HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN JUL 28 1987 REGULAR SESSION CITY COUNCIL - CITY OF BEAUMONT HELD JULY 28, 1987 - 1:15 P.M. BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session this the 28th day of July, 1987, with the following present: HONORABLE: Maurice Meyers Mayor Bob Lee, Jr. Councilman At Large Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I Mike Brumley Councilman, Ward II Audwin Samuel Councilman, Ward III David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV Betty Dunkerley Acting City Manager Lane Nichols City Attorney Rosemarie Chiappet;ta City Clerk -000- The Invocation was given by the Reverend Douglas McBride, pastor of the Lutheran Bethlehem Church. The Pledge was led by Councilman Brumley. -000- Mayor Meyers welcomed Didier Robert, a one-month foreign exchange student from Nice, France, a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Baumer, 980 Lockwood Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Baumer's daughter will go to France next summer as an exchange student. Mayor Meyers presented Didier Robert a certificate making him an Honorary Citizen of Beaumont in remembrance of his visit. Mr. Robert expressed his enjoyment in visiting Texas, which is very different from France. Mayor Meyers explained that the word Beaumont means "beautiful mountain. " He asked Mr. Robert to tell the people in France that the mountains in our City of Beaumont are "mountains of friendship and love and good people. " Mayor Meyers introduced Royce Hickman, Reverend Don White, and Reverend Billy Richter as workers with the United Methodist Army (Action Reach-out Missions by Youth). They are in Beaumont with Senior High School age volunteer teens and adult leaders who donate one week of their summer to help people less fortunate than themselves. They each contribute $100 to cover expenses. There are 123 volunteers in Beaumont for this ende-Avor. Mr. Hickman stated they are here to reach out to those who have physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. They will be performing minor construction projects such as building wheelchair ramps, building handrails for elderly, repairing porches, kitchen repairs, minor roof repairs, anything that does not require skilled labor. "It is an opportunity for young people to express their faith in a visible means that has a tangible evidence of doing good." Trinity United Methodist Church is the local host church. Reverend Billy Richter, of Ringwood, as the Program Director plans programs and activities for the evenings and gets involved "in the moral of the troops. " Reverend Don White is from Baytown and responsible for the site selection and the work -274- July 28, 1987 Mr. Hickman continued. done during the day. Both gentlemen are on the Board of Directors for the U M Army. Margaret Sanders (adult sponsor from Kingwood), Parrish Burns (Athens, TX), Tanya Pavone (visiting from Mexico), David Bonny (Kingwood), Kim Watson (Kingwood), and Susan Eichenower (Clear Lake City) were introduced as a typical work team. Mr. Royce asked Reverend Richter and Reverend White to express their thoughts. Reverend Richter: We are, indeed, honored and privileged to be before you this afternoon, and maybe more importantly, be in Beaumont this week. Royce said a great deal to you about the building and construction that goes on in the homes of residents here in the Beaumont area and how important that is. But, I think more importantly, one of the things we see as results from our program is the building of relationships and the building of human lives, the giving back of self-esteem, and the love which is shared among human beings. That maybe the real key to why we think our program is successful, and at that point I would just like to say we. have been extremely pleased with the response that we have received in Beaumont. So many people have reached out to us and have offered themselves to us in concern and in caring ways and we have this to be a very open ands very, very friendly community. For us to be able to come in and offer ourselves and to have the community respond as this community has responded is something that is extremely important to us and we give to you, offer to you, our heartfelt thanks for that fact that not only are we able to build porches and wheelchair ramps and kitchens and all those other things that Royce mentioned, but we feel like we have come to Beaumont to build relationships and you are helping us to be successful to that end. Thank you. Reverend White: It's very obvious that one of the things, in light of what's been said already, that our task would be to do minor repairs and functional things that people cannot afford to do or able to do for themselves. But, I would quickly say that one of the primary functions of any of these teams as they go into a given home situation is to allow themselves some time to be with the particular client. Many times we discover that these are elderly people that live alone that have very few relationships in which they can just visit and talk and so we recognize that as an important part of our ministry to them just by being there, not trying to do anything else, other than just be there for them. We discovered in retrospect and a lot of the sharing that comes from the young people, as well as the adults in the program, that the impact of those experiences on their lives have been beyond expression. I think the fact that this group, the one church from Kingwood, that's most. . .greatest number of this particular week, the last few years has more than doubled its number of participants each year they come to be a part of this. I have been a part of the program myself because I think it has been perhaps one of the most significant things where we've seen young people be able to see their own efforts make a difference in the lives of other people. We are being very intentional in trying to be in different communities in our Conference, which is basically East Texas area. This is our first time in Beaumont area and we have usually tried to be in an area for a year or two and we want to try to spread the germ, if you will, to let people know in local communities that they can do something to help themselves. It's already been mentioned a little bit of the history -275- July 28, 1987 Reverend White Continued. of this group, but Jeannie Whitehurst the Executive Director of U M Army was working with a youth group in her local church and they decided rather than go across several states and a good bit of expense to do such kinds of service projects, they would join together and do that closer to home. So a secondary benefit we hope that we might do for the young people that participate here, as well as people here who see what these inexperienced, unskilled people can do further add to the possibilities of people being able to see the potential within themselves. We've seen this take place even within the sites. People who Become discouraged because they live in an old run-down building that they can't do much to maintain and care for and have given up any hope of themselves being able to do much about it. If they see a group of unskilled young people come in and in a few days literally perform miracles has in many cases given them incentive for taking care for themselves and taking some responsibility to make that discouragement work. I, again, would join in appreciation for the support this community has given us, and we hope to be back this way and appreciate your support and hospitality and the businesses that have extended credit to us through the week for us to be able to make this possible. Mayor Meyers: We thank all of you. Reverend White: Thank you, sir. Mr. Hickman: Could we ask you to step down, please. Mayor Meyers: Sure. Reverend White: Your Honor, we'd like to make you an Honorary Member of the U M Army 1987 workteam in Beaumont, Texas. Would you please accept with our gratitude this tee-shirt representing that involvement? We would appreciate it very much. Mayor Meyers: I do so, and I compliment all of you. We appreciate your coming to our community, and I'm pleased that your're reporting how well you've been received. You're to be complimented. It's not often people pay to help other people. I just think it's terrific, and we thank you all so much. We have received from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development individual recognition for three organizations that have played a significant role in Innovative Housing Development and this is through the 1985-87 HUD National Recognition Program for Community Development Block Grant Excellence. I would like at this time, I believe representing the Innovative Housing Development Corporation Board of Directors, Gaylyn Cooper, Marilyn Adams, and Loretta Oliver to come forward, and I would like to present them this certificate for their efforts. It reads: The National Recognition Program -276- July 28, 1987 Mayor Meyers Continued: f or the Community Development Excellence of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development presents this Certificate of National Recognition to the participants in the Beaumont, Texas, Innovative Housing Development Corporation project for your contribution to fostering public-private partnerships for the greater benefits of your community. These are volunteers who give of themselves, their time, and talent to help other people in our community. Gaylyn, do you want to receive this for the ladies, and we thank you all very much. Marilyn, . .congratulations, Loretta, and please before I present the other two certificates, feel free to make any comments that you'd care to. Marilyn Adams: Beaumont has been exceedingly concerned about economic development, and I think the Innovative Housing Program has probably been one of the first and one of the most active economic development programs within the city. In the length of time it's been in operation, probably forty families have been able to purchase their homes and that public money has been leveraged at the level of about 3.3 dollars of private funds to $1.00 public funds, and I think that's a very, very significant economic development program within the city. Thank you, Mayor Meyers: Thank you, Marilyn. Gaylyn Cooper: I would like to say, and give thanks to the members of the City Staff who work with US. They do all of the leg work and all of the hard work and all we do is basically approve of what they do. They do a very fine job, and we want to, on behalf of the Board, thank them for their participation. I think they're sitting in the back. If you would just stand please, Polk Curtis, Jerone Bassett, and Henry Brown. Thank you. Mayor Meyers: Thank you, Gaylyn. Is Jim Stokes here? I haven't seen him. Is Lura here? Where is she? Oh, there she is. Okay, this is Lura Burns of the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, the second group that are recipients and, of course, it reads again for their contribution to foster public-private partnerships for the greater benefit of your community. I'm delighted that you would have opportunity to come today to receive this, but also what is your departure date? Lura Burns: August the 14th. Mayor Meyers: Okay. Lura Burns has been a dedicated worker and volunteer in our community, and as so often is the case, she's just gonna have to go where her husband goes, and as a result we'll be losing the dedicated service of Lura Burns to Beaumont. For your work, we thank you, and we present this to you for your work in this interest, and hope you'll have a few comments for us today. -277- July 28, 1987 Lura Burns, Thank you. Gaylyn and Marilyn have stated the success of this program for the past four and a half years. This was a joint project of the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Housing Commitee and the Community Block Grant Development Committee, and we're just very thankful that the Block Grant Committe and City Council continues to fund this program. Right now, I have 236 names as of today on the waiting list, and it takes approximatly two and one-half years for your name to work up to the top, so we hope you will continue to take a hard look at this program in the Spring when you reevaluate the Community Block Grant funds. Thank you. Mayor Meyers: Lura, thank you, and we hope you'll come back. Lura Burns: Oh, I will definitely be back. Mayor Meyers: The third, I'd like to ask Herman Rogers, is Herman here, yes. Working just tirelessly is a group known as the Citizen's Advisory Committee, and Herman will share a little bit about that which he heads for the Community Block Grant group, but these are citizens from all walks of life in our community who, I guarantee you, if they get to wanting something they can get it done, and if you should not happen to be in agreement, you may regret the fact you were not in agreement. They are an effective group working in behalf of all the citizens in the community, and Herman, we are pleased to present this to you in their behalf and hope you will make a few comments, please. Herman Rogers: Oh behalf of Community Block Grant, first, let me say thanks to the Council for the many years that you have worked with us on the various programs. We appreciate the way you have responded to some of the requests. Please understand that Community Block Grant is a volunteer committee that makes recommendations to the Council. So, any success that that program has, certainly, is the results of the wise decision making on the part of Council. I think we're here today because of Innovative Housing and for Block Grant. You simply do not say the word Innovative Housing without thinking of Marilyn Adams, so I think it's only fitting that the committee takes its hat off to Marilyn and this city for the fine work she's done in the area of Innovative Housing. There are 22 people, citizens, serving on the Community Development Block Grant Committee. I think Raymond, and, I know Marilyn, are there any other committee members here? Would you stand, Raymond and Marilyn? These are two of the members that serve on a committee of 22 citizens. They not only vote their conviction, but they often go out and work in the community to see that those convictions become a reality. So, on the part of Council, it has been a great privilege working with this committee, and I must add, Staff has also worked very diligently with this committee. I look across at Sherrell (Cockrell), and I know she's been with the Committee for many years, and she's toiled very diligently with us. So without further adieu, let me say again, thanks to the Council, thanks to the Staff, thanks to the Committee, and thank-you citizens for allowing us to serve you. -278- July 28, 1987 Mayor Meyers: Thank you very much, Herman. We, from Council, express a deep sense of apprection to Staff, to Sherrell, for the fine job she does, to the Mayor of the Charlton-Pollard area--Raymond Chaisson, and Marilyn Adams for her innovative programs, the proprietary interests of that committee as they fight for their neighborhoods is unique, and most of the time the people stay well hitched to their program. At this time, I would like to ask Ric Warchol, the Chairman of our Convention and Visitor's Board, to come forward and do something they initiated, I guess, along with Bonnie Cokinos a couple of quarters ago, if I'm not mistaken, that's most deserving and that's in response top a very important economic benefit for our community, and Ric, I'll let you take it from there. Ric Warchol: I'll ask Bonnie to come up cause she is the Chairperson of this committee that actually handles this. Bonnie. . .You know I was trying to find a way impress upon the community the vital importance that tourism has, and, you know to our community, and so I calculated a small group of people that we're going to recognize today and the economic impact this group had on our community through a period of five or six events. And, I calculated out with the City's annual budget and figured up how many minutes, you know, the City, or how many dollars per minute that cost and figured up this impact and know Ms. Dunkerley is probably amused at all this, but, anyway Council's gonna have a long meeting today because I'm gonna buy a minute for every dollar this group brought in, and, or the dollars as it equated out to, so sometime tomorrow when we're done here, and I think by that time the community will realize the importance of tourism and what impact it has, but since I've told you all that, I won't do it now. But, to start with, I have with me Bonnie Cokinos who is on our Advisory Board, and Ms. Cokinos is the Chairperson of the Hospitality Committee which the Board's devised into five different groups. And, Ms. Cokinos has already, for the rest of the group's sake, recognized these people at a luncheon prior to coming over here and then we'd like to recognize in the public's eye to again show the economic impact on that of the community and give them a plaque from the Council. Mr. Ric Warchol called forward Tommy Langston with the Texas Credit Conference who brought in a group of 200 delegates with a direct economic impact, with no multipliers, of $60,000 to our community; Clayton and Dorothy Daigle who were instrumental in getting the Junior Knights and Junior Daughters of the Knights of St. Peter Claver consisting of about 800 people in a direct economic impact of $240,000; Bill Naiver who was at the Information Center in Orange for 21 years and with the State for an additional 15 years was recognized for his years of service and dedication at the "busiest information center" in the State of Texas; W. L. Pate who was responsible for bringing in the Reserve Officer's Association with 150 delegates with an economic impact of $45,000; Albert Johnson for bringing in the 316th Station Hospital Unit of World War II Reunion with a direct impact of $15,000; and Major Charles Perricone for the Texas Police Olympics with over 1200 delegates and a direct economic impact of $369,000, with multipliers increasing the amount to over $2,000,000 impact. Mrs. Cokinos presented plaques to each of the recipients on behalf of the Mayor and Council. Mayor Meyers introduced Mr. Eddy Autry of 125 Interstate 10 North who performed a song written and dedicated to Beaumont, entitled We're Proud of Beaumont: -279- July 28, 1987 Mr. Autry Continued: Verse Optional: In America there are beautiful cities. Marvelous mountains and lots of lilies. In the southwest, not very far out. Is a special one I'm going to tell you about. Chorus: There's a City, down in Texas. That's very paramount. To us, she is so precious. Her name is Beaumont. Chorus: She is striving, to move up to the big top of the front. For everything that we do. We're Proud of Beaumont. Bridge: We'll tell it to the world. No matter where it might be. Beaumont is a precious pearl. So come on over and see. Chorus: To the U. S. any City. Beaumont will never flunk. We've got the nitty gritty. We're Proud of Beaumont. Mr. Autry stated that any proceeds received from the sale of his song will be given to charity. -000- Public comment was called for items for the Regular Agenda. Mr. Bill Brown, a member of the Board of Directors for Land Manor, addressed Council regarding issues that have arisen concerning the intended alcoholic and drug abuse home to be operated by Land Manor and informed Council that public hearings will be held in neighborhoods in which it intends to locate new ,projects in the future. Mrs. Marie Hubbard, 1990 Nora, addressed Council in opposition of placing half-way houses and establishments of this nature in her neighborhood. Mr. Cormier wished to address Council concerning Agenda Itema IