Removing Victims from Hazardous EnvironmentsRemoving Victims from Hazardous EnvironmentsRemoving Victims from Hazardous EnvironmentsRemoving Victims from Hazardous Environments
Anne HuAnne HuAnne HuAnne Huff,ff,ff,ff, Fire Chief Fire Chief Fire Chief Fire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: RescueRescueRescueRescue
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 1/1/20011/1/20011/1/20011/1/2001
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 7/5/20107/5/20107/5/20107/5/2010
Replaces:Replaces:Replaces:Replaces: Firefighter Benchmark #47Firefighter Benchmark #47Firefighter Benchmark #47Firefighter Benchmark #47
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The firefighter, while wearing full protective clothing and given proper equipment, shall
demonstrate the proper technique for removal of an injured person from a hazardous
environment. The firefighter will demonstrate the techniques of packaging a victim for
emergency transportation. The firefighter shall accomplish the skill in 9 minutes or less.
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the Objective Procedures for Achieving the Objective Procedures for Achieving the Objective Procedures for Achieving the Objective
Given the proper equipment, and wearing full protective clothing, you shall demonstrate
each of the carries, drags, and the use of a stretcher. Using approved procedures for removing an
injured person from a hazardous atmosphere, you will accomplish this skill in 9 minutes or less.
You shall complete the mandatory steps while performing this skill. You will begin on my
instruction to start. Each skill will end when you have moved the victim twenty (20) feet from
the initial site, and you state to me that you have completed all the identified steps. Time will end
when you have completed all three skills. For skills that require more than one person, extra
personnel will be provided. The extra team members cannot discuss or provide any information
to the firefighter. You will give all directions when the skills require more than one person. Do
you understand these instructions?
III. III. III. III. Examiner’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s Note
The firefighter will not be allowed to review the performance steps at the time of testing.
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. Blanket
B. Bunker coat
C. Stretcher or backboard
D. Individual or rescue mannequin
Note: The firefighter shall accomplish the skills wearing “FULL PROTECTIVE
CLOTHING FOR STRUCTURAL FIREFIGHTER” as required by the Texas Commission
on Fire Protection to include helmet, coat, boots, hood, gloves, and trousers. Firefighter
will not don face piece or hood.
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. TCFP, Performance Standards, Section 111-2.00
B. NFPA, 1001 3-3.8(a), (b)
C. IFSTA, Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th Edition, pages 183-186, 215-229
PB 402.05B – Removing Victims from Hazardous Environments Page 2 of 2
402.05B - Removing Victims from Hazardous Environments
Discipline: Rescue
Name: Officer #:
Evaluator: Officer #:
Date: Location:
If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
a) Stands at the patient’s head & directs the other rescuer to patients feet....1.0 _____
b) Slips his/her arms under the victim’s arms and around the chest,
grasping the wrists................................................................................1.0 _____
c) Directs the other rescuer to kneel between patient’s legs and
grasps under the knees..........................................................................1.0 _____
d) Stands with other rescuer and carries the patient a minimum
of 20 feet. (Firefighter gives commands to stand)....................................1.0 _____
CARRY:CARRY:CARRY:CARRY: Time: Time: Time: Time: ____________________ minutesminutesminutesminutes ____________________ secondssecondssecondsseconds
a) Kneels at the patient’s head and grasps the patient’s clothing.................1.0 _____
b)b)b)b) Supports the patient’s head between his/her armsSupports the patient’s head between his/her armsSupports the patient’s head between his/her armsSupports the patient’s head between his/her arms................................................................................................................................P/FP/FP/FP/F _____ _____ _____ _____
c) Drags the patient a minimum of 20 feet from the initial site....................1.0 _____
DRAG:DRAG:DRAG:DRAG: Time Time Time Time ________________________ minutesminutesminutesminutes ________________________ secondssecondssecondsseconds
a) Takes control of patient care and gives clear, concise orders
when moving the patient.......................................................................1.0 _____
b) Properly moves patient to stretcher.........................................................1.0 _____
c) Lifts and directs others to lift with leg muscles only (not bent over)...........1.0 _____
d) Carries the patient successfully a minimum of 20 feet.............................1.0 _____
e) Competes skill in allotted time...............................................................1.0 _____
STRETCHER:STRETCHER:STRETCHER:STRETCHER: Time Time Time Time ________________________ minutesminutesminutesminutes ________________________ secondssecondssecondsseconds
Allotted time for this skill: 9 minutesAllotted time for this skill: 9 minutesAllotted time for this skill: 9 minutesAllotted time for this skill: 9 minutes TimeTimeTimeTime ________________________ minutesminutesminutesminutes ________________________ secosecosecosecondsndsndsnds
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating
• Bold letters denote mandatory passage of this stepBold letters denote mandatory passage of this stepBold letters denote mandatory passage of this stepBold letters denote mandatory passage of this step