HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN JUL 18 2006 M I N U T E S - CITY OF BEAUMONT Andrew P. Cokinos,At-Large GUY N. GOODSON, MAYOR Becky Ames,At-Large Lulu L. Smith, Ward I CITY COUNCIL MEETING Nancy Beaulieu, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward II Audwin Samuel, Ward III July 18, 2006 Bobbie J. Patterson, Ward IV Tyrone E. Cooper, City Attorney Kyle Hayes, City Manager Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session on July 18, 2006, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m. to consider the following: OPENING Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Presentations and Recognition Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items 1-5/Consent Agenda Consent Agenda Mayor Goodson called the council meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Pastor "Big Jim" Salles of the West End Baptist Church gave the invocation. Michael of Boy Scout Troop 194 from St. Jude's Thaddeus Catholic Church led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was made by Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk. Present at the meeting were Mayor Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel and Patterson. Absent: Mayor Pro Tern Beaulieu. Also present were Kyle Hayes, City Manager; Tyrone Cooper, City Attorney; Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk. Proclamations, Presentations, Recognitions None Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items 1-5/Consent Agenda. Lee A. Murphy, Vice President, 850 Pine Street, Inc. Item#4: Requested Council's support and help in working togetherto making this business work in Trinity Island; the plans are to hire between 300 and 500 employees within the next few months with plans for additional expansion in the future Roberto C. Flores 2425 Buchanan Beaumont TX Consent Agenda Item D: Requested that Council take great consideration in this settlement because it effects the safety of all police officers; also requested that Council share their discussions with the public regarding their decision Minutes-July 18,2006 CONSENT AGENDA Approval of minutes - July 11, 2006 Confirmation of committee appointments - None A) Authorize the acceptance of a ten (10) foot wide water line easement for fire hydrants across Gulf Star Rental property - Resolution 06-200 B) Authorize the execution of a License of Encroach Agreement with Heath Vaughn Enterprises, Inc., through their agent Apollo Environmental Strategies, Inc., on the City's right-of-way on Longfellow Street for the installation of a groundwater monitoring well - Resolution 06-201 C) Authorize the City Manager to execute a deed conveying the property near 1385 Schwarner to the Port of Beaumont - Resolution 06-202 D) Authorize the settlement of the claim of Dalbert LaFleur, Jr. vs. the City of Beaumont, et al - Resolution 06-203 Councilmember Smith made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Samuel seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, COKINOS, AMES, SAMUEL AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Consider approving a bid for the construction of a new Convention and Visitor's Bureau (CVB) building - Resolution 06-204 Administration recommended the award of a bid for furnishing all labor, equipment, materials and supplies necessary to construct a new4,500 square foot CVB building at the corner of Willow and McFaddin Streets. The low bid, submitted by H. B. Neild & Sons, Inc. of Beaumont, in the amount of$1,267,082 is recommended for award. The building includes a lobby and reception/information center, a media equipped conference room, visitor restroom facilities, and office space for the CVB staff. The parking lot is designed to accommodate twenty-nine (29) vehicles. Alternate No. 1 is the replacement of obscure glass panels in three interior doors with stained glass and Alternate No. 2 is the installation of ornamental metal cast panels below the display shelf in the lobby area. Page 2 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006 Work is expected to commence by mid-August and should be completed by May 2007. The inclusion of this attractive building at the entrance corridor of the downtown business district will enhance the area while providing a welcoming location for those seeking to explore the amenities that Beaumont's convention market has to offer. Funds for this project are budgeted in the General Improvements Fund. Councilmember Ames moved to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-204 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BY H.B. NEILD & SONS, INC., IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,249,882 FOR FURNISHING ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT A NEW 4,500 SQUARE FOOT CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU BUILDING AT THE CORNER OF WILLOW AND MCFADDIN STREETS BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT. Councilmember Patterson seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, COKINOS, AMES, SAMUEL AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 2. Consider approving a bid for asbestos abatement and demolition of various Fairground buildings - Resolution 06-205 Administration recommended the award of a bid for furnishing all labor, equipment, materials and supplies necessary to remove asbestos