HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN JUN 13 2006 M I N U T E S - CITY OF BEAUMONT Lulu L. Smith,Ward I GUY N. GOODSON, MAYOR Nancy Beaulieu, Ward II Andrew P. Cokinos, At-Large CITY COUNCIL MEETING Becky Ames,At-Large Audwin Samuel, Mayor Pro Tem, Ward III June 13, 2006 Bobbie J. Patterson,Ward IV Tyrone E. Cooper, City Attorney Kyle Hayes, City Manager Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session on June 13. 2006, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m. to consider the following: OPENING Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Presentations and Recognition Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items 1-5/Consent Agenda Consent Agenda Mayor Goodson called the council meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Pastor Kennedy Andrews of the Harvest for Lost Souls Outreach Ministry gave the invocation. Mayor Pro Tern Samuel led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was made by Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk. Present at the meeting were Mayor Goodson, Mayor Pro Tern Samuel, Councilmembers Smith, Beaulieu,Ames and Patterson. Absent: Councilmember Cokinos. Also present were Kyle Hayes, City Manager; Tyrone Cooper, City Attorney; Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk. Proclamations, Presentations, Recognitions "Charline & Sidney `Chief' Dauphin Cancer Screening & Prevention Center" - Recognition read by Mayor Goodson; accepted by Evelyn M. Lord, Irene Ramirez, Regina Rogers Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items 1-5/Consent Agenda. None CONSENT AGENDA Approval of minutes - Minutes of June 6, 2006 Confirmation of committee appointments - Resolution 06-174 Kip Lamb was appointed to the Animal Health Advisory Committee. The term will commence June 13, 2006 and expire June 12, 2008. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson) Minutes-June 13,2006 Kip Lamb was appointed as Chairman of the Animal Health Advisory Committee. The term will commence June 13, 2006 and expire June 12, 2007. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson) Wayne E. Duerler was reappointed to the Construction Board of Appeals (Building). The current term will expire February 7, 2011. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson) Carolyn Howard was reappointed to the Convention and Tourism Advisory Committee. The current term will expire January 7, 2008. (Councilmember Lulu Smith) A) Authorize the acceptance of a ten foot (10') wide water line easement to serve two fire hydrants outside of the Calder Avenue right-of-way - Resolution 06-175 Councilmember Ames made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Beaulieu seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU,AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Drainage District No. 6 (DD#6) for the Hayes Gully Ditch (Ditch 002) Project - Resolution 06-176 Administration recommended Council authorize the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Drainage District No. 6 (DD#6) for the Hayes Gully Ditch (Ditch 002) Project. The City of Beaumont has received a Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant, in the amount of $2,089,500, from the Federal Emergency Management Administration for the Hayes Gully Ditch (Ditch 002) Project. The FMA Grant is administered by the Texas Water Development Board. The scope of work for the project includes the construction of a new outfall and various road crossing improvements. Also included in the project, is the acquisition of 11 parcels. The City will be responsible for the engineering, design, coordination, construction and construction management. Additionally, the City will be responsible for the relocation of City owned facilities and structures, if any. The DD#6 will be responsible for obtaining an approved Environmental Assessment and Acquisition of the 11 parcels. The City will reimburse the DD#6, from the FMA Grant, for their costs. The City's participation in this $2,786,000 project is 25 percent or $696,500. Councilmember Smith moved to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-176 THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH Page 2 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006 JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 (DD#6) FOR THE HAYES GULLY DITCH (DITCH 002) PROJECT. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU, AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 2. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Drainage District No. 6 (DD#6) for the Brakes Bayou Ditch (Ditch 0004) Project - Resolution 06-177 Administration recommended Council authorize the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement with Drainage District No.6(DD#6)forthe Brakes Bayou Ditch (Ditch 0004) Project. The City of Beaumont has received a Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Grant, in the amount of$862,500, from the Federal Emergency Management Administration for the Brakes Bayou Ditch (Ditch 0004) Project. The FMA Grant is administered by the Texas Water Development Board. The scope of work for the project includes the enlargement of the underground drainage system and various road crossing improvements. The DD#6 will be responsible for the engineering, design, coordination, construction and construction management. Additionally, the District will be responsible for the acquisition of the necessary right-of-way. The City will be responsible for the relocation of City owned facilities and structures, if any, and the resurfacing of the street at the road crossings. The DD#6 will be reimbursed by the City up to 75 percent of the total $1,150,000 project costs. The remaining 25 percent cost of the project will be the responsibility of DD#6. The City's cost participation in the project is estimated at $30,000. Councilmember Beaulieu made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-177 THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH JEFFERSON COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT NO. 6 (DD#6) FOR THE BRAKES BAYOU DITCH (DITCH 0004) PROJECT. Mayor Pro Tern Samuel seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU, AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 3. Consider approving a resolution authorizing the City Manger to execute a contract forthe Water and Sanitary Sewer System Improvements I1-1-10 Frontage Road East Walden Road to Brooks Road - Resolution 06-178 Page 3 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006 Administration recommended approval of a contract with Brystar Contracting Inc., Beaumont, Texas, in the amount of $1,287,628.00 for the Water and Sanitary Sewer System Improvements IH-10 Frontage Road East Walden Road to Brooks Road Project. The project will install approximately 9,243 linear feet of water and 7,600 linear feet of sanitary sewer lines, 5 air release valves, 19 fire hydrant assemblies, 16 manholes and 2 service lines. The MBE goal will be met through a subcontract with the certified MBE firm of Texas Mechanical for a total amount of $130,000.00. This amount represents 10.09 percent of the total bid. The proposed improvements will loop the water system serving Ford Park and properties on Major Drive, and provide water and sanitary sewer services to planned developments in the area. Funds for the project are available in the Capital Program. Mayor Pro Tem Samuel made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-178 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BY BRYSTAR CONTRACTING INC., BEAUMONT, TEXAS, FOR A CONTRACT FOR THE WATER AND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS IH-10 FRONTAGE ROAD EAST WALDEN ROAD TO BROOKS ROAD IN THE AMOUNT OF$1,287,628.00 BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU,AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 4. Consider authorizing the City Managerto amend the Lease Agreement for operation of the horse stables at Tyrrell Park - Resolution 06-179 Administration recommended amending the 2003 Lease Agreement with Bryan and Bridget Markland to address the losses caused by Hurricane Rita. On September 24, 2005, Hurricane Rita swept through Beaumont causing damage to the stable's trails, barn roof and arena lights. Mr. Markland promptly notified the City of the damage. The damage affected the business operations, resulting in lost operating revenues to the Marklands. Under the existing Lease, if the property is damaged to the extent that business operations are affected, the Lease may be terminated or alternatively extended, if the City agrees to restore the damaged facilities. Further, the Lease Agreement provides that the term be extended and that no rent payments shall be required during that down period. In accordance with the Lease Agreement, City staff met with Mr. Markland and agreed on an approach that will allow the business to proceed. Beginning July 1, 2006, the current rental payment of $500 per month will be reduced to $375 per Page 4 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006 month, until such time as the barn roof is repaired. When the barn roof repairs are complete the rent will resume at $500 per month. The arena lights will be scheduled for repair within a reasonable time period after the Agreement is signed. During the process of meeting with Mr. Markland, the trails were finally cleared. Councilmember Patterson made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-179 THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO AMEND THE 2003 LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BRYAN AND BRIDGET MARKLAND FOR OPERATION OF THE HORSE STABLES AT TYRRELL PARK. Councilmember Beaulieu seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU, AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 5. Consider authorizing the City Managerto execute a contract forthe Proposed Water and Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Dishman Road - Resolution 06-180 Administration recommended approval of a contract with Allco, LTD., Beaumont, Texas, in the amount of$649,714.25 for the Proposed Water and Sanitary Sewer System Improvements Dishman Road Project. The project will install approximately 4,184 linear feet of water and 4,307 linear feet of sanitary sewer lines, 5 air release valves, 1 fire hydrant assembly, 1 manhole and a sanitary sewer lift station. The MBE goal will be met through a subcontract with the certified MBE firm of Texas Mechanical for a total amount of$81,200.00. This amount represents 12.50 percent of the total bid. The proposed improvements will provide water and sanitary sewer services to planned