HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 8-A-1AD ORDI VAN CI Ordering an election to be held in the City of Beaumont to determine If the borAs of acid City ehall be issued for the purpose of making certain public Imp" ts, wing the tial and plaoss of holding said election and appoianting offisears thereof, and providing for the meumer of holding said election and the giving of notice thereof. BN 11 ORDAIM SY VM CITY COMFOIL OT TAS CITY OF BEMONT: a 1. 'that an eleot ion be held in the City of Bea=ont, leoias t on the. 35th dar of loptember A.D. 1406, at which election the kollowim porooposi.tieas shall be sdbelitted: 11. ..d. Shall the City Cotmoil of the City of Beaxamat be authorized to, loan# the bonds of the said city, hereinafter designated as Sewegage Donde y In the Wulf of Seventy five thousand (#75,,000.00) Dollars, parable, to Tor" (40) rare, after Wei with the option of redeeming Kase at ang time after twenty (30) yew* from date, bearing Interest at the -rate of filo (5 �) prat cent. pw Baa, papvable, smi-an-orally, and to IsTy tw sufficient to pW tho inteeset on said bonds and to redeem at maturitrt for tho parpsfe, ,of oonstruoting publio sewers and neoasserry letwele within the City ofNewAumtq, the sewers and laterals to be oonstrusted to be as folleve; t" ftoaftw Sorer to:yb# attended vast wesd eaross and bofond the right of war of the Sabine acid Bast Texas By. Co. blooks; Ov ekett ltrest^to be extended westward three blooks; Rmett Stroot sewev to, be IWroved and extended westward and beyond the r i&t of wary of the Texarkana h it. with B)r. Co. thr" blooks; Magnolia Avenue Surer to be extended northward three bloats, and a public sower to be oonstructed on labine tale Aveme, from the Xeoh" River soUthwerd to the right of oq of the Tsxai' w* i pt. ftith Ry. Co, and such laterals to be oonstmoted as mapr beareaftoar be detemir_ed -to ewye the best Intearests of the Oity. eoM. !hall the City Council of the City of Beamt be authorized to issue the bands of the said aity, hersitnafter designated as School lionise Building Bomc)s, in the sur of Twenty five Thousand (*25000.00) Dollars, (2) Mable in Worty (40) years after date, with the option of redeeming same at any time after twenty (20) years fiox date, bearing interest at the rate, of five (a per o ent . per annum, payab 1 e semi-anmmlly, and to levy a tax suffioift* 46 pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeen s-ae at Matari,ty, for the purpose of eatrtruotUg three -- p"JA* serol baildinss in the eity or sesoeeR. Shall the City Vermeil of the 01ty of Wali mast be auO-orised to issue the bonds Of the said 01tyt hereinafter designated as Sohool House Repair Bonds, in the 'am of Dive thousand. ($5o00.00) Dollars, payable in forty (40) years after date, with the option of redeeming same at any time 0AW testy (20) years from date, bearing interest at the rate of five (5 ) per oent. per annum, payable semi-anraxally, and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and oreate a sinking fund suffioient to itiedeam sauce at maturity, far the purpose of making improvements on, and repairirg the present publio sohool buildings of the City. Bim. Shall the City Counoil of the City of Beaumont be authorised to Issue the bonds of the said City, hereinafter desiMted as Paving Bonds, in the sm of Twenty five Thousand ($25,000.00) DoUaars, payable in forty (40) years after data, with the option of redeeming sane at any time after twenty (20) y4ars trek data, bearing interest at the rate of five (S %) per 0"t. Per wn=l parable semi-ammklly, and to levy a tax muff ioient to pay the interest on said bords w-0. toAremeez saline at maturity, for the purpose of oonstruoting permanent street improvements. That said eleotior. shall be held at the following plaoes, to -wit: - In the First Ward at the Beaumont City'Hall. In the 89oond Ward at the Salvation Army Barracks on Vall Street. In the TW4 Woxd at the Jefferson County 0owt House. (IT). That the following named persons are appointed offioers of said eleation: In the First Ward: George D. Andearson, PtesidirS Judge; W.r.Rogers, Assistant Judge; B.R.Worvell and Till Keith, Clerks. F -A In the, See o'.h! Ward: -tally Eastham, Presiding JiiAgo;, Will P. Oldham, Assistw-lt'Jqdge'; HAT*.Gilbert and, S.H.Van Wormer-, ole'riks. In, the- Third Ward, Geo. 