HELD JULY 12, 1994 - 1:30 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas,
met in regular session this the 12th day of July, 1994, with the
following present:
HONORABLE: David W. Moore Mayor
John K. Davis Mayor Pro Tem
Councilman, Ward III
Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large
Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I
Guy N. Goodson Councilman, Ward II
Calvin Williams Councilman, Ward IV
Absent: Becky Ames Councilman At Large
Ray A. Riley City Manager
Lane Nichols City Attorney
Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk
The Invocation was given by Mr. John Davis, Church of Christ.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by City Engineer J. P. Colbert.
Mayor Moore announced that an executive session will be held following
the regular session of City Council in accordance with Section 551. 071
of the Government Code to discuss contemplated or pending litigation:
the claim of Kevin White.
Citizen comment was invited on the Consent and Main agendas.
Mr. Charlie Gibbs, 6770 Westgate, chairman of the Convention and Tourism
Advisory Committee, addressed Council in support of Agenda Item 4
renaming the Interstate Highway 10 Neches River Bridge, the "George
Jones Bridge. " Mr. Gibbs said this action is only the first step in the
plans of the Convention and Tourism Committee to encourage tourism to
Beaumont and surrounding communities. Among their plans, he said
consideration is being given to enlargement of the Babe Zaharias Museum
to become a Hall of Fame for all celebrities from Southeast Texas, not
just musicians, and possibly schedule regular performances at the
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Jefferson Theater. Mr. Gibbs said this could be the kickoff of tourism
and an economic boom for our community.
Mrs. Ruth Naumczik, 370 Giles, addressed Council in support of Agenda
Item 1 establishing a curfew for persons under 17 years of age. Mrs.
Naumczik said the South Park Neighborhood Association requested a curfew
more than a year ago and has waited for the Community Oriented Policing
Program to be put in place and said the South Park Neighborhood
Association will commit to distributing copies of the ordinances to
schools, PTA groups, parents and other interested parties in an effort
to educate the community.
Mrs. Lena Allison Taylor, 2270 Central, addressed Council in support of
naming the bridge after George Jones. Mrs. Taylor recounted memories of
Mr. Jones' life in Southeast Texas, commented about his rehabilitation
from drug and alcohol abuse and said his style of music is today's
Mr. Jude Paredez, 920 Wisteria, addressed Council in opposition to
renaming the Neches River Bridge for someone who has had a severe
alcohol problem, said it is not appropriate because of the number of
highway deaths caused by alcohol, spoke in opposition to passage of
Agenda Item 1 establishing a curfew and claimed it is like a previous
ordinance passed prohibiting anyone asking for sale of illegal drugs
because it discriminates against those who are unable to hire a lawyer
in defense of the ordinance and questioned it's legality.
Mr. Roberto C. Flores, Jr. 730 Central, metaphorically described the
community to the memories of a patchwork quilt made by his grandmother,
said the character of a community is not made up of one fiber, but many,
and commended Mr. Jones for apparently overcoming his problem.
The following Consent Agenda items were considered:
Approval of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held June
28, 1994 ;
Resolution No. 94-164 authorizing acquisition of Parcel 12 : the north
25 feet of Lot 3, all of Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, Calder Heights Addition,
811 West Lucas Drive, from Richard Carey, III for $590. 00 for the West
Lucas Drive Project from Phelan Boulevard to Delaware Street;
Resolution No. 94-165 authorizing a one-year contract with Smart's
Wrecker Service to provide wrecker services for the Fleet Management
Division (inoperable vehicles--$19.75/each for towing and pull-out light
duty; $49.75/each for towing and pull-out heavy duty; $5.00/each for
jump start-light duty and heavy duty; $5.00 per 1/10 hour for work time)
and the Police Department (towing of seized vehicles $20. 00/each for
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towing light duty and $50. 00/each for towing heavy duty) ;
Resolution No. 94-166 authorizing Dean Pump, Inc. to upgrade the fueling
system at Fleet Management to include installation of a Stage II Vapor
Recovery System and overhaul of the line leak detection system and fuel
dispensers to comply with the Texas Natural Resources Conservation
Commission in the amount of $17,860.21;
Resolution No. 94-167 authorizing a License to Encroach to Mark
LeGrande, owner of a residence at 165 Orgain Street, described as the
north five feet of Lot 5, all of Lot 6, Block 9, Caldwood Forest
Addition, in which a storage building is encroaching into the easement
for a one-time fee of $500.00;
Resolution No. 94-168 authorizing purchase of computer signal equipment
from Naztec, Inc. in the amount of $37,600.00 for installation at the
intersections of 4th at Cedar, 4th at Crockett, 4th at Fannin, 4th at
College, 4th at Blanchette, 4th at Washington, 4th at Fannett, College
at Avenue C, College at 8th, College at 23rd and Washington at Houston;
Resolution No. 94-169 authorizing purchase of a total survey unit and
drawing software from Transit & Level Clinic in the amount of $18,415. 00
to be used by the Engineering Division to gather field data, convert
surveys into drawing and perform complex calculations.
The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos
and seconded by Councilman Smith.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Ordinance No. 94-34 establishing a curfew for minors was considered:
Councilman Cokinos expressed a desire that the curfew be in force each
evening from 11: 00 p.m. to 6: 00 am. rather than just Sunday through
Mayor Pro Tem Davis said that he received an overwhelming consensus from
the four Neighborhood Associations in his Ward in favor of a curfew when
he discussed the issue with them, said that he personally questioned the
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reasons for limiting rights of citizens and concluded it is because of
actions of individuals and what is happening in our society that
necessitates action of this nature and reported speaking with a young
man who said that a curfew will help him have a safer environment. He
said that young man's response convinced him to endorse a curfew. Mayor
Pro Tem Davis expressed appreciation for the response and time the
Police Department has spent with him at Neighborhood Association
meetings. In response to earlier statements made, he said he does not
think this action will discriminate against poor people, and as a
representative of Ward III, thinks now is the time for this Council to
be a Council of action. Also in reference to earlier comments about the
drug ordinance he supported, Mayor Pro Tem Davis said "it's a good idea
for everyone in the City of Beaumont to realize, if you ask for drugs,
you are breaking the law, " and said he doesn't think it is a negative
message to send to the community.
Councilman Williams said the curfew ordinance was taken to the
Neighborhood Associations with the idea of getting feedback from them
and said the City Attorney's opinion is that "this ordinance is legal,
having been sanctioned by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, if not by
the United States Supreme Court. " He said the proposed ordinance
pretty much tracks those that have been approved by the Federal Courts.
Councilman Smith said this ordinance is not meant to be punitive but to
give parents a chance to get' their children off the streets and back in
their homes. She said she thinks it is a very positive step and hopes
it will bring families closer together, help parents realize they have a
responsibility in knowing where their children are, and said she feels
comfortable with the ordinance since receiving a legal opinion from the
City Attorney.
Councilman Goodson expressed appreciation for the memorandum from Chief
Scofield. He said it eliminated his concern that the original draft of
the ordinance was too liberal in allowing two passes before imposing a
fine and said the memorandum clarified that waiving of a fine at the
first or second violation is a discretionary decision. Councilman
Goodson said after speaking with Neighborhood Associations and the
Police Department, he feels good about fair enforcement and thinks it is
a good ordinance and can support the amendment suggested by Councilman
Mayor Moore thanked Council for meeting with all the Neighborhood
Associations to discuss the proposed curfew before passage, thanked the
Neighborhood Associations for initially spearheading a curfew and for
being patient and cooperative and allowing the Police Department's
C.O.P. program to be implemented before establishing a curfew and said
"we all have the right now to say we have some ownership to this. "
Mayor Moore said the best thing about it is that "Council took it to the
streets and addressed the issues with their constituents, and it's now
coming back a City of Beaumont plan as opposed to the City Council 's
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plan. "
The ordinance was amended to define the curfew hours for minors to be
11:00 p.m. to 6: 00 a.m. each day on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos
and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Davis.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Ordinance No. 94-34 was approved as amended on a motion made by
Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Smith.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Ordinance No. 94-35 amending Chapter 28 of the Code of Ordinances
relating to waste disposal regulations and landfill disposal fees to
reduce volumes of waste accepted in an effort to extend the useful life
of the present landfill was considered:
Ordinance No. 94-35 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Smith
and seconded by Councilman Goodson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 94-170 requesting and approving the naming of the
Interstate Highway 10 Neches River Bridge as the "George Jones Bridge"
in honor of country music singer George Jones was considered. Mr. Riley
explained that the City of Beaumont may not singly change the name of
the bridge because of the percentage of the bridge's location within the
city limits. It requires the endorsement of the City, Jefferson County
and Orange County
In response to Councilman Williams inquiry, Councilman Smith said that
Judge LeBlanc indicated that Jefferson County is receptive to the name
change and has written to Orange County officials.
