HELD JULY 3, 1990, 1:15 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas,
met in regular session this the 3rd day of July, 1990, with the
following present:
HONORABLE: Evelyn M. Lord Mayor
Andrew P. Cokinos Mayor Pro Tem
Councilman At Large
Brian Alter Councilman At Large
Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I
Michael Brumley Councilman, Ward II
David W. Moore* Councilman, Ward IV
Absent: Audwin Samuel Councilman, Ward III
Ray A. Riley City Manager
Tyrone Cooper Asst. City Attorney
Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk
* (Councilman Moore arrived at 1:23 p.m. )
The Invocation was given by Mayor Lord.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Brumley.
Mrs. Maree Calcote, Clean Community Chairman, and Mr. Bill Munson,
representative of Olin Corporation, joined Mayor Lord and Councilman
Alter to sign an Operation Clean Street Agreement. Employees of Olin
Corporation have consented to maintain Olin Road from Martin Luther
King, Jr. Boulevard to the plant entrance.
In addition, Mrs. Calcote presented Council with Beautify Beaumont's
proposed sketch to complete the landscaping of the triangle of property
at Willow and Crockett Street to include a watering system, Azalea
bushes, brickwork and lighting. Mr. Bill Coffey approached Mrs.
Calcote and Beautify Beaumont about the addition after the initial
planting of three (3) oak trees in the triangle.
(Councilman Moore arrived during presentation. )
Citizen comment was invited on the Consent and Main Agenda items. No
one wished to address these items.
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The following Consent Agenda items were considered:
Approval of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held June
26, 1990;
Resolution No. 90-127 appointing Sandra Clark and Suzy Juncker to the
Community Development Block Grant Citizens Advisory Committee with terms
expiring May 31, 1991; Carol Gerts to the Library Commission for a term
expiring October 31, 1991; Alyce Alter to the Parks and Recreation
Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 1992; Dr. Tom Nelson and
Stephanie Kellum to the Clean Community Commission with terms expiring
September 30, 1991; George R. Way, Sr. to the Airport Advisory Committee
for a term expiring May 31, 1992 ; June Klein and Liz Karnicki to the
Beaumont Advisory Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse and
Neglect with terms expiring June 30, 1992 ; Hal Dawson to the Housing
Rehabilitation Loan Board for a term expiring May 31, 1992 ; Paul
Mattingly to the Sister City Commission for a term expiring December 31,
1991; Raymond Ambres to the Transit Advisory Committee for a term
expiring June 30, 1992 ; Neal Baker to the Plumbing and Mechanical Board
of Review for a term expiring May 31, 1992 ; and confirming the
appointments of Dr. Leldon Sweet as Chairman and Bill Matthews as Vice-
Chairman of the Airport Advisory Committee;
Resolution No. 90-128 authorizing the City Manager to negotiate an
agreement for settlement of weed cutting charges and liens against
property of the Eastern Star Baptist Church for an amount sufficient to
cover the City's costs and a substantial portion of the charges billed
(charges from January, 1985, through May, 1990, totaled approximately
$3, 649 exclusive of interest and fees--cost of payments to contractors
for cutting the lots amounted to $1,808.42) ; and
Resolution No. 90-129 authorizing full and final payment in the amount
of $16,500. 00 to Clayton Davis in settlement of a claim seeking damages
for bodily injury.
The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos
and seconded by Councilman Alter.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 90-130 accepting the gift of a leasehold interest in
approximately 19. 6 acres of land on Delaware Street at French Road from
the Art Museum of Southeast Texas, thereby, executing a legal instrument
cancelling such lease, and authorizing necessary steps to implement an
ordinance approved in an initiative election in 1985 dedicating the
property as a park subject to the 99-year lease held by the Art Museum,
and at the request of Ben J. Rogers, donor of a $300, 000 gift to the Art
Museum, to name the park "Wuthering Heights Park" was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Alter and seconded by Councilman Smith.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
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Resolution No. 90-131 appointing G. R. "Lupe" Flores as a City
Magistrate for a two-year term to succeed Wendell C. Radford was
approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by
Councilman Moore.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Mayor Lord announced that Mr. Flores will be formally sworn in and robed
as a Municipal Court Magistrate on July 20, 1990, at 10: 00 a.m. in the
Council Chambers.
Ordinance No. 90-37 repealing Section 26-26 of the Code of Ordinances to
resolve a conflict with federal regulations preempting the authority to
set speed limits for trains, now being exercised by the Federal Railroad
Administrations which also has responsibility for enforcement through
its regional office in Fort Worth, was considered:
Ordinance No. 90-37 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos
and seconded by Councilman Moore.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 90-132 accepting the $29,790. 00 bid of Allied Equipment
Service for removal of three (3) existing fuel tanks and installation of
a new fueling system for the Street and Drainage Division at 2610
Concord Road to bring the system into compliance with Environmental
Protection Agency requirements was approved on a motion made by
Councilman Brumley and seconded by Councilman Cokinos.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 90-133 authorizing purchase of a new fueling system
consisting of two (2) 10, 000-gallon fiberglass tanks, two pumps, two
leak detectors, four dispensers and an underground tank leak monitoring
system for the Street and Drainage Division from G & B Company in the
amount of $22,430. 00 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Smith
and seconded by Councilman Cokinos.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
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Resolution No. 90-134 authorizing an annual contract to purchase
approximately 25 drums of liquid soil stabilizer for various street
maintenance projects from Seal-Base, a division of E.B.I. , Inc. in the
amount of $444 . 00 per 55 gallon drum was approved on a motion made by
Councilman Alter and seconded by Councilman Moore.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 90-135 authorizing an amendment to Section 2 of the
cooperation agreement with the Beaumont Housing Authority to increase
the number of low-rent housing units covered by the agreement from 150
to 1, 500 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded
by Councilman Smith.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Mayor Lord introduced Mr. Guy Goodson, Council 's appointee to fill the
vacancy of the Ward II Council poisition created by the resignation of
Councilman Brumley as Ward II Councilman effective July 10. 1990.
Mr. Walter Kenneson, 4045 Rothwell Street, addressed Council regarding
utilization of Jefferson County materials for street repairs as do Mid-
County cities and Port Arthur. Mr. Riley said that Beaumont has an
intergovernmental agreement whereby the City provides the materials and
the County provides the manpower and equipment. Helbig Road and Walden
Road have been included in that program this year, and Old Dowlen Road
is included in the current projects for which construction bids are
being taken.
Mr. C. L. Sherman, 585 Belvedere Drive, congratulated Mayor Lord and
Councilman Alter as new Councilmembers and distributed copies of a
report of the Tax Reduction Committee showing Beaumont as Number 10 in
the State in a tax rate comparison for 1989-90 on a $50, 000. 00 home
using 6, 000 gallons of water per month. Mr. Sherman expressed
appreciation to Council for not raising Beaumont's tax rate and asked
that consideration be given to a Homestead Exemption and to an exemption
for Senior Citizens.
Mrs. Delia Harrington, 815 Willow, addressed Council regarding a plumber
making repairs at 800 Grand Street after a freeze this past winter and
leaving an unfilled ditch he dug that harbors and breeds mosquitoes.
Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 1567 Wall, expressed his regrets that Councilman
Brumley is moving from Beaumont and congratulated Councilman Moore for a
very successful SCUP (Southend Community Uplift Program) and volunteered
his services.
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Councilman Smith reminded everyone of the Fourth of July activities
beginning at 6: 00 p.m. at Riverfront Park and announced that "Sunday in
the Park" will be conducted July, 8, 1990.
Councilman Alter reported that Mayor Lord, Councilman Smith and he have
just returned from a very interesting Association of Mayors and Council
meeting with the Texas Municipal League in Lubbock and have brought back
some good ideas he feels that will improve our city.
Councilman Brumley announced that the Fourth of July celebration will
commence at 6: 00 p.m. Wednesday with the Community Band performing, the
Sweet Adelines, Jimmy Simmons conducting the Symphony, and climaxed with
a fireworks display. Councilman Brumley commended Mr. C. L. Sherman for
his assistance during his tenure as Councilman, addressed the aid of the
citizens in curbing taxes, and said he will make formal farewell remarks
next week.
Mayor Lord advised Mr. Riley that citizens have asked that consideration
be given to an arboretum aspect to Wuthering Heights Park. Mr. Riley
answered affirmatively and remarked that the City intends to include as
many groups as possible in the planning process through volunteerism.
There being no other business, the meeting was recessed before
continuing with the Workshop Session.
I, Rosemarie Chiappetta, City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas,
certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the regular City
Council session held July 3, 1990.
Rosemarie Chiappetta
City Clerk
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