HomeMy WebLinkAboutPACKET MAR 02 1999 CITY OF BEAUMONT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS MARCH 2, 1999 1:30 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA * Approval of minutes * Confirmation of committee appointments A) Approve the acquisition of property related to the Neighborhood Revitalization Project lo- ' - /� 16 B) Approve the acquisition of property for the Concord Road Improvement Project b%1 C) Approve the purchase of filter media for use at the Water Production Plant • Consent Agenda Summary March 2, 1999 * Approval of minutes * Confirmation of committee appointments A) Approve the acquisition of property related to the Neighborhood Revitalization Project Property located at 1820 and 1830 Corley Street would be acquired from Emma Wilridge Lee and the Estate of Solomon Lee, Deceased in the amount of$5,000. The property was appraised by Aulbaugh and Associates. The property will be deeded to Statewide Consolidated Community Development Corporation after it is acquired for the construction of homes. A copy of the staff memorandum is attached for your review. B) Approve the acquisition of property for the Concord Road Improvement Project Property located at 2845 Concord Road (0.056 of an acre) would be acquired from Linda Gayle Johnson in the amount of$6,800. The property was appraised by Bishop Real Estate Appraisers, Inc. A copy of the staff memorandum is attached for your review. C) Approve the purchase of filter media for use at the Water Production Plant The filter media would be purchased from Vaughn Construction Company of LaGrange, Texas in the amount of $22,500. The filter media (filter sand and anthracite coal) is used in the water filtration process and must be replenished periodically due to material loss which occurs during cleaning of the filters. Funds are available for this expenditure in the Water Production Division's budget. A copy of the staff memorandum is attached for your review. • I `�' INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM A K' City of Beaumont,Texas Engineering Division Date: February 22, 1999 To: Ray A. Riley, City Manager From: Tom Warner, Director of Public Works Subject: AGENDA ITINERARY-CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION PROJECT COMMENTS As part of the Neighborhood Revitalization Project, lots are being acquired in various locations throughout the city to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income families. The owners listed below have agreed to sell their property to the City for the appraised value: Lots 10 and 11, Block 20 of the Cartwright Addition (1820 and 1830 Corley Street) Appraised Value: $5,000.00 Appraiser: Aulbaugh and Associates Owner: Emma Wilridge Lee and the Estate of Solomon Lee, Deceased A plat depicting the property is attached. After the property is acquired, it will be deeded over to Statewide Consolidated Community Development Corporation to construct the homes. It is requested that a resolution be passed authorizing the acquisition of Lots 10 and 11, Block 20 of the Cartwright Addition for the appraised value of$5,000.00 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed to Statewide Consolidated Community Development Corporation. Tom Warner P G TW:JPC:ml Attachment LEES uu•u ���������1�•1'^i'�'i'�'ii•Piiii�Iii• ANN •i�••iiiii•1•i1iiiiiiiliiilii1i1i �1 i•i Iii 1i i i 1ii•111.1•1•1•1•1•i•1•1•••1•••••1►••••1•1•••••••••i•11•••1i 1•�•�•1••�•�1��•i!� 1i1•3•$il•C•'i'i o1i1i•1i•1•1 iiliii•i IPi�►1i111�1i1<1111.1.1P1.1•j••jj•1•i•1! �1111111••1111•11111.1.1•1•1•4•P•1•1•1.1•••1•1•°••••1.1 ii1 i 1 ii1i 1 i1 i1 iii•i1i I i•ii i i 1•111•1111111111.1•11•11.1.1•••1•1•••1•f•••1•1.1•••1•••1•1•1•i•1•••1•••1 ii 1 i 1 i 1 i•i 1i•ii 1 i 1 i1 i 11••1111•i•111 f i 1 f 1f f f I f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•J••1•1.1.1•1•i•I i1 i1 ii 1 i iP1 P 1i1ii•ii 1 i �f i1 if i 1 i I i1 i 1 i Ii i if i f i1 i f i f i f•f i f•f•f•f•f•f•f•P•f•ff•f•f•1•f•i•••1••i i ii i ii•i i i•iii ii ii iiliii �11111.1N1NNN1N11111111P1111N111111111$1.1111♦ 11111i$1111$111$11111111111 •11111111 H111i1 $1$1NN/1111111 1N11N1 •111111 1•$•1.1•1•1•1•1i1�1ii1.1•1.1•1• • •11.1$N 1i11$11• • • •11111111 11111111 11 N1111 1111 111• •11111111 �f 111 I i i•ii1 i i i 1i I i i i 1 i Ii f i f i f i f i f i f•f•f•f•f•f•P•f•f•f•ff•f•f•i•f•1.1•i 1•1 i i i 1•1••1.1.1 11111111111.1111111114.111111111111ff1$f111111 i .1.1/iP1• •1•1�•11••i•1•••if••Pi••1111111.1.1.1111111111.1111•! 1•1•1•111 ii i I•1•1•Ii j i j•j•j•1•j•j•j•i•1•1•1•�•i/1•1•i•i•••1111111•11•111111 i•1111111.111•i•1•! 1•1•1.1•1•1.1•1•1 i j i1 i j•j i j•j•j•1•i•P•j•i•1•1•1�••i•P•P•••i•••••11.11111 i 1111111 f 111 i 1.1111111 iffffffffffff•�11•f•111i�1i1Pi�1•1.1.1iii1•1•1iii1•1got 1•1•1•liiii k i 1 ii ii i•ii i i ii1 i ii ii iif i f i f i fi f iiif•f•f•f•f•f•1•f•f•f•f•f•f•fi•1•i•1.11.11 i i 1.1•1•1•1•111•1.1 . 11•1111111.111111111 i 111 f 11 111.1•f 1111111111111,111111•••i 1.11•111•i If•11•1 i•11••11••1•f f 11•f•i/ �1 i I i 1 i fill i I i 1 ii 1•111.1•f i f i f i1•f•f•f•f•f•f•A•f•1•f•1.1.1•1•f•••••i•1••11 i 11.1•1.1•1•1•1.1•1 /1••• 9,990,1111 1 i 1•1.111 i i•i i i f if i f i f•f i f if•1•f•P•f•f•f•ff•f•f•f•f•1•f•••••••11•1•1•1.1•1•1 i i i/ 1.11111••• 11111111f11iP11f11i11$11111$11111111 )•f•f•f•ff•1•i• ii i 1•1•1•1•1•1•1•1•1•Y i1•111•1•1•1•1•1•1.111•1 i ii 1•1•1•1•1•1•1•1•1•1� 1111111.1111111111111111111111111111111$11111111 ••1111111$11111111111111111111111$1111111111111 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifififififfffff/ff•1•fffffff•1.1.11PIi1P1i1P1.1.1.1iii1 i1•1•1•1•1.1•1.1•j•1•j•1•1•1•i•1•1.1•••i•1•••1•1•••i 11•f 11111111 i i 111111111111•1111111111111! �1/•11111111111111$1111ii11111111111$If111111111 1111111111111111$1111111$111111111111111111111i� `I•••1•••i i I•••1.1•f i f i f If i f i f i f i f•1•f•f•f•f•f•1•••f•f•f•f•f•1•••1•f•11•1•111•1•1•1•1•1•1•1•1 riliiii1 if i 1i f i 1 ilif if i f if i f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•f•1•f•f•f•ff•f•f 1 i•1.11 ii i 1•1•1 ii i1 i i 11.1 i i i1•1 �1i 1 i Ii 1i 1 i I if i Ii 1if i•i 1i f 1f if•f•ff ff•f•f•f•1•1•f•f•f•f•1 610'.••1•••1.1.11•1•1•1 ii ilii i1•1.1•1 i•11 iiii1 i 1i1i fiilif if i f i f•f i f•f•f•1•fff•�•ff•1•f•f•f ••f••1.11 i i1••1•1 ii i1•1.1 ii i1 1.1111111111111111111ON, 1• .111111111$1111$•11.111♦ 1•1•1 ii i 1•1 ii i1•1.1 i j i1•j I j•j•j•j•f•1•1•1•1•1•1•1.11111•••i 1 f i•1111 i•111.1•1111111.111 fi•11111 1•1.1•1.1•1•11 j i I•1 i j•j•j•1•j•j•i•1•i•1•1•••1•P•••i 1 i 1•1•1111111•1.11111111111111111111•111111 1•1.1•1•1•1.1•1 i j•j i j•j•1•j•j•1•i•f•1•1•1•1•1•1••11111.11 i 11•1i 1.1111 i•1 i I I•1111 i 1i 1111 f 11.111 •••1111$$11.11111111111111/111111111/1111111$11 i 1 i 1i I i 1 i 1i I i•I(i f i f i f i f i f if I f/f I f•f 1 f 1 f•f•f f i•1.1 1 1•1.1 1 1•1.1•11$1.1•1 i$i I P P$$i 10$$1.1.1•1$/ '11111$1♦11111111111111•/1111111111111111111111/ 1 111111111$11111111111111$$1111$111$11$11111111 i 1i 1 i f i 1i/i 1 i I i 1 i'i i i1 i f i f i f i f i f i f i f/f 1 f•f•f•i•f•f•f•f•f1 f•f 11•••1.1•1•i 1$1$1 P I$1$1$1 P 1•111$1 •1111/1111111111111/11/111111111111111111$1111• •1111111/1111/11111111111111111111111$111$111♦ /1•1ii•J.....P•f•1•1•1./i111P1i1i1i1•111/►1111111111111111111111111111111i111f111i1i1� /1/111111f111111f11f1ff1111 11111111111111$111♦ /••••❖1•.•$11 11•1•1 f 1•f i1•$i f 11•1•1•1.1•1•1 f 1•1 i 1•1•1 f 1•1•1•P i 1.1.1 i f•1 i$•1•1.1•1 f 1•1 f 1•f•1•f 11•1•f i f•f•1 ��1�1•fif .1.1 iiiiii••••:••iii::1 RR1.�1.�1.. 1.1.11.$fP•P••••••� P' , B INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM IL City of Beaumont,Texas Engineering Division Date: February 22, 1999 To: Ray A. Riley,City Manager From: Tom Warner, Director of Public Works Subject: AGENDA ITINERARY-CITY COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED CONCORD ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION COMMENTS The City of Beaumont is planning improvements to Concord Road from Interstate 10 to East Lucas. Phase I of the project is from Interstate 10 to St.Helena Street. There are eighteen parcels in this section. Twelve parcels have been acquired and the owners of two parcels have accepted the City's offer for the appraised value. Three of the parcels are owned by the City of Beaumont. Authorization for eminent domain has been approved for one parcel. Phase II of the project is from St.Helena Street to the railroad tracks. There are fifty-six parcels in this section.The City owns five of these parcels. Twenty-two parcels have been acquired and seven parcel owners have accepted the appraised value. Authorization for eminent domain has been approved for one parcel. Phase III of the project consists of thirty parcels and is from the railroad tracks to East Lucas Drive. Two parcels have been acquired. The owner of a parcel in Phase II listed below has agreed to accept the appraised value for her property: Parcel No.27: 0.056 acre out of Lot 1 and the Lillian Dodd Lot of Block 1,Bullock Addition 2845 Concord Road Appraised Value: $6,800.00 Less Improvements Retained: 0.00 Total Compensation: $6,800.00 (Partial Taking) Appraisers: Bishop Real Estate Appraisers,Inc. Owner: Linda Gayle Johnson A plat depicting the parcel is attached. It is requested that a resolution be passed authorizing the acquisition of Parcel 27 from Linda Gayle Johnson for the appraised value of$6,800.00 for the Concord Road Improvement Project. Tom Warner Tpc TW:JPC:mI Attachment JOHNSON® SUBJECT CONCORD ROAD T u LaN OR N11 IULA%L IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT �� TULANE � ELAW R w cz v� ROLINE az LA OUSE PROPOSED ULJ W REG N { RIGHT—OF—WAY ��CBEA RICE\� z ACOUISITION uth Texas State PARCEL NO. 27 BRICK d D �P Q Y Fairground = O SPA AS a Q Fair Park 0.058 ACRE ~ U RflMA � W v O�d SF RR OUT OF LOT 1 & THE CAYI: a L LILLIAN DODD LOT OF BLOCK 1 Z DURDE z C TTON—Q 00 — BULLOCK ADDITION DOLLINGER Park Q J (PARTIAL TAKING) LIVE a: CZ a w w CIAK o a ¢ Q.-aTIM OWNERS ~v CAL WELL LINDA GAYLE JOHNSON ❑M RCEZ F` Babe Zaharias L� Park LEGEND LOCATION MAP N•T•S. SUBJECT PROPERTY \ �rHO. J/a• IRON PIPE 4 CIO , 0 � c0�� '9Q Qv t BOA LOT 2 -0 / N.T.S. / O N 51'21'11• 7 0 / LOT 1 1a.9s / t / LILLIAN DODD LOT (PER PLAT) 41 aQ / / /♦ Gam, /a o� F. THOMAS LOT (PER PLAT) O � / 5 pga9'20 W BRICKYARD ROAD aG3AP27 C TL.. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM IL City of Beaumont,Texas Central Services Department Date: February 23, 1999 To: Ray Riley, City Manager From: Kirby Richard, Central Services Director Subject: Purchase and Installation of Filter Media-Water Production Plant COMMENTS On Monday,February 8, 1999,sealed bids were received for the purchase and installation of filter media in the Water Production Plant, 1550 Pine Street. The filter media is used in the water filtration process and must be replenished periodically due to material loss which occurs gradually during cleaning of the filters. The amounts of filter media necessary to bring the depth back to levels originally intended for the system consist of 1,500 cubic feet of filter sand and 900 cubic feet of anthracite coal. Bid packets were sent to eight(8)vendors with three (3)vendors returning bids for consideration. The bids received were as follow: Filter Sand Anthracite Coal Installation Completion Total Vendor Price/cu.ft. Total Price/cu.ft. Total Price Time Cost Price Price Vaughn Construction Co. LaGrange,TX $4.50 $6,750 $7.50 $6,750 $9,000 60 cal.days $22,500 All Service Contracting Corp. Decatur,IL $7.00 $10,500 $6.00 $5,400 $13,942 45 cal.days $29,842 Unifilt Corp. Zelfenople,PA $4.06 $6,090 $5.25 $4,725 1 $25,956 1 30 cal.days $36,771 It is recommended that the bid for the purchase and installation of filter media at the Water Production Plant be awarded to Vaughn Construction Co. in the amount of$22,500. Finance concurs that funds are available for this expenditure in the Water Production Division's budget. CITY OF BEALTMONT REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS March 2, 1999 1:30 P.M. AGENDA BARBARA LIMING CITY CLERK OPENING CITY CLERK'S OFFICE • Invocation Pledge Roll Call • Presentations and Recognition • Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items • Consent Agenda GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Consider the 1999 HUD Consolidated Program Budget 2. Consider approving a contract for the repair and repainting of the Northwest Elevated Storage Tank located on Lucas Street G" ll 10 3. Consider approving the purchase of modular furniture for the new Municipal Court p facility 4. Consider approving the purchase of a forty ton lowboy trailer for use in the Streets and Drainage Division/Public Works OTHER BUSINESS * Receive report from the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce COMMENTS • Councilmembers comment on various matters • Public Comment (Persons are limited to 3 minutes) EXECUTIVE SESSION * Consider matters related to contemplated or pending litigation in accordance with Section 551.071 of the Government Code: William Stanfield dba Alta Mere Window Tinting Marsha Hoskins dba Baskets & Things Mike Allen v. City of Beaumont Janice Haynes v. City of Beaumont et al Greentree Administrators, Inc. v. City of Beaumont * Consider matters related to employment, evaluation and duties of a public officer or employee in accordance with Section 551.074 of the Government Code: City Manager Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact Kyle Hayes at 880-3716 a day prior to the meeting. � 1 March 2, 1999 Consider the 1999 HUD Consolidated Program Budget A copy of the staff report and 1999 Program is attached for your review. City of Beaumont 801 Main St.Room CNVdBe8UM01fi Beaum nt,T 777040 Fax:(409}t;80.413'L MwwraWm To: Ray A.Riley, City Manager / From: Beverly P. Hodges, Finance Officer Date: Thursday,February 25, 1999 Subject: 1999 HUD Consolidated Grant The 1999 Consolidated Grant Program budget planning process began in December 1998 with the development of an itinerary detailing the sequence of events that are necessary to complete the HUD requirements.Three workshops and a public hearing have been held to date. The 1999 HUD Consolidated Budget will total $3,406,000, including program income.The Consolidated Budget is comprised of three entitlements,CDBG at$2,317,000,HOME at $837,000 and Emergency Shelter Grant(ESG) at $82,000.Program income generated by revolving loan funds is estimated at$170,000. The Council is requested to approve the Final Budget as illustrated below. 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG) Preliminary Budget HOUSING $ 900,000 CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION 250,000 PUBLIC FACILITY&IMPROVEMENT 650,000 PUBLIC SERVICE 100,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 35,000 ADMINISTRATION 382,000 TOTAL CDBG 2,317,000 PROGRAM INCOME Small Business Loan Fund 150,000 Historic Preservation Loan Fund 20,000 TOTAL PROGRAM INCOME 170,000 HOME 837,000 EMERGENCY S HELTER GRANT(ES G) 82,000 TOTAL 1999 PRELDVIINARY BUDGET S 3,406,000 1999 HUD CONSOLIDATED GRANT PROGRAM 1999 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) Preliminary HOUSING Budget Minor Repair $ 250,000 Funds will be used to repair approximately 25 homes at$10,000 per house. Site Development 250,000 Funds will be used to develop approximately 33 lots at$7,500 per lot. Habitat For Humanity-Administration 50,000 Funds will be used to provide assistance in the construction of three(3) homes in the Habitat Park. Senior Multi-Family Housing Development 350,000 Funds may be used to assist a non-profit organization in the development of a senior mult-family housing development located in the Community Development strategy area. CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION 250,000 Funds will be used to demolish unsafe and unsanitary commercial and residential structures. PUBLIC FACILITY & IMPROVEMENT Library for South East Beaumont- acquisition and architectural design 125,000 Hotel Beaumont (Section 108 payment)- rehabilitation 100,000 Jefferson Theater(Section 108 payment)- rehabilitation 175,000 Other Section 108 Projects(to be designated) 250,000 PUBLIC SERVICE 100,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILD, Inc. 35,000 Funds will be used to assist with the administration of the Main Street Downtown Development Program. ADMINISTRATION 382,000 Funds will be used for personnel and operation expenses necessary for compliance with the planning, execution, and regulatory requirements of the HUD Consolidated Grant Program. TOTAL CDBG 2,317,000 PROGRAM INCOME Small Business Loan Fund 150,000 Historic Preservation Loan Fund 20,000 TOTAL PROGRAM INCOME 170,000 HOME 837,000 Funds will be used to assist a non-profit housing development organization with the development of approximately 30 new single family homes. Funds will also be used to assist low/moderate income families with the closing costs, mortgage buy downs, and down payments needed to purchase homes. EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT (ESG) 82,000 Funds will be used to provide shelter and essential services for the homeless population. TOTAL 1999 PRELIMINARY BUDGET S 3,406,000 CITY OF BEAUMONT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND PROJECT EXPENDITURE REPORT January 31,1999 (Unaudited) Current Project Expended Project Budget To Date Encumbrances Balance 1 HOUSING Minor Rehabilitation 375,000 252,184 1,024 121,792 Acquisition/Site Development 516,000 65,214 234,574 216,212 Rental Rehabilitation-Multi-Family 150,000 - - 150,000 TOTAL HOUSING 1,041,000 317,398 235,598 488,004 11 CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION Clearance and Demolition 425,000 146,670 36,068 242,262 TOTAL CLEARANCE AND DEMOLITION 425,000 146,670 36,068 242,262 111 PUBLIC FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS L L Melton YMCA 300,000 53,274 46,726 200,000 Charlton-Pollard Park 1 150,000 107,225 1,008 41,767 Street Improvement 125,000 - - 125,000 TOTAL PUBLIC FACILITIES AND IMPROVEMENTS 575,000 160,499 47,734 366,767 V ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Chadton-Pollard Economic Development 150,000 - - 150,000 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 150,000 - - 150,000 V LOAN PROGRAMS Historic Preservation 2 85,300 4,500 - 80,800 Small Business 2 766,400 279,350 70,000 417,050 TOTAL LOAN PROGRAMS 851,700 283,850 70,000 497,850 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,042,700 908,417 389,400 1,744,883 1 Additional$202,000 proceeds from sale of Carroll Street Park will be reflected in the General Improvements Fund. 2 Current year program income estimate includes unrealized amounts for Historic Preservation and Small Business of$11,698 and$55,541 respectively. 0 2 March 2, 1999 Consider approving a contract for the repair and repainting of the Northwest Elevated Storage Tank located on Lucas Street The contract would be with Coatings, Inc. in the amount of$229,800 for the repair and repainting of the interior of the 1,500,000 gallon elevated storage tank. Coatings, Inc. was the contractor for the repair of the Southwest Tank located on Washington_Boulevard and Municipal Drive. A copy of the staff report is attached for your review. M�r Interoffice Memorandum City of Beaumont - Water Utilities/Administration Date: February 23, 1999 SAW-MEM/026-mem.99 To: Ray Riley, City Manager From: S. A. Webb, Water Utilities Direct � Subject: Council Agenda Item for Award of Contract Repairs and Repainting of 1.5 Million Gallon Elevated Storage Tank Northwest Tank at Lucas Street Bids were received on February 15, 1999 for the repair and repainting of the interior of the 1,500,000 gallon elevated storage tank located in Beaumont, at Lucas Street. A copy of the bid tabulation is enclosed for your review. Six (6) proposals were received for the repair and repainting project. The base bids ranged from $229,800.00 to $818,700.00. The work will consist of furnishing all labor, equipment and material to clean, repair, and repaint the interior of the 1.5 million gallon elevated storage tank and other appurtenances required by the plans and specifications. Due to the specialized nature of this work, elevated tank painting contractors do not use subcontractors. Their personnel are special trained for this hazardous work. Coatings, Inc. has an affirmative action plan and was the contractor on the Southwest Tank, on Washington Boulevard and Municipal Drive, elevated storage tank rehabilitation project. The bids have been reviewed by our Consultant, Don S. Reichle & Associates and the Water Utilities Staff, it is our recommendation that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Coatings, Inc. in the amount of$229,800.00. SAW/JGM/tlh Enclosures DON S. REICHLE &ASSOCIATES 90�s RE1cgc Tank Consulting Engineers January 7, 1999 Ituate it, Box 18LJ Beaumont, TX 77705 FAX (409)722-8596 ASSOCIATES o � Mr. S. A. Webb, Director of Public Utilities p CITY OF BEAUMONT ` 1350 Langham Rd. Beaumont, TX 77707 Re: Northwest Elevated Water Tank Repair & Painting Costs Our 3984-II Dear Mr. Webb, We have reviewed the repair and painting bid tabulations on the recent City of Beaumont elevated tank repair and painting costs. Baed on those figures, the scope of work and the larger size of the Northwest elevated tank, we estimate the bids on this upcoming project will fall in the range of$325,000 to $375,000. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact our office. Respectfully submitted, gt�24 2 ' Randy S. eichle, Project Mgr. cc: Joe Majdalani, P.E., City of Beaumont DATE:FEBRUARY 15,1999 CITY OF BEAUMONT TIME:2:00 PM ` NORTHWEST ELEVATED WATER TANK BID TABULATION COATINGS INC. - ETA.INC._ TEAS BR)j�E.INC BLASTCO.INC D 3 W CONTRACTORS G3M PAINTING ENT, BASE BID BREAKDOWN 11 MEMORIAL,AVE. 2944 CRATER LAKE RD. 15112 LEE RD.SUITE 4040 57 OLD ONONDAGA RD. 15831 MILLER RD.•1 13915 VILLAGE LANE SMITHTON,IL. 62285 BATON ROUGE,LA.70814 HUMBLE,TX.77369 BRANTFORD.ONTAR.CANADA HOUSTON,TX,77049 RIVERVIEW,MI.48192 K.Interior Cleaning 1.REMOVE WAX GREASE,SILT 6 DEBRIS $10,000 $16,900 $9,000 $37,000 535,095 $65,000 2.BLAST CLEAN INTERIOR FOR INSPECTION 000 54 .04 _ _ _ __ $15000 __--_S59,04 -- _._ .- ----.&97911_--_ ---S185000.__ .. - - -_ _ ----- --- 545 - 4 SUB-TOTAL-- 555.000 S_6.�.94.4 529-.444 S9fi.Q4Il 5133.006 5250 000 M.STEEL REPAIRS,ADDITIONS 6 SURPLUS ITEMS 1.GROUPI-REPAIRS $15,000 $16,900 $71,700 $15,000 $74,051 $10,900 2.GROUP It ADDITIONS $29,000 $25,600 $24,050 $54,700 $42.813 578,000 3,GROUP III SURPLUS ITEMS $2,000 $5,250 $4,300 $5 500 _ 55,609 _54,900 SUB-TOTAL= $46,000 $47,750 $40,850 $75,200 $62,473 $33.800 N.PAINTING 1.INTERIOR WATER COMPARTMENTS RISER _ $69.800 $111,600 $168.000 $102,417 $38,230 5155.500 2.INTERIORLEG $14,000 -$6,500 __ S5,000 $3,500 $3,900 $9,000 3.EXTERIOR PAINTING $15,000 $40. - $70,000 $45,000 $36,317 $337,500 SUB-TOTAL. $98,800 $158,100 $243,000 $150,917 $78,447 $502.000 O.DISINFECTION&HGORO TESTING 1.DISINFECTION $500 $1,500_ $1,500 $3,000 $2.130 $4,000 2 HYDRO TESTING S1.50 o tSII➢ _ 53.40 Q---- 52-130- 55_0.40 SUB-TOTAL= $1,000 $3,000 $2,000 $6,000 $4.260 $10.000 P.WASTE TREATMENT&DISPOSAL 1.WAX GREASE DISPOSAL $1,000 $2,900 $5,000 $4,000 $42,228 $3,900 2.TREAT BLAST DEBRIS $20,000-- $10,-000 $10,000 $5,000 $18.000 54,000 3 DISPOSAL OF TREATED DEBRIS $6,000 $10,000 $5,000 514,525 $62,400 $11,000 4 DOCUMENTATIONS ---- 52 444 - - - S2.SQ4--- _ ----- S_1.p40-_--- 52�4Q-_-_-- --._ S2,414 SUB-TOTAL-- $29,000 $25,400 $21,000 $26.025 $125,042 $22,900 TOTAL BASE BID $229,800 $298,150 $330,850 $354,182 $403,228 $818,700 CALENDAR DAYS(BASE BID) 200 90 120 42 180 120 UNfT PRICE WORK SECT.M ITEM 3.1.1 MISC.WELDING PER HR. $200.00 $105.00 $125.00 $50.00 575.00 $100.00 SECT.N ITEM 16.1.1 MISC. PAINTING(PER HR.) $80.00 5105.00 $50.00 $42.00 $75.00 $120.00 PAINT SUPPLIER AMERON AMERDN SHERWIN WILLIAMS CARBOUNE AI.ERON VALSPAR BIDSECURITY YES COMMENTS __.---'-- i • 3 March 2, 1999 Consider approving the purchase of modular furniture for the new Municipal Court facility The modular furniture would be purchased from Texas Correctional Industries of Huntsville, Texas in the amount of$35,676.42. State law exempts municipalities from competitive bidding regulations when purchasing from a state agency. The modular office space will provide private work space for twelve employees. Funds are available in the Capital Improvement Fund. A copy of the staff memorandum is attached for your review. :Uff INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM M OL Ci ty of Beaumont,Texas Central Services Department Date: February 25, 1999 To: Ray A. Riley, City Manager ^ From: Kirby Richard, Central Services Director Subject: Purchase of Modular Furniture COMMENTS Authorization is requested to purchase a modular office system for the new Municipal Court facility located at 720 Orleans. The modular office system requested will provide private work space for twelve(12) employees. A modular office system consists of a semi-enclosed work space, divided by panels. The acoustical paneled work area consists of an L-shaped counter top work surface, a two drawer file cabinet,two overhead storage areas, work lights, and an adjustable computer keyboard pad. All electrical, telephone, and computer wiring is housed within the insulated compartment of the panels for safety. Texas Correctional Industries(TCI)prepared a layout for utilization of optimal spacing available. The unit offered by TCI is of superior quality and workmanship. Modular systems manufactured by TCI are currently used in the Human Resources Department and the Sterling Pruitt Activity Center. TCI manufacturers and distributes items such as boxes, flags, furniture, bedding, garments,janitorial supplies, and boots. The purpose of TCI is to provide regular and suitable employment for the vocational training and rehabilitation of prisoners. Products manufactured by TCI are sold exclusively to political subdivisions. Also, State law exempt municipalities from the competitive bidding regulations when purchasing from another state agency. It is recommended that authorization be granted to purchase the modular office system at a cost of$35,676.42 from the Texas Correctional Industries of Huntsville, Texas. Finance concurs that funds are available in the Capital Improvement Fund. LEGEND - ALL CHANGES IN CONFIGURATION, MATERIALS, OR - THIS DRAWING IS PROPERTY OF TO AND CONTAINS PERSONAL COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS REQUESTED AFTER PURCHASE ORDER INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO 13E USED EXCEPT PRINTER AND APPROVED DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY IN CONSIDERATION OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS TENDERED TO, WILL BE CHARGED TO CUSTOMER AT THE HEREWITH. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS DRAWING IN LASER PRWIN R APPLICABLE RATES. WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. * TERMINAL e CONTROLLER - IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO HAVE THEIR > OPEN SKLVES TELEPHONE e:COMPUTER INSTALLERS, AND THEIR ELECTRI- CANS RENEW THE FURNITURE AND ELECTRICAL PLANS LATERAL FILES PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL FURNITURE NSTALLA71ON TO txr STORAGE DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF RE-WIRING THAT MALL BE REDUIRED. A CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN MUST MAKE THE arc SAFE HARD-AMRE CONNECTION FROM THE TOPFEED/BASEFEED POWER 8' 6 " �` FLE CA011ET TO THE BUILDING SOURCE. WORKSURFAfE/TMI W. MCRO nLN /CARD STORAGE POWER 3' _ 6 " COAT RACK ® 12 MCH PANEL �® 42'KOH PANEL 4:/ee 241#8 24198 42188 +s/es 24 1ee Z4/ee 42188 "�i°'w""'E' L PANEL (FURNITURE) P TIAL GLASS PANEL ~ — — — f2411 a ASS PANEL r B TTOM OPEN FRAME PANEL II P Ss THRU PANEL F;P—J L——,FAt`P _ — J —FV P ad FRAME PANEL OtEN ,p O e • 0MMET(IN WODtSURFACE) ;I X I I1I� lI X I IlI� a I RECEPTACLE (CONVENIENCE) a `—'� 4 . 2 RECEPTACLE (CONVENIENCE) * 4. 3 RECEPTACLE (CONVENIENCE) 1 O1 ! —1 r 102 1 OS QQ! 1 r 106 .ISOLATED GROUND RECEP. RI-f ■ FEED(POWER POLE.PIGTAIL) rul HmH `a � 111 3 : • ERMOSTAT LIN pT N f CTRK.AL SWATCH » •! �l/Ae 42/ee D PHONE �2/es 44,9 a/ee T » »,< R MANACEMCN r-SLANTm STORAGE N 4 N` ! 1y1 '11}1 O R MANAGEMENT-LETTER TRAY KEY LIKE ,_ //�� 4 4 108ots 1�7 x NuteER 103 f� 104 � �IXI I Ij �IXI III bq Y O1 -7y�-y- it 0 Awle goo '_ a PR N" ° ' _ ' f ' TRY - BLACK L L » LAWN ATE - 170-50(' : b FL a DOORS - 7018 ��?� C== q CC. TA 7010 WORKSTATION COUNT - 00 s » ee/►s 89/02 ee/s► TEXAS CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES COPY NAME CITY OF BEAUMONT NAME KIRBY RICHARD DWG 1 o f 2 DRAWING # 9COB169 I SCALE:1/4" - 1' DATE: 2-18-99 REVISION APPROVAL: DATE: LEGEND PERSONAL COMPUTER LATERAL FILES � PRINTER LASER PRINTER --- 7- --- -r - ---I— +:/eel r+/ee 24/66 +s/ee `� R TRI l_ --- -L. - -- J—' --- _1--- - -� • OPEN LATERAL FILES nal STORAGE uK SAFE ---T w r.L FILE CABINET ~ r 1 r WORKSURFACE/ TABLE F�— J L — IP m W. MICRO FILM /CARD STORAGE FAR a u COAT RACK gyy 12'HCH PANEL I A I III- ® 42'IKON PANEL Cobb 54'MGM PANEL m 66' HIGH PANEL 109/ ; r— 1 1 0 80'HIGH PANEL ry lu 1RNITU a POWERED PANEL (FtRE) I A I 1�1 PARTIAL GLASS PANEL }be GLASS PANEL oo N BOTTOM OPEN FRAME PANEL 42166 +2166 PASS THRU PANEL MEN FRAME PANEL GROMMET(IN WORKSURFACE) A h0. I RECEPTACLE (CONVENENM) y 144 y,{ w O NO. 2 RECEPTACLE (COFWENIE • NO. 3 RECEPTACLE (CONVENIE )� NO. 4 ISOLATED GROUND RECEP. �I TOP FEED(POWER POLE. PIGTAL 1 1 Z BASE FEED 111 ,p THERMOSTAT �gl X I I f ELECTRICAL SIMTCH b p D TELEPHONE d l — r — 1 J q I go TAS CLIGHT fiR b L J L PE N PAPER J ® MAN PAPER MANAGEMENT-LETTER TRAY a9/:► as/►t a9/o2 Warp ', /.x.�NUM NUMBER Or LOCKS Y WORKSTATION NWKR POWER 127 _ 077 PRIMARY FABRIC- 7010 ACCENT FABRIC - 7016 - ALL CHANCES IN CONFIGURATION, MATERIALS OR - THIS DRAWING IS PROPERTY OF TO AND CONTAINS TRIM - BLACK REQUIREMENTS REQUESTED AFTER PURCHASE ORDER INFORMATION THAT IS NOT TO BE USED EXCEPT AND APPROVED DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY IN CONSIDERATION OF BIDS OR PROPOSALS TENDERED EAR DOORS - 1763-60 te TO, WALL BE CHARGED TO CUSTOMER AT THE HEREWITH. REPRODUCTIONS OF THIS DRAWING IN APPLICABLE RATES, WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TACKBOAROS - ma VIMSTAT04 COUNT - 00 - IT IS THE CUSTOMER'S RESPON981L1TY TO HAVE THEIR TELEPHONE &COMPUTER INSTALLERS, AND THEIR ELE CTR- RR " RFU RLTALLO S PRIOR TO THE THE FURNITURE INSALLAYION T TEXAS CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF RE-WIRING THAT WILL BE REQUIRED. A CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN MUST MAKE THE NAME CITY OF BEAUMONT NAME KIRBY RICHARD HARD-WIRE CMMC71ON FROM THE TOPFEED/SASEFEEO DWG 2 Of 2 DRAWING 9C08T89 SCALE:t/4' - T' DATE: 2-T8-99 REVISIO # N /A TO THE BUILDING SOURCE. APPROVAL: DATE: 4 March 2, 1999 Consider approving the purchase of a forty ton lowboy trailer for use in the Streets and Drainage Division/Public Works The trailer would be purchased from Smart's Truck&Trailer of Beaumont in the amount of $36,681. The trailer will be used to transport large construction equipment to job sites. Delivery of the trailer will be in seventy-five days and warranty service will be provided by Smart's for a period of one year. The new trailer will replace a 1975 model that will be disposed of according to City surplus property disposal policies. Funds are available in the Capital Reserve Fund. • INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM OL City of Beaumont,Texas Central Services Department Date: February 22, 1999 To: Ray A. Riley, City Manager From: Kirby Richard, Central Services Director VV Subject: Purchase of Forty (40)Ton Trailer COMMENTS Five(5)bids were received on Monday,February 15, 1999,for the purchase of one (1) forty (40)ton drop deck lowboy trailer for the Public Works, Streets and Drainage Division. The trailer will be used to transport large construction equipment to job sites. The bids received are as follow: Company Location Price Smart's Truck& Trailer Beaumont,TX $36,681.00 Trailers of Texas,Inc. Channelview,TX $37,399.00 Rush Equipment Center Nederland,TX $38,984.00 Mustang Tractor& Equipment Beaumont, TX $39,333.00 R B Everett& Co. Houston,TX $39,685.00 It is recommended that this bid be awarded to Smart's Truck& Trailer in the amount of$36,681 for the purchase of one (1) Holden Model HMF40 drop deck lowboy trailer. Delivery of the trailer will be in seventy-five(75)days. Warranty service will be provided by Smart's Truck& Trailer of Beaumont for a period of one (1)year. The new trailer will replace Unit 4070,a 1975 Hyster 40 ton trailer,that will be disposed of according to City surplus property disposal policies. Funds for this expenditure are available in the Capital Reserve Fund. 1 The Beaumont Chamber of � Commerce � Economic Development � D ivision 1 � Presentation to City Council � E T BER OF COMMERCE , AND HEADY FOR BUSINESS 1 EAUMONT February 25, 1999 BER OF COMMERCE • AND READY FOR BUSINESS The Honorable David Moore Mayor of the City of Beaumont and Honorable Members of The Beaumont City Council 801 Main Street Beaumont, TX 77704-3827 Dear Mayor Moore and Honorable Council Members: On behalf of the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Council, I would appreciate your consideration of renewing the partnership and funding assistance from the City of Beaumont toward our community's 1999 economic development endeavors. We cordially request 1999 economic development funding of$65,000.00 from the City of Beaumont. This includes the traditional $50,000 in economic development funding and an additional$15,000 to fund our small/minority business economic development program. The 1999 fiscal year's funding campaign also includes underwriting by private • contributions made from Beaumont Chamber of Commerce members and area employers. The funding goals for this private source economic development fund-raiser campaign are: Private Sources $130,000. City of Beaumont $ 65,000.* -------------------------------------- Total $195.000. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, John Breier President • *$15,000 to be earmarked for the Small Business Minority economic development project. An Accredited Member Of The United States Chamber Of Commerce 450 Bowie Post Office Box 3150 Beaumont,Texas 77704 409.838.6581 Fax 409.833.6718 Beaumont Chamber of Commerce • Economic Development Division 1999 Program of Work Mission Statement: To enhance the economic vitality of Beaumont, Texas through a process of "averaging up"the factors that affect the growth of the economy. • Develop and maintain an aggressive pro-active marketing program to improve the perception of Beaumont and to educate prospects of the benefits that Beaumont has to offer. The marketing program shall include prospect development, data collection, and assisting prospects in the negotiation of agreements. • Develop and support a strong workforce development program to educate and prepare the existing and future workforce to meet the changing demands of industry and commerce. This will include an aggressive campaign to identify and assist Beaumont companies to obtain state training-grants through the"Smart Jobs and Skill Development"programs. • Set objectives of accountability in measuring the success of economic development efforts: a. Reduce unemployment to below an average of 7.0% over the next 12 months. b. Increase ad valorem tax base by 3.5%over the next 12 months. c. Increase job growth by 2.0%over the next 12 months. d. Visit key industry and business at least twice annually. • Focus on the creation of jobs from new and existing business and industry with emphasis on job retention. • Cooperate with the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, Port of Beaumont, Entergy, Partnership of Southeast Texas, Texas Department of Economic Development and all appropriate state and federal agencies to accomplish the Chamber's economic development mission. • Monitor all issues pertaining to the fresh water assets of the Neches and Sabine River basins and strive to preserve these assets for the benefit of Beaumont and Southeast Texas. • Cooperate with the City of Beaumont for providing financial incentives for prospective business and industries and thereby making Beaumont competitive with other cities in its efforts to bring new jobs to the local area. GAEco-Dev\99mission • 1999 Work Plan In addition to our continuing economic development efforts, the follow programs and initiatives are scheduled �or this year: Development of a Beaumont Strategic Economic Development Plan (1999-2000) : The Plan will provide recommendations and a road map to guide Beaumont's industrial growth and retention programs and recruitment efforts as well as strengthen our overall economy. Industrial Growth and Retention Program: Throughout 1999,meetings will be scheduled with key business and industrial leaders to express the communities' appreciation for their investment in Beaumont, to identify issues of concern in which we may be of assistance, and to determine if there are business opportunities for growth and expansion that the communities economic development program can facilitate. The objective being to identify what economic development programs are truly benefiting our industrial base and development of new one to enhance industrial growth. Economic Analysis Panel: This quarterly report of economic information is given by a group of community leaders from Beaumont and the metro area. This statistical information, which is not generally available or published, gives informational reports on labor, construction, utility, transportation, real estate, retail, government, and tourism in the form of a media briefing. Economic development and economic Development News Bulletin: The bulletin highlights new develo P P indicators in Beaumont and the metro area. It is published and faxed monthly to the entire Beaumont Chamber of Commerce membership,the marketing network,prospects and interested citizens who have called to inquire about Beaumont. lie Good News Publication: The compilation of success stories exerted from local newspapers covers Beaumont,the metro and the Southeast Texas - e as region. It is published quarterly cooperatively with Entergy Texas and is distributed to our marketing network and prospects who have called to inquire about Beaumont. Development of a Comprehensive Marketing Plan: As a result of the strategic economic development plan, a short and long-term marketing plan will be developed. This will include the development of a new multi-media promotional material. Business Surveys: Workforce development surveys will be performed to identify labor availability and needs as well as training resources and requirements. This will provide for development of business consortiums to facilitate the application for Smart Job and Skill Development training grants. Partnership Efforts: We will work closely with city and county government, regional and state economic development agencies, industry and business leaders as well as real estate, financial and investment professionals who market Beaumont daily. Small/Minority Business Economic Development Program"Focusing on the Future": This will be an integral part of Beaumont's overall Economic Development Program. The effort will have three phases with ■ Phase I starting this year utilizing the nationally recognized Premier Fast Trac I Program. In this first phase,participants will learn to take an innovative business idea and determine its feasibility. They will expose and expand business ideas before completing the program with • a blueprint for successful launch. ■ Phase II will help these firms identify funds to help support new business ventures and help existing firms grow and expand. ■ Phase III will be to develop programs and procedures to identify market opportunities, • relationships and contacts to help these firms enter both domestic and international markets. p Continuation of current programs *� With your help, we will continue to aggressively generate investment and reinvestments in our local economy by working to attract industrial and manufacturing firms, retail customers, tourists, conventions and help current businesses prosper and expand. We will respond to correspondence,phone calls, and walk-in visitors who are considering relocations. We will provide statistical information through our research and publications and will actively assist businesses and individuals who are considering choosing our Beaumont market: We will continue the SBA 504 loan program through the Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation (a certified development company), offering small businesses long-term financing for real estate acquisition, construction, renovation, and equipment purchases. The SBA 504 program is an economic development program developed to promote growth and job creation in small businesses. In 1998, the foundation received more than 100 SBA inquiries for assistance. Currently the Southeast Texas 504 program has two loans that have been approved which are pending finding/closing, and another that is pending SBA loan approval. We continue our efforts to market the SBA 504 loan program to Beaumont businesses and business prospects 116 to expand or locate here. We will continue to P lan,organize and stage Business Showcase with 130 business firms displaying information about their products and services to the 4,000 persons in attendance. We will continue h' "Operation Education,"a community-wide advertising campaign,promoting Beaumont schools and Lamar University. • 1997-98 Success Stories: In fiscal year 1998, the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Development Council responded to inquiries from over 1,400 companies and individuals interested in information about or in doing business in this area. Through the leadership of the City of Beaumont, Jefferson County, the Beaumont Chamber and others, there have been investments and reinvestments in the Beaumont area of over$1.29 billion and the creation of over 3,500 new jobs in southeast Texas. These locations and expansions include: Industry Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Beaumont Methanol Plant Beaumont Beaumont Expansion Expansion $193 million $57 million 100 construction jobs 5 permanent jobs, 250 construction EPCO Carbon Dioxide Products,Inc. 7-Up RC Bottling Company Beaumont Beaumont New New $5 million $1.2 million 15 permanent jobs, 10 construction 30 permanent jobs, 5 construction Trinity Industries Sabine CogenBayer Corporation Beaumont Orange • Expansion New $25 million $63 million 90 permanent jobs Orange Shipbuilding Huntsman Corporation Orange Port Neches Expansion Expansion $3.7 million $7 million 200 construction jobs Clark Refining &Marketing Port Arthur Expansion $775 million 125 permanent, 2,000 construction Services Chelsea Apartments Kingsgate Apartments Beaumont Beaumont New New $10 million $4.3 million 3 permanent jobs, 100 construction 3 permanent jobs, 100 construction 2 . St. Elizabeth Hospital(trauma center) Calder Woods (BucknerRetirement) Beaumont Beaumont Expansion New $10 million $15 million 25 permanent jobs 75 permanent jobs Hotel Beaumont Dowlen Road Church of Christ Beaumont Beaumont Renovation Expansion $6.1 million $830,000 Veterans Administration Clinic Beaumont Medical & Surgical Beaumont Beaumont New Expansion $1.9 million $433,000 40 permanent jobs 20 construction jobs The Madison Apartments Smith Barney,Inc. Beaumont Beaumont New New $1.3 million $450,000 3 permanent jobs, 90 construction 15 construction jobs • Muse Ltd. 58 acre subdivision Jefferson Theatre Beaumont Beaumont New Renovation $20 million $4 million Lamar University Institute of Technology Hampton Hotel Beaumont Beaumont Expansion New $2.5 million 6.5 million 40 permanent jobs, 15 construction Columbia Beaumont Medical Center Beaumont Expansion $400,000 Retail Trade Dixie Street Project Beaumont Centre (shopping strip) Beaumont Beaumont New/Renovations New $6 million $3.5 million 3 Cheddar's Casual Cafe Old Navy Apparel Beaumont Beaumont New New $1 million $500,000 60 permanent jobs 50 permanent jobs SBA 504 Loans processed through the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Southeast Texas Economic Development Foundation The following loans were approved by the Small Business Administration,final closing is pending. The dollar amount noted is the portion of the loan that SBA funds. American Bedroom—A.J.'s Inc. R&R Marine Maintenance, Inc. Expansion(into ex True-Value Hardware) New(4,000-ton capacity dry dock) 1� $309,000 $750,000 Beaumont Port Arthur In addition to the projects listed above,there were many other new developments and renovations announced in the retail and service sectors. Economic Indicator Results City of Beaumont— Ad Valorem Tax Valuation Base 1998: $3.6 Billion—up $161 million (4.61%) over 1997 *up $944 million (34.75%) over 1987 Actual Employment 1998: 54,604—up 1,012 (1.85%) over 1997 Unemployment Rate 1998: 6.53% - down from 7.25% in 1997 *has decreased each year since 1993 when the rate was 10.18% **the lowest unemployment annual average since before 1980 Population 1998 estimates: 117,593, up (1.10%) from 1990 Census totals of 114,323 BISD Enrollment 1998 current enrollment: 20,658, an increase of 301 students and the largest enrollment in BISD schools since 1991, up 1.46% since 1997 4 Lamar University Institute of Technology 1998: LUIT hit a record enrollment of 2,094 students, an increase of 374 students (22%) since 1997. Retail Sales 1997: $1,603,297,577 —up 87,985,286 (5.81%) since 1996 up 50.72% over 1987 Retail Sales Tax Rebates 1998: $23,822,541 —up $969,064 (4.24%) from 1997 • 5t' straight year there was an increase • up $14,586,700 (157.94% increase) since 1987 Industry Visits FY 97/98 C & D Robotics M& I Electric Entergy The Cancer Institute EPCO Carbon Dioxide Products, Inc. Sisters of Charity U.S. Postal Remote Encoding Center FY 98/99 North Star Steel Bank One LARCO Industries St. Elizabeth Hospital Baptist Hospital U.S. Postal Remote Encoding Center Southwestern Bell Telephone Goodyear Tire and Rubber DuPont Mobil Oil Corporation Port of Beaumont Assistant Secretary of the Army U.S. Post Office - headquarters Partial List of Companies that Visited Beaumont in FY 97/98 Blazer Financial Services, Dallas Located Bay Ltd, Corpus Christi HMO-Texas Golden Choice, Houston Located Swiss Chalet Restaurant, Houston Scooters Plus, Baytown Located Gross Investments, Houston Located JLT & Associates, Irvine, CA Calgon Carbon, Pittsburgh, PA Best Inns of America, Marion, IL Derek Development Corporation, Lafayette, LA Aspen Mountain Air, Alto, New Mexico Southeastern Property Development, Sulphur, LA Thomas Petroleum Ltd, Victoria, TX Rosen Systems, Inc., Dallas, TX Sun Suites, Smyrna, GA Countrywide Home Loans Located