HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN MAY 09 2006 M I N U T E S - CITY OF BEAUMONT Lulu L. Smith,Ward I GUY N. GOODSON, MAYOR Nancy Beaulieu,Ward II Andrew P. Cokinos,At-Large CITY COUNCIL MEETING Becky Ames,At-Large Audwin Samuel, Mayor Pro Tem,Ward III May 9,2006 Bobbie J. Patterson,Ward IV Tyrone E. Cooper, City Attorney Kyle Hayes, City Manager Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session on May 9, 2006, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m. to consider the following: OPENING Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Presentations and Recognition Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items 1-3/Consent Agenda Consent Agenda Mayor Goodson called the council meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Pastor James Blackwell of the South Park Baptist Church gave the invocation. Councilmember Ames led the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was made by Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk. Present at the meeting were Mayor Goodson, Mayor Pro Tem Samuel (had to leave meeting at 1:52 p.m.), Councilmembers Smith, Beaulieu, Ames and Patterson. Absent: Councilmember Cokinos. Also present were Kyle Hayes, City Manager; Tyrone Cooper, City Attorney; Rose Ann Jones, City Clerk. Proclamations, Presentations, Recognitions Clifton J. Ozen High School YMCA Texas Youth and Government Team were recognized - May 9, 2006 - Proclamation read by Mayor Goodson; accepted by Principal/Teachers/Students; additional comments were made by Councilmember Patterson Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items 1-3/Consent Agenda. Jim Hedrick 5640 College Street Beaumont TX Item #1: Owner of J J Pawn Shop on College; spoke in support of the Ordinance requiring pawn shop owners to register with the I.e.a.d.s. system Kenneth L. Hood 7936 Clubb Oaks Road Beaumont TX Item #1: Would like to have scrap yards included in the ordinance especially copper Minutes-May 9,2006 CONSENT AGENDA Approval of minutes - Minutes of May 2, 2006 Confirmation of committee appointments - Resolution 06-130 Ann Reynolds was reappointed as Vice-Chairman of the Animal Health Advisory Committee. The current term will expire January 3, 2007. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson) Joyce Kean will fill the unexpired term of Lieutenant Mike Manning on the Animal Health Advisory Committee. The term will commence May 9, 2006 and expire December 13, 2006. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson Frank Messina was reappointed as Chairman of the Convention and Tourism Advisory Board. The current term will expire January 24, 2007. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson) George Crawford was reappointed as Vice Chairman of the Convention and Tourism Advisory Board. The current term will expire January 24, 2007. (Mayor Guy N. Goodson) Marty Craig was reappointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The current term will expire December 13, 2007. (Councilmember Becky Ames) Dale A. Hallmark was reappointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The current term will expire December 2, 2007. (Councilmember Lulu Smith) John Weitzel was reappointed to the Small Business Revolving Loan Fund Board. The current term will expire October 22, 2007. (Councilmember Lulu Smith) A) Approve a contract for the purchase of lubricants - Resolution 06-131 B) Approve the purchase of two (2) police pursuit vehicles - Resolution 06-132 C) Approve an annual contract for grounds maintenance of the Fairgrounds- Resolution 06- 133 D) Authorize the City Manager to execute an Advance Funding Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT)for the CalderAvenue at Pinchback Outfall Bridge Replacement Project - Resolution 06-134 E) Authorize the City Manager to execute a Bridge Load Posting Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation (TX DOT) for the installation of load posting signs on the east and west bound lanes of the Phelan Boulevard Bridge over Hillebrandt Bayou - Resolution 06-135 Councilmember Patterson made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. Page 2 of 7 Minutes-May 9,2006 AYES: MAYOR GOODSON, MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL, COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH, BEAULIEU,AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Consider approving an ordinance requiring pawn shops and pawnbrokers within the City of Beaumont to do electronic recordkeeping of all transactions and to electronically upload their daily transactions into I.e.a.d.s. online, a web-based data system - Ordinance 06-027 Administration recommended approving a city ordinance requiring pawn shops and pawnbrokers within the City of Beaumont to do electronic recordkeeping of all transactions and to electronically upload theirdaily transactions into