DownDownDownDownedededed Firefighter CPRFirefighter CPRFirefighter CPRFirefighter CPR
Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff, Fire ChiefFire ChiefFire ChiefFire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: R.I.G.R.I.G.R.I.G.R.I.G.
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 4444////5/5/5/5/2016201620162016
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
While wearing full protective equipment including SCBA, the examinees shall
demonstrate the downed firefighter CPR method utilizing proper equipment and techniques.
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the ObjProcedures for Achieving the ObjProcedures for Achieving the ObjProcedures for Achieving the Objectiveectiveectiveective
With the downed firefighter lying supine on the ground, you shall correctly drag the
downed firefighter to safety using proper equipment and techniques and effectively begin the
down firefighter CPR Method. You will begin on my instruction to start. The skill will end when
you have dragged the downed firefighter to safety and successfully completed the down
firefighter CPR method. Do you have any questions? Do you understand these instructions?
III. III. III. III. Examiner’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s Note
The examinees will not be able to review the performance steps prior to testing. The
downed firefighter shall be in place for the skill prior to admitting the examinee into the testing
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. Person to act as the downed firefighter
B. Complete structural firefighting PPE ensemble
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. NFPA 1407, Training Fire Service Rapid Intervention Crews
PB 407.06N – Downed Firefighter CPR Page 2 of 3
407.06M – Downed Firefighter CPR
Discipline: R.I.G.
Officer #:
Officer #:
Rescuer 1Rescuer 1Rescuer 1Rescuer 1:::: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
a) Drags the downed firefighter from behind to a safe location ....................... P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
b) Drops to the ground in a sitting position with legs on either side of
downed firefighter ................................................................................... P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
c) Positions SCBA of downed firefighter between his or her legs………………..P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
Rescuer 2:Rescuer 2:Rescuer 2:Rescuer 2:
a) Opens bypass valve on downed firefighters SCBA………………………………………………………………………………………………....……………………1.0 _____
b) Initiates High Quality chest compressions through downed firefighter
bunker coat……………………………………………………...………………P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:
a) Removes downed firefighter helmet, mask, and hood…………………………1.0 _____
Rescuer 3:Rescuer 3:Rescuer 3:Rescuer 3:
a) Unbuckles downed firefighter waist strap of SCBA……………….……………1.0 _____
b) Unbuckles downed firefighter bunker coat form the bottom up………………1.0 _____
c) Does not interfere with Rescuer 2 chest compressions……………………….. P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
d) Loosens shoulder straps of downed firefighters SCBA…………………………1.0 _____
e) Positions arms of downed firefighter on each side of Rescuer 1………………1.0 _____
Rescuer 1Rescuer 1Rescuer 1Rescuer 1::::
a) Grasps underside of downed firefighter’s arms and pulls arms upwards…….1.0 _____
Rescuer 3Rescuer 3Rescuer 3Rescuer 3::::
a) Exposes downed firefighters chest by completely opening bunker coat……….1.0 _____
Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:
a) Grasps the bunker coat and SCBA shoulder straps of the downed
firefighter firmly and prepares to give the order to perform the firefighter pull
down maneuver…………………………………………………………...……..1.0 _____
PB 407.06N – Downed Firefighter CPR Page 3 of 3
Rescuer 2 & 3:Rescuer 2 & 3:Rescuer 2 & 3:Rescuer 2 & 3:
a) Positions themselves at the feet of the downed firefighter……………………1.0 _____
b) Firmly grasps each leg of the downed firefighter and awaits the order to
complete the firefighter pull down maneuver…………………………………1.0 _____
Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:Rescuer 1:
a) Verbally verifies Rescuer 2 & 3 are in position to begin the firefighter
pull down maneuver…………………………………………………………..P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
b) Gives order to begin the firefighter pull down maneuver…………………….1.0 _____
Rescuer 2 & 3:Rescuer 2 & 3:Rescuer 2 & 3:Rescuer 2 & 3:
a) Performs the firefighter pull down maneuver………………….……………….1.0 _____
b) Drags the downed firefighter until the SCBA and Bunker Coat are
completely removed…………………………………………………………….P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
Rescuer 3:Rescuer 3:Rescuer 3:Rescuer 3:
a) Resumes chest compressions on the downed firefighter…………………….. P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
Rescuer 1 & 2:Rescuer 1 & 2:Rescuer 1 & 2:Rescuer 1 & 2:
a) Attaches AED to the downed firefighter and begins AED sequence………… P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
Note: Attach this page to the first.
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating