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MIN AUG 17 1976
REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUMONT HELD AUGUST 17 , 1976 BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met, in regular session this the 17th day of August, 1976 , with the following presMn_,. HONORABLE: Ken. Rit'-,er Mayor Don Cash Councilman, Ward I Vi McGinnis Councilwoman, Ward !l Calvin Williams Councilman, Ward III Leroy Evans Councilman, Ward IV Howard McDaniel City Manager Kenneth Wall City At Lorne -000- The Invocation was given by Councilman Cash© The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilwoman McGinnis -000- Mayor Ritter issued the fallowing proclamation: "National Aviation Day in Beaumont" - August 19, 1976 -000- The Minutes of the regular City Council session held August 10, 1976 , were ap- proved on a motion wade by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilman Evans Question: Ayes: All Naves. None -000- Resolution 76-237 authorizing the Cite Manager to advertise for bids for the construction of Phase 11 Improvements for the Beaumont Municipal Airport (con- struction of the parallel taxiway and lighting) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis Question: Ayes : All Nayes ; None �000� Resolution 76-236 authorizing the award of bids for furnishing a water trans- port trailer for the Traffic and Transportation Department to Howard Equipment in the amount of $3,495 , this being the only hid received, was approved on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Council woman McClnn¢s Question: Ayes : All Naves : None -000- Resolution 76-239 authorizing the award of bids for the purchase and remora', of a structure located at 4215 Pradice to the Jones Boys, Inc. , in the amours-,. of $760 . 00, this being the highest and hest bid received, (Sarah Street CIP Project, 11-ST®122) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and se-, conded by Councilman Evans Question: Ayes : All Nayes None -.000 Resolution 76-240 authorizing the City Manager to apply for continuation fund- ing from the Governor' s Office of Traffic safety for the elective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) for the period October, 1, 1976 through September 0 1977 (giant would pay overtime, salaries & benefits - Casty potion $7 ,500 I-or vehicle mileage) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes . All Nayes: None -128- August 17 , 1976 Resolution 76-241 authorizing the City Manager to accept a grant offer of fis- cal year 1976 and transition period funds from the Federal Aviation Administra- tion for Phase II Improvements at Beaumont. Municipal Airport was approved on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Ordinance 76-90 amending Chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Beaumont, Texas, by adding a new Section 11 -68 , Ground Fault Circuit Intercep- tors (requested by 19 electrical conLtractors for optional use at temporary loca- tions only) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 76-90 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11 BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 11-68 CONCERNING GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERCEPTORS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- A dilapidated structures hearing was set for September 7 , 1976 , on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Cash. (141 structures are to be considered. ) Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 76-242 accepting the Fence and Gate Project at the Water Reclamation Center and authorizing final payment to United Fence Company in the amount of $34 , 676 . 90 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- Resolution 76-243 authorizing the City Manager to apply for a Comprehensive Planning Assistance Grant for an architectural and historical survey at a cost of $10,000 (HUD 701 Comprehensive Planning funds - $6 , 667 , Beaumont Heritage Society - $2, 000, and City of Beaumont $1,100+ -- study for Historical Analy- sis, Inventory and Future Preservation Plan and Publication) was approved on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Cash, Question: Ayes : All Nayes: None -000- Resolution 76-244 designating a portion of the Multimax property presently occupied by the Babe Didrikson Zaharias Memorial as the Babe Didrikson Zahar- ias Center was approved on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Cash. Question: Ayes : All Nayes: None -000- Resolution 76-245 authorizing and directing the filing of proceedings in emi- nent domain against Arthur Hebert and other owners of interest to acquire three (3) parcels of land out of the J. W. Bullock League for locating, con- structing, maintaining, and widening Sarah Street �CIP 11-ST-122) in the City of Beaumont was approved on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Councilman Cash. Question: Ayes : All Nayes : None -000- -129- August 17 , 1976 City Manager McDaniel presented the proposed budget for the fiscal year 1976-77 to Council and read the following letter: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Beaumont Beaumont, Texas Lady and Gentlemen: In accordance with the Civil Statues of Texas and the Charter of the City of Beaumont, the proposed city budget for the 1976-77 fiscal year is herewith presented for your consideration. The budget document represents a plan for the year' s operations stated in financial terms and as such is the end product of several months of intensive study involving all departments and the administrative staff. Proposed expen- ditures have been carefully reviewed in relation to cost feasibility and the need to maintain essential services at acceptable levels. In general the em- phasis has been placed on continuation of existing programs, with a minimum amount of capital outlay for new equipment. The pressures of inflation and the demand for expanded services have made it impossible for the city to con- tinue its operations under the existing revenue structure. Therefore, the bud- get proposals include recommendations for the minimum increases in revenue necessary to finance the proposed programs and activities based on realistic estimates of the available resources. A five-year capital program budget, as described in Article VI, Section 19, of the City Charter, has been prepared for your consideration along with the annual budgets for operations, debt service and special funds. Following a practice instituted last year, a performance budget supplement will be developed for publication under separate cover based on the budget adopted by the Council. The goal of performance budgeting, as you know, is to make the line-item budget more meaningful and increase its usefulness in policy making and management by relating the fiscal information it contains to pro- gress, objectives and measurements of performance. For the last five years, from fiscal 1971-72 through fiscal 1975-76 , the city has continued to operate under the same ad valorem tax rate of $1 . 59 per $100 assessed valuation based on a 60 per cent ratio of assessed to market value. During this same period the costs involved in the city' s operations have increased at a rate unprecedented in modern times. Under the pressures of double digit inflation, most governmental units have been forced to increase taxes, and in some cases several times, in order to meet the public ' s demand for basic services. The City of Beaumont has been fortunate to be able to hold the line against a tax increase and maintain a relatively low effective tax rate during these years. This was made possible only by the diligence of many dedicated city employees and department heads and additional revenues from such sources as additions to the tax rolls from a continued high level of new con- struction, economic growth resulting in an increase in sales tax revenues, in- creased payments in lieu of taxes by industry, and a change from quarterly to monthly distribution of sales tax revenues by the state. However , the City, like other local governmental agencies, must look to ad valorem taxes as its main source of revenue. The cumulative pressures of inflation have eroded much of the City' s financial stability over the five-year period and we have reached the point where the City can no longer continue to function under the rate structure of past years. The impact of increased costs has been the same for the city government as it has for private employers and the individual consumer. For example the electric power bill of the city' s general operating fund has increased from $643 ,759 in 1974-75 to an estimated $860, 226 for the coming fiscal year. In- creased costs of gasoline, lubricants, automotive equipment and parts along with depreciation are reflected in an increase in equipment rentals paid by various departments to fleet maintenance. These charges have risen from $1, 258 , 873 in 1974-75 to an estimated $2, 419 ,719 for the coming year. Expen- ditures for salaries and wages in all departments have risen from $10, 054 ,487 for 1974-75 to $12,738 , 388 for next year. No general cost-of-living increase -130- August 17 , 1976 has been included in the budget proposals for next yea-r, although continua- tion of the current pay plan has been provided, Recommendations for financing the new budget are based on an ad valorem tax rate of $1. 94 per $100 assessed valuation on the same 60 per cent ratio of assessment. The apportionment of the rate would provide $1. 34 for the general operating fund and 58 cents for the general obligation debt service fund. The increase of 35 cents, or approximately 22 per cent, over last year' s rate is recommended as the minimum necessary to cover the increased costs of operation and to finance the interest and principal requirements of the funded debt, Water and sewer rates would be increased by amounts sufficient to cover operat- ing costs and debt requirements. Revenue increases of 37 per cent from water service and 54 per cent from sewer service are necessary to make these two utilities self-sustaining. The proposed addition off $1 to the monthly charge for garbage collection service together with increased charges for closed con- tainer services make this activity more nearly self-supporting, The proposed budget is based on current revenues totaling $31, 618 ,830 and disbursements of $30,677, 452 for all funds. In budgeting for next year ' s debt service requirements it has been necessary to provide for principal and interest payments totaling $3 ,927, 351, an increase of about $1 million over requirements for the fiscal year ending September 30. The increase in debt service require- ments has come about as a result of the sale this year of $20 million in bonds from the 1974 Citizens Activities Program bond issues, In deliberations, a balanced budget was considered which was within the anticipated revenues. It was determined, however, that this would materially decrease the level of acceptable service to the citizens and that it would not enable the City to continue current worthwhile programs or to meet certain financial obligations. With the proposed increased revenue, the City of Beau- mont will continue the unprecedented progress of the past five years. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Howard McDaniel City Manager A public hearing for the proposed budget was set for August 31, 1976 on a mo- tion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes: All Nayes : None -000- The following employees were awarded service pins : 35 years of service - Joseph Walter Hoffpauir, Fire Department; Margie Pourner, Building Maintenance; John Greathouse, Water Commercial. 30 years of service - Robert Gonzales, Fire Department; Leo Williams, Fire Department; Woodrow Dale, Parks & Recrea- tion Department; and Juanita Jenkins, City Manager' s Office. Those receiving service pins but unable to attend today' s meeting were: Henry Austin, Police Department; 35 years; Omer Elliott, Building Maintenance; Charles Smith, Parks Department; Robert Nelson, Street Department; and J. O. Hester, Parks and Re- creation Department; all with 30 years service, -000- Mr. W. L. Pate, Babe Didrikson Zaharias Foundation, expressed appreciation for Council ' s favorable action designating a portion of Multimax where the memorial is located as Babe Didrikson Zaharias Center, Dr. Brock Brentlinger, 6530 Salem, Chairman of the Library Commission, ad- dressed the Council to express his concern for cuts in the Library budget in the areas of new book purchases and maintenance of Tyrrell Library. Mr. Naaman Woodland, 5640 N. Circuit, member of the Library Commission, ad- dressed Council to express his concern for lack of proposed funds for the main- tenance of Tyrrell Historical Library. -131-- August 17 , 1976 Mrs. Carol Nelson, 6880 Friar Tuck, Director of the Beaumont Heritage Society asked that money be appropriated for the upkeep of Tyrrell H--' storical Library Mrs. Mildred Wright, 140 Briggs, Linrarlan for the South East Texas Genealo- gical & Historic Society, asked for maintenance of Tyrrell Historical Library (6-8 representatives of the organization stood in support of the comments made by Mrs, Wright) Mrs. Lamar Bevil , Regent of the C--lonel George Moffett Chapter of D.A.R. in Beaumont, called for 'the maintenance and preservation of Tyrrell. Historical Library, Mrs. Marlin Withers, 2870 Driftwood, expressed concern for maintenance for Tyrrell Historical Library, Mr® Bill Neild, President of the Chamber of Commerce, urged citizens to take &At interest and let their desI.,.-_-es be known to Council concerning the proposed bud- get. Mr, Johnny Walker, 6050 Marcus Lane, expressed concern for the maintenance of Tyrrell Historical Library. -000- 'These being no further business, the meeting was recessed before continuing with the Council Workshop Session. -000- Rosemarie Chiappetta, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, do certify that the above is a, true copy of the minutes of the regular City Coun- cil. session held August 17 , 1976 . Rosemarie Chiappetta Deputy City Clerk -132- August 17 , 1.976