HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN OCT 16 1990 � T REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 - 1:30 P.M. BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session this the 16th day of October, 1990, with the following present: HONORABLE: Evelyn M. Lord Mayor Andrew P. Cokinos Mayor Pro Tem Councilman At Large Brian R. Alter Councilman At Large Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I Guy N. Goodson Councilman, Ward II Audwin Samuel Councilman, Ward III David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV Ray A. Riley City Manager Lane Nichols City Attorney Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by The Reverend Doctor Michael Dean, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Alter. -000- Mayor Lord welcomed to City Council 105 high school seniors from Mr. Larry Josh's Government and Economics class at Central Senior High School for Student Government Discovery Day. Mayor Lord explained that the students visited various City facilities this morning and said she hopes it was an informative endeavor that will cause the students to become more interested in, and feel closer to, their city. -000- Six Proclamations were issued: Business Women's Week, " October 21-27, 1990; "Catholic Daughters of the Americas Day, " October 21, 1990; "National Higher Education Week, " October 14-20, 1990; "Certified Professional Secretaries Month, " October, 1990; "Bosses' Day, " October 16, 1990; and "United Nations Day, " October 24, 1990; . -000- Mayor Lord shared a presentation given recently to the City of Beaumont by General Cisneros in token of appreciation for all the citizens of Beaumont did for the soldiers while in Beaumont. She said of all the cities they dealt with, Beaumont was the friendliest and most -261- October 16, 1990 cooperative. "III Corps and Fort Hood is please to present this Certificate of Recognition to the citizens of Beaumont for your outstanding contribution in support of Fort Hood in Operation Desert Shield. From 26 August through 23 September 1990, almost five thousand pieces of equipment and 10,000 soldiers convoyed from Fort Hood to the Ports of Houston and Beaumont. Your patriotic efforts significantly contributed to the success of this mission. The generous giving of your time and resources boosted the morale and welfare of the deploying soldiers tremendously. It is with genuine gratitude from III Corps, Fort Hood and the United States Army that you are commended for your service to your country. This 15th day of October 1990, /s/Richard G. Graves, Lieutenant General, USA Commanding. " -000- Mayor Lord reintroduced to the students City Manager Ray Riley, Assistant City Manager Sterling Pruitt, and City Clerk Tu Chiappetta, who addressed the students earlier or accompanied them as guides while touring City facilities. Mayor Lord and Mr. Riley then introduced Staff members Walter Thomas, Finance Officer, Tom Warner, Director of Public Works, Amy Barton and Rande Ross, Administrative Assistants to the City Manager, Barbara Liming, Deputy City Clerk, and Lane Nichols, City Attorney. -000- City Manager Riley made a presentation on behalf of the Government Finance Officers Association. For the fourth successive year, Beaumont has received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting. The award is based on the information contained in the CAFR, the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, which very accurately analyses the use of $438 million of assets of the City of Beaumont, verifies the accountability of all the funds with generally acceptable accounting principles and have been properly audited. Mr. Riley presented the award to Mr. Walter Thomas, Finance Officer. Mr. Thomas accepted the award and said procedures are already in process for compiling the information necessary for next year's submission to the Government Finance Officers Association. -000- Citizen comment was invited on the Consent and Main Agenda items. No one wished to address these items. -000- The following Consent Agenda items were considered: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of City Council conducted October 9, 1990; -262- October 16, 1990 Resolution No. 90-230 authorizing First City Texas Bank - Beaumont to pledge and release of $200, 000. 00 held in securities with the Federal reserve Bank - Dallas/Houston Branch effective October 9, 1990; and Resolution No. 90-231 appointing Frank Daleo and Bob Lee, Jr. to the Clean Community Commission with terms expiring September 30, 1992 ; Thomas F. Jones to the Community Development Advisory Committee for a term expiring May 31, 1992 ; David Ledyard to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 1992 ; James W. Seale as Chairman of the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee for a term expiring September 30, 1991, Harvey Smith for a term expiring September 30, 1992 and LeRoy Clark for a term expiring September 30, 1991 to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee; Walter Barrutia to the Sister City Commission for a term expiring December 31, 1991; and Suzy Juncker to the Planning Commission for a term expiring July 31, 1993 . The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Alter and seconded by Councilman Samuel. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Mayor Lord called an Executive Session in accordance with Section 2 (r) of the Texas Open Meetings Act to review a report on contract negotiations with IAFF Local 399 at the close of the Workshop Session. -000- At the request of Mayor Lord, City Attorney Nichols explained to the students the items that can be discussed in a closed Executive Session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. -000- After a brief discussion concerning lack of MBE participation, Resolution No. 90-232 awarding a contract to Copperstone Construction Company for installing a raised metal roof supported by metal substructures over the existing roof on the Beaumont Public Library in the amount of $143 , 589. 00 ($4, 581. 00 lower than their $148, 170. 00 bid on October 1, 1990, due to a discount received from the manufacturer after bid submitted) was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Goodson. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Resolution No. 90-233 approving Change Order No. 1 to provide for extra base repairs on Washington Boulevard, Langham Road and Bigner Road to the contract with Bo-Mac Contractors for asphalt overlay resurfacing in the Major Street Rehabilitation 1990 Street Overlay Program in the amount of $17, 376 was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Moore. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -263- October 16, 1990 Resolution No. 90-234 approving Change Order No. 2 for upgrading Walden Road with asphalt stabilized base instead of a six-inch limestone base (purchased by City at $11. 10 per ton or $3 . 62 per square yard and installed by County at $3 .88 per square yard for a total of $160,500) to the contract with Bo-Mac Contractors for asphalt overlay resurfacing in the Major Street Rehabilitation 1990 Street Overlay Program in the amount of $125,404. 00 was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Smith. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Resolution No. 90-235 approving Change Order No. 3 for additional repairs to sections of the shoulders on Washington Boulevard, Tram, Bigner, and Walden Roads due to the close proximity of the ditches to the roadway to the contract with Bo-Mac Contractors for asphalt overlay resurfacing in the Major Street Rehabilitation 1990 Street Overlay Program in the amount of $54, 142 . 00 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Goodson. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Mayor Lord gave opportunity for students from Central Senior High School to address Council with their comments or questions: India Routt, 2115 Pierce Street, Student Council President of Central Senior High School, thanked Council for the opportunity to see City facilities and services in action and to attend the Council meeting. Peter Larkins, 45 Ruth Road, addressed Council to inquire about speaking to Council personally. Mayor Lord invited Peter to call City Hall or private residences to make an appointment for a mutual meeting time with either she or another member of Council. -000- Resolution No. 90-236 authorizing execution of an agreement with the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission for approximately $25, 000 in grant financing of transit planning activities ("Elderly and Handicapped Transit Planning, " and "UMTA National Emphasis Areas"-- refinement of existing drug control policies, updating Capital Improvement Program, the Transit Policy Manual and financing plan) under Section 8 of the Urban Mass Transportation Act was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Smith. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Resolution No. 90-237 authorizing reassignment for completion of a contract awarded to B & B Enterprise in the amount of $48,800. 00 on May 22, 1990, for construction of a pre-engineered metal warehouse extension -364- October 16, 1990 at the Water Utilities Service Center, at the request of B & B Enterprise to Randolph and Company, was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem. Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Smith. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Councilman Smith reported a nice turnout and afternoon for last week's "Sunday in the Park, " when Mayor Lord was the story teller for the children and announced there will be two more for this season. Councilman Goodson will read to the children in November and plans for December are still being formulated. Councilman Samuel inquired about the status of Helbig Road repairs. Councilman Moore congratulated Council, Southwestern Bell, the Mayor's Committee for Employment of the Handicapped, and Gulf States Utilities Company for a great "Sunday in the Park" and commented about the traffic bottleneck created because of simultaneous repairs to Walden and Brooks Roads. Mr. Warner explained the repairs have been completed on Brooks Road. Councilman Moore thanked the Police Department and particularly Lt. Singletary for their activity in the neighborhoods in working with drug control. Councilman Smith asked Press assistance in explaining (alternate routes, expected time of completion, etc. ) to the public the inconvenience created by street repairs. Councilman Alter questioned the estimated date of completion for resurfacing Delaware Street and said it has been reported to him that the "N" in the word "only" on the sign at Delaware and Interstate 10 is backwards. Mayor Lord thanked Rande Ross for assisting in organization of the program for the high school students today. Mayor Lord also commented about the difficulty for seated speakers to move the chairs from the tables at the Civic Center because of the large rubber tips on the chairs. She asked if the tips could be removed. Mr. Riley reported the problem has already been addressed and that appropriate chairs for speakers' tables are included in this year's budget. -000- Mr. Raymond Egland, 3750 S P Road, again addressed Council to complain about owners of rental property prohibited by the City Code of Ordinances to make certain repairs. Mr. Egland was informed his concern would be a matter of a Workshop Session for City Council, and the matter will be referred to the Electrical Board of Review to determine if other options are a consideration. Mr. Egland expressed a desire for an immediate answer. He was referred to consult with the Legal Department -365- October 16, 1990 or if he is unhappy or disagrees with the interpretation of an ordinance, he was notified he can make an appeal with the Electrical Board of Review. Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 1567 Wall Street, addressed Council on various subjects including a complaint about the condition of Calder and Magnolia Streets Mr. David LeBlanc, Jr. , 2345 Rampart, President of the Student Government Association at Lamar University and liaison to City Council, informed Council of institution of an "Adopt a Player" program designed to cheer for and encourage individual Lamar basketball players, encouraged attendance at the basketball games, and volunteered community service participation. -000- There being no other business, the meeting was recessed before continuing with the Workshop Session. -000- I, Rosemarie Chiappetta, City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Session held October 16, 1990. Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -366- October 16, 1990 EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 CITY MANAGER RAY A RILEY: Mayor and Council, what we are bringing again to your . . . MAYOR EVELYN M. LORD: Unless . . . excuse me, unless you feel that it is a terrible thing to do it and then have to catch the others up . . . . . . CITY MANAGER: When my mayor calls, I respond. MAYOR LORD: Thank you, sir. Please proceed. CITY MANAGER: We have brought to you attention again the disparity that we have in the number of registered voters in the four wards. It is timely that something should be done within the next couple of months to pre . prior to the time when anyone would be interested in maybe determining that they might want to run for office and I think that you need to do this reasonably in advance so that it can be worked out prior to it. The Council has been furnished with all the numbers and the most recent numbers that Tu (Rosemarie "Tull Chiappetta, City Clerk) was able to get for you is really based on the final registration which has just been completed by the County (Jefferson County, Texas) and it shows that, as opposed to some of the numbers which you have looked at previously, that in Ward I currently . . . I say if we would add up all of the registered voters and we would try to come back to an average, it would be about 15,500 that you would attempt to have in each ward. Ward I has about 15,290; Ward II is 20,267; Ward III is now . . . has been reduced to 11, 673 and Ward IV is 15, 011. As I understand it from the City Attorney is that we are dealing with registered voters and that's the way we have determined what qualified electors are - not just those that are residing in the individual ward but those who have actually registered have been determined to be qualified voters. You also are trying to get them to be as reasonably close as possible. You are also currently not able to divide current identified precincts - that is the county's responsibility, and thirdly, the lines that have been drawn currently were done in order to try to get a minority representation from at least two of the wards. So, with what we have brought to you today is that I think all of us have run through some preliminary look. I am concerned . . . I do not intend to make any recommendations to you unless the Council asks for them and currently what I am really bringing to your attention today is to show you there's a real disparity between EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 2 CITY MANAGER continued: Wards II and III and the average Wards I and IV very well could be left alone but in order to bring the others back into some type of equality, it's virtually impossible to do that without having some impact on all of the Wards by either adding or subtracting precincts. So, with that, I am saying what is the pleasure of the Council and the City Attorney has raised his hand. CITY ATTORNEY LANE NICHOLS: There is one other thing. As you will recall, we went to single member districts voluntarily recognizing I think the way things were going and we had our plan approved by the Justice Department I think almost gleefully and every change in voting we have ever had has been approved by the Justice Department, which is a requirement of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, so, whatever we decide will be coming to the Justice Department and will need at least 90 days to get preclearance review - the 90-day period is required by the Voting Rights Act to allow Justice adequate time to review changes effecting voting so I think Ray is right. We do have some need to move forward but we do need to be sensitive to the fact that we have two Wards that are predominately minority and we need to try and retain that. I am sure we would but that is the basis upon which our two at-larges and the Mayor approved last time. MAYOR PRO TEM ANDREW P. COKINOS: I 'd like your suggestion, Ray, about you go ahead and work up the options for the City Council to consider and bring it back to us. I know that you are familiar with the boundaries and familiar with the unbalance . . . . . . COUNCILMAN AUDWIN SAMUEL WARD III Ray, did you look at the proposal that I presented? CITY MANAGER: Yes, I did. COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: Was that . . . did it seem equitable? CITY MANAGER: The numbers will work out. As I said, there is one problem that I think you need to be aware of and that is the residency of the current incumbents and, you might . . . EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 3 COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: Okay. CITY MANAGER: . . . in effect, in some cases be moving . . . . . . COUNCILMAN GUY GOODSON, WARD II: . . . 65 (Precinct 65) CITY MANAGER: Yes . . . . . . COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: Was 65 one of the one's I changed? COUNCILMAN GOODSON: Yes. CITY MANAGER: Yes. COUNCILMAN DAVID MOORE: Where you moved to, Guy? COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: Can you move? COUNCILMAN GOODSON: No. COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: Oh, Guy . . . . . . COUNCILMAN GOODSON: I can't move for another twenty-five years. That's the mortgage. COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: Is that the only . . .? That's was the only problem, then? Right. COUNCILMAN GOODSON: 65 is pretty big. That's 2400 . . . but the . . . yes, it will. I think it would be good to get Ray (City Manager) to work something up. The things that we have talked about would have to result in David (Councilman Moore) pushing something up but what we had talked about . . . I had talked to David just pushing some of the area perhaps that is more into the South Park area and Ward (Precinct) 79 and 64, particularly and may even on out over to David which would then make his Ward probably the highest population which EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 4 COUNCILMAN GOODSON continued: would then require him to kick something up and Brian (Brian Alter, Councilman-At-Large) had also brought up a good point which I had talked to Lu (Dr. Lulu Smith, Councilman, Ward I) about that would require us to get some assistance from Commissioner's Court. Perhaps . . . there seems to be a logical break in Ward (Precinct 72) to extend it on across at Folsom Road since that area is . . the northern part of that precinct is closer aligned to where Lu . . . . . . COUNCILMAN ALTER: 72 is that backwards "L" shaped one. COUNCILMAN GOODSON: Yes, and there was a problem with that before because of the previous person's sitting in this seat; but, logically, Lu, that if you took it across on 72 as we discussed, the population that's there . . . it's really on each end of that precinct right now anyway. And, it would seem to me to make a logical boundary to do that and that also peals off a little bit more population from me. Brian and I were just talking, if we just split it equally and those southern precincts of mine went to David, that brings me almost exactly to the 1,500, I mean the 15, 500, I mean within a couple of people. COUNCILMAN ALTER: Can I make a suggestion? Because everybody's going to have different views and more . everybody's kind of worked on different ideas. Why don't we submit them to Ray and let him work through everybody's suggestions and then come back with a recommendation, if that's . . . ? I means that would seem to . . . . . . COUNCILMAN GOODSON: Yes, because once again I don't know, David . . . if that would effect the minority mix of your ward or not by putting that many people over there. COUNCILMAN ALTER: Yes, that's the problem. It's easy to make the numbers work out but it's hard to make the minority presentation work out. MAYOR PRO TEM COKINOS: That's why I suggested to Ray to . . . this is what I already . . . . . . EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 5 MAYOR LORD: It's too bad you can't put it all in a computer and let it . . . . . . COUNCILMAN GOODSON: . . . . . . . . . 17 's (Precinct 17) not either . . . . . . but of course the question is is how much percentage wise are we changing the makeup of that ward if you did take 79 and 64 . . . CITY MANAGER: May I ask . . . . . . COUNCILMAN GOODSON: . . . there are about . . . the population of those two wards (precincts) is about the same. I don't know what the mix is though. COUNCILMAN ALTER: Yes, we'd have to work on that. CITY MANAGER: What is the possibility of the County making any kind of change . . . COUNCILMAN GOODSON: 79 and 64 . . . . . . . . . CITY MANAGER: . . . splitting it . . . splitting 79. . .72? CITY CLERK: 72? I talked with Tom Rugg, who is the Civil Attorney for Commissioner's Court and he said because Commissioner's Court will be considering the redistricting of the County - county-wide - especially in (County Commissioners' ) Precincts 1 and 4, that he would not advise that they do any boundary changes in precincts until they have looked at the County as a whole. COUNCILMAN ALTER: As a result of the current census. CITY CLERK: They will be redistricting . . . . . . EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 6 COUNCILMAN GOODSON: Yes, the only thing I was thinking there is that is so far west I cannot imagine that you would ever in the County's election leap- frog over there and that would have any effect. I am sure Tom . . . you know, he's got to take care of the Commissioners Court but that precinct is so far west and northwest in the County that splitting it in two, of course, it helps us but I cannot imagine it would hurt them. I can't foresee how they would come down there with a population . . . . . . COUNCILMAN ALTER: To me, it's a very logical split because where the population densities are right now in that subdivision, the people on the south side of 72 really work better in Ward II; the people on the north side of 72 really work better with Ward I. COUNCILMAN GOODSON: Because it . . . yes, because, of course, we are also going to have some development in that ward (precinct) west of Dowlen Road and south of Folsom. There is also some excellent possibility for some development north of Folsom on the west side and, I mean, those both are development corridors and it would seem, again, I don't know where the County's thoughts are lying right now on redistricting but my thought was that those are going . . the likelihood is that precinct is going to continue to increase in population and at least based on historical development, that will be the next corridor to open up so that splitting it and allowing that development to grow in two different wards seem logical but again I don't know if the County has problems; but, I think part of this should be that we ask Tu or Ray or whoever, Lane included, to talk to the County about it. MAYOR PRO TEM COKINOS: Well, at the same time, I 'd like for Ray, in addition to my previous request, to get together with the Councilmembers who are affected by this to get their input on it also. MAYOR LORD: Basically, we are all affected. COUNCILMAN SMITH: Well, he's at-large. MAYOR LORD: Still, we're all affected. EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 7 CITY MANAGER: Does anybody have any plans to move any time soon? COUNCILMAN MOORE: Possibly. MAYOR PRO TEM COKINOS: David's getting married, so who knows where he's moving to. CITY MANAGER: You haven't selected a site yet . . .? COUNCILMAN MOORE: Not yet . . . MAYOR LORD: That's really tough when you know when these things get into it. It really does take a computer, doesn't it? I 'm not sure a computer could solve it. COUNCILMAN MOORE: I ' ll share with you my thoughts later today. CITY MANAGER: I'd appreciate it, if you would. I' ll be happy to put this . . . in fact, we'll all work together to try to make it . . yes, but I wanted to make sure, though, before we start working on various alternatives, that I wanted to make sure that the Council was comfortable with it or whether or not you wanted to appoint a sub- committee of your own to try to work it . . . what ever is your pleasure. MAYOR PRO TEM COKINOS: I feel comfortable with the City Manager doing this, giving us options . . . COUNCILMAN MOORE: I think if we give it to you as the committee of one as opposed to several more, it will get done quicker. EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 8 MAYOR LORD: I do think it probably . you know, time is of the essence here because you say 90 days minimum and that's really 90 days minimum. In effect, we'll do darn good to get it through like we did before because of the harmony that prevailed and the faster it' ll go, it'll be because of the harmony that will prevail. CITY ATTORNEY: We have a good reputation but this sort of change they will look at very carefully. They will want additional information and talk with people involved, they will talk with the particular minority Council members and others in those communities. COUNCILMAN MOORE• I think the things we need to be concerned about as Ray proceeds with this is to make sure as we said earlier not only there's somewhat of a balance in terms of the numbers of registered voters but as well to look at the different graphics of the makeup of those registered voters to insure that we at least have those two seats. COUNCILMAN ALTER: We need to maintain that level. COUNCILMAN MOORE: That's right. MAYOR LORD: You are talking about February lst if we approved it next week. COUNCILMAN MOORE• Right. So, I think we need to do that and it wouldn't become official until after the next election anyway, right? CITY ATTORNEY: . . . what are you talking about? COUNCILMAN MOORE• If we were to take action on this to come about with the change, the change, the balance of the respective wards, I thought it was my understanding that wouldn't take effect until after the next municipal election, if approved. EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER , 1990 Page 9 CITY ATTORNEY: I think you could do it. You would make that decision. The Charter does not give you any time limit on equalizing the numbers of electors, so you could decide to do it and make the effective date upon preclearance review but no earlier than that. MAYOR LORD: In other words, no earlier than say June 1st or you could move more quickly . . . COUNCILMAN ALTER: However, it would create a problem if some of the redistricting occurring after the election impacts people who choose to run for a particular Ward seat. I think it would behoove us to try and move MAYOR LORD: And, then find themselves, you know, maybe not in the Ward they were elected to represent. COUNCILMAN ALTER: . . . that they were elected to represent. That's right. MAYOR LORD: That would be uncomfortable. COUNCILMAN MOORE: Can I get it done before January? COUNCILMAN ALTER: I think what we ought to do is if we all have suggestions, let's give them to Ray. Let Tu work up the demographics because she's the only one that really has that information . . . COUNCILMAN MOORE: Okay, this is easy. COUNCILMAN ALTER: . . . and let Ray work from there. EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 10 CITY CLERK: . . . . . . I can try to obtain racial information, but . . . . . . MAYOR PRO TEM COKINOS: Are you asking for eligible voters or registered voters. SEVERAL VOICES: . . . registered . . . CITY CLERK: The Charter says electors and I would assume that to mean registered voters. CITY ATTORNEY: That's our interpretation. . CITY MANAGER: Well, we can use the census figures as best we can to determine the racial makeup of the current precincts. That doesn't necessarily mean they will conform with your registered voters but I think it gives us a good indication . . . . . . MAYOR LORD: . . . . . . best that you've got. COUNCILMAN ALTER: I guess we'd like to pursue, even though they may be resistant to it one more time, talking to the Commissioners to see if they would consider splitting 72 as a potential part of the redistricting. CITY MANAGER: We'll do that first thing in the morning. COUNCILMAN ALTER: Okay. MAYOR PRO TEM COKINOS: I think we ought to wait to see where David is going to move to after he gets married. EXCERPT FROM BEAUMONT, TEXAS, CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION, HELD OCTOBER 16, 1990 Page 11 COUNCILMAN MOORE• I 'm not moving before I get this done. Still living in the same place. MAYOR LORD: Dare I suggest that we . . . CITY MANAGER: . . . go into Executive Session. MAYOR LORD: . . . might have finished our Workshop? Mr. Manager, do you have the feeling that we have finished our Workshop as such? CITY MANAGER: Yes, and if anyone has any particular specific ideas, please forward them. We'll look at them and put them together for consideration. END OF EXCERPT