry adequat-e Insuranca -hers- for,, such -sans- rance policles to Ve dapos3lted'vvith tiae City Clock of the City off Beatna-it., Lpit this proVizim shall not -Create an7 11ability on tho pz�rt of either of the parties hereto as to third persons that wou Id not. otherwise lexist. in -10- Amos000v oq !Ila monijjo ecTjod JvToods qvqq 4PToq sajoq m� UOTqTeadro p/Pur aInj Sqq awl; Gq4 Wimp pun Aqaej Pu0nos Uj IT oesol Sjqq Q poxwoo 2orpmoad wqq jo uoys4zouad 0AIc Walys oq4 amiq oqq oulanp 4vqq PoqrTdmDqUoo CZ 4- .f jo Lq!D a jo n'TMIJ 141S o uTqqTa 4and ooaj ojjqad aoqqo We qya UoTqoouuoo UT paalnboa Allaoujpao oq p1nov q,, ;-q!; -,xz,-'qq aaqqo uoTsyAaOdno 00110d !,a-. oq wo OmOT5jo Q011cd lwToado IUB hyaj puwo,�-, Poijaboa eq ogyal oyq" jo =04 aqq BuTanp omy!� ou qu Tlago Ayna qlaIj, "puqq 0014ayd aqq Uaomqoq Pal? Q Poo4empLir pas POWs QUUoadzQ aaqyaj 13 qc an 04 OmMuopq Z"r1 STjqad 102 jo UOY401asoa UT nooq a:jaaoqqo Pja0a 'T qWqq spunowD sqq Soaj wo4avallo 50 '-1QTs-aTwzP aqq joj SUOTyl,30a 00710d qam- oNnu oq AqTaqqqUV put 4qola oq4 aAnq ITUqo Tqava yap! qoq4, 00SVOT cTqq 10 maoP oqq, aoqqo r7 an 1100 sqava Puway Q COSTmand PTAC UO PTQq OQ 04 alvj a0hus Uoyo'c'' Polaod oqq zuyap q7q, oqcjaq mjqand aqq Uaaa4oCz1 pus Q Poomov Puz PooqSaq;V= f1junqAz JaMaj QT aT dulanp Ayydqmtd PTUO !a om aoj 011Qat Vq4 04 equo oaaj V POUT,quysm Dq Malu Tyqr baoqq l'. .Li. gas =3aqujoaw-q,, po-�z,7 . . cl (o@) Ljry oqq 010 q! *Qawl Pumao Aq amr-o ova 448MU00 U; oq 04 on OOSTMGM PT,2 so; 00 4m, 1JUqG pzrm 414aza P"Soyo Aq Pe*yJadi;c moqlayonaq on Llwaaoad €7 OO 50 ova oqq YOPO oaaJasqui 0014 ou in lluqo ijavi !CaTj Sq souvaa000 qOns Run q0un, ps"2.1,AOad wy-, 2,3 -anyppuco OAjqQ,1q4n PUV aydoaj 0 U; joojoqq yodt'. goaTowad POU OUPUMOTOU j0 O&Walad QQ SAN YOU meaeqwan sy oq qzT-Gianj.ouo- ao qljoad ja0qqjx NoT4 uniq1pu0'DEdx-a aq! a? p0quedo om pan PO4UqaO UTOaaq Cjq2Ta 0qj Qqq PUPIAOad gQqqanj ST qj 61 Uw;q0q-, 4p*,L0L,a0.x eiq Oq q! Aq 0jq0sjAps powyo sqT qu PsAwea eq 04 esnvo ao owmal JITa Zywa pU00*0 quq4 ff.vava pumay-Lq L410 om jo awma ow jo I" .9m pt,� ez,14 a -g Goaliq0vaqs azqjp -pwa opwal's saraodwoq ITU "asuAw unn%o sqT qu PsAwea eq 04 esnvo ao owmal JITa Zywa pU00*0 quq4 ff.vava pumay-Lq L410 om jo awma ow jo pjaq 4q aq UoTysodsa w1pus am pTso aw jo asols aqq qu qeqq q410 pi e:.. puv pooqnaepun aw7qxAj s Vol mis 81 UoTyes k .0*Mv (1) =0 400V 1T WO Mas! NOW x3 CaMGM A PAKE 070 41W poopanyms 4Uw pvoa2v ayqqaUj a! qL ) '24T 1Z1-)T,2,0e1-11 wasq0 owava pocs aaj Su. -,3 f1r; al'.r-c"r Aq posangpolp aq Stu PUB GOT jo jwTq0 vqq jo UOTRTAaadw Oqq Mun eq 11M PeA0TdtL,5 U01"D 2a901WO TVs adv Mv 10 M4 Peaaf-' 01 q! 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