HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 15-105RESOLUTION NO. 15-105 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the City Council hereby approves an Addendum to, the Memorandum of Understanding Agreement for the Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program between the Cities of Beaumont, Groves, Nederland and Port Neches to provide Child Protective Services (CPS) intake reports to Children's Advocacy Centers across Texas in order to ensure effective communication, coordination and collaboration at all stages of child abuse cases. The Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding is substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City Manager, or his designee, be and he is hereby authorized to execute the Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding necessary to implement the Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 9th day of June, 2015. kff�w - V V yor Becky Ames - May 221512:06p Garth House 40913389106 p.2 1btemorandLun of Uzadeistanding ,t ddend im Ml1141discipR1mt;y'I.'eam LTuhaticement Progwin. We tbC undersignecl agencies, by and tl!rough our suparvisoty Beads and throuid:, our c1t signaled representatives, tlo itg::ce co the following policy supporting dw implementltion :tad operation of the Muiudrsciplinnry Trmnt Enhance lent Progtsun of the Garth ),').once, Wickq Nkhaffy Children'a Advocacy Program, hie. of Bcaw-vont, 1X - Whereas, we acknowledge tltot the rnultidtscipl nary tr aim oipptoaeh is at the core of the cbildren's advocacy center model, and thtaefore eoirunit to p;u:ticipit ion in Clic b4ultldiec1p1ittaiq Tenth. l:4nitnxicumetit Pzogt:ntu widi the intent to achieve the folLowing i;ottlst to proacdvely strcn&,tite li and rusttiiu the thildten's advocacy, confer muhidisciplimt•.y team, to fortify the mclxdi multidiscipiinaty eompnncnt within tate clilldi,eWs advocacy center to ensure effective com municaion, eoordimition, anti collaboradoii at all stages of clti.Ld gbixse: ca's ns; and to CilsurC timely access to the full array of Children's advocacy W;Irrf servicas for sill children Nvith"in Lire children's advocacy centce:i official service. -mm-amid m dsting prmtocul case ctitedit. Whetc'm, zve rawg ilve that one of the p6min, toot; to be utilized iii the achievement of the -.fare;uentiw-'ed goals will be irrtalterepcuts Senesmted by I7epactutenr OEl;anzily all (I PtoteaboL Setviceo Stow -wide, Intakeand delivered to die c6ildrm's advocacy ccnttm We undersinnd that die chjl%L:ea's advocacy centtcr's role it] -mvievhig the reports is to =,Ae_-v and identify State -vide 11%Wke mports within the cash nrceptance crkiwit sLs dediued by Lfie rhildt:esr', advocitt,-y center's WorlKing Protocol, and facilitate c.10dreu's advocacy center/niulticlitidpliiamy ream sorvtces related to case Lnves:igatiort, assea,ttient, and iotcs.'veriti.o>a. wbem'-s' we understand that tlic c hildrm's vdvocacy ecnter'S lccesa to the Stntcwide lat'nicc reports slinll not be consmued to change, reduce, or expmid the autho'111y nr jurdstut dors ofthe cltildxert's advocacy center 02: any multidisciplinary team partner: agmicy asst relates to inhittuig slid conducting invcs6gatiolts, assessntenb, and/otiuwrvantlons. Na pact of the Multtdiselpllnary Team T-InhaticcIII cnt ftog Lm ttupplants any stututorlly teyuked duL[va of the children's advocacy centix or rimy un lddistaplinaty tenm p:U inct agamy. UJherCAS, We uncterstlnd that this addendum does not replace or supeiscde the chilcdrett's aljvocaey center's cuurrrt, execated mvinorandutn of Unfkrstanding to which Ibis addri-idurn is mnde. Ml SLate and %edcaal congidoniialdty lawn will he follower] in cokincctdoit with thm uSteemetit.'dN$ agtccineat can be terminated by nay party without cause by giving writwo nolice co the other poetic . EXHIBIT "A" .----.- ...._.._ May 22.1512;06p Cadh House 4098389106 P.3 Me:moratidtun of Undefswid ng Addenduin Mulddisdplinaq Team 1--snhat ejuen.t Prngvam We tlxc undersigned lythe icviewed grid accelrted the atutclied G,,uth mouse, Tlvlickey Meharl Children's -Advocs v Pro,;ram, Inc. oEBc-aum.oat,'I: X Memoranduta of Understilildi%Addei ndum pertfdn1bg to the MU1, Fnharifcmetir. Progn az. We he.ceby approve of the contents and agree, on behalf of our respec[ivit sig mules, to abide Sy the goals, objecdvts And ac(ivideu addressed therein. Signatute •Saniesri. Sir►pletax�_ _ Printed XRme Date Chief/i3eawnont Po]ice Del ! ameiat. 'T'itle/A.gency sifpatore Date Norruan Reynoids Mru shall(GroVes 1121scc Dc:patmzent Prft,wdNornc _ fide/Agency - _ i3aEin;r. Date Darrell B-aslt PriutcO Natne sigmture Chief/Nede.:fand Police D jwxcment_ 7."isle/Agency 1z ------ Date Patx1 l..ernaine Chief/Port: Neches police De-p;axM)cm Prhiced dame Title/Agency il Memorandum of Understanding Addendum Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program We the undersigned agencies, by and through out supervisory heads and through our designated representatives, do agree to the following policy supporting the implementation and operation of the Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program of the Garth House, Mickey Mehaffy Childten's Advocacy Program, Inc. of Beaumont, 'M Whereas, we acknowledge that the multidisciplinary team approach is at the core of the children's advocacy center model, and therefore commit to participation in the Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program with the intent to achieve the following goals, • to proactively strengthen and sustain the children's advocacy center multidisciplinary team-, • to fortify the overall multidisciplinary component witUi the children's advocacy center to ensure effective communication, coordination, and collaboration at all stages of child abuse cases; and • to ensure tinicly access to the full array of children's advocacy center/multidisciplinary team services for all children within the children's advocacy center's official service area and existing protocol case criteria. Where".,;, we recognize thatbne of the primary tools to be utilized in the achievement of the aforementioned goals will be intake reports generated by Department of Family and Protective Services Statewide Intake and delivered to the childr ens advocacy center. We understand that the children%advocacy center's role in -tevic'Ping the repotts is to review and identify Statewide Intake reports within the case acceptance Criteria as defined by the children's advocacy center's Working Protocol, and facilitate children's advocacy center/multidisciplinary team services related to case investigation, assmixient, and iatetvendon. Whereas, we understand that the children's advocacy center's access to the Statewide Intake reports shall not be construed to change, reduce, or expand the authority or jurisdiction of the children's advocacy center or any multidiscipline team partner agency as it relates to initiating and conducting investigations, assessments, and/or interventions. No part of the Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program supplants any statutorily required duties of the children's advocacy center or any multidisciplinary team partner agency. Whereas, we understand that this addendurn does not replace or supersede the children's advocacy center's current, executed memorandum of understanding to which this addendum is made. All State and Federal confidentiality laws will be followed in connection with this agreement, This agreement can be terminated by any party without cause by giving written notice to the other parties. Memorandum of Understanding Addendum Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program We the undersigned have reviewed and accepted the attached Garth House, Mickey Meha4 Children'& Advocacy Program, Inc, of Beaumont, TX Memorandum of Understanding Addendum pertaining to the MDT Enhancement Program, We hereby approve of the contents and agree, on bohalf of our respective agencies, t Abide by the goals, objectives and activities addressed therein. Si atu c Date Lisa -Black- _. .._ . _ - . _ CPS Assistant cord lbiioncq bypS Printed Nnmc - - - Title/Agency �na,uJ]�il?-L� ftgn to - Date Executive Director, Garth I-Iouse, Mickey Marion Tanner . Mehaffy CHdt_en's Advocacy Program, Inc... -Printed Name Title/Agency Sigriatnce Date Bob Wortham Jefferson County District Attorney Punted Name- Title/Agency Mitch Woods _ Sherif 6faefferson County Pruited Name 'Title/Agency Memorandum of Understanding Addendum Multidisciphnary Team Enhancement Program We the undersigned have reviewed and accepted the attached Garth House, Mickey Mehaffy Children's Advocacy Program, Inc. of Beaumont, TX Memorandum of Understanding Addendum pertaining to the MDT Enhancement W4'ft. We htj�.,�yapprove of the contents and agree, on behalf of out respective toabide 6Vth4 obiOd and activities addressed therein. " James P.,SiMl—etm -Chief/Beaumont Police Department Printed Name Title/Agency Norman Reynolds Printed Name 517,V-1wis- Date :Marshall/Groves Police Department Tijfle7AV-Rcy Z. Date Darrell, Bush Chief/Nederland Police Department Printed -Naive- Title/Agency - - I Signature Date Paul Lemoine Chief/Port Neches Police Department Printed Name' Title/Agency . Memorandum of Understanding Addendum Multidisciplinary Team Enhancement Program We the undersigned have reviewed and accepted the attached Garth House, Mickey Mehaffy Children's Advocacy Program, Inc. of Beaumont, TX Memorandum of Understanding Addendum pertaining to the MDT Enhancement Program. We hereby approve of, the contents and agree, on behalf of our respective agencies, to abide by the goals, 0'. -and activities addressed therein. Date Mark BlantonChief/Port Arthur Police ]Dop4=eKt PRiftid Name TitlefAgency 'Signature Date Printed Name Title rA-gency Signature Printed Name 'Date -Title/Ajency Signature - Date Fruited Name Title/Agency