HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN MAR 31 1981 REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUMONT HELD MARCH 31 , 1981 BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont , Texas, met in regular session this the 31st day of March, 1981 , with the following present: HONORABLE : Tom Combs , Jr. Mayor Pro Tem - Council- man , Ward I Evelyn M. Lord Councilman , Ward II Calvin Williams Council_maD , Ward III Wayne Turner Councilman , Ward IV Absent : Maurice Meyers Mayor Ray Riley City Manager R. E. Platt Asst . City Manager Lane Nichols Asst . City Attorney Myrtle Corgey City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by the Reverend R. C. Pemberton , Woodland Baptist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Lord . -000- Mrs . Sandra Henderson and 5th graders from Dick Dowling Middle School were welcomed to today ' s meeting . -000- The following Consent Agenda. items were considered : Approval. of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held March 24, 1981 ; Resolution 81-144 authorizing purchase of smocks for Library personnel from Frank' s Medical Mart at a cost of $1 , 118 . 40; Resolution 81-145 authorizing purchase of lawnmowers - 25 standard rotary mowers at $126. 28 each and 5 self-propelled mowers with grass catchers at $171 . 20 each - for the Parks Department from Tyrrell Hardware Company at $4 , 013 . 00; Resolution 81-146 authorizing purchase of landscaping materials for the new No'. 1 Fire Station from Rand Landscaping Company at : 6,483 . 00; Resolution 81-147 authorizing purchase of various items of furniture for the new No . 1 and No . 9 Fire Stations from Fernon ' s Office Outfitters ($5, 219. 80) and Lamb' s Office Products (; 1 ,372. 00) ; Resolution 81-148 authorizing purchase of a table and chair unit for the dining area of the new No . 1 Fire Station from Sysco Food Service at a cost of $1 , 598. 00; Resolution 81-149 appointing Larry Smith to the Beaumont Industrial Develop- ment Corporation to fill the unexpired term of James K. Stewart to April 1 , 1986 and Lt . Earl Oster to the Clean Community Commission to fill the >;n- expired term of Mary Ryherd until 1982 ; Resolution 81--150 accepting drainage easement in Lot 16 , Block 10 , of the First Addition to North Addition from T. N. Smith; Resolution 81-151 authorizing payment to Westinghouse Electric Company at $4 , 500. 00 for emergency repairs to a sewage pump at the Water Reclamation Plant (pump handles 400 of plant ' s capacity) ; -43- Ma.reb 31 , 1981 Resolution 81-152 authorizing purchase of a three-ton heat pump for the new classroom facility on the Fire Department training grounds from Efficient Systems , Inc . at $1 ,581 . 00; Resolution 81-153 authorizing payment to Kinsel Ford, Inc . for repairs to a side-loading refuse truck at a cost of $1 ,975. 00; and Resolution 81-154 authorizing purchase of books for the Library from Strand Book Store at a cost of $1 ,489. 48. The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lord and seconded by Councilman Williams . Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 81-155 authorizing purchase of 1 , 170 tons of pea gravel for im- provements proposed for Liberia, Carroll Street and Pine Street Parks from Transit Mix Concrete Company at a cost of $16. 30 per ton was approved on a motion made by Councilman Turner and seconded by Councilman Lord. Question : Ayes: All Nayes : None -00o- Resolution 81-156 .authorizing final payment to E. R. Dupuis Concrete Com- pany of $16 , 007. 15 for the Pinchback Road Extension Participation Contract was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lord and seconded by Council.- man Turner. Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 81-,157 authorizing purchase of three (3 ) flail mowers at a cost of $1 , 720. 00 each and four (4) bush hogs at a cost of $1 ,257. 00 each from Audilet Tractor Sales, Inc . for the Public Works , Parks and Recrea- tion and Water Utilities. Departments was approved on a motion made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Turner . Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution. 81-15.8 authorizing purchase of limestone base materials from Keown Supply Company at $14 .25 per ton for the Street , Sanitation and Water and Sewer Departments was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lord and seconded by Councilman Turner. Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 81-159 authorizing purchase of ready-mix concrete from Beaumont Ready-nix, Inc . and High Early Type II.I ,from ..Cowbo.y Concrete Corporation was approved on a motion made by Councilman Turner and seconded by Council- man. Lord. (Councilman Williams left the meeting prior to the vote. ) (question : Ayes : Councilman Lord Abstained : Councilman Councilman Turner Combs -000- Resolution 81-160 authorizing execution of a. contract with Local 399 of the International Association of Firefighters was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lord and seconded by Councilman Turner. (Councilman Williams returned during discussion of this item. ) Question : Ayes : All Naves : None -000- -44- March 31 , 1981 Ordinance No. 81--2.1 amending the ordinance establishing the rates of pay and positions in the Fire Department was considered : ORDINANCE NO. 81-21 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21 SECTION 21-75 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TO PROVIDE FOR GRADES, CLASSIFICATION, AND PAY SCALES IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Turner and se- conded by Councilman Lord. Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 81-161 authorizing purchase of five acres of land adjacent to the Water Reclamation .Plant out of the James Lowe Survey from Mrs . Garland Reeves and Mr . Frank Blair Reeves for '$3 ,750. 00 was approved on a. motion made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Turner . Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- The regular City Council session was recessed before continuing with the public hearing on dilapidated structures . Public hearing opened. Mr. George Gardner, Urban Rehabilitation Administrator , told Council that all the below-listed structures are in violation of Article III , Sections 14-50 and 14-51 of the Dangerous Structures Ordinance of the Citv of Beau- mont , Texas , and that all notification procedures have been met : 2420 ANGELT.NA (GARAGE APARTMENT) - Mr . W. E. Monroe c/o Real Estate Center , owner ( 12 violations) , recommendation to raze or repair within 30 days ; 2140 CORLEY (GARAGE APARTMENT) - Mr , Leroy Stelly , owner (6 violations) recommendation to raze or repair within 30 days ; 825 CUNIFF - Der . Alphonse Hozen , owner ( 16 violations) , recommendation to raze wtthin 30 days ; 992 FORSYTEH STREET - Ms . Dora Serio Fertitta, owner (12 violations) , recom- mendation to raze or repair within 30 days; and 3679 GLENWOOD - Mr . S . Leleux , owner (11 violations) , recommendation to raze or repair within 30 days . A motion approving the recommendations was made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Turner . Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None The public hearing was closed and regular session reconvened. Ordinance No. 81-22 declaring certain dilapidated structures to be public nuisances and requiring their repair or removal was considered : ORDINANCE NO. 81-22 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE FINDING CERTAIN STRUC- TURES .TO BE PUBLIC NUISANCES , ORDERING REPAIR OR DEMOLITION FOR CERTAIN STRUCTURES ; ORDERING DEMOLITION FOR CERTAIN STRUCTURES ; ORDERING DE- MOLTTION BY THE CITY UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS ; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR SFVERA- BILITY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Williams and se- conded by Councilman Turner . Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- -45- March 31 , 1981 CITY MANAGER RAY RILEY: Under other business , we 'd like to bring to the attention of the Council a report by Mr. Tom Lamb , Goals for Beaumont . Approximately two years ago, the_ City , as part of a group of organizations , sponsored the Goals for Beaumont Program. The program lasted for over a year and you have received preliminary reports and a final report some months ago. Mr . Lamb is here now to give you the final published report for the Goals for Beaumont Program. MR: TOM . LAMB: Thank you very much, Mr. Manager and Mayor Pro Tem and members of the Council . It really is a pleasure for me to be here today representing the Goals for Beaumont effort in our community . As I 've had the opportun- ity to express to you before, it has really been a great pleasure for me to work .with this effort because it ' s , I think , one of the original or most sincere efforts to have just a grassroots effort in our community as opposed to the direction coming from any one established entity , such as the Chamber of Commerce or the City Council itself . A lot of time and effort has gore into this , representing the work of some 2 to 300. Beaumont citizens . We have presented you in the past sev- eral interim reports and it 's my pleasure to bring you today among the first copies of our published report to be released. We will have on April 9th a "media day" if you will where this will be officially announced and released to the City of Beaumont . We will invite at the same time all the participants , numbering something in excess of 200, to come to this event to receive their copy and to hear our report . Just as one additional word before ? give these to the Council , the Goals for Beaumont effort is in the process now of reorganizing itself for what we would call its second phase. The first ; of course, was an effort to establish what the community felt were its greatest needs and wants . At this point , we will do whatever we can to encourage the appropriate estab- lished bodies who can effect some change in our community , be it the City Council or County government or city school districts or whatever , encour- age their study of these findings and , at the same time, encourage their implementation in whatever way that they feel comes within their juris- diction . On behalf of this - especially our Executive Committee who worked so hard and Evelyn Lord has been a member of that body for several years and helped birth this baby - on behalf of all these folks , I want to thank the Council for its encouragement from the outset , for the Resolution of Endorsement of our efforts that appears .on the first page of our book, and I would like to leave these with Mr. Riley. We have enough for Council as well as staff members , Ray, that might be in- volved and certainly other copies are available if you have other depart- ments that would like to have this . I believe that the Planning Department as well as some others are already taking advantage of some of this work and we certainly stand ready to assist with any background information . All the information that was developed does not appear in print and we would be pleased to have. one of our task forces meet with any appropriate department within the City to encourage and help in their effort to implement in any way the findings that might be appropriate. I appreciate the opportunity to be here today. It is gratifying to finally get it into print and thank you once again for your support . I appreciate it very much. -000- Councilman Lord requested that an evening Neighborhood Workshop meeting be scheduled in Ward II sometime early in May. -000- -46- March 31 , 1981 Mrs . Delia Harrinutbn , 815 Willow Street , addressed Council to suggest a community garden area be .included in plans for the new pi loi program for low income housing to be constructed on Pine Street and also to speak in opposition to deletion of the residency requirement for Police and Fire department personnel , Mrs . Margie Barry , 2425 Wescalder. , addressed Council to speak in favor of the deletion of the residency requirement for Police and Fire personnel -000- There being no further business , the meeting was recessed before continu- ing with the City Council Workshop Session . -000- I , Myrtle Corgey , City Clerk of the City of Beaumont , Texas , certify that the above is a true copy of the minutes of the regular City Council ses- s i can he 1 d March 31 , 1 981 . Myrt1P Cor.gey City Clerk -47- March 31 , 1981