HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 45-A-1I\
All 02cIl11a:'lce i r) (Ioc "11c'.i;e 10a2_'SOns subject tO ra&-I r1
de-Llrie..• i-ic tlts a. xl (ihies,and ,, oviQty .! ()7.'
Vie, cnf oTceli�MDllt of sal ie=,.
Be JAI r):rcTalna(I _1w t - he �Il ty Gc)unal1_ 01' t.I10. city of ]( ,t.L1I(10nt :
'Sec. 1: TI
all able br)� iexl malr3 ?")r Tsons 1)Ctti'!r)i -- i,he ap- s
Rna 45 trt� 3?_'S! : �.Il�t '.u-' o h%.Vi; Te,.sirieri within tllu co-cv o at c; li llt s r) f
-3t3alu ort foT the S?)ace of 15 Ciays,il1�,7 t 1E Clat(; Of
being gtllltlioned sha11,71hell slvuji Ionksel as )lcT( ] n�i.'�'t F��' ;'��'O}r1d(�il, i)t) iiab1(
%I1CI it 15 1jej elo,%r nlarla tl-jej v w( k On, Te",r aIT and cle9.n mit the
c , =alleys alir1 ;) l )liC Toads,o"!'Ounds ?Tlr? hicr.l1.av3 of tlli ri t -Y f'OT
t11?'ee day-, in eac11 v ar,llnrjP,?' i;l� i;)�r >101:: ).nCL-Cec-1.11-iti Olis 01' i. Ilis
pTovl feel t r)'a U- all min? ste—s 07 the gospel in t r1Fs -,oti ie
('�� `±ni r1•-1"?� � Of �, xlil l' ministuTial dIIti.l.0S,i3-,}T%11.!(J.
of Vol'_111teel' T1all Is OT's?lil �(j0 11110+)T ., lle l;�'O�ri ci01'1S O:!' il(; mita )'," 1j tj
U _
L17-'', -.nd lii ;_r.11)OrS 0i' Oie Volunteer -ire Cor. -;an_ es, ill t1"1U -�(Itj (Tr
O:u 1;, lldutIes :_s f'1DTenon,shall 1)e e m.rt _['-!,()n i) (,?Z sTifif+.+;.
So3. 2: 'Lly i;eTSoIl 1:1-).1) Lr3 1;0 '1)016 (ftUt1T,-:il;!i ilr) 1I^t3 ; J,;11 Stll,l-
liloned to clo sllnrl f:Tuty ,11x11 Tiave tll(' ?7?_':I"u11?,re trj :l�:1?'1'ii,:11 ' 11 ' i_(lc 'r)O-
dirx-i. 511175t!tilt o,�,rho:.,. sn-all bo sac(lei tablt-i to t1jt StT(�{A
ti'IOTk in h1" ry:18.<)P,()l' GO ii ZT tllr; 'T'aY AsSS()-' a!)d, (:OLlec't,()T Ol "Ghi's itv,
t'110 911111 Of TWO 1?011a-_S,— n l' ell of Sairl t) -m --3p, clays
111)O1; i)P (iY,l�lsjyij ;'-_'0111 pe-Ts01i'ally said
Foch ei,son s11I?11!:Ontd t0 w02.,k undo -L' ,^O}%J_•`; ".r)]:5
i•lll O-r11'�1loll e sliall fui_n ."1, �.ncl ta�tr ',ii tTl 1Z 111: all 9.x,.rlOe,��icl{, r:z1{c,,
9i aii(�, c)"L'~SUC:rl Ot r1E?_' '1 0015, %3.S L',a?T 1)'J ciesi ea a1:Ci (1 ],1'eOj;E O. in x'7.10 Slit
1-�' 'ri 1'1 ire no Sll^17 �, Or)1. , Tl „1�a.L 1. t a : ( S}lr.i , r i;'r �' c;}1i t, 1! t 001
1 ,, 1 �`i L f )_L ),
11P niay have.
Tt, s1riall be the (Tuts_ O oac,,11 �'O iC1. 11.aiid t() >> ?'3'0111
such i__ a. 'c7 ,.:,ii it ;;;, ):-
his _,,hies as si C n cc nc , i,•ac.i_1(>Il C ( 1;11? Stl' J�,t (;?1-
01 hey'
?"�` �'f�+)I1
a1%,:()i 1i.t4 Q
thr, stxooi
cant" "1'ids'-
1"d t t(?e,-a'-fir". ?.
dayt S
t i '1!
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, slia.1.1
elc;ht hours ri'f cl ent se7,v1r,e .
.j, Citl r �'•�i ?_'Sh G.1,1')(�J l c:, T),., --
a 3 1 (1,
),.,--a11(, It i 1i (�" eby i!,a(Ie hi (.Luty, i;() +'x11 oui: al 1 1, =:.11\t ].-,n? to
`; t'Yl� h1.� .tJ 1•}t• .}, (�r,f", o._O"il jl'c_(=. {. -� (l? .`), 1.(l ('�.11''.,jl, al:y 1.12x`1 Lrl
St,1. 'f?1- •`-.'^,T _
0R1D. 4-5 /A-/
BTidge Coimiiittee niay neem necessary to have. such person summoned, an.0. said
hands Inay be called- out in detail oz the whole force,at any one time,as
may be deemecl 'best.
BeC.6: It shall be the rfLLlt�t of the Iv'ai'shal to give to each
Uf StI :rl mesons he 7'equiTes.. to 4;•'ork�f--#caTr days previous nOtiCe,btT SUIll-
- r�oiiin¢-rii�.l r> t:���it islg,-of t.lic _ _�, ir�lc _allcZ_-i�lde , irlhen._ .nc7 titi�he�'e, he is TEquiT- ^
ed to an)eaT and'Te 7,oTt fo?' Y%roTk on the st-reets and the nu:libox of days
he is required to t-rork,which suMrions ay be. serve by the City 1,'arsh..l
OT his Le1)uty,by lefving o caiasinpthe same to be left at the usual
place of abode of tyle pe-_rson suiiL�!!oned,with some person residing; t]la-r
Over Vrie age of ten yeaTs,or by delive.?`ills such si.ridilons to the 2'oa(i
haled ill i? eT son.
seo.7: T",e ' a?,sjle.l 111ay employ and substitute some other
suitable an( coiKipetent ped' poli O-' '';eTsons t be a?)?? -Loved o ' by
,to sullllrons t]le 1"an,�!> to -fu-rfoT1!i ';,o1k 011 thO st].'Cc)tg
and. ex,Elr,,t s,., -ell person or pel'sons o: o&r c.uty fog the lenc;th o time
Talley shall 1lecesL;azily be, engaged therein; PTo��id-ed t -..hat any extTs- ex -
Dense incurred therein srlall ire paicl by the 1V''icLTshai and T.To`•'.id_ed flu,
theT beat not m0)'e than 00Tsons shall be thu,; e1ciployed for any
one voaT.
Sec, 8: It shall be V-ia dut-NT of the City LiaTs1ial to Dive
to the DeTSOI1 sur;monad a WTitt en suiiiluons in form, as olI ws :
"Beaumont, Texas, date)
Y., r.. You are he-al.)y coin -landed to "oe ane- aP-
bear, at the s office on �ilio Street , in tile, City o Leai)mont , on
(here insert date) AaTmed and equipped with (give tool desiTed)to 1,62-
11 6
,a2-1TOTI�iOs?cz SeT1,11 said City, oT to t`u7rnish anablebodiCd
ss;to ,or in i �t tl ai,e d= ay to tine Tax r-ssessor ��ncl rolle�CtoT
0A. O -L,
Attie s11111 f T�,�7�;8 ( 00) DpllaTs.
Nevin fail not under penalty Of Vic,-
.And at the time of making suw.,ons the MaTshal shall_ make out and
preserve a duplicate stub the?'eof to 1)e, deposit('d With the City Senre-
ta'ry, find it shall be his-Curther 'Luty to fai,nish to the City Tax Ass -
f essor & CollectoTAa list of all y)eTotis.sin?loned,giving the date ti�ileil
SlL1I]l1o11� d-. .nfl ti hen curected to apl)eaT.
Sec. 9'. It s11a11 is he -Tei -)y 1__ada tile' duty of the City
Tax AsseSSOT & Collecto, to enter the nallies of all 1,()i,sons s'Lmmonea to
d -o TMa(! duty in a book to 1;l8 f l'nJ -shod fo- that puu'�:'ose, s-na to chat' Ce
.:Uch person and cTeait- thelia with work perfoTmad,as rel)ol.'tGd by Street
Co1rindssioner,Or Frith the IIlonetr -;aid in lieu thereof as the case may 1o,
o- -and all, =nnlg—_a�-1
T-easurar, aS a ?,aTt of the Road, Street 8c 3— TiClgn, F'1111C1, &1'.(i to Te>;Ort the
amount so collectecl ana t;)e work performerl to file City Council.
Sec. 10: It small be th(% duty Of tale Street Co11L!liSSiollcr to
keep a list aIld account of all pei sons for duty, and the amount
of .labor rjeTf'oiniied bar each an(1 r_epo,'t same to the Tax Assesso, and Col-
lett or.
sec. 11: It shall be the duty of the Asse sso,' & Ool l ecto,'
to repoTt to the Ma-yor, all persons failing to obey such summons within
t e -n days afte,2-- the (1.at e on �vhioli they Are simnoned to a=ppear an(' upon.
suc?1 - el)oTt complaint in writing shall bre made by Vne, City Att o-rneir
a a'alnst each. pe-rsOJn so i'ai 1 i ng two --ro�'k, oT f u -nidi 5111:)stitute to hti�oTk
the street,or in lieu thereof to pa -y the sun of Two Dollars,Flnd also
against sucii. Person as shall fa -ii o3, TOD-ise to -perform a reasonable
and efficient service as �,equirPd.
Sec, 12: The City f44arshal shall have aiId l,eceive -f'or his
service out of the -�`und collected fTom pe -,'sons in 11.ell 0" ivork oil tile,
streets, the sum of Ten peT cent on the amount actually collected, and
1hl' his service in collecting thcj same th 6 City Assess()r & Collector
shall l'eceive the simi of :-Plve por ce"nt.
Sec. 13: Al', Ordinances alld Resolutions he-.cotofo-rc enetecl,in
so -far a-s�tliel,r a. -e-in con'f'lict--zFritnt1i s" O2•cl an66 al" he_rehy. Taij aled. _ ----� -