Perform an Annual Fire Hose TestPerform an Annual Fire Hose TestPerform an Annual Fire Hose TestPerform an Annual Fire Hose Test
Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff, Fire ChiefFire ChiefFire ChiefFire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: HoseHoseHoseHose
EEEEffective:ffective:ffective:ffective: 1/1/20011/1/20011/1/20011/1/2001
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 12121212////5555/2012 /2012 /2012 /2012 RENUMBEREDRENUMBEREDRENUMBEREDRENUMBERED
Replaces:Replaces:Replaces:Replaces: FFFFFFFF Benchmark #72Benchmark #72Benchmark #72Benchmark #72; PB 402.09O; PB 402.09O; PB 402.09O; PB 402.09O
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The firefighter, given the necessary equipment, shall perform an annual fire hose test.
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the Objective
You shall demonstrate the proper method of service testing fire hose. You will be
required to verbalize key steps while performing this skill. You will begin on my instruction to
start. The skill will end when you state to me that you have completed all of the identified steps.
Do you understand these instructions?
III. III. III. III. ExamExamExamExaminer’s Noteiner’s Noteiner’s Noteiner’s Note
A. The firefighter shall begin with the hose rolled and stacked.
B. The firefighter will not be allowed to review the performance steps at the time of
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. 300’ of 1-3/4” or larger hose
B. Spanners (2)
C. Nozzle for size hose or gated valve
D. Pen to mark hose (may simulate marking)
E. Rope, rope hose tool, or hose trap
F. The firefighter shall wear boots and helmet.
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. TCFP, Performance Standards, Section 156-1.02.
B. NFPA, National Fire Protection Association 1001, 4-5.3(a).
C. IFSTA Hose Practice, 7th edition, pages 48-52.
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402.09L - Perform an Annual Fire Hose Test
Discipline: Hose
Officer #:
Officer #:
If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter: (No partial points given(No partial points given(No partial points given(No partial points given))))
a) Keeps a written record of the test .............................................................. 1.0 _____
b) Visually inspects the hose for damage ....................................................... 1.0 _____
c) Checks all gaskets .................................................................................. 2.0 _____
d) Connects no lines longer than 300 feet (suggests a gate valve with
¼” hole to prevent hose whip as a safety precaution) (Nozzle can
be used)................................................................................................. 2.0 _____
e) Attaches safety rope, hose tool, or hose strap to test hose, then attaches
to discharge pipe or other suitable anchor ................................................ 1.0 _____
f) Runs the pump up to 50 psi pressure slowly and bleeds air from
the lines ................................................................................................. 3.0 _____
g) Verbally states that the hose should be marked behind the coupling ............. 2.0 _____
h) Checks for leaks and tightens ................................................................... 1.0 _____
i) Increases the pressure slowly to required test pressure ................................ 1.0 _____
j) Verbally states time duration of test (5 minutes) .......................................... 1.0 _____
k) Decreases the pressure and bleeds lines .................................................... 1.0 _____
l) Verbally states that the hose would be checked for slipped couplings ............ 1.0 _____
m) Verbally state that all defective hose would be marked ................................ 1.0 _____
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating