404.01F 404.01F 404.01F 404.01F
Confined Space TurnaroundConfined Space TurnaroundConfined Space TurnaroundConfined Space Turnaround
Anne Huff, Fire ChiefAnne Huff, Fire ChiefAnne Huff, Fire ChiefAnne Huff, Fire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: D/OD/OD/OD/O
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 6666/5/200/5/200/5/200/5/2002222
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 10/5/200910/5/200910/5/200910/5/2009
Replaces:Replaces:Replaces:Replaces: Driver Benchmark 205Driver Benchmark 205Driver Benchmark 205Driver Benchmark 205
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The Driver/Operator, given a fire department pumper and a spotter, shall demonstrate a
confined space turnaround.
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the Objective
Given a pumping apparatus, a spotter for backing up, the Driver/Operator shall turn a
pumping apparatus 180 degrees within a confined space, so that the vehicle is turned 180 degrees
without striking obstructions within the given space.
III. III. III. III. Examiner’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s Note
This exercise measures the driver’s ability
to turn the vehicle around in a confined space
without striking obstacles. The turn is
accomplished within an area 50 ft. x 100 ft.
(15.24m. x 30.5 m.). The driver moves into the
area from a 12 ft. (3.7 m.) opening in the center of
one of the 50 ft. (15.24 m.) legs, turns the vehicle
180 degrees, and returns through the opening.
There is no limitation on the number of times the
driver has to maneuver the vehicle to accomplish
this exercise, but no portion of the vehicle should
extend over the boundary lines of the space.
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. Fire department pumping apparatus
B. Spotter
C. Cones
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. IFSTA, Pumping Apparatus Driver/Operator Handbook, 2nd Edition
B. TCFP Performance Standard, Section 700-4.3.4
C. NFPA 1002, 4.3.4
PB 404.01F – Confined Space Turnaround Page 2 of 2
404.01F – Confined Space Turnaround
Discipline: D/O
Name: Officer #:
Evaluator: Officer #:
Date: Location:
The Driver/Operator:The Driver/Operator:The Driver/Operator:The Driver/Operator: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
a) Makes a 360-degree visual inspection around the apparatus ................... 3.0 _____
b) Uses handrails to enter and exit the apparatus ........................................ 1.0 _____
c) Wears seatbelt ....................................................................................... P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
d) Ensures no firefighters were in a standing position anywhere on the
apparatus .............................................................................................. P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
e) Checks mirror positions before moving ................................................... 2.0 _____
The Driver/OperaThe Driver/OperaThe Driver/OperaThe Driver/Operator:tor:tor:tor: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
a) Turns vehicle 180 degrees within the confined space .............................. 5.0 _____
b) Does not strike an obstruction ................................................................ P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
c) Correctly uses mirrors ............................................................................ 2.0 _____
d) Correctly judges vehicle clearance ......................................................... 2.0 _____
e) Completes skill without dry steering (dry steering is turning the steering
wheel while the vehicle is not in motion)
(D(D(D(Deduct 1 point per occurrence)educt 1 point per occurrence)educt 1 point per occurrence)educt 1 point per occurrence) ............................................................. 1.0 _____
f) Enters and exits the confined space without striking obstacles ................. P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
g) Performs entire operation safety ............................................................ P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating
15 11 First