Ladder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PersonLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PersonLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PersonLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a Person
Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff,Anne Huff, Fire ChiefFire ChiefFire ChiefFire Chief
Beaumont Fire-Rescue Services
Discipline:Discipline:Discipline:Discipline: LaddersLaddersLaddersLadders
Effective:Effective:Effective:Effective: 1/1/20011/1/20011/1/20011/1/2001
Revised:Revised:Revised:Revised: 6666////5555/201/201/201/2012222
Replaces:Replaces:Replaces:Replaces: Firefighter Benchmark #35Firefighter Benchmark #35Firefighter Benchmark #35Firefighter Benchmark #35
I. I. I. I. ObjectiveObjectiveObjectiveObjective
The firefighter shall demonstrate and describe proper ladder climbing technique while
assisting a person with a simulated injury.
II. II. II. II. Instructions Instructions Instructions Instructions –––– Procedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the ObjectiveProcedures for Achieving the Objective
Given a designated ladder and a team member, you shall demonstrate proper climbing
technique while assisting a person with a simulated injury down the ladder. You are required to
climb the entire length of the ladder smoothly and rhythmically after ensuring that the ladder is at
the proper angle of inclination. You will begin on my instruction to start. The skill will end when
you state to me that you have completed all of the identified steps. Do you understand these
III. III. III. III. Examiner’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s NoteExaminer’s Note
The team member is to assist moving the injured person from the building window to the
ladder only. The firefighter will not be allowed to review the performance steps at the time of
IV. IV. IV. IV. Preparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & EquipmentPreparation & Equipment
A. 14-foot ladder
B. 24-foot ladder
C. Person (to simulated injured)
Note: The firefighter shall accomplish the skill wearing “FULL PROTECTIVE
Commission on Fire Protection to include helmet, gloves, coat, trousers, boots, SCBA.
V. V. V. V. Reference SourcesReference SourcesReference SourcesReference Sources
A. TCFP, Performance Standard, Section 105-12.00.
B. NFPA, 1001 3-3.8(b); 3-3.9(b).
C. IFSTA, Fire Service Ground Ladder Practices, 9th edition, pages 159-165.
D. IFSTA Essentials of Fire Fighting, 4th edition, pages 305-306.
PBPBPBPB 404040402222. E E E –––– Ladder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PersonLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PersonLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PersonLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a Person Page Page Page Page 2222 of of of of 2222
404040402222. ----Ladder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a PLadder Climbing Techniques While Assisting a Personersonersonerson
Discipline: Discipline: Discipline: Discipline: LaddersLaddersLaddersLadders
Name: Officer #:
Evaluator: Officer #:
Date: Location:
If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter:If the firefighter: (No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)(No partial points given)
a) With the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensuresWith the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensuresWith the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensuresWith the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensures
tttthe ladder is securehe ladder is securehe ladder is securehe ladder is secure ................................................................................. P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
b) As soon as the persAs soon as the persAs soon as the persAs soon as the person is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms areon is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms areon is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms areon is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms are
placed placed placed placed bbbbetween the person’s legs for supportetween the person’s legs for supportetween the person’s legs for supportetween the person’s legs for support ............................................ P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
c) Climbs smoothly and rhythmically ............................................................. 1.0 _____
d) Ascends and descends the entire length of the ladder ................................. 1.0 _____
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
PerformPerformPerformPerformance Ratingance Ratingance Ratingance Rating
Extension Ladder:
a) With the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensuresWith the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensuresWith the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensuresWith the ladder in place, checks proper climbing angle and ensures
tttthe ladder is securehe ladder is securehe ladder is securehe ladder is secure ................................................................................. P/FP/FP/FP/F _____
b) Checks the locks to verify they are seated over the rungs and the
halyard is tied securely ............................................................................ 1.0 _____
c)c)c)c) As soon as the person is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms are As soon as the person is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms are As soon as the person is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms are As soon as the person is on the ladder, the firefighter’s arms are
placed placed placed placed under the armpits of the person and a knee is placed betweenunder the armpits of the person and a knee is placed betweenunder the armpits of the person and a knee is placed betweenunder the armpits of the person and a knee is placed between
the the the the person’s legs for supportperson’s legs for supportperson’s legs for supportperson’s legs for support .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... P/FP/FP/FP/F ____________________
d) Climbs smoothly and rhythmically ............................................................. 1.0 _____
e) Ascends and descends the entire length of the ladder ................................. 1.0 _____
Points Points Points Points
Passing Passing Passing Passing
Performance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance RatingPerformance Rating
• Bold Letters Bold Letters Bold Letters Bold Letters Denotes Mandatory passage of this stepDenotes Mandatory passage of this stepDenotes Mandatory passage of this stepDenotes Mandatory passage of this step