I.e.a.d.s.online, a web-based data system. Within the city limits of Beaumont, there are seven pawn shops — EZ Pawn (three stores), Triangle Pawn (two stores), Meyers and JJ's Pawn Shop. A Beaumont Police Department detective visits each of these seven stores on a regular basis to collect paper copies of pawn shop transactions. These copies are then brought to the Beaumont Police Department for manual entry by a Records technician. In one month this technician may enter 6,000 to 9,000 pawn tickets. The Beaumont Police Department recently subscribed to I.e.a.d.s. online, a web-based system in which pawn shops electronically upload their daily transactions. This information is immediately available to law enforcement agencies who subscribe to its service. In order for the Beaumont Police Department to get full use out of this subscription service, all pawn shops and pawnbrokers within the City of Beaumont need to electronically upload their daily transactions. The Beaumont Police Department is currently subscribing to I.e.a.d.s.online. There is no additional cost in requiring those pawn shops and pawnbrokers within the City of Beaumont to do electronic recordkeeping of all transactions and to electronically upload their daily transactions into I.e.a.d.s. online, a web-based data system. There is no direct cost to the pawn shop or pawnbroker other than the cost of computers and internet service. Councilmember Smith made a motion to ADOPT ORDINANCE 06-027 OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS REQUIRING ELECTRONIC RECORDKEEPING OF PAWN SHOPS AND PAWNBROKERS DOING BUSINESS IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. Councilmember Beaulieu seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON,COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH,BEAULIEU,AMES AND PATTERSON Page 3 of 7 Minutes-May 9,2006 NAYS: NONE [MAYOR PRO TEM SAMUEL LEFT THE MEETING BEFORE THE VOTING OF THIS ITEM] MOTION PASSED 2. Consider approving a contract for grounds maintenance of various city-owned properties - Resolution 06-136 Administration recommended the award of a three (3) year contract to Perfect Cut Lawn Care forgrounds maintenance services at twenty-nine (29)parks and various street triangles. Grounds maintenance services include mowing, edging, litter removal and sweeping. During the growing season, March 1 through November 30, services are required weekly at the parks and bi-weekly at the triangles. During the non-growing season, December 1 to February 28, services are required only bi- weekly at the parks and monthly at the triangles. Prices were requested per cutting per location. Based on the mowing schedule there will be approximately forty-eight (48) cuttings per year at each park and twenty-one (21)cuttings per year at each triangle. The Parks Manager may reduce or increase the number of cuttings as needed with payments made per cutting cycle. The Parks and Property Services Division is responsible for managing the contract and inspecting the work. Funds for this contract are available in the Parks and Property Services Division's operating budget. Council member Ames made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-136 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BY PERFECT CUT LAWN CARE, BEAUMONT, TEXAS, FOR A THREE (3)-YEAR CONTRACT FOR GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES AT TWENTY-NINE (29) PARKS AND VARIOUS STREET TRIANGLES IN THE INDIVIDUAL AMOUNTS FOR EACH LOCATION FOR AN ESTIMATED ANNUAL EXPENDITURE OF$119,086 BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT. Councilmember Beaulieu seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON,COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH,BEAULIEU,AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED 3. Consider approving a contract for the Summer Food Service Program administered by the Texas Department of Human Services - Resolution 06-137 Administration recommended awarding a contract to Moncla's, Inc. of Beaumont, Texas, for furnishing lunches for the Summer Food Service Program sponsored by the Recreation Division in the amount of$2.59 per lunch served. The program, which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and administered bythe Texas Department of Human Services, provides free, nutritious, Page 4 of 7 Minutes-May 9,2006 and well balanced meals to any child up to eighteen (18) years of age. This is the fifteenth year the Recreation Division has participated in this program. The program will begin June 5, 2006 and continue through August 11, 2006. Lunches will be served Monday through Friday excluding the Independence Day holiday on July 4, 2006. The cost of each lunch served will be reimbursed to the City from the Texas Department of Human Services. The cost based on serving an estimated quantity of 27,800 lunches at $2.59 each is $72,002. Councilmember Patterson made a motion to APPROVE RESOLUTION 06-137 THAT THE BID SUBMITTED BY MONCLA'S INC., BEAUMONT,TEXAS, FOR THE SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM SPONSORED BY THE RECREATION DIVISION FOR AN ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF 27,800 LUNCHES SERVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2.59 PER LUNCH FOR AN ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE OF $72,002 BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. AYES: MAYOR GOODSON,COUNCILMEMBERS SMITH,BEAULIEU,AMES AND PATTERSON NAYS: NONE MOTION PASSED COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS COUNCILMEMBER PATTERSON - RECOGNIZED OZEN HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH AND GOVERNMENT PROGRAM AND APPEALED TO THE COMMUNITY TO DONATE TO HELP DEFRAY COSTS OF APPROXIMATELY$10,000 FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR THE STUDENTS; CONGRATULATED THE STUDENTS FOR THE FINE JOB THEY HAVE DONE; LOVE AND PRAYERS TO THE SAMUEL BEAN FAMILY COUNCILMEMBER AMES- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OZEN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR MAKING BEAUMONT PROUD COUNCILMEMBER BEAULIEU- CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OZEN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FOR THEIR FINE PERFORMANCE; RECOGNIZED THE "NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER" AND THE FINE PROGRAM PRESENTED; SAMUEL BEAN WILL BE MISSED AND SYMPATHY TO VIRGINIA BEAN AND FAMILY COUNCILMEMBER SMITH - CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE STUDENTS FOR THEIR FINE PERFORMANCE AND BEING GOOD AMBASSADORS FOR THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; HOPES THAT THE PROGRAM WILL Page 5 of 7 Minutes-May 9,2006 CONTINUE TO GROW AND THAT SUPPORT WILL HELP DEFRAY SOME OF THE COSTS; MR. BEAN HAS BEEN WITH ALL OF US FOR AVERY LONG TIME AND HAS BEEN VERY UP-FRONT AND INVOLVED WITH A LOT OF ISSUES AND WE ARE APPRECIATIVE OF ALL THE THINGS HE HAS DONE CITY ATTORNEY COOPER - NONE MAYOR GOODSON - CONTINUED THE REMARKS TO THE OZEN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ABOUT BEING GOOD AMBASSADORS FOR OUR CITY AND GIVING THEM A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION OF OUR CITY; COMMENTED ON MR. BEAN BEING A GOOD ROLE MODEL FOR THE COMMUNITY AND WILL BE MISSED BY ALL; THANKED ALL OUR FIRE, POLICE AND OTHER EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL FOR THE VERY IMPORTANT HURRICANE DRILL LAST WEEK;THANKED BOYS HAVEN FOR ANOTHER WONDERFUL YEAR OF CRAWFISH AS WELL AS HAVING A GREAT CROWD AND ENTERTAINMENT; THANKED MAGNOLIA PARK FOR RECOGNIZING THE CITY FOR A VERY SWIFT AND WONDERFUL JOB OF CLEANING UP THE PARKS AND OTHER RECREATION AREAS OF OUR CITY;ANNOUNCED THAT THIS THURSDAY, THERE WOULD BE THE DEDICATION OF THE MEMORIAL TREES AT RIVERFRONT PARK FOR THE WESTBROOK GIRLS SOCCER TEAM CITY MANAGER HAYES - CONGRATULATIONS TO THE YOUTH GROUP PRESENT; THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS TO THE BEAN FAMILY; MR. BEAN WAS A MAN OF INTEGRITY AND CHARACTER AND ALSO A TREMENDOUS ASSET TO THE CITY AND TO ALL OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS. AT THE MAYOR'S REQUEST,THE CITY MANAGER SPOKE ON HEAVY TRASH COLLECTION WHICH INCLUDES TREE LIMBS,WHITE GOODS AND FURNITURE. PRIOR TO THE STORM,THIS SERVICE WAS PROVIDED TO THE CITY EVERY TWO WEEKS. THE CITY PROVIDED THIS SERVICE WITHIN EACH ZIP CODE FOR A TWO DAY PERIOD AND THEN MOVED ON TO THE NEXT ZIP CODE AREA. THE SOLID WASTE DIVISION HAS TRIED SOMETHING NEW IN THAT ALL HEAVY TRUCKS WORKED IN A PARTICULAR ZIP CODE AREA UNTIL ALL THE HEAVY TRASH HAD BEEN PICKED UP. THEY ARE WORKING SIX DAYS A WEEK FOR 10 HOURS A DAY BEFORE THEY WERE ABLE TO MOVE TO THE NEXT ZIP CODE AREA WHICH MAY TAKE ANOTHER TWO WEEKS FOR THEM TO MOVE TO THE NEXT ZIP CODE AREA. AS OF MONDAY,THEY ARE WORKING 7 DAYS A WEEK, 12 HOURS A DAY. THE PLAN IS TO BE BACK ON SCHEDULE SOMETIME IN MID-.TUNE. IF THE GAP IS NOT CLOSED OR SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS MADE WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS, A PRIVATE HAULER MAY BE CONSIDERED TO HELP GET THROUGH THIS PERIOD. IT IS FELT THAT BETWEEN 150,000 TO 200,000 CUBIC YARDS OF MATERIAL ARE STILL OUT THERE. THE GOAL IS TO GET BACK TO THE REGULAR SCHEDULE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Page 6 of 7 Minutes-May 9,2006 Public Comments (Persons are limited to three minutes) Robert L. Williams, Sr. 1022 Evalon Beaumont TX Thanked the City Manager for answering his questions about the trash collection; concerned about the drainage problems in his area as well as other areas of the City There being no Executive Session, Council adjourned at 2:17 p.m. Audio tape ar av a le upon request in the City Clerk's Office. MpM�1�1 Guy N. Goodson, Mayor ;W V Rose Ann *es, TRMC City Clerk Page 7 of 7 Minutes-May 9,2006