405.01O 405.01O 405.01O 405.01O –––– BVM Ventilation of an Apneic PatientBVM Ventilation of an Apneic PatientBVM Ventilation of an Apneic PatientBVM Ventilation of an Apneic Patient
Anne Huff, Fire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: EMTEMTEMTEMT----BLSBLSBLSBLS
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 9/16/20099/16/20099/16/20099/16/2009
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 5/22/20155/22/20155/22/20155/22/2015
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The EMT shall show the proper ventilate an apneic patient using a BVM using the
criteria prescribed
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the Objective
You will explain and demonstrate the proper techniques for using a BVM with oxygen.
You will begin at my instruction to start. The skill will end when you have completed all of the
identified steps, and you tell me that you are finished. Do you understand these instructions?
III. III. III. III. ExaminerExaminerExaminerExaminer’s Note’s Note’s Note’s Note
The EMT will not be allowed to review the performance steps at the time of evaluation.
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. Person to act as the patient
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. NREMT Criteria Sheet.
PB 405.01O – BVM Ventilation of an Apneic Patient Page 2 of 3
405.01O – BVM Ventilation of an Apneic Patient
Discipline: BLS
Name: Officer #:
Evaluator: Officer #:
Date: Location:
If the First Responder:
a) Takes and verbalizes appropriate BSI precautions ............................................ 1.0 _____
b) Checks responsiveness ............................................................................... 1.0 _____
c) Checks breathing ..................................................................................... 1.0 _____
NoteNoteNoteNote: After checking responsiveness and breathing for at least 5 but no
more than 10 seconds, Examiner informs the candidate, “The patient is
unresponsive and apneic.”
d) Request additional EMS assistance ............................................................... 1.0 _____
e) Checks pulse for at least 5 but no more than 10 seconds .................................. 1.0 _____
NoteNoteNoteNote: The Examiner must now inform the candidate, “You palpate a weak
carotid pulse at a rate of 60.”
f) Opens airway properly ............................................................................... 1.0 _____
NoteNoteNoteNote: The Examiner must now inform the candidate, “The mouth is full of
secretions and vomitus.”
g) Prepares rigid suction catheter ..................................................................... 1.0 _____
h) Turns on power to suction device or retrieves manual suction device .................... 1.0 _____
i) Inserts rigid suction catheter without applying suction ....................................... 1.0 _____
j) Suctions the mouth and oropharynx .............................................................. 1.0 _____
NoteNoteNoteNote: The Examiner must now inform the candidate, “The mouth and
oropharynx are clear.”
k) Opens the airway manually ........................................................................ 1.0 _____
l) Inserts oropharyngeal airway ....................................................................... 1.0 _____
NoteNoteNoteNote: The Examiner must now inform the candidate, “No gag reflex is
present and the patient accepts the airway adjunct.”
m) **Ventilates the patient immediately using a BVM device unattached to oxygen ...... 1.0 _____
[**Award this point if candidate elects to ventilate initially with BVM
attached to reservoir and oxygen as long as first ventilation is delivered
within 30 seconds.]
NoteNoteNoteNote: The Examiner must now inform the candidate that ventilation is
being properly performed without difficulty.
n) Re-checks pulse for at least 5 but no more than 10 seconds .............................. 1.0 _____
o) Attaches the BVM assembly [mask, bag, reservoir] to oxygen [15 L/min] ............... 1.0 _____
p) Ventilates the patient adequately: *Proper volume to make chest rise (1)
*Proper rate [10-12 per minute, but not to exceed 12 per minute] (1) .................. 2.0 _____
NoteNoteNoteNote: The Examiner must now ask the candidate, “How would you know
if you are delivering appropriate volumes with each ventilation?”
PB 405.01O – BVM Ventilation of an Apneic Patient Page 3 of 3
____ After suctioning the patient, failure to initiate ventilations within 30 seconds or interrupts
ventilations for greater than 30 seconds at any time
____ Failure to take or verbalize appropriate body substance isolation precautions
____ Failure to suction airway before ventilating the patient
____ Suctions the patient for an excessive and prolonged time
____ Failure to check responsiveness and breathing for at least 5 seconds but no more than 10
____ Failure to check pulse for at least 5 seconds but no more than 10 seconds
____ Failure to voice and ultimately provide high oxygen concentration [at least 85%]
____ Failure to ventilate the patient at a rate of at least 10/minute and no more than 12/minute
____ Failure to provide adequate volumes per breath [maximum of 2 errors per minute
____ Insertion or use of any adjunct in a manner dangerous to the patient
____ Failure to manage the patient as a competent EMT
____ Exhibits unacceptable affect with patient or other personnel
____ Uses or orders a dangerous or inappropriate intervention
Time Allocation
Completes skill in allotted time .............................................................................................. n/a
Allotted time for this skill: n/a
Note: Attach this page to the first.
Performance Rating
17 17
Medical Director’s Initials DK Date 5/22/2015