SONOCO, Hartsville, SC Johnson Brothers Corporation, Litchfield, MN C1earSail Communications, Houston Located MG Capital, Houston Located Extended Stay America, San Antonio Cracker Barrell Old Country Store, TN Houston Freightliner Locating Norell Personnel Services, Atlanta, GA Minson EMS Services Averittt Express, Grand Prairie, TX Locating Turner Personnel, Sulphur, LA Chevron, Liberty, TX Toyolift of Houston Houston Trane Great Western Supply Co, Houston EPCO, Monroe, LA Locating H.B. Zachry Company, San Antonio CC Staffing, Inc. Located Corporate Housing, Lake Charles, LA Apria Healthcare, Houston Development Solutions, Nederland Mega-Tech, Iowa Falls, ID EATEL, Gonzales, LA . KMC Telecom, Inc., Duluth, GA Locating Britco Company The following pages are key economic indicators -Beaumont Ad Valorem Tax Valuation Base (1986-1998 Graph and Chart) -Beaumont Employment Figures for Beaumont (1990-1998 Graph and Chart) -Beaumont Unemployment Rate (1990-1998 Graph and Chart) -City of Beaumont Retail Sales (1990-1997 Graph and Chart) -City of Beaumont Sales Tax Rebates (1986-1998 Graph and Chart) lie City of Beaumont Ad Valorem Tax Valuation Base Year Amount Variance Annual % CHANGE 1998 3,660,562,963 161,460,368 4.61% 1997 3,499,102,595 79,074,315 2.31% 1996 3,420,028,280 108,389,070 3.27% 1995 3,311,639,210 60,023,217 1.85% 1994 3,251,615,993 -173,536,917 -5.07% 1993 3,425,152,910 439,103,790 14.71% 1992 2,986,049,120 95,696,980 3.31% 1 1991 2,890,352,140 99,652,080 3.57% 1990 2,790,700,060 31,655,370 1.15% 1989 2,759,044,690 22,265,830 0.81% 1988 2,736,778,860 20,212,120L_ 0.74% 1987 2,716,566,740 172,645,7321 6.79% 1986 2,543,921,008 - - Source: Jefferson County Appraisal Office 1 1 1 i • o!� rw'f'a'yat`;?°'P1'"'F wn xkcw.. t wann,l!';}a'^rmw,kv, >w;r•9�r>aw.u! . .,r . . ,. n r-.F+"•; *x ran ^Fw a §•r} stx•.!.npei^ Y p'" Y; .Ff,G.�,', .n?>:u,iy.u i,;S+ai.?t x+.>",ss;rrt]....m,f. k,n< ::'.1� Ili v, s. 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YF�.4•^R'i',.}�'T s.»n �&'^v.c'Ynwv+,.^a+Ne 7t...sK++rNt*+�t1>��rw.ier+.rra�'1ir7^^ri<.w�RC?gg t way u3i�i. ^•e`anxw+P�uRw� 1 ai, .F,?^r+trns r r. m>r..ay. c aya+,enw+aaT'YaYa x3a^++�vTk.S•r ¢., 4,^ �uy�•aro?Tp'rwxxm'r�a:""�""s"s ' ~'yn��." v+�.n+�'H a�CJ srr<inr�r�'a'• -... a°'' ;�r.,c' `�e:.,' • .v r.,n. .. ._�..u+n._W'. k...,, s:;i.:. .5 x..,.,r.. ... .�.RO ,r.rrt :<+�ax +qy .x 4fi+ Cw m�m�m� tl.a??*9tv,.o `,.,"w.,'�"a.a s�n+v�a.,•.n,?..,+wva ,:..`r'�n."„9rvv`>"k',•`�ax ar',,�,N ftxT.°v,...., k�.�°x"`.urrty-v;• a� s,+?5rr• r ,>x.. ,�, ...yi 'x f s r¢H. -.. ,. �. +.,,s+,...., ,,,. ,,,�F,�q, Diu.. ., ,- . >n ry. ,�,. .vFy.e•em.!.r:F ra ., �tit�ari""""*tj'xrn^'n. �„�+ r�s+,+*.ny+rae+.as�m. ��+�c�•«a«s?m � u warm.MF'xxe,k,°Y�t� macs tts��'�;f�^��n��",.w,?!�� 1 1 • 1 iawv+ .+.vc r avxr ..*.'> vvw.a s+.rv*a .,.eYx+.«avaw±r•n,'•,aM -•x,• rxn+ z";.. n+r +Xe^ r"" ..w!msy usy :a:. al•-."f"J•af ;+C.'+' .. ,.. x.1 � t 1 ..rmv �''r".2 ' "'1�.., .q,. arw v.r�.['n •« rZ `rY w ,., ,,,.'1, sx.•em<nxa I,fi,wrmx.'�» _ Jw.. . . .. .;, ka', ;h",r,,ir.�a R• ;ww,n;a:: ,. r'ri:�?ri3k Actual Employment in Beaumont ANNUAL • YEAR QTR-1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 AVG VARIAN . . 1998 54,165 54,778 54,621 54,851 54,604 1,012.75 1997 53,241 53,493 53,459 54,171 53,591 665.00 1996 52,523 52,942 52,882 .53,357 52,926 (338.25) H 1995 52,784 53,675 53,441 53,157 53,264 (63.75) 1994 52,968 53,290 53,339 53,715 53,328 (111.75) 1993 53,178 53,480 53,369 53,732 53,440 (1,136.25) 1992 54,181 55,156 54,854 54,113 54,576 (3.25) 1991 53,9451 54,642 54,868 54,862 54,579 2,767.75 1990 50,741 51,889 51,849 52,767 51,812 - Source: Texas Workforce Commission Actual Employment in Beaumont Annual Averages 1990-1998 55,000 54,500 1991 1992 1998 54,000 53,500 1993 "'_`-----�` 1997 1994 1995 53,000 1996 52,500 52,000 1990 51,500 - ---- 51,000 - -- 50,500 50,000 AVG 51,812 54,579 54,576 53,440 53,328 53,264 52,926 53,591 54,604 Unemployment Rates for Beaumont • ANNUAL YEAR QTR 1 QTR 2 Q R 3 QTR 4 AVG V RiAN . % CHANGE 1998 6.67 6.37 6.80 6.27 6.53 (0.72) -11.10% 1997 7.67 7.47 7.17 6.70 7.25 (1.05) -14.48% 1996 8.20 9.80 8.20 7.00 8.30 (0.75) -9.04% 1995 8.20 10.00 9.20 8.80 9.05 (0.17) -1.93% 1994 9.30 10.70 8.90 8.00 9.23 (0.95) -10.30% 1993 10.30 11.70 9.90 8.80 10.18 1.48 14.50% 1992 7.80 9.40 8.40 9.20 8.70 2.03 23.28% 1991 5.70 7.40 6.90 6.70 6.68 (0.15) -2.25% 1990 6.80 8.00 6.70 5.80 6.83 - Source: Texas Workforce Commission • 11 L Na t U u, f i p � 4 f rc t� ok 3 � ,�. �'-`�'; �: x�� 5n-�'�� � '� �.'`;ibr .� �..u'i � �'..:'v ,,,,T• �� `i6'� r�a� k,.' S�:,e r i City of Beaumont Beaumont - Retail Sales YEAR AMOUNT VARIANCE Annual % CHANGE 1997 1,603,297,577 87,985,286 5.806% 1996 1,515,312,291 84,657,942 5.917% 1995 1,430,654,349 68,838,971 5.055% 1994 1,361,815,378 95,675,462 7.556% 1993 1,266,139,916 27,530,350 2.223% 1992 1,238,609,566 8,607,997 0.700% 1991 1,230,001,569 18,092,828 1.493% 1990 1,211,908,741 96,712,598 8.672% 1989 1,115,196,143 51,948,651 4.886% 1988 1,063,247,492 -539,747 -0.051% 1987 1,063,787,239 7,009,776 0.663% 1986 1,056,777,463 - - Source: State Comptroller www.cpa.state.tx.us/cgi-bin/saleshust 1 19981 793,674,361 kor the first two quarters in 1998 lie s � tw •�'�`�`, �n -. �a�veu "`Wig' a '^ r`: Y _ , y ' A, S; AT !� Tx City of Beaumont 10 Sales Tax Rebates YEAR AMOUNT VARIANCE Annual % CHANGE 19981 23,822,541 969,064 4.240% 1997 22,853,477 548,454 3.536% 1996 22,072,905 738,133 3.460% 1995 21,334,772 706,579 3.425% 1994 20,628,193 689,855 3.460% 1993 19,938,338 -377,965 -1.860% ' 1992 20,316,303 2,051,141 11.230% 1991 18,265,162 1,034,569 6.004% 1 1990 17,230,593 1,324,492 8.327% 1989 15,906,101 2,230,817 16.313% 1988 13,675,284 4,439,443 48.068% 1987 9,235,841 -102,262 -1.095% 1986 9,338,103 - - Source: Comptroller of Public Accounts • Mow �.. ..+ ..... �... ... w.r ..... .�. ..�. ..... r rr.. ...... .�.. -- City of Beaumont Sales Tax Rebates 1986-1998 30000000 Millions 25000000 -- - --- -- --- - --23.82 22.85 20.63 21.33 22.07 20.32 19.94 20000000 --— - _ 18.27 - ------ - - 17.23 15.91 15000000 13.68 9.34 9.24 10000000 5000000 -- ---- _ ----- -- ---- 0 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1� Area Populations YEAR Beaumont Jefferson County MSA 1998 117,593 246,200 381,327 1997 115,400 245,000 378,600 1996 114,800 243,200 375,000 1995 115,494 243,794 371,983 1994 118,324 252,358 380,932 1993 116,500 247,500 372,700 1992 117,400 248,400 367,700 1991 115,300 243,200 364,600 1990 114,323 239,397 361,266 1989 120,400 252,600 378,000 1988 119,900 249,800 375,000 1987 119,900 249,800 375,000 1986 119,900 249,800 375,800 Source: U.S.Census Bureau, Census Counts '98 All numbers are estimates except for 1990 numbers f • 8 •