HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN NOV 13 1979 REGULAR SESSION
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont , Texas,
met in regular session this the 13th day of November , 1979, with the
following present :
HONORABLE: Maurice Meyers Mayor
Tom Combs, Jr . Councilman , Ward I
Vi McGinnis Councilwoman, Ward II
Calvin Williams Councilman , Ward III
Leroy Evans Councilman, Ward IV
Ray Riley City Manager
Kenneth Wall City Attorney
The Invocation was given by the Reverend W. J. Treece, Amelia United Pen-
tecostal Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Combs.
Mr. Terry Dodson, Corpus Christi , Texas , Parks Director , presented an
Achievement Award from the Texas Recreation and Parks Society to the
Beaumont Council of Garden Clubs for their work at Tyrrell Park.
Mayor Meyers issued the following proclamations : "National REACT Month in
Beaumont" - November, 1979; "Energy Conservation Water Heater Month"
November , 1979; "Beaumont State Center Volunteer 's Services Week in Beau-
mont" - November 19-25 ; and a proclamation officially recognizing Dennis
Walsh (Golfer) as the "1979 Golden Triangle Player of the Year.. "
The Minutes of the regular City Council session held November 6, 1979,
were approved on a motion made by Councilman Combs and seconded by Coun-
cilman Evans.
Question : Ayes: All
Nayes : None
Resolution 79-399 authorizing the purchase of five (5) parcels of land
for the Lamar Freeway/Spur 380 Project (#1 - Railroad Avenue - at $8 ,220. 00)
and Buford-Carroll Street Projects (Carroll Street - #31 @ $100. 00, #33 @
$675. 00, #35 @ $7, 500. 00 and #39 @ $17, 900. 00) was approved on a motion
made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Combs .
Question : Ayes : All
Nayes : None
Resolution 79-400 casting 740 votes for the appointment of John McDonald
to the Jefferson County Appriasal District Board of Directors was approved
on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Combs.
Question : Ayes : All
Nayes : None
Resolution 79-401 authorizing agreements with the Chamber of Commerce for
the operation of the Beaumont Convention and Visitor 's Bureau ($291 ,000)
and the South East Texas Arts Council ($40, 500) for programs provided un-
der the Hotel-Motel Room Occupancy Tax was approved on a motion made by
Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Evans .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
-159- November 13 , 1979
Resolution 79-402 accepting recently completed streets and utility improve-
ments constructed by private developers (Windemere Subdivision and Evange-
line Meadow, Unit I ) for city maintenance was approved on a motion made by
Councilman Combs and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-403 declaring Winston, Posey, Bender , Worcester and Irene
Streets an Assessment Paving Project and authorizing Public Works and En-
gineering to prepare plans, specifications and cost estimates for the pro-
ject , pending prepayment by three-fourths of the abutting property owners
was approved on a motion made by Councilman Combs and seconded by Council-
woman McGinnis.
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-404 authorizing final payment of $6 ,454 . 55 to General Elec-
tric Company for the Transit Radio Communications ; Resolution 79-405 auth-
orizing final payment of $6 , 000. 00 to John Bankston Construction and Equip-
ment Rental Company for clearing and grubbing and United Fence Company
($3 , 996. 00) for fencing for the 5 MG ground storage tank site at Loeb and
Resolution 79-406 authorizing final payment of $28 ,614 . 22 to Eldridge Elec-
tric Company for the Softball Diamond Lighting Project at Municipal Athletic
Complex were all approved on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded
by Councilwoman McGinnis.
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-407 expanding the western boundary to Fourth Street of the
Neighborhood in Census Tract 23 and the northern boundary of Pine Oaks
Neighborhood (Census Tract 8) to Martin Street was approved on a motion
made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Williams .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-408 authorizing the execution of an agreement with Kansas
City Southern Railway Company for the maintenance of the railroad struc-
ture crossing Irving Street was approved on a motion made by Councilman
Evans and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-409 amending Table II-1 in the Community Development Block
Grant Housing Assistance Plan was approved on a motion made by Councilman
Evans and seconded by Councilman Combs .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-410 accepting the bid of J. R. Plake, Inc. for the removal
of seven (7) residential structures with Census Tract 17 at a cost of
$15, 000. 00 was approved on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and
seconded by Councilman Combs.
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
Resolution 79-411 authorizing the purchase of two portable radios and
battery chargers from Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. for the
Building Maintenance Department at a cost of $1 ,477 . 80 was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Combs .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None
-160- November 13 , 1979
Mr. Joel Bundick, 1865 Rafes Way, addressed Council to complain of bur-
glaries of his home and neighborhood and to request additional police be
hired and salaries increased.
There being no further business, the meeting was recessed before continu-
ing with the City Council Workshop Session.
I , Rosemarie Chiappetta, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Beaumont , Texas,
certify that the above is a true copy of the regular City Council session
held November 13 , 1979.
Rosemarie Chiappetta
Deputy City Clerk
-161- November 13 , 1979
SESSION HELD November 13 , 1979
Item 3 is a resolution which provides for agreements with the C11mber of
Commerce for the Convention and Visitors Bureau and also with the South
East Texas Arts Council for operation of programs under the fundings of -
the Hotel/Motel Room Occupancy Tax . We received another quarterly dis-
tribution this past week and we have some updated estimates which we have
provided to you which has charged the picture somewhat but not substan-
tially. We had predicted this year revenues from that sou-(- r, $341 , 000.
With this last distribution which is somewhat higher than what we or-* gi-
nally estimated the fourth quarter of this year was $92 , 305- 00. That ' s
actually for the three months previous or the three months ending in
September - so that gives us a total for the fiscal year or a total re-
ceipts this year which would be received in this calendar year - $342 , 836.
So we have changed our projections on that basis and increased our projec-
tions for next year by approximately $5, 000 so we has included in here then
a beginning year balance of about $16 , 800 with anticipated revenues of
$378 , 000. Now, that , possibly depending on a number of factors , could I
think be a maximum of $385, 000, but at this point we are - with this last
distribution - we are projecting $378 , 000 for 1980. The distribution --
the Council has already this past year allocated $12 , 500 during the first
quarter of 1980 for the Arts Council . The resolution then prov-ic7(--,---; 'or
the remainder of the distribution on the same basis this year. In effect -
then a total of $53 , 000 or an additional $40, 500 for the remainder of 1980
added to the $12 , 500 to give a total distribution to the Arts Council of
$53 , 00") . And, then , a continuation to the Convention and Visitors Bureau
on the same basis as last year - $291 , 000; $40, 000 dedicated to the opera-
tion of the Civic Center would then give a total distribution for the year
allocations of $384, 000. And, based on those estimates , would give yc-a
$10, 800 unallocated as of the middle of the year.
Mayor Meyers called for the motion to approve the resolution (R-79-401 ) .
Motion made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Evans .
Question : Ayes : All Nayes : None