containing materials and demolish the buildings at the Fairgrounds. The low bid, submitted by Inland Environments, Ltd. of Port Arthur, in the amount of $132,880 is recommended for award. The buildings to be demolished include the North and South Exhibit buildings, the Arts and Crafts building, the Food Court, a small storage building and a restroom building. The buildings, damaged by Hurricane Rita, are no longer in use and are subject to vandalism. The Arts and Crafts building, the Food Court and the North and South Exhibit buildings contain asbestos materials which must be removed prior to demolition. The bid from Inland Environments, Ltd, was for $132,880 with a completion time of 60 calendar days (21 days for abatement). Work is expected to commence August 1, 2006 and be completed within sixty (60) days. All work will be conducted by Inland Environments, therefore, no work will be subcontracted. Funds for this project are available from insurance proceeds. Councilmember Samuel made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-205 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BY INLAND ENVIRONMENTS, LTD., PORT ARTHUR, TEXAS, TO FURNISH ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES NECESSARY TO REMOVE ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS AND DEMOLISH THE BUILDINGS AT THE FAIRGROUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $132,880 BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT. Councilmember Cokinos seconded the motion. Page 3 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006 AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, COKINOS, AMES, SAMUEL AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 3. Consider approving Change Order No. 3 for the Henry Homberg Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse project - Resolution 06-206 Administration recommended authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 3 to the construction contract for the Henry Homberg Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse project. On March 8, 2005, by Resolution No. 05-056, City Council awarded a construction contract to G & G Enterprises, Inc., Orange, Texas, in the amount of$599,100 for the construction of the new Henry Homberg Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse. Change Order No. 1 was executed on June 10, 2005 and deducted $4,025 from the $10,000 Contingency Fund, leaving a balance of $5,975. Change Order No. 2 was executed December 22, 2005 and deducted $4,590 from the Contingency Fund, leaving a balance of$1,385. Because these amounts were taken from the Contingency Fund, the original contract amount remained the same. Item one of Change Order No. 3 provides for the removal of new carpet and replacing it with ceramic tile to match areas already tiled. The carpet was not installed properly and was scheduled to be replaced when the decision was made to replace the carpet with ceramic tile as it is easier to maintain in high traffic areas. The net result is an addition of $9,277 to the construction contract. Item two of this Change Order provides for an additional 12,140 square foot concrete parking lot expansion. Originally parking for approximately 73 vehicles including disabled accessible spaces was planned; however, as a result of increased business at the golf course the new parking lot is not large enough to accommodate the increased vehicular traffic. This expansion will provide an additional thirty (30) parking spaces. The total of both items in Change Order No. 3 is$67,092 and will increase the construction contract by 11% to $666,192. No contract extension time is required for this change order. The projected date of completion is expected to be approximately twenty(20)days after execution of this Change Order, subject to weather conditions. Therefore, the approximate date of completion will be August 2006. Change Order No. 3 will increase the cost of the construction project by a total of$67,092. Funds are available from the General Improvement Fund. Councilmember Cokinos made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-206 THAT THE CITY MANAGER BE AND HE IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE CHANGE ORDER No.3 INCREASING THE Page 4 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006 CONTRACT AMOUNT BY$67,092 FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT OF$666,192 FOR THE HENRY HOMBERG MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE. Councilmember Patterson seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON,COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH,COKINOS,AMES,SAMUEL AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 4. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an industrial district contract - Resolution 06-207 Administration recommended approval authorizing the City Manager to execute an industrial district contract with 850 Pine Street, Inc., a Delaware Corporation. 850 Pine Street, Inc., a subsidiary of Chicago Bridge and Iron, has acquired the property commonly referred to as Trinity Island, which is located within the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the City of Beaumont. This property is presently covered by an "in lieu of agreement with Trinity Industries. These agreements enable the City to collect payments in lieu of taxes from industries located outside the City limits. A new agreement has been negotiated with 850 Pine Street, Inc., which will require payments in the amount of$10,000 each year for the years 2007 and 2008. For the years 2009 thru 2011, the payments will be based upon a ratio of 40% of the property taxes due to the City if the company was located and taxed in the City limits during that time period. The payments for the years 2012 through 2015 shall be based upon a ratio of 75% of the taxes due. The payments for years 2007 and 2008 will be approximately $8,000 less than the payment received in 2006; however, the payments thereafter should be substantially higher. Councilmember Smith made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-207 THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT CONTRACT WITH 850 PINE STREET, INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION. Councilmember Cokinos seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON,COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH,COKINOS,AMES,SAMUEL AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED Page 5 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006 5. Consider approving the purchase and installation of a live-fire training unit for the Police Department - Resolution 06-208 Administration recommended approval of the purchase and installation of a live-fire training shoothouse from Porta-Target of Grant, Florida in the total amount of$98,992.92. The Porta-Target unit is a 48' x 28' ballistic steel live-fire training unit (separated into 8 1.room compartments) which will be installed within the metal building approved for construction by City Council on April 18, 2006 in the amount of$153,800. It will allow the Police Department to conduct live-fire training, low light tactical training, active shooter training, and building clearance/disturbance call training. The installation will include a 56' catwalk above the unit for instructor observation of training exercises. The ability to facilitate this training locally will result in more cost-efficient training for City officers. The Porta-Target unit is available through the General Services Administration (GSA) federal contracts. The GSA contracts comply with all state bidding requirements and the contracts are available to state and local law enforcement agencies. Delivery and installation will occur within approximately 90 days of the order. The funds for this expenditure are available in the Confiscated Goods Fund. Councilmember Cokinos made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-208 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BY PORTA-TARGET, GRANT, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF A LIVE-FIRE TRAINING UNIT FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $98,992.92 BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON,COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH,COKINOS,AMES,SAMUELAND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS COUNCILMEMBER PATTERSON - NONE COUNCILMEMBER SAMUEL - WOULD LIKE THE CITY MANAGER TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE GRASS CUTTING PROCEDURES TO ENHANCE THE VISUAL ASPECTS OF OUR CITY; CONGRATULATED THE MASONIC LODGE 291 ON THE CELEBRATION OF 100 YEARS TO OUR COMMUNITY; REQUESTED THAT THE ITEM DEALING WITH THE PORT ZONING ITEM BE DEFERRED UNTIL THE AUGUST MEETING COUNCILMEMBER AMES - NONE COUNCILMEMBER COKINOS - NONE COUNCILMEMBER SMITH - NONE Page 6 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006 CITY ATTORNEY COOPER- NONE CITY MANAGER HAYES - NONE MAYOR GOODSON - THANKED MAYOR PRO TEM BEAULIEU AND THE OTHER COUNCILMEMBERS DURING HIS ABSENCE LAST MEETING WHILE HE WAS A SPEAKER FOR AMERICAN PORTS ASSOCIATION ON DISASTER PREPAREDNESS Public Comments (Persons are limited to three minutes) Clayton Byron 1466 W. Lucas Drive Beaumont TX Glad to see Councilmember Cokinos today; requesting a safety lane along Lucas Drive from Phelan to East Texas Drive in this residential neighborhood to protect the residents from not being hit by the traffic while walking, working in their yards, riding bikes and children playing William Johnson 1045 Madison Street Beaumont TX Concerned about his property and his personal safety James Blackwell 258 Briggs Beaumont TX Wanted to acknowledge the life and passing of Brother Daniels, a great Christian and pastor, who passed away this week Sharon Eaves 5550 Scenic Drive Beaumont TX Wanted to take the opportunity to thank City Council and city staff and especially Councilmember Cokinos for all their time and energy spent in the best interest of the City and the citizens Open session of meeting recessed at 2:10 p.m. EXECUTIVE SESSION Consider matters related to contemplated or pending litigation in accordance with Section 551.071 of the Government Code: City of Nederland, et al v Entergy Gulf States, Inc. In the Matter of Arbitration between the City of Beaumont and International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 399 There being no action taken in Executive Session, Council adjourned. Page 7 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006 Audio tap a availa a upon request in the City Clerk's Office. Guy N. Goodson, Mayor .:" FA�MOM�� 11 Aw Aw 1 Rose Ann Jones, TRMC w City Clerk 9 � Page 8 of 8 Minutes-July 18,2006