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MIN MAY 11 1976
REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUL0NT HELD `;' 11, 1976 BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City -of .Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session this the 11th day of May, 1976, with the following present: HONORABLE: Ken Ritter Mayor Don Cash Councilman, Ward I Vi McGinnis Councilwoman, Ward II Calvin Williams Councilman, Ward III Leroy Evans Councilman, Ward IV Howard McDaniel Acting City Manager Kenneth Wall City Attorney Myrtle Corgey City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by Mr. Wilbur J. Balmer, Public Works Coordinator. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Evans. -000- The Mayor issued the following proclamations: "Texas Nursing Home Week" - May 9-15, 1976: "Joe Cody Dav in Beaumont" - May 17, 19769 "Transportation Week" - May 16-22, 1976; and "National Salvation Army Week in Beaumont" - May 9-16, 1976. -000- Mayor Ritter recognized former Mayor, James D. McNicholas, .who extended an in- vitation for Council to meet with the -Environmental Task -Force of the Chamber of Commerce at 4 :00 p.m. in the First .Federal Building. - He also introduced Mary Katherine Baxter who told -Council that -High -School students in the Beau- mont Independent Scaool District were conpeting in the Governor' s Bicentennial "Paint a Plug" contest and would be painting fire plugs in the downtown area. She introduced 1,era Steve Boston, Director of Student Activities and Kevin Scott, student sponsor o° the project,, both of French High School, and Mr. Harold Clifton, Director of Student .Affairs, and Lawrence Shepherd, student sponsor_ , both of Beaumont-Charlton Pollard. -b0o- The Minutes of the regular City..Council.-session held May 4 , 1976, were approved on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded -by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -©00- Authorization to advertise .for bids on the Shelby Street Participation Project (City share approximately $16,000) -was granted on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilwoman -McGinnis. Question- .Ayes: All Nayes: none -000- Authorization to advertise for bids for the hot-mix surface overlay on Willow Street from North Street to Calder Avenue and on -Irving -Street from Buford Street to '?adison Street was approved on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question; Ayes: All Nayes: None -000` -73- May 11, 1976 Resolution 76-150 authorizing the -award of bids- for -cleaning and painting of the exterior of the 1. 5 M.G. - elevated-.water -storage .tank .located .at 3705 E. Lucas Street to Southwest Industrial Coating, Inc._An .the--amount of $18,442, this be- ing the lowest and best bid received, was approved on a motion made by Council- man Evans and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes: All Mayes: None -000- Resolution 76-151 authorizing the award of bids for furnishing Fire Department uniforms to Kaufman, Inc. at an estimated cost of $11,070.12; and for work uni- forms to Alasco at an estimated cost of $15,769 and to Factory Sales at an est- imated cost of $12,153 _35, these .being the lowest -and -best bids received to meet specifications, was -approved on a motion made by Councilwoman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Cash. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Rejection of all bids received-.for -furnishing service and utility vehicles and assorted tools and equipment for the Transit System and authorization to read- vertise for bids were granted on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes: All Uayes: None -000- Resolution 76-152 granting a utility easement to -Gulf -States Utilities, located south of the Port of Beaumont and north of Buford Street, was approved on a motion made by Councilman Evans and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Resolution 76-153 authorizing payment to L. E. Kojak in the amount of $10,063.32 for the Gross Street Participation Project (Gulf Terrace Addition) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Resolution 76-154 authorizing the City Manager to apply to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for a-Comprehensive ..Planning Assistance grant in the amount of $36,200 (CAP-TK-06-16-1181) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilwoman McGinnis. , Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Resolution 76-155 authorizing payment to.Zefferson County in the amount of $1,914. 50 for various election .supplies .used for the joint City and School Dis- trict elections held on April 3, 1976, was approved . on a motion made by Council- woman McGinnis and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance 76-60 authorizing the transfer of funds in the amount of $1,695 from Account 79-420 (Contingency) to Account 16-509 (Capital Outlay) was considered: ORDIN)WCE NO. 76-60 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANS- FER IN THE M40UNT OF $1,695.00 FROM ACCOUNT NO. 79-420 TO ACCOUNT NO,. 16-509. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and seconded by Councilman Williams, Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -74- May 11, 1976 Ordinance 76-61 authorizing the transfer -of funds in -the amount of $3,000 from Account No. 79-420 to Account No. 79-419 for -emergency .rental of a bulldozer to be used in the Sanitary Landfill was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 76-61 ET.771TLED All ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT TO .TRANSFER. $3,000.00 FRO11 ACCOUNT NO. .79-420 TO ACCOUNT 1TO. _79-419; AND AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY REITITAL OF A BULLDOZER TO BE USED IN THE SAI-TITARY LPITDFILL. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Williams and seconded by Councilman Evans. Question-. Ayes: All Lgone -000- Resolution 76-156 authorizing amendment of the contract between the City and the Beaumont Tax Collection Agency to allow for one full-time administrator and two additional clerks was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cash and se- conded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Councilman Cash welcomed Mr. Ward Beckham, City of Pear Ridge, to today' s meeting. -000- Mr. J. F. Booker, 445 Adams Street., -addressed Council to request more parking facilities, more lighting around- the swimming -pool -and -tennis courts, and a flag to fly from one of the flag poles at Alice Keith Park. Mr. Dick Phillips, Rainbou, Roller Rink, addressed Council coroerning the request for ti.,To-way traffic on the Freeway Frontage Road just north of -the LISTVA Canal. Mr. John W. Horton, 3385 Worcester, addressed Council concerning extension of bus service in the south end and drainage problems on Hollywood Street. Mr. Jeremiah Jenkins, 3245 Bennett Street, addressed Council to request ditch- ing be done on his street. 'Ar. F. R. Weller, 1688 Orange Street, asked if the City had a set hourly fee for City bulldozers used to tear down dilapidated structures and also to com- plain about vandalism in and to structures owned by him. He also asked that Union City Trucks not be allowed to use Orange Street down to Blanchette. In addition, he said he favored the GSU rate increase request as a means of better service to the public and Gulf States Utilities. 11r. Edward L. Simon, 3069 Brenham, addressed Council to request more ditching for better drainage in his area and also to complain about high weeds in pro- perty adjoining his. There being no further business, the meeting was recessed before continuing with the Dilapidated Structures Hearing. DILAPIDATED STRUCTURES HEARING Those present were: HONORABLE: Ken Ritter Mayor Don Cash Councilman, Ward I Vi McGinnis Councilwoman, Ward II Leroy Evans Councilman, Ward IV -75- May 11, 1976 Lane Nichols Asst. Cy- 4ttorney Leonard_ Hardy--. . ..D,ir.. Environmental Control Jim Thompson . : , _ Admin.. Asst. to City Manager Debbie English Environmental Control -000- 3679 Glenwood, owned by Mr. Chester Cary, was considered.: In answer to questions_by Mr. Nichols, Mr. Hardy sa-` .the structure was in a dilapidated- ccndition_ and_did:meet the definition ..'_ 4angerous structure as defined in the Dangerous Structures Ordinance. In answer to questions by Mr. Nichols, fir. Cary agr°ee¢L that the structure was in a dilapidated condition but requested six mont'bs �-1 reno°°,rate the structure and bring it in compliance. Mr. Hardy recommended the structure be condemned but -:-. � _t fr. Cary be granted the six months extension. Councilwoman McGinnis made the motion to condemn the..structure .but to allow the six months renovation time; the motion was seconded by -Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None The following affidavit was considered: THE STATE OF TEXAS X COUNTY OF JEFFERSON X AFFIDAVIT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this-. day .personally appeared LEO- NARD C. HARDY, Director of Housing-.&- Environmental ..Control of the City of Beau- mont, Texas, who, being by me duly sworn, states the following: THAT I have personally- inspected each of the following listed structures and find each of the same- to-.be "dangerous structures" as defined by Section 12 A-19 of the Code of Ordinances: 2945 ADILADE STREET, Lot 13, - Block,-22, West. Oakland Addition (67-442-00) 2120 ALBANY STREET, Plat D-17, . Tract_ 36, --A.-.Williams. B.. (74-362-00) , 1107 CEMENT ALLEY, _Lots 7 to 12, Block- 42, -Van Wormer Addition (64-259-00) , 270 E. DELAWARE, Lot 8, Block 1, Manning Addition (43--520-00) , .3330 DICKINSON STREET, Lots, rBBlock 11 Dickinson Addition (25-363-00) , 1305 -DOUCETTE STREET,. Lot 1, Block 3, Oakwood Addition (51-016-00) , 1200 EAST DRIVE, Lots 8 & , Block 21, Calder Highlands Addition (12-.277-00) , -3474- GLENWOOD STREET, Lot 17, Block 13, West Oakland Addition (67-272-00) , - 1195 HARRISON FRONT & REAR) , Lot 6, Block 6, J i r o u A d d i t i o n (37-357-00) , 1379 HAZEL, Lot 5, Block 3, Jirou Addition (37-326-00) , 1845. HEBERT. STREET, Lot. 5, Block 8, :4armion Colored (44-100-00) 2955 HEBERT STREET, -Lot- 3, . Bloek_.10, _Dixie Garden .Second "Add t on (26-105-00) , 845 HOLMES, Lot 7, Block 9, Van. Wormer_.Addition- (64--099-00) , 1133 LONG, Lot 4, Bloc 5, Jirou Addition (38-043-00) , 1725 LOUISIANA-AVE. - (FRONT & REAR) , Lot 3, Block 9, McFaddin First Addition- (46--1 , 1727 ,LOUISIANA AVE. , Lot 4, Block 9, McFaddin First Addition (46-117-00) , 560 McGOVERN. STREET,- .Plat 1, Tract 2, D. Brown Survey (70-577-00) , 570 McGOVERN`. STREET `(FRONT' & REAR) & 580 McGOVERN STREET, Plat 1, Tract 3., D. Brown Survey (70=578-00) o, 2065 PECOS STREET, Lot 6, Block 15, Parkdale Addition (53-127-00) , 1139h MILLER, Lots 11 & 12 'and Parts of Lots 9 & 10, Block 16, Chaison. Addition (20-10 b)., 1_3'01'_&_ l306 NECHES STREET, Plat B, Tract 30, N. _ Tevis .'_(70-130-00) , 2235 NO 1. STREET FRONT & REAPS Lot 6 & W/'h of Lot 5, Block 5, Averill Addition (62-612-00),. .1245 OAKLAND (FRONT & REAR) , S90 X 50' . of Lot 1, . Block '27, Jirou Addition X38-17 .- T, 1247 OAKLAND, S 0 X 50' of Lot 1, Block 27, Jirou .Addition (39-172-00) , 195 E. PIPKIN S+REET, E/92' X. 100' -of_Lot- 7,' Lot 8, Block '5, . Highland Heights Addition 3 - . 2B4�-00) , 1125 POWELL. STREET., .,Lot-7, _Block . 14,--Leonard-.Additi_on (42-127-00) , 1537 SABINE PASS 1 , '(71-096-00) , ' 1983 4, 5, 6, 7 $ 9, 15., .16', .17, 18 & 19) , Flat No Tract 1, D. Brawn Survey ST. ANTHONY STREET, Lot 17 & 18, Block 1, Minter Addition (45-303-00) , 2173 & 1 5' ST. ANTHONY STREET e -76 May 11, 1976 Plat D, Tract 40, D. Brown Survey_ (70-196,-00) , ..2392 & 2394 ST. ANTHONY STREET (PEAR DUPLEX & 2392h ST. ANTHONY STREET- tREAR) ,- Plat ..K, _Tract 23 out of Tract D. Brown. Survey, . 3245 ST. . O'AMES.-BLVD. ,._,-Lot.__:5., ,BloIck 11, West Oakland Addi- tion (67-224-00) , 3442 ST. JAMES . BLVD. , Lot 19 _ Block 8, West Oakland Addition (67-176-00) , 3472 ST. JAMES BLVD. , Lot 15, Block 8, West Oakland Addition (67- 173-00) , 5450 SEALE ROAD-, Lot 14 , Block C, Tyrrell Park Addition (63a-488-00) 630 SHERMAN STREET, Plat D, Tract 37, D. - Brown Survey (70193-00) , 1465 SOUTH STREET, Lots 4 & 5, Block 35, Calder .Addition.. (11�-33,1-00). , 1040, 1042_& 1044 STEPHENSON STREET, Lot 7, Block- 6, T. S'.' Long' Addition (42-518-00) , 793 & 795 TRINITY STREET (DUPLEXI , . Lot 475, Block 62, Beaumont Addition (06-281-00) , 1740 VERONE STREET, : Plat-1, Tract 100, D. Brown Survey (70-480-00) , 736 WALL STREET, S117 31_X3/10' of Lot 515, N/Parts of Lots 512 .& 513, & X 77 ' of S/ Parts of Lot 513, Block 66, _ Beaumont_ Addition (06-302-00) , 1465 & 1485 WALLACE STREET, Plat A-1, Tract 3, . D. . Brown- 8urvey (71-318-00) , 3175 WESTMORELAND, Lots 7 & 8, Block 30, West. Oakland Addition Ext. (68-047-00) , 3608 WESTIMORE- LAND, Lot 31, Block 5, West Oakland Addition (67-105-00) -and 3679 GLENWOOD STREET, Lot 13, Block 16, West Oakland Addition (67-340-00) . THAT all notice. provisions. provided in Section 12A-21 of the Code of Ordinances have been complied with for each of the above listed structures. /s/ LEONARD C. HARDY SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me, by the said LEONARD C. HARDY, this the 11th day of May, 1976, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. My commission expires June, 1976. /s/ Selsie Vee Mims Notary Public in and for Jefferson County, Texas The affidavit was approved on a motion made by Councilwoman ]`McGinnis and secon- ded by Councilman Evans. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- There being no further business, the meeting was recessed before continuing with the Council Workshop Session. -000- I, Myrtle Corgey, City_ Clerk. of the- City of Beaumont,_ Texas, certify that the above is a true copy of the minutes of the regular City Council session held May 11, 1976. Myrtle Corgey City Clerk -77 May 11, 1976