developments in the area. Funds for the project are available in the Water Utilities Non-Operating Budget. Councilmember Ames made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-180 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BYALLCO,LTD.,BEAUMONT,TEXAS,FOR THE CONTRACT FOR THE WATERAND SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS DISHMAN ROAD PROJECT IN THE AMOUNT OF $649,714.25 BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE CITY MANAGER IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE CONTRACT WITH ALLCO,LTD.,BEAUMONT,TEXAS,FOR THE WATER AND SANITARY SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS DISHMAN ROAD PROJECT. Councilmember Patterson seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU, AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED Page 5 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006 COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS COUNCILMEMBER PATTERSON - COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE HOME REPAIR FUNDING FROM THE TEXAS HOUSING & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS FOR JEFFERSON COUNTY; SINCE.TUNE IS BLACK MUSIC MONTH, INVITED EVERYBODY TO ATTEND THE CONCERT IN THE PARK EVENT AT SPROTT PARK ON SUNDAY, .TUNE 18T"; WISHED A HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO ALL THE DADS MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL- THANKED THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE AND STAFF FOR RESPONDING TO QUESTIONS TO CITIZENS CONCERNS SO PROMPTLY; COMMENDED THE COUNCIL FOR APPROVING PROJECTS ON ALL SIDES OF TOWN AND POINTED OUT THAT OF THE$3.2 MILLION SPENT, $725,000 WAS FOR WARD 3; COMMENDED THIS COUNCIL FOR BEING EQUITABLE ABOUT PROJECTS AND FUNDS COUNCILMEMBER AMES - NONE COUNCILMEMBER BEAULIEU - CONCURRED WITH MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL IN THAT THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY STAFF ARE EXCELLENT IN RESPONDING TO THE COUNCIL AND TO CITIZENS COUNCILMEMBER SMITH - FEELS THAT WE ARE VERY FORTUNATE TO HAVE SUCH A STAFF THAT CAN COMMUNICATE AND WORK TOGETHER TO SERVE THE CITY; GLAD THAT DALLAS DOESN'T GET THE WATER FROM THE NECHES RIVER AND THAT AREA WILL BE A WETLAND AND SERVE US FOR THE NEXT FIFTY OR SEVENTY FIVE YEARS MAYOR GOODSON - ANNOUNCED AT THE PRESS CLUB DINNER/AWARD PROGRAM THAT JOE DOMINO, ENTERGY PRESIDENT, RECEIVED AN AWARD FOR"NEWS MAKER OF THE YEAR"AND ALSO RECOGNIZED WERE THOSE IN THE PRESS CORE IN SE TEXAS, MUCH OF IT HAVING TO DO WITH HURRICANE RITA; ATTENDED A MEETING TODAY AT LAMAR WITH THE SOUTHEAST TEXAS RECOVERY COALITION AND WE NEED TO AGAIN GIVE KUDOS AND THANKS TO OUR CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION FOR DOING EXACTLY WHAT WE SEND THEM TO WASHINGTON TO DO,AND THAT IS TO WORK VERY HARD ON OUR BEHALF AND ESPECIALLY TO SENATOR HUTCHINSON FOR LEADING THE CHARGE FOR PARITY BETWEEN THE STATES AND ALLOCATION OF MONEY; ADDITIONAL CDBG MONEY IS STILL AVAILABLE AND WE STILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO CONTINUE TO LOBBY TO GET THAT MONEY TO SE TEXAS; PAUL FITCH WILL COME TO A FUTURE MEETING AND DISCUSS Page 6 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006 THE TAX CREDIT PROJECT; ANNOUNCED THAT COUNCIL WILL HAVE A WORKSHOP JUNE 27 IN LIEU OF A MEETING, LOCATION TO BE ANNOUNCED; WOULD LIKE COUNCILMEMBERS TO SUBMIT IDEAS OR CONCERNS FOR THIS WORKSHOP TO THE CITY MANAGER; AT THIS TIME MAYOR GOODSON ASKED OFFICER CRYSTAL HOLMES TO SPEAK. OFFICER HOLMES - ANNOUNCED THAT THE AMERICAN RED CROSS HAS RECEIVED ADDITIONAL MATERIALS AND IS ACTIVELY SEEKING VOLUNTEERS TO HELP ON SATURDAYS TO ASSIST IN THE BLUE ROOF PROGRAM IN BEAUMONT;THIS IS AN ON- GOING SATURDAY PROJECT CITY MANAGER HAYES - THANKED COUNCIL FOR THE STAFF COMMENTS AND APPRECIATES ALL THE COOPERATION BETWEEN STAFF AND THE COUNCIL; FEELS THAT STAFF DOES AN EXCEPTIONAL JOB FOR THE CITY; VERY PLEASED WITH THE FIVE AGENDA ITEMS APPROVED TODAY IN THAT WE ARE TRYING TO DO PROJECTS CITY WIDE AND CORRECT AREAS WHICH HAVE HAD PROBLEMS OVER THE YEARS AS WELL TO ALLOW GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN OTHER AREAS CITY ATTORNEY COOPER- NONE Public Comments (Persons are limited to three minutes) LeRoy Lewis III 8550 Baker Beaumont TX Ideas to City Council: Would like the City to support the request for the flashing traffic light and sidewalks at Sarah and Marie; would like to know the status of Councilmember Cokinos; would like something done about the requiring of food handlers to wear rubber gloves when handling food; encouraged all Texans to get a legal will; wished all the fathers a "Happy Father's Day" Rev. J. D. Gregory 3411 Glenwood Beaumont TX Commended the City for the wonderful job the City did in the clean-up after the storm even better than the contracted workers; feels that parents are responsible for their children and if this responsibility was done, our jails would not be overfilled; now the jails are filled with those who break the law and could have been prevented by their parents There being no Executive Session, Council adjourned at 2:15 p.m. Page 7 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006 Audio tapes are available upon request in the City Clerk's Office. Guy N. Goodson, Mayor VA Rose Ann Jones, TRNW i� City Clerk ;o, LU Bilk = Page 8 of 8 Minutes-June 13,2006