Councilman Cokinos said there seems to be some controversy about
renaming the bridge and requested a work session be held. He said that
even though he appreciates George Jones' musical abilities, he does not
think public buildings, streets or highways should not be named after
living persons and said he has received calls at home from citizens
expressing those feelings.
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Mayor Moore said calls in excess of 500 have been received in the
Executive Offices in favor of renaming the bridge and seven in
opposition, and since a lot of discussion has already taken place,
another meeting might only lead to further discussion of an individual
and asked if Council had other questions to raise them now.
Mayor Pro Tem Davis pointed out that renaming the bridge is only the
beginning of a grander economic plan for the city. He said we have an
opportunity to capitalize upon the success of the country music
superstars that have been produced from this area and cultivate business
opportunities, said that everyone makes mistakes in a lifetime and said
Mr. Jones has made a great contribution to the country music industry.
Councilman Goodson said that we're trying to recognize someone for their
attributes not their failures, we're all flawed and maybe we don't give
enough praise to those who have done good for our community. He said
there was an interesting article in Texas Monthly about the
contributions of country music in this area and said we should use the
opportunity the Convention and Tourism Bureau has given us to develop
collaboratively with Port Arthur and Orange the real talents that have
been brought to us by musicians and athletes and would encourage moving
forward with the resolution.
Councilman Smith concurred with moving forward with the resolution,
recounted some of George Jones' early talents and said "he's an icon to
the younger country and western stars. . .and that we need to do something
for him. "
Councilman Williams said that after reading about Mr. Jones, "perhaps a
bridge may be very symbolic of the man because we think in terms of
bridges connecting one point to the other, " and Mr. Jones has overcome
and progressed from one point in his life to another, and said he has no
opposition to moving forward with the resolution.
Resolution No. 94-170 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Smith
and seconded by Councilman Goodson.
Question: Ayes: Mayor Moore Nayes: None
Mayor Pro Tem Davis
Councilman Smith
Councilman Goodson
Councilman Williams
Abstained: Councilman Cokinos
Resolution No. 94-171 authorizing acquisition of Parcel 113: 0. 1863 acre
tract out of Lots 7 through 12, Block 37, Jarrett Addition (240
Interstate - 10 North) from Patrick Henry Phelan and Michael Arthur
Phelan, Trustees, for the appraised value, less improvements retained,
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of $319, 092.00 for improvements to the Liberty-Laurel Corridor from
Eleventh Street to Phelan Boulevard was approved on a motion made by
Mayor Pro Tem Davis and seconded by Councilman Davis.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Again, questions were raised and discussion held regarding the 1980 bond
issue for major street repairs and standards used for establishing a
priority ,list.
Resolution No. 94-172 authorizing execution of a contract with the Texas
Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to furnish and install traffic
signals at the intersections of Laurel, Liberty, Calder, North and MLK
with IH-10 on the last phase of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway
(spur 380) project was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos
and seconded by Councilman Williams.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 94-173 endorsing the Jefferson County Redevelopment
Project (renovation of the Jefferson County Courthouse, a Historic
Landmark in downtown Beaumont, and the construction and landscaping of
public parking areas to serve the newly constructed Beaumont Postal
Facility and County Annex) and recommend this project for "enhancement
funding" by the Texas Department of Transportation was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Goodson and seconded by Councilman Smith.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Councilman Williams said there was discussion at the Charlton Pollard
Neighborhood Association about housing in that area, relayed information
that Habitat for Humanity will be building 18 houses at Habitat Park and
questioned Planning Department involvement, the number of houses
originally promised to be built and said he would like to be a part of
the process in planning additional housing construction there.
Mayor Moore explained that when the City began the housing program, the
intent was to try to build 40 units throughout the city, and the
commitment is still on line.
Mayor Pro Tem Davis said that Mayor Lord asked him to serve on a
committee to increase membership in Boy Scouts from the Afro American
community along with Jim Cline from the Engineering Department. He said
they worked diligently for three months on that effort and culminated
with them taking nine boys to a one-week Boy Scout retreat, and it gave
those boys an opportunity to broaden their horizons. Mayor Pro Tem
Davis expressed deep appreciation to Jim Cline for the time he spent
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with the boys and the visits he made to the retreat to check on them.
Councilman Cokinos said the Fourth of July celebration at Riverfront
Park was a wonderful event with the largest crowd in his memory to
witness the program presented by the Symphony, the fireworks and other
activities, congratulated the Food Bank of Beaumont for their successful
summer food drive at Parkdale Mall, said the Art Studio had an
impressive grand opening on Franklin Street, congratulated the Port of
Beaumont for the changing of command and said the past two weeks have
been pretty busy.
Councilman Goodson reminded Council that he has received a packet from
Texas Municipal League because he is on the Legislative Committee and
invited them to review the bills that will affect municipal government
before their meeting this month and in October.
Councilman Smith echoed Councilman Cokinos' accolades about the Fourth
of July celebration, commented about the flag from Washington, D.C. that
Senator Phil Gramm presented to Beaumont, and said it was a very warm
and touching ceremony.
Mayor Moore confirmed that the past two weeks have been busy and said
every week is busy and that Councilman CokinosI comments relayed the
diversity of activities and the number of hours Councilmembers spend in
the community. Mayor Moore echoed sentiments about the Fourth of July
celebration, said it was a great presentation by the Symphony, thanked
Mobil Oil and Target for their sponsorship of the event and relayed
comments received from a new resident to Beaumont about the wonderful
Fourth of July activities. Also, Mayor Moore shared an opportunity he
had last Friday to be at Lamar University Park to speak to the youth who
are participating in the "I Have A Dream" Institute. (a program inspired
by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rogers) He said this is probably one of the
greatest things young students could experience. They have the
opportunity to become acquainted with college before they actually
attend high school.
Mr. Ben Rogers, 2030 Thomas Road, addressed Council to suggest that
perhaps Concord Road might be considered as an emergency evacuation
route and received rehabilitation funding from the State, commented
about honoring the dedication of Dr. R. Lee Clark of M. D. Anderson,
asked if the money recovered from the recent drug theft could be put in
a trust to be used for education of children of law enforcement officers
killed in the line of duty, suggested a special reception in honor of
our Police Officers to show city support, asked that demolition of the
hotel be expedited for parking space for the new postal facility,
commented about the parking meters in downtown being obsolete and
suggested their removal, and asked if Council could speed up the
completion of the College Street improvements and alleviate some of the
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business problems merchants are suffering.
Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 2880 Grand, addressed Council to compliment the
Fourth of July activities and Mayor Moore's leadership.
Ms. Carol Susan Fore, 4740 Dellwood, addressed Council to inquire if the
City has formulated a multi-cultural committee, volunteered her service
and listed the agencies she has assisted.
Mr. Rex Johnson, 4350 Chaison, addressed Council to complain that too
much emphasis is placed on improvements in the west end of Beaumont and
not enough on the east side.
There being no other business, the regular session of City Council was
recessed to reconvene in executive session.
I, Rosemarie Chiappetta, City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas,
certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the regular City
Council session held July 12, 1994 .
Rosemarie Chiappetta
City Clerk
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