HELD JULY 13, 1993 - 1:30 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas,
met in regular session this the 13th day of July 1993, with the
following present:
HONORABLE: Evelyn M. Lord Mayor
Guy N. Goodson Mayor Pro Tem
Councilman, Ward II
Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large
Brian R. Alter Councilman At Large
Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I
John R. Davis Councilman, Ward III
David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV
Ray A. Riley City Manager
Tyrone Cooper Asst. City Attorney
Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk
The Invocation was given by the Reverend William Moulton, Spindletop
Unitarian Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Moore.
Mayor Lord asked Miss Stella Hines to introduce a special guest. Ms.
Hines presented, Dorthe Spieker, a Rotary Exchange Student from
Oldenburg, Germany, who is staying with the Hines family while in
Beaumont. She said Ms. Spieker is here for three weeks to learn about
and experience American culture.
Mayor Lord and Council welcomed Ms. Spieker and presented her with a
Beaumont Honorary Citizenship Card. Ms. Spieker said she loves the
family with whom she's visiting, likes being in Beaumont and explained
that Oldenburg is in Northern Germany with a population of about 140, 000
Citizen comment was invited on the Consent and Main Agendas. No one
wished to address these items.
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The following Consent Agenda items were considered:
Approval of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held July 6,
1993 ;
Resolution No. 93-160 reappointing Jerry Hinson to the Airport Advisory
Committee for a term expiring May 31, 1995 and Sue Townsend to the Parks
and Recreation Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 1995; and
Resolution No. 93-161 conveying a 16 ' utility easement to Gulf States
Utilities Company for service to the Sewage Treatment Plant out of the
James Rowe Survey (Tract 33, Abstract 45) 1,929.0 feet south of the
Lafin Road south right-of-way line 65. 0 feet west of the centerline of
the drainage ditch.
The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Alter and
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Goodson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 93-162 authorizing submission of an application and
acceptance of a $10, 000 grant from the Small Business Administration to
be used by the Parks and Recreation Department to replace lost or
damaged trees in City parks and along street medians was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Alter and seconded by Councilman Davis.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 93-163 authorizing Change Order No. 2 in an estimated
amount of $81,834. 00 to the contract for the 1992 Street Rehabilitation
Program--Reconstruction and Overlay with Bo-Mac Contractors, Inc. to
reconstruct Downs Road as a result of damage caused by heavy truck
traffic utilizing Downs Road as a truck route during the Wetlands
construction and Tyrrell Park Road reconstruction from Downs to Fannett
Road was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Goodson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 93-164 authorizing purchase of a 75-foot aerial truck
from Atterbery Truck Sales, Inc. in the amount of $114, 021.03 to be used
by the Transportation Division for maintaining and replacing traffic
signal equipment was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and
seconded by Councilman Alter.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
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Resolution No. 93-165 authorizing purchase of a 14-foot cutaway van, a
1994 Chevrolet truck with a Supreme Corporation custom body equipped
with a generator and roof-mounted air conditioning system, from Buddy
Chevrolet in the amount of $32,739. 00 to be used as a Mobile Command
Communications Center for the Police Department's SWAT team was approved
on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Mayor Lord announced that an Executive Session will be conducted at the
close of the Workshop Session in accordance with Section 2 (e) of the
Texas Open Meetings Act to discuss contemplated and pending litigation:
Jeff Patrick vs. City of Beaumont and with Section 2 (g) to discuss
appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline or
dismissal of a public officer or employee.
Councilman Smith reported a nice, successful "Sunday in the Park" even
with some parking problems caused by a large convention at the Civic
Center. Among others, the grand prize given out was tickets for four to
the Schlitterbahn Waterpark near New Braunfels.
Councilman Davis asked that a complaint from the Reverend Lacy at 940
Parry Street regarding street and drainage problems be investigated.
Also, Councilman Davis said he agrees with the editorial printed in
Sunday's Enterprise about the importance of the designation of the Oaks
Historic District, and in retrospect might prove to be one of the wisest
moves of City Council in 1993 .
Councilman Moore thanked Mayor Lord and Councilman Cokinos for the
unveiling ceremony of the signs erected in South Park by the South Park
Neighborhood Association, asked Mr. Riley for an update of the City's
demolition policy, especially regarding required notices and expedition
of the process and boarding of the dilapidated structures and announced
that the Charlton Pollard Neighborhood Association meeting will be held
at McCabe Church on Thursday at 7: 00 p.m.
Mayor Lord thanked Councilman Moore and Mayor Pro Tem Goodson for
filling in at activities this weekend, added that Mayor Pro Tem Goodson
looked very impressive in judicial robes as he presided over Teen Court
last week and said she gets her turn in that role tomorrow night and
will try to emulate some of his judicial demeanor on the bench.
Mr. David Royer, 325 W. Caldwood, owner of the property at 580 North
Circuit addressed Council to report that he has met the requirements to
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bring the main structure up to minimum standards, said he desires to
demolish the garage, but understands that he cannot get a demolition
permit until after the abatement date of July 21st and is concerned
about the consequences of the structure he has already rehabilitated.
Mr. Riley said the permit regulations would be investigated and Staff
contact Mr. Royer with a report on Wednesday.
Mr. Jude Peredez, 920 Wisteria, addressed Council to solicit passage of
a resolution similar to the one approved by Congress in 1986 stating the
term "Jap" is racially derogatory and offensive. Mr. Peredez
acknowledged that the controversial road is outside of Beaumont, but
expressed a desire to support the renaming.
The Reverend Timothy Hunley, 1698 LaSalle Street, addressed Council to
complain that all meters in his area are filled with mud and alleges his
meter has not been read for over two years.
There being no further business, the Regular Session of City Council was
recessed to reconvene in Workshop Session.
I, Rosemarie Chiappetta, City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas,
certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the Regular City
Council Session held July 13, 1993 .
Rosemarie Chiappetta
City Clerk
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C I T Y C O U N C I L M E E T I N G 7 / 1 3 / 9 3
I 'm Reverend M. Timothy Hunley, 1698 LaSalle Street, Beaumont, Texas. I 'm
here because, before the Council because I don't know what else to do
about it. Now, I have my water bill here in my hand, and my water meter
has not been read for two years. I checked with some of my neighbors up
and down the street and all of those boxes are filled with mud. I know
the water rates are set here in City Hall, and by them being set here,
because my water rate is at a certain height, then my, my. . .sewer bill
follows that at a certain height. And, I don't know what to do about it
because the rates are set here, and you can come if you're sitting in my
house when the person pass who reads the water and you see them stick the
thing in and pick it up, set it back down and write something and keep
going. Now, I 've checked with several of my neighbors who tells me, say
"Oh, I don't know how the City gets by with that, say they can't even see
my meter. That things been full of mud for years. " I think something
should be done about it because that's, to me, that's. . .kind of way of the
City just taking money from the citizens without the citizen getting a
fair shake, and something should be done about that. Now, you're gonna
have to hire somebody because of all the rain in this area and all the
floods that we have to go clean those boxes out at least once a year so
you can get a true reading. I don't know how long my, I, I checked with
some other persons. There are two of us in my house, no children, we have
no washing machines. I go to the laundry mat, and my bills are the same
as some people with three and four kids and washing machines. How can
that be? So, I thought I would bring this problem to you. This is
something that could be looked into perhaps all over the City, I don't
We thank you.
Thank you very much.
We thank you for bringing that to our attention, and you do have the
address of that street? And, I 'm sure that that will be checked out. I
know you've brought other problems to us in the past, and I hope they've
be satisfactorily resolved. I think some of them have.
Thank you.
P A G E 2 - C I T I Z E N C O M M E N T E X C E R P T
J U L Y 1 3 , 1 9 9 3
Let's hope this one will be, too.
Yes, and Magnolia Park is still pretty.
Glad you still like it. Thanks, sir. . .