'O.t. Millard, Presiding Ju4je;&4y Jitnker, , Assistant* Judge; Eld.'Carroll'and L.B.Pipkin-, Olerks' That said election shall be held under the provisio' ns of ,Chapter 149, -Acts of -the 26th..'Legislaturo, Laws 1.890., and only. qualified voters who are property tax Payers_of- said City .,of Beaumont shall be allowed. to,vote., aTA, all voters desiring to support..the propositionto issue-severage Bonds shall have.printed oft,their ballots the Words Tor'' the issuance of Sewerage Bonds" and t1160e opposed to the!., , issuange o, f Sewerage Bonds shall have printed on theirballots the words., "Against, the issuance of Sewo'rag-a Bonds", and all voters desiring. to sqpport.t4 Iroposition t, o issue 'Soho6l House Building Bonds -shall have printed 6n'their ballots the words UF6r the lsmtanoe of School, House Building Bonds'", and, those opposed to the issuance of School House -.Building Roads shall. have print9d on their balloU the Vrords "Against, the issuance 62 School House.Building Bonds", and those.deeiring to, support the proposition to issue Sohool'House Repair Bonds shall have printed on their ballots the words "For the issuance of School Rouse Repair Bonds, and., ..those opposed to the 'issuance of School house Repair Bonds shall have printed. ballota.the words "Against the issuance of 'School House. Repair Bonds", .and those desiri-bg to -support the proposition to issue Paving Bonds shall have printed on their ballots the ,words "For the Bonds'$,' and those opposed to the issuance.,Of llavirij§ Bonds shall kave printed on their ballots the words itAgainst.-the issuance of .Paving Botdstl.- The maxiner of holding, said election shall bo'governed by the laws of.. the State of Texas regulating general elections. That a. copy of this -Ordinance - signed by "the, Mayor. of the 0 i ty- of Beaumont and attested by the City Secretary shall serve ve as a pr..Oper notice of said election; and the X&Yor ie directed to cause 11 said notioes.tb be posted up at ..each of tSLe places, desiam-ated for holding said election at le'ast Thirty, (80) days prior to the date of said election. 101Y n EMMETT A. FLETCHER, MAYOR J. G. BUTTON, CITY Sec. 1: 96-Auxnaut, (Kxxas. — — - — — — — — — — August 218t, 1906. M 194 6 We your Board of Public. Works, to whom was referred an -,)rdinance orderi ng-a__n-eleet.ion._to.--be-held to--dete-rmine " if -the--b"grids-_of-,I�" _• 'Uhe City shall be Issued for the purpose of making certain public im- provements, entitled "An Ordinance, Ordering an election to be held in the City of Beaumont to determine if the bonds of the said City shall be issued for the purpose of making cerrtain public improvements, naming the time and placesof holding said election, and appointing officers thereof, and providing for the mariner of holding said election and the giving of notice thereof", the public improvements proposed being, in substance"as follows: Constructing public sewers and necessary -laterals within the.City, the said proposed sewers to be constructed being therein designated, for the purpose of constructing three public school buildings, for the purpose of making.improvements on and repairing the present school buildings, and for the purpose of constructing permanent street im- provements, beg to, report as follows: We have investigated this matter and are familiar with the improvements proposed, and recommend that such improvements be made within the City and that the election be held as in the order provided. Board of Public Works. THOS. H. LANGHAM, MAYOR J. G. SUTTON, CITY SEC. �9sttumutti, U,sx�s. fwd -1 �L- ✓�L-�. f '�"' 45 rj-,, ttllv( 1a AN 0 R.D.I NAN CE Ordering an,,ele'ct•ioil:;,to­be ,'meld in -.the City o'f" Beaur2ont.to de-. termine. if the bonds s' -.sai"d City.. shall be':is'sue"d• for the purpose of. making certain -public ;imprgvemen.