HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN MAY 06 1986 REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUMONT HELD MAY 6, 1986 -- 1:15 P.M. BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session this the 6th day of May, 1986, with the following present: HONORABLE: Maurice Meyers Mayor Bob Lee, Jr. Councilman At Large Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large Nell Pruitt Weisbach Councilman, Ward I Mike Brumley Councilman, Ward II Audwin Samuel Councilman, Ward III David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV Jim Thompson Chief of Administrative Services, Fire Department Lane Nichols City Attorney Myrtle Corgey City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by Rabbi Peter Hyman of Temple Emanuel. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Samuel. -000- Several proclamations were issued: "Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust" May 6-11, 1986; "PTA Teachers' Appreciation Week" - May 4-9, 1986; "Mental Health Day" - May 8, 1986; "Mental Health Month" - May, 1986; "National Transportation Week" - May 11-17, 1986; "Goodwill Week" - May 4-10, 1986; "Preservation Week" - May 11-17, 1986; "Shrine News Day May 10, 1986; " . "Better Hearing and Speech Month" - May, 1986; "Texas Nurses Week" - May 5-11, 1986; "Sexual Assault Awareness Week" - May 4-10, 1986 and "Hospital Week" - May 11-17, 1986.' -oOO- The following Consent Agenda items were considered: Approval of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held April 22, 1986; Resolution 86-143 authorizing Texas Commerce Bank Beaumont, N.A. , to pledge $14,210,499.00 , in securities and release $11,300,000.00 in securities used as collateral for City deposits; Resolution 86-144 authorizing execution of an agreement with Robert Alspaugh, CS Enterprises, allowing the sponsorship of parachuting activities at Beaumont Municipal Airport; ' -83- May 6, 1986 Resolution 86-145 authorizing execution of a facility use agreement with the Beaumont Aviation Association for use of the Municipal Airport Terminal ' Building, excluding all areas leased or contracted to others; and Resolution 86-146 authorizing execution of a facility use agreement with the Civil Air Patrol for use of the Municipal Airport Terminal Building, excluding all areas leased or contracted to others. The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Weisbach and seconded by Councilman Samuel. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance No. 86-41 changing the zoning from GC-MD (General Commercial - Multiple Dwelling) district to RM-H (Residential Multiple Family - Highest Density) district or to a more restrictive zoning district on property at the 5200 Block of Avenue A (requested by Eve Powell for Concetta Grillo Rizzo, for construction of a single family structure) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 86-41 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM GC-MD (GENERAL COMMERCIAL-MULTIPLE DWELLING DISTRICT) TO RM-H (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY-HIGHEST DENSITY DISTRICT) ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE 5200 BLOCK OF AVENUE A; BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. " The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Cokinos. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance No. 86-42 changing the zoning from RM-H (Residential Multi-Family - Highest Density) to NC '(Neighborhood Commercial) or a more restrictive zoning district on property on the south side of the 3900 to 4000 Block of Delaware, described as part of' Lot 7, Block 4, French Subdivision (requested by Kohler & Kohler for Plaza West Joint Ventures) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 86-42 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS -84- May 6, 1986 (Ordinance No. 86-42 continued) AS INDICTED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM RM-H (RESIDENTIAL MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING - HIGHEST DENSITY DISTRICT) TO NC (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE 3900 TO 4000 BLOCK OF DELAWARE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley. Question: Ayes: Mayor Meyers Abstained: Councilman Councilman Lee Samuel Councilman Cokinos Councilman Weisbach Councilman Brumley Councilman Moore -000- Ordinance No. 86-43 granting a Specific Use Permit for a nightclub on property at 6725 Eastex Freeway and described as Lot 2 and part of Lot 10, Block 5, Rosedale Addition (requested by Michael W. Armstrong) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 86-43 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A NIGHTCLUB ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 6725 EASTEX FREEWAY, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded , by Councilman Moore. Question: Ayes: Mayor Meyers Nayes: Councilman Weisbach Councilman Lee Councilman Cokinos Councilman Brumley Councilman Samuel Councilman Moore -000- Ordinance No. 86-44' granting a Specific Use Permit for a Day Care Center on property at 1945 Sarah Street and described as a 0.234 acre tract out of the J. W. Bullock League, Abstract 7 (requested by JoEllen N. Wilridge) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 86-44 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A DAY CARE CENTER ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1945 SARAH STREET, BEAUMONT, TEXAS. -85- May 6, 1986 Ordinance No. 86-44 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Cokinos. , Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance No. 86-45 abandoning the north 10 feet of a 20-foot utility easement across the rear of Lots 20-32, Block 1 of the Pine Glen Second Addition (requested by Larry W. Crocker to correct encroachments by two homes to allow receipt of clear titles) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 86-45 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING THE NORTH 10 FEET OF A 20-FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS THE REAR OF LOTS 20-32, BLOCK 1, PINE GLEN SECOND ADDITION, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded by Councilman Samuel. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance No. 86-46 amending Section 24-8(c) of the Subdivision Ordinance, changing the 12-month approval period for a preliminary plat to a 24-month , period was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 86-46 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT PERTAINING TO THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Councilman Weisbach. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- EXCERPT PUBLIC HEARING TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT MR. JIM THOMPSON, Chief of Administration Services, Fire Department: The next item of business would be a resolution authorizing the submission of a transit operating assistance grant to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. In order to do this, Mayor, a public hearing is required. -86- May 6, 1986 MAYOR MEYERS: I would then, now, declare this public hearing to address fiscal year 1987 Transit Operating Assistance Grant and declare this public hearing open. And, I think, Tom, along with any citizens, you wanted to make a comment. MR. TOM HORNE, Director of Transportation: Just a brief summary. Back on April 1st, the City Council established today as the date for a public hearing on the fiscal year '87 Transit Operating Assistance Grant. Under Section 5, the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, the Federal Government will reimburse the City for fifty (50X) percent of its yearly transit operating deficit. The next year's total operating expenses are estimated at $1.5 million dollars. Charter operations are expected to bring in approximately $15,000 in revenues, through Section 8 and 112, grants from the Federal Government of $15,000. In addition to Charter revenues, the eligible operating expenses would be reduced down to $1,470,000. For that, operating expenses, we are estimating some $370,000 in operating revenue from fares. The remaining deficit would be shared equally with the City of Beaumont and the Urban Mass Transportation Administration - each with $550,000. These estimates are of course preliminary being this far ahead of the normal budget process. They do assume the current level of service. Reimbursements would actually be based on the expenses as we occur them. One of the reasons we are starting as early as we are is to have the grants approved so that we can request reimbursements in a timely manner. Our share of the deficit would come from the City's Transit Fund. MAYOR MEYERS: Thank you, Tom - Tom Horne, Director of Transportation. This public hearing portion is still open and if there are any citizens present who would care to make comment on this particular issue, this would be the appropriate time. If there are none, then I would declare this public hearing for -fiscal year '87 " Operating Assistance Grant closed and Jim, I believe we would now take action on a resolution. END OF EXCERPT. Resolution 86-147 authorizing the submission of a Transit Operating Assistance Grant to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration was approved on a motion made b Councilman Cokings a,nd aeconded. by Councilman Weisbach `�e`3�'�yy � 4 "�t k ' t7� T(;. X35, �� y� e. i . -000- EXCERPT PUBLIC HEARING TRANSIT FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS GRANT MR. JIM THOMPSON, Chief of Administrative Services, Fire Department: This public hearing is on the Transit Facility Improvements Grant application. -87- May 6, 1986 s " MAYOR MEYERS: I do so call this public hearing relative to the Transit Facility Improvements Grant's application and now call this hearing open. Tom . . . MR. TOM HORNE, Director of Transportation: In Work Session on February 18th, the Capital Improvements Program for the Transit System was referred by the City Council. One of those projects is the subject of the public hearing today entitled the Transit Facility Improvement Grant Application. This project includes some improvements to the maintenance facility which was built approximately ten years ago. Some $7,000 is for design and engineering, repair of the parking area which is showing some failures at present at $43,000, replacement of a coin counter at $10,000 which has exceeded its projected life by several years, along with a $5,000 contingency makes a total expenditure of $65,000. Of this, the Federal Government will contribute approximately 80% to the project costs of $52,000. Local sources being the City of Beaumont would be $13,000. Again, this would be contingent upon the actual expenses incurred in the project. MAYOR MEYERS: Thank you, Tom. Does Council have any questions of Mr. Horne? COUNCILMAN MOORE: I have one. That contingency of $5,000 - how did we make that projection? I mean, is that a safe number - contingencies not really being safe but tell me how you came up with $5,000. MR. HORNE: Contingencies for a project of this type would typically run you around 10%. This is a little bit less than that, just rounding it off. ttAYQ Y S; When you spoke to actual expenditures, Tom, you were speaking to a determination of the repair cost for the parking area? MR. HORNE: Yes, once we buy the coin counter, get the parking lot repaired, submit our Tabor, that kind of thing, would be based on those expenses. MAYOR MEYERS: . ..but we are looking at our own forces? MR. HORNE: That will depend on how extensive they end up being, but we anticipate we would try to use our forces, if we can. -88- May 6, 1986 MAYOR MEYERSs So, then, we could pretty well control costs. MR. HORNE: Yes, but that will depend a lot on what other projects are necessary for our forces to be working on at the time. MAYOR MEYERS: The reason I mentioned it, that gives us an opportunity to control that local expense of $13,000. MR. HORNE: Yes, it would be helpful in that we could use that as a match but will, like I say, depend on the conditions at the time. COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: How much of that repair of the parking area - how much of that $43,000 is anticipated to be materials? MR. HORNE: Typically, on a project, it runs about half. I don't know the specific breakdown on this. MAYOR MEYERS: As a public hearing, I would again offer opportunity if there are any citizens who care to address this question regarding the Transit Facility Improvements Grant application. Being none, does the Council have any other questions of Tom? Then, I would close the public hearing and move to item and seek a ~ resolution . . . END OF EXCERPT. Resolution 86-148 authorizing execution of a Capital Assistance Agreement withthe Urban Mass Transportation Administration for the Transit Facility Improvement Project was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded by Councilman Cokinos. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- City Council discussed many areas: the poor condition of Mercantile Street, the need for grass cutting in City parks, especially the park next to the Athletic Complex, EMS and Medicare/Medicade and also the collection of fees at time of service, regulations for itinerant vendors within the City, a letter received from Mr. Tom C. Settle of 5010 Idylwood concerning the need to clean the ditches on Idyiwood, the need for cleaning, repair and maintenance of city-owned facilities such as the restrooms on Fair Park and the Showmobile, a letter siting very poor conditions existing in Tyrrell Park for travelers with RVs and grounds maintenance contracts for city facilities. -89- May 6, 1986 Mrs. Delia Harrington, 815 Willow, addressed Council to express her concerns for litter and trash and a dilapidated structure located at 1185 Magnolia. Mrs. Jessie Cooper, 446 Georgetown, addressed Council to suggest the construction of connecting sidewalks between restroom facilities and exhibition buildings at Fair Park and also to mention the need for trimming trees at the Westmont Shopping Center. Mr. George Bishop, 5750 Cole Road, addressed his concerns for the Specific Use Permit approved for the nightclub on property at 6725 Eastex Freeway. Mr. C. L. Sherman, 585 Belvedere, addressed Council to complain about the administration of the weed ordinance. -000- There being no further business, the meeting was recessed before continuing with the City Council Workshop Session. -000- I, Rosemarie Chiappe tta, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held May 6, 1986. Rosemarie Chiappe tta Deputy City Clerk ,� May 6, 1986 EXCERPT FROM REGULAR 7 COUNCIL SESSION HELD MAY 6, 19a6 PUBLIC HEARING TRANSIT FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS GRANT MR. JIM THOMPSON, Chief of Administrative Services, Fire Department: This public hearing is on the Transit Facility Improvements Grant application. MAYOR MEYERS: I do so call this public hearing relative to the Transit Facility Improvements Grant's application and now call this hearing open. Tom . . . MR. TOM HORNE, Director of Transportation: In Work Session on February 18th, the Capital Improvements Program for the Transit System was referred by the City Council. One of those projects is the subject of the public hearing today entitled the Transit Facility Improvement Grant Application. This project includes some improvements to the maintenance facility which was built approximately ten years ago. Some $7,000 is for design and engineering, repair of the parking area which is showing some failures at present at $43,000, replacement of a coin counter at $10,000 which has exceeded its projected life by several years, along with a $5,000 contingency makes a total expenditure of $65,000. Of this, the Federal Government will contribute approximately 80% to the project costs of $52,000. Local sources being the City of Beaumont would be $13,000. Again, this would be contingent upon the actual expenses incurred in the project. MAYOR MEYERS: Thank you, Tom. Does Council have any questions of Mr. Horne? COUNCILMAN MOORE: I have one. That contingency of $5,000 - how did we make that projection? I mean, is that a safe number - contingencies not really being safe but tell me how you came up with $5,000. MR. HORNE: Contingencies for a project of this type would typically run you around 10%. This is a little bit less than that, just rounding it off. MAYOR MEYERS: When you spoke , to actual expenditures, Tom, you were speaking to a determination of the repair cost for the parking area? MR. HORNE: Yes, once we buy the coin counter, get the parking lot repaired, submit our labor, that kind of thing, would be based on those expenses. i MAYOR !EYERS: . ..but we are looking at our own forces? EXCERPT FROM REGULAR C .i COUNCIL SESSION HELD MAY 6, 1986 Page 2 MR. HORNE: That will depend on how extensive they end up being, but we anticipate we would try to use our forces, if we can. MAYOR MEYERS: So, then, we could pretty well control costs. MR. HORNE: Yes, but that will depend a lot on what other projects are necessary for our forces to be working on at the time. MAYOR MEYERS: The reason I mentioned it, that gives us an opportunity to control that local expense of $13,000. MR. HORNE: Yes, it would be helpful in that we could use that as a match but will, like I say, depend on the conditions at the time. COUNCILMAN SAMUEL: How much of that repair of the parking area - how much of that $43,000 is anticipated to be materials? MR. HORNE: Typically, on a project, it runs about half. I don't know' the specific w' breakdown on this. MAYOR MEYERS: As a public hearing, I would again offer opportunity if there are any citizens who care to address this question regarding the Transit Facility Improvements Grant application. Being none, does the Council have any other questions of Tom? Then, I would close the public hearing and move to item and seek a resolution .. . END OF EXCERPT. I, Rosemarie Chiappe tta, Deputy City Clerk of of the City of Beaumont, certify that the above is a true copy of an excerpt from the regular City Council session held May 6, 1986. L . Rosemari Chiappetta Deputy City Clerk EXCERPT FROM REGULAR V_iY COUNCIL K SESSION HELD MAY 6, 1986 PUBLIC HEARING TRANSIT OPERATING ASSISTANCE GRANT MR. JIM THOMPSON, Chief of Administration Services, Fire Department: The next item of business would be a resolution authorizing the submission of a transit operating assistance grant to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. In order to do this, Mayor, a public hearing is required. MAYOR MEYERS: I would then, now, declare this public hearing to address fiscal year 1987 Transit Operating Assistance Grant and declare this public hearing open. And, I think, Tom, along with any citizens, you wanted to make a comment. MR. TOM HORNE, .Director of Transportation: Just a brief summary. Back on April 1st, the City Council established today as the date for a public hearing on the fiscal year '87 Transit Operating Assistance Grant. Under Section 5, the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, the Federal Government will reimburse the City for fifty (50%) percent of its yearly transit operating deficit. The next year's total operating expenses are estimated at $1.5 million dollars. Charter operations are expected to bring in approximately $15,000 in revenues, through Section 8 and 112, grants from the Federal Government of $15,000. In addition to Charter revenues, the eligible operating expenses would be reduced down to $1,470,000. For that, operating expenses, we are estimating some $370,000 in operating revenue from fares. The remaining deficit would be shared equally with the City of Beaumont and the Urban Mass Transportation Administration — each with $550,000. These estimates are of course preliminary being this far ahead of the normal budget process. They do assume the current level of service. Reimbursements would actually be based on the expenses as we occur them. One of the reasons we are starting as early as we are is to have the grants approved so that we can request reimbursements in a timely manner. Our share of the deficit would come from the City's Transit Fund. MAYOR MEYERS: <r Thank you, Tom - Tom Horne, Director of Transportation. This public hearing portion is still open and if there are any citizens present who would care to make comment on this particular issue, this would be the appropriate time. If there are none, then I. would declare this public hearing for fiscal year '87 Operating Assistance Grant closed and Jim, I believe we would now take action on a resolution. END OF EXCERPT,. 1, Rosemarie Chiappettn, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, certify that the above is a true copy of an oxcart from tits ragular Ct.ty Council session held May 6, 1986. 2osemarie Chiappetta -r Deputy City Clerk