HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 15-277RESOLUTION NO. 15-277 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Council hereby approves the award of a contract to L.D. Kemp Excavating, Inc., of Fort Worth, Texas, in the amount of $1,411,638.40 for the Solid Waste Landfill Cell 2 Construction Project as described in the bid tabulation attached hereto as Exhibit "A." PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 8th day of December, 2015. CITY OF BEAUMONT LANDFILL BID NO. PWO915-14 - CELL 2 LINER CONSTRUCTION HID TABULATION The Bid Proposals submittei,dd have been reviewed and to the best of my knowledge this is an accurate bid tabulation of the bids received. _F9 By: Ryan Kurtz, P.E., Project Manager, SCS Engineers Date: 11/30/15 BID ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY -- •••_-• • --•••••-•-I -••- UNIT UNIT PRTCF. TOTAL UNIT PRICE I TOTAL UNIT PRICE rmaett maustnes 41 Construction ALLCO TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL UNIT PRICE TOTAL GENERAL.REQUIREMENTS- S 1,504,000.00 S 1,505,635.45 S 1,544,408.42 Allowance. S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 - S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 Total Cell 2 Liner: S 1,575,399.00 S 1„596,291.95 S 1,719,000.00 S 1,738,135.45 S 1,753,496.52 IMobilization and De ob,1 �,tlo,�_ 2 Layout of Work a d Su u CELL' 2' CONSTRUCTION',, I I LS LS S 69,800.00 $ $ !7.450.00 5 69,800,00 S 17,450.00 S 71,053.00 36,000.00 S 71,053.00 S S 38,000.00 5 45,(100.00 $ 20 000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 20.000.00 S 85,000,00 S 30,000.()0 S 95,000 OD 3 30,000. DU $ 86,500.00 S 46,00000 S 86,500 00 $ 46,000.00 S 85,000 UO $ 24.088.10 E 65,0(10.00 2!.068.10 3 4 Clearing and Grubbing Excavation - Cell 2 Liner Subgmde _ I 78,000 1 LS CY S 75,600 $ 1 $ 3.25 S 75,600.0(1 $ 253,500.00 $ 19,525 2.30 $ 19,525. U0 $ S 179,400.00 $ 37,500 $ 3.T0__f 37.500.00 $ 257,400.00 S 65,0()0 $ 3.57 S 65,000.00 $ 276,460.00 S 60, IOU E 3.25 S 60,100.00 S 253,500.00 S 35.896 E 3.00 S 35.896.30 234,000.00 5 6 Excaa, tion - Liner Tic -in (Cell 3A) Engineered Fill - Cell 2 Base Crede 600 5,600 LF CY 1 15.00 S S 3.50 S 9,000.00 S 17,500.00 S 22.80 3.30 S 13,660.00 $ S 16,500.00 S 25.00 f 4.60 S 15,0110.00 S 23,000.00 S 7.00 S 1.25 S 4,200.00 S 6,250.00 $ 14.50 S 1.00 $ 8,700.00 S 5,000.00 S 37.65 S 5.49 S 22,590.00 27,450.00 7 2 -foot ProtectilT Cowr 46,645 SY S 2.50 S 116,613.00 S 2.00 S 93,290.00 S 2.00 f 93,290.00 S 3.20 S 149,264.00 S 3.30 S 153,928.50 S 4.32 T 201,506.40 8 Drainage Aggregate (Leachate Collation Trench and Sump) 1,450 CY f 80.00 S 116,000.00 $ 90.36 S 131,D22.OD S 96.00 S 139,200.00 T 85.00 S 123,250.00 S 120.010 S 174,000.00 S 65.24 1 94,598.00 9 12 oz Non -Woven Gwtextile (Leachate Collection Trench and Sump) 60,600 SF $ 0.40 S 32,240.00 $ 0.26 S 20,956.00 S 0.22 $ 17,732.00 S 0.24 T 19,344.00 S 0.35 S 28,210.00 S 0.38 S 30,628.00 10 2 -foot Compacted Clay Liner 46,645 SY S 3.00 S 139,935.00 S 2.84 S 132,471.80 S 2.59 S 120.810.55 $ 3.60 S 