`,,s; naming the time" and ;letces of holding said election'and,.appo,i.:rting• officer's "thereof, and providing for . the -,manriex_ or hoi6 ing- said., election .and.' giving,-, of : mota_ce.' thereof . BE' IT ORDAIIT.ED BY TTIMCITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITYz0F'RE'AUMt0h1T: That anelection be --:held in the:,.City. of BeauMont� Texas, -on.the .25th day •of .,September A.' --D,. 1906, at .whi6h election the 'f"ollowing propos-itloils : shall. be submitte•d:- First. Shall-. the City Ce.uncil of the.. City. of Beaumont be au- . tho rifled to' :i.ssu'e the bonds of" the. said city, hereinafter -:.designated as' Sewerage Bonds; it the sum. of:,.Seventy 'five thousand. ($75.;000.00) Dollars,' payabl''6--''in Porty (401: years .,after_ date,,- With thee -option. - of redeeming same' at any .tiine, after-, tvrerit'y'� (20) 'years from. -date, bearing interest at, the, rate o,i' five (5°0). per cent. per .annm, pay- able: semi-annually, and to levy a .tam. sufficient. to ,pay ,the inter- est est ch said bonds and to. create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem same at:=maturity, - for the. ,:purpos.e" of constructing public" severs ane necessary laterals -within the City 'of Beau:Liont`, :the sevrers and, laaterais',tc '"b;e -construct`ed.to .b.e, a,s:-follows; ,the Broadway' Sayer to, b.e extended vrestward across a.nd ,beyond the 'rig'_nt ,of way -gf.:the Sabine and, East .Tetras Ry.' Co. four blocks.; Crockett Street Seyrer t.o be. ex - .,ended westward.three , blocks ; Emmett_ Street s ever�,to b e, improved; ; and extended we:stvJard Arid beyond , the right of the Te_xa.rkana• �e Ft. Smith" Ry.,` -Co. three blocks; Magnolia. Avenue, Suer to:."be exten- ded northward- three blocks, and a public- sewer to be constructed, 'on Sabine; Pass Avenue from' th:e Neches Riven southviard t.o the right of 47atir of the Texarkana 8c 'Pit. .smith .I�y. Go; .arid .such., lateral's to b.e constructed as may. hereafter b e.'determi.ned to serve the best in- terests-of n-terests of th ..,City. . Second. Shall. the City Council of .the City ,of Beaumont be authorized to issue -the bonds of the said .city, hereinafter _desig- nat.ed as School House ,Building Bonds, in the sum of Twenty five Thousand ( $2'5000.00) Dollars;, payable in, Forty -('40) years' after date, with the option :of, redeeming same. 'at any time after tlr+lenty .(20) years from date, bearing interest at the rate of five. (5,) per, cent. per annum, .payable semi-annually, and to levy a tax sufficient, to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sirking fund sufficient, to redeem -,are at, maturity, for the�urpose of constructing three pub - lie school buildings in the City of Bew.unont. Third. Shall the City Council, of the Gity of Beaumont be authorized to issue the bonds of the said City, hereinafter desig- nated as School House Repair Bontls , in the sum of Five thousand ($5000..00) Dollars,�ayable in forty (40) years after date, with the option of redeeraing same at any time after twenty (20) years.. frOr� date, bearing interest. at the rate of five 070 per cent. per, annum., payable semi-annually; and to levy a tax sufficient: to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to redeem same at maturity, for the purpose of making improver✓ nts on, and repairing the, present -�l/ublic school buildings 'of the Cita%. Fourth. hall the Ci //ty Council of the City of Beaumont be authorized to issue the .bonds of -the. said City, hereinafter: desig- nated as Paving Bonds, in the sura. of Twenty- :five Thousand (t25,0G0.00) Dollars,,. payable in Forty (46) years after date, with the option of redeeming same at any time after twenty (20) years from date, bearing interest -at the rate of five. (5Z) per cent. per annum, pay- able semi-annually, and to levy a tarp sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and to cre-C"te . a sinking fund sufficient to � redeem same at maturity for the purpose of constructing permanent street improvements. That said election shall be held at the following places, to -wit: - In the Firtit Ward at the Beaumont City Hall. In the Second Ward at the Salvation Army Barracks on Wall S`.tr-eet. In the Third Ward at the Jefferson County .Court. House. (1V) That the following named persons are appoint -ed officers of said election: In the,Fir-st !'rard: George D. Anderson, Presiding Judge; 71, F. Rogers, Assistant' Judge:; B.P�.Norvell and Mill Keith, Clerks,- L� �A 1 (3) In -thee Second Ward: Ya.11y Eastham, Presiding Judge; Will P. Oldham, kssistant Xudge; H. Z Gilbert and S. H.. Van 'Workerr4 clerk. In -the =Chircp- Ward: Geo; 00. Millard, Presiding Judge; . Guy W. Junker, Assistant Judge.; Ed. Carroll and Z. B. Pipkin, clerks. (V) That said election shall be held under the provisions of Chapter 149, Acts -of the '26th Legislature; Laws 1899, and only qualified voters: who are property tax payers of said. City of Beaumont shall be alloted to vote, and all voters desiring to support the propo- sition to issue- Sew6rage Bonds shall have printed on their billots the tiro rda "For the issuance of Sewerage age Bond a" , and those: opposed to the issuance of Sewerage Bonds , shall have printed on their ballots the words "Against the issuance of Snuerage Bonds", and all voters, to support . the proposition to issue, School House Building Bonds - shall have printed on their ballots the"words "For the issuance of Sehool House Building Bonds:", and -those apposed to the issuance: of School House Building Bonds 1 shall have printed on their ballots . the words "Against .the i,5suance of School House Bgild.ing F,onda"I and those desiring to support the proposition to issue School House, Repair Bonds shall have printed on their ballots the words, "For .the issuance of School '~louse Repair Bonds-",. And those opposed to the issuance of .School House Repaid Bonds shall have printed on the ballots the words, the issuance of School House epaid Bon3s, and those desiring to support the, proposition to ,issue Paving Bonds; shall have printed on their ballot; the Wgrds "For the issuance of Paving Bonds•`, and thoseojp' osed to the issuance o.f Paving'Bonds shall have print:ed'on their ballots the words 'Against the issuance of Paving Bonds". The manner- of holdigg� said election 'shall be governed by the lags of the State of 'Tox10 ragniating general elec- tions. V1 That a copy of this Ordinancel, aighad. by the: Mayor of the; City of Beaumont and. attested by the City QP' ratary shall serve as a proper notice of said election, .and the Mayor is direated to cause said notices to .be posted up at each of the places, desiEnatpd for: holding said election at least thirty 130) days, prior to the date; O . of said election - At t, :lection.- P ti, e s.t (4) iter Sec .'et.ary. C i'u yr of B p. ajLt? ,.r)ij t. No Text EMMETT A. FLET CH ER, MAYOR J. G. SUTTON, CITY Sec. offYrr, :af �Ettltltt UAt#, c�$xtts. �� � •"1•" t it"' B`i.:"��.•, i�����at� ��.a.da. f Com,' '`•' �^,a.' 27 y l.,l ----lJ'!`--.—a�)f /1—_ SS��,,,,<i,� 1`�, ,[.%1-1 .--- ! !.r��.�., —' .P•�''.�i ,,.ai °...1�'.,.�'�,'",,' :::;.,� ifee ��"'�/� � �,4:..i�k�'�_„�.�,p�'"".�!'� } ,�• F'.�� ..z .,a;'.�„�+,.a-� ( f„A-"'°..'P,�� 1. �i� ,lr� // '�cts„y • / s'> •� _ .r^r ,fie `�,.. te" r'� f - W"" '�.�y�i' f7/,Sr'� : % -0� � ; ! 1,s :l h. • i • .Ldw.�+rl�rtan�-r+a<��'.ca,v=' _ _. _ .