HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN OCT 05 1976 REGULAR SESSIGN, CITY COUNCIL - 0171 Or hh 11 HELD wcaLLOA h , BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council W the City of Beaumont, Texas, met it. regular session this the 5th day of October, 3976 , Koh the folloNing pre ann HONORABLE: Ken RWec Mayor Don casiii Councilmen, Wa7d I Vi MUGA016 counullysman, %aid !I Calvin Williams Councilman, Ward !I! Leroy Evari, Councilman, Ward 17 R. E. Platt Asst. City Manager Kenneth WAI City Attorney Myrtle Conga! City Clerk -Ouo- The Invocation was given by the Reverand Don Webb, Ratarts Avenue Methodist, Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Coanwilwoman MwGlnnis -000-- The Mayor issued the following M. MWrOw DaY in 51�' mont" - October 5, 1976 , and "International Alpha Delta Kappa Week in Beaurz October 10-16, 19760 -010- The Minutes of the special City Council session held September 27 , 1976 , ws- approved an a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Ccancliman Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000-- Resolution 76-286 authorizing the rejection of a bid for claaning and palncf, ,,., the exterior of the 1® 5 M.G. elevated water storage tank at 3705 E. Lucas Street from Southwest Industrial Con tin gn. !no. in the amount of $18 . 442 ; awarding the contract to Virginia Erention Cowpany in the amount of $15 . 2 was approved an a motion made by Councilwaman McGinnis and seconded by Cc= r, ! " man Evans. Question: Ayes ; All Nayes : Nonn Ordinance Noz 76-114 appropriating 125 ,00 rohe 0 tm t fund balance inz, struction modification to Fair Park Arena was considered: ORDINANCE NOo 76-114 ENTITLED AN ORDINkNCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD COMMENCING OCTOBrR 1 , 1976 , AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 , 107e BY TRANSVERRING $125,000 FROM THE GLNERAL PUND BALANCE TO THE PARK CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR TEE FkIR PARK ARENA PROJECT, The ordinance was approved on a motion mada by councilman Cash and aeLond"Q Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes: Mayor Ritter Nayes; Councilman Councilwoman McGinnia Councilman Evans Councilman Cash -000- -i66- October 5, 1 976 An ordinance authorizing the issuance,, sale and acceptance of certifil-ates obligation in the amount of $245 ,00C]i f1cr the Fal', r ;1 yak 1--rana was held for Lion later. An ordinance appropriating funds for the constructlon of Fair Park Arena was held for action. ­Soo- A resolution authorizing the award of bid for the construction of Fair Park Arena was held for action. -000- Ordinance No. 76-115 establishing t'-nte rates for garbage and trash pickup ser- vices was considered: ORDINANCE NO.,, 76-115 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 15 AMENDING THE DEFINITION OF TRASH; CHANGING THE RULES AND REGUL,',TIONS CONCERNING THE COLLECTION DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND TRASH; SETTING RATES FOR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND TRASH; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Councilman Cash. Mr. J. C. Leggett, 1849 Washington Blvd. , addressed Council in opposition to increases in rates for garbage and trash pickup services. Question: Ayes: Mayor Ritter Nayes : Councilwoman Councilman Cash McGinnis Councilman Williams Councilman Evans Ordinance No. 76116 amending Ordinance 12-19 establishing the number of pL _I- tions in grade in the Police Department- was considered: ORDINANCE NO 76-116 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12 , SECTION 12-19 (1) , (2) , & (3) ESTABLISHING POSITIONS AND PAY GRADES IN GRADES 1 , 11 & III OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT; PRr-IVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance 76-117 appropriating funds from the fund balance for the restorz ._ of sworn positions in the Police and Fire Departments was considered: ORDINANCE NO, 76-117 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDJ1'NG THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD COMMENCING OCTOBER 1 , 1976 , AND -167- October 5, 1976 ENDING SEPTEMBER 30 , 1977 , ay ZRANSFERRING $43 ,80 FROM THE FUND ITIANCS TO ACCOUNT NO. 31; TRANSFERRING §34 , 731 FROM THE FUND BALANCE TO ACCOUNT O. 34 ; ADDING TWO (2) POSITIONS TO GRADE 11, ONE 01) PCSITION TO GRADE III OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THREE (3) POSITIONS TO GRADE 1 Or THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, The ordinance was approved on a "I" mats by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis . Question: Ayes : Ail Nayes : None -000- Ordinance loo® 76-118 amending the 1976-77 budget tn restore civilian positions in the Police Department was considered: ORDINANCE NO, 76-118 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT FOR THE FISCAL PERIOD COMMENCING OCTOBER 1 , 1976 , AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1977, BY TRANSFERRING $26, 684 FROM THE FUND BALANCE TO ACCOUNT NO. 31; BY ADDING ONE LAW ENFORCEMENT PLANNER AND ONE COCY TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. The ordinance was approved on a motion made bY Councilman Cash and seconded &�i Mayor Ritter. Positions to be restored are law Enforcement Planner (Piannir- and Research) and one cook. A discussion was held and the question called, Question® Ayes Ali, Nayes : None Councilman Evans said he did not vote because he had not had an opportunity t-,, ask a question. A resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement with WOFAC for a pleet Maintenance study was considered. A motion to approve was made bY Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Courcjj man Williams. Mr. Walter Keneson, 4045 Rothwell, addressed Council in opposi- tion to this expenditure (estimated to cost $57 , 0001 Councilman Evans made a motion to table yc7lano Coancilman Williams w1OL"' j , his second to the original motion to McGinnis withdrew her motion to appro aggrOve thyl resolution, CouncA :y, ve this resolution. Councilman Cash made a motion to deny this expanditurec Motion died fc�' Of a second, Councilman Cash seconded the motion to table action for one week. Question called on the motion to table, Ayes , All. Nay es : None -000- Resolution 76-287 authorizing the retention of Southwestern Laboratojies 6. geotechnical consultants to perform necessary subsurface investigation fo � the Irving Street Underpass Pro3ect ?071-74-14!j at an estimated cost aj $t: , g was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by CounciiwomaT McGinnis. Question: Ayes : All Nye s : None -000- -i68- October 5 , 1976 Resolution 76-288 authorizing the City Manager to execute and file an amended application on behalf of the City with the U.S. Department of Transportation to aid in the financing of eligible operating expenses of the CALty' s intra- city mass transit system (Grant from UMTA - $104 ,649 . 00 - amended amount $3 ,567 . 00) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 76-289 authorizing and directing the filing of eminent domain pro- ceedings against Hazel Cannon et al for the purpose of location, construction,,- and maintenance of a drainage ditch in cooperation with Jefferson County Drai,,,- age District 6 (Dowlen Road project) was approved on a motion made by Council-'. man Williams and seconded by Councilman Evans, Question: Ayes : All Mayes : None -000- Mrs. Alma Haynes, 4240 South Fifth Street, urged that the news media not be so negative in their reporting and report good things happening. She also stated that the City could save money by not using patch materials on streets to be reconstructed. Mr. Walter Keneson, 4045 Rothwell, addressed Council to urge that whatever is necessary be done to make railroad companies maintain their rail crossings, Mrs. Delia Harrington, 815 Willow, addressed Council to ask for help in stop- ping television interference being caused by a Citizens ' Band base station being operated at 850 Grand. Mr. J. C. Leggett, 1849 Washington, mentioned bad condition of streets aroune the South Park Independent School District Office Buliding. Mrs. J. D. Melancon, 4045 Booker, addressed Council to tell them that some cities in Texas were adding to City revenues by recycling newspapers and a1L num cans. Mr. Warren Wiggins, 7270 Click, addressed Council to express his appreciatic for good City government. He also mentioned a seniority system for employe( and briefly mentioned taxes. _000- There being no further business, the meF_Hting was recessed before continuing with the City Council Workshop Session, -00c­ I, Myrtle Corgey, City Clerk of the City c.af Beaumont, Texas, certify that above is a true copy of the minutes of the regular City Council ses_� .'_CIT October 5, 1976® Myrtle Corgey City Clerk -169- October 5, 1976