167,922.00 S 4.00 S 186.580.00 S 3.65 S 170,254.25 11 60 -mil HDPE Cee membrane (Smooth) 339,075 SF $ 0.55 S 186,491.00 S 0.47 S 159,365.25 S 0.66 S 223.769.50 S OAS S 162,756.00 $ 0.47 S 159,365.25 S 0.68 S 230.571.00 12 13 60 -mil HDPE Cxomembrane (Textured Both -Sides) 250 -mil Geocomposite (Single -Sided) 80,730 349,625 SF SF $ 0.65 S S 0.55 S 52,475.00 S 192,294.00 f 0.59 0.45 S 1 157,331.25 S 0.94 S 0.54 S 75.886.20 S 188,797.50 S O.BO S 0.52 S 64,584.00 S 181,803.00 S 0.57 S 0.46 S 46,016.10 E 167,820.00 f 0.84 S 0.60 S 67.813.20 209,775.00 14 250 -mil Geocomposite (Double -Sided) 77,460 SF S 0.60 $ 46,476.00 S 0.64 S 49,574.40 S 0.97 S 75,136.20 S 0.90 S 69,714.00 $ 0.61 $ 47,250.60 S 0.89 $ 68,939.40 IS 6 -inch HDPE SDR I I Perforated Pipe (leachate collection trenches) 2,500 LF S 20.00 S 50,000.00 S 19.00 S 47,500.00 T 16.00 S 40,000.00 S 17.50 S 43,750.00 S 25.00 1 62,500.00 1 12.99 S 32,475.00 16 17 6 -inch HDPE SDR I1 Solid Pipe (clean-out risers) 18 -inch HDPE SDR 17 Perforated and Solid Pipe 200 75 LF LF $ 18.50 S E 95.00 $ 3,700.00 S 7,125.00 S 19.00 72.68 $ 3,800.00 S S 5,451.00 $ 16.00 $ 82.00 S 3,200.00 $ 6,150.00 S 31.00 S 108.00 $ 6,200.00 $ 8,100.00 $ 45.00 S 85.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 6,375.00 S 17.69 S 74.18 S 3,538.00 5,563.50 - 18 19 Leachate Pump, Controls, and Connection to Existing Leachate Transfer Pipe Concrae Sump/Cleanout Riser Pipe Retaining Wall 1 1 LS LS S 40,D00.00 $ E 9,000.00 S 40,000.00 S 9,000.00 S 42,020.00 18,740.00 $ 42,020.00 S f 18,740.00 $ 35,000.00 S 16,000.00 S 35,000.00 1 16,000.00 S 73,401.00 S 5,800.00 f 73,401.00 S 5,800.00 f 60,000.00 S 9,490.00 S 60,000.00 $ 9,490.00 f 55,175.00 E $.401.28 T 55,175.001- 8.401.28 - 20 Temporary Underdrain Dewatering Trenches and Sump 2,200 LF S 16.00 f 35,200.00 S 19.24 S 42,328.00 S 22.00 S 48,400.00 S 29.50 1 64,900.00 S 24.00 E 52,800,00 S 4.84 S 10,648.0(1 m 21 Landfill Berm (External Sideslope), Seed. Fertili er B: ECB 1 LS 1 5.000.00 S 5,000.00 S 22.000.00 $ 22,000.00 S 15,000.00 S 15,000.00 S 9,300.00 S 9,300.00 f 15,000.00 S 15,000.00 S 34,586.09 S 34.566.09 T NA Allowance S 100.000.00 S 100 000.00 S 100,000.00 S 100,000 .00 S 100,000.00 1 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 S 100.000.00 S 10000000 S ton Ono on t lrtn nen W. t urn nen nn 2 General Requirements (Subtotal): S 87,250.00 - - S 109,053.00 S 65,000.00 S 115,000.00 S 132,500.00 S 109,088.10 Cell Liner (Subtotal): S 1,388,149,00 S 1,202,585.40 S 1,431,291.95 S 1,504,000.00 S 1,505,635.45 S 1,544,408.42 Allowance. S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 S 100,000.00 Total Cell 2 Liner: S 1,575,399.00 S 1„596,291.95 S 1,719,000.00 S 1,738,135.45 S 1,753,496.52 Mom Represents a mathematical error on the submitted bid schedule. The total shown for Bid Item 12 and for the project in this bid tabulation does not match the submitted bid schedule as a result of the bidders addition error. The difference bar,-- the submitted bid and this bid tabulation is $0.70. SCS ENGINEERS