Stopping the Flow of WaterStopping the Flow of WaterStopping the Flow of WaterStopping the Flow of Water////Identifying Type Identifying Type Identifying Type Identifying Type &&&& TTTTempempempemp.... ClassificationClassificationClassificationClassification
Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff, Fire ChiefFire ChiefFire ChiefFire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: Fire Protection SystemsFire Protection SystemsFire Protection SystemsFire Protection Systems
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 1/1/20011/1/20011/1/20011/1/2001
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 7/5/20107/5/20107/5/20107/5/2010
Replaces:Replaces:Replaces:Replaces: Firefighter Benchmark #78Firefighter Benchmark #78Firefighter Benchmark #78Firefighter Benchmark #78
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The firefighter, given an automatic sprinkler system with an open sprinkler head, shall
stop the flow of water using a sprinkler wedge(s) or a set of sprinkler tongs. The firefighter shall
then identify the type and temperature classification of the sprinkler head.
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the Objective
You will be given an automatic sprinkler system with an open head. You must stop the
flow of water using wedges or tongs and verbally identify the type and temperature classification
of the sprinkler head. You will begin on my instruction to start. You will be required to both
verbalize key steps and complete the mandatory steps while performing this skill. The skill will
end when you state to me that you have completed all of the identified steps. Do you understand
these instructions?
III. III. III. III. Examiner’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s Note
The firefighter will not be allowed to review the performance steps at the time of testing.
A mock-up for the objective can be created by using a section of pipe with one sprinkler head
connected and supplied by a garden hose.
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. Sprinkler system or mock-up
B. Open sprinkler head
C. Replacement sprinkler head
D. Wood wedges or commercially made stopper
Note: The firefighter shall accomplish the skill wearing “FULL PROTECTIVE
CLOTHING FOR STRUCTURAL FIREFIGHTER”as required by the Texas Commission
on Fire Protection to include helmet, coat, boots, hood, trousers, and SCBA.
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. TCFP, Performance Standards, Section 114-4.10
B. NFPA, National Fire Protection Association 1001, 3-3.13(b)
C. IFSTA, Private Fire Protection and Detection, 2nd Edition, page 30
PB 402.10F – Stopping the Flow of Water & Identifying Type and Temp Class Page 2 of 2
402.10F - Stopping the Flow of Water & Identifying Type and
Temperature Classification
Discipline: Fire Protection Systems
Name: Officer #:
Evaluator: Officer #:
Date: Location:
If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
a) Knows the location of sprinkler stops ...................................................... 2.0 _____
b) Inserts the sprinkler stop(s) without complication ..................................... 2.0 _____
c) Adequately stops the flow of water ......................................................... 2.0 _____
d) Verbally identifies the sprinkler head as an upright or pendant style ......... 2.0 _____
e) Verbally identifies the temperature classification of the sprinkler head ...... 2.0 _____
f) Verbally states the control vVerbally states the control vVerbally states the control vVerbally states the control valve alve alve alve is not to be closed unless directed byis not to be closed unless directed byis not to be closed unless directed byis not to be closed unless directed by
tttthe he he he Incident CommanderIncident CommanderIncident CommanderIncident Commander or Officer in chargeor Officer in chargeor Officer in chargeor Officer in charge ......................................... P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
• Bold letters denotes mandatory passage of this stepBold letters denotes mandatory passage of this stepBold letters denotes mandatory passage of this stepBold letters denotes mandatory passage of this step
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating