Construction of a Construction of a Construction of a Construction of a CatchCatchCatchCatch----AAAAllllllll
Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff, Fire Chief Fire Chief Fire Chief Fire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: SalvageSalvageSalvageSalvage
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 1/1/21/1/21/1/21/1/2001001001001
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 7/5/20107/5/20107/5/20107/5/2010
Replaces:Replaces:Replaces:Replaces: Firefighter Benchmark #52Firefighter Benchmark #52Firefighter Benchmark #52Firefighter Benchmark #52
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The firefighter, operating as a member of a team shall demonstrate and describe the
proper method of constructing a catch-all. The firefighter shall accomplish the skill in five (5)
minutes or less.
II. II. II. II. InstrucInstrucInstrucInstructions tions tions tions –––– Procedures for Achieving the Objective Procedures for Achieving the Objective Procedures for Achieving the Objective Procedures for Achieving the Objective
Given a salvage cover, you will demonstrate the proper method of constructing a catch-
all. Working with another team member, you will provide all of the verbal commands to the team
member for completion of the skill. You will have five (5) minutes to complete this skill. You
will begin on my instruction to start. The skill will end when you state to me that you have
completed all of the identified steps. Do you understand these instructions?
III. III. III. III. ExaminExaminExaminExaminer’s Noteer’s Noteer’s Noteer’s Note
The firefighter will not be allowed to review the performance steps at the time of testing.
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
Salvage cover
Note: The firefighter shall accomplish the skills wearing “FULL PROTECTIVE
CLOTHING FOR STRUCTURAL FIREFIGHTER” as required by the Texas Commission
on Fire Protection to include helmet, gloves, coat, trousers, boots, and SCBA. Firefighter
will not don face piece or hood.
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. TCFP, Performance Standards, Section 107-6.00
B. NFPA, 1001 3-3.13(b)
C. IFSTA, Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th Edition, pages 595
PB 402.07C – Construction of a Catch-All Page 2 of 2
402.07C - Construction of a Catch-All
Discipline: Salvage
Name: Officer #:
Evaluator: Officer #:
Date: Location:
If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
SKILL 1 – Checkrail:
a) Fully spreads the cover out, removing most creases and wrinkles............1.0 _____
b) Rolls one long edge or side inwards about three (3) feet.........................1.0 _____
c) Rolls the opposite long edge or side inwards about three (3) feet............1.0 _____
d) Lays the ends ( the four corners) of each “side roll” over at a 90 degree
angle to form the basin corners.............................................................1.0 _____
e) Rolls one end into a tight roll down to and on top of the side rolls,
forming a projected flap at each corner.................................................1.0 _____
f) Tucks the projected flap up, into, and under the side rolls, locking
the corners............................................................................................1.0 _____
g) Rolls the remaining end into a tight roll down to and on top of the side
rolls, forming a projected flap at each corner.........................................1.0 _____
h) Tucks the projected flaps up, into, and under the side rolls, locking
the corners............................................................................................1.0 _____
i) Completes skill in allotted time..............................................................1.0 _____
Allotted time for this skill: 5 minutes TimeAllotted time for this skill: 5 minutes TimeAllotted time for this skill: 5 minutes TimeAllotted time for this skill: 5 minutes Time ________________________ minutesminutesminutesminutes ________________________ secondssecondssecondsseconds
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating