Be it ordained by .the City,,.,, Council of the City of Beaumont:
Section 1. It shall be un'lavrni.l for any proprietor., ;.less-ee .
or ma�iager of any theater,. variety shout, . opera house, theatrical
exhibition, or dramatic representation ofrhatever character in -the
city 6f Beaumont, where female actors; performers or, elpoloyees ,are
employed or permitted to be in any way connected therewith, or where
females are permitted to attend, to sell, expose for sale, offer
for sale, -permit to be sold, give away or deliver to any person any,
spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating liquors of any.
kind whatsoever, within the room or place where such theater, exhi-'
jbition or representation may be conducted, or in any room or place,
used in connection with such room or place, or in any room,, build-
ing,.prvate box or apartment of any kind inside the room where
- such exhibition or representation: are.given, or in any -green room,
side room --or -ante-chamber of the same;
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for.any employe or person in
a -iy way connected with any theater, variety show, opera house,
theatrical exhibition or dra.,matic representation in the city of
Beaumont to sell, barter, give away or deliver to any person any
spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or into)ticating liquors of any
kind within the room or place where such theater, exhibition or rep-
resentation tsar be conducted, or in any room or place connected
therewith, as provided in section one of this ordinance.
side room --or -ante-chamber of the same•
Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any employe or person in
aany way connected with any theater, variety show, opera house,
theatrical exhibition or dramatic representation in the city of 1.
Beaumont to sell, barter, give avray or deliver to any person any
spirituous, vinous or malt liquors or intoXicating liquors of any
kind within the room or place where such theater, exhibition or rep-
resentation raay be conducted, or in any room or place co..riected
therewith, as provided in section one of this ordinance.
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ec,-] 0 I It shall be unlawful for any pro vietor, lessee
or Maeo �.—
'- er of any theater, variety shout, opera house, theatrical
exhibition or dramatic representation in the city of Beaumont
to permit any female actor, performer or employe employed dr in
any manr_er connected with such theater, variety show, opera house,
exhibition or reprasertation to mingle or associate with any of the
audiAnee or spectators of such theater, exhibition or representa-
tion within the room or place where such theater, exhibition or
representation may be conducted, "or in any room or place used in
connection therewith, as provided in section one of this ordinance,
J> the purpose of selling, _offering to sell, giving away to, or
drinking with, a-ny of the audidice or spectators, any spirituous,
vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating liquors of any kind whatso-
1 -be 404 + 8aa6eiv
Section-. And it shall be unlawful for any female actor,
or .
performer or employe employed In any manner connected with any the-
ater, variety shoe, opera house, theatrical exhibition or dramatic
performance in the city of Beaumont to mingle, associate with any
of the audience or- spectators of -such theater:;: variety show, opera
house, exhibition or representation within the rodm or place where
such theater, exhibition or representation may be$conducted, or in
any room,or place used in connection therewith, as provided in sec-
o �j-rra.aag arr a,y vv , v..
drinking with, any of the audidlice or spectators, any spirituous,
Vi vinous or malt liquors or intoxicating liquors of any kind whatso-
Section. And it shall be unlawful for any female actor,
performe dior employe employed any manner connected with any the-
ater, variety shoe, opera house, theatrical exhibition or dramatic
performance in the city of Bea=ont to mingle, associate with any
of t`_ne _audience or- spectators of such theater:, variety show, opera
house, exhibition or representation within the rode or place ,where
such theater, exhibition or representation may be$conducted, or in
any room or place used in connection therewith, as provided in see -
tion one of this ordinance, for the purpose of selling, offering to
sell, giving away to, or drinking with, any of the audience or
spectators, any spirituuus, v3hnous or malt liquors of any kind
whatsoever, (as ,��,; �_; ro, "g 60000"";* W; ; „f +�
- 3 -
Any person violating any of the provisions of
Shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
Sof shall be punished by a fine of not less than
more than tato hundred dollars, and each •day of such
violation shall be deemed a separate offense and punished'accord-
ingly. .
Section. This ordinance shall take effect from and after
its passage and publication, and all ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict therewith be, and the same are, hereby repealed.
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