AC -104
Beaumont Wharf and Dock Commission Minutes, 1914-1948
In 1898, leading Beaumont businessmen saw an enormous demand to create a deep water sea
port to become competitive with other ports on the Texas and Louisiana coast line; however
it was 1909 before citizens created a navigation district and shipping committee to extend the
Sabine Harbor thirty-three miles (33) further inland from the Port Arthur canal to the City of
Beaumont. In 1911 Congress granted authorization and financed one-half of the cost ($500,000).
The water -way was extended twenty-six miles as 1,000 feet in width and 26 feet in depth. A
new turning basin and wharf were constructed between 1916 and 1921. The first Deepwater
Commission was as follows: W.S. Davidson, Chairman, J. Frank Keith, J.E. Broussard. George
D.Anderson, Attorney and J.F. Week, Engineer.
This collection consists of six (6) folders taken from old ledgers during the conclusive years
1914-1919. Other pertinent information and research were taken from the Diamond Jubilee
Edition of the Beaumont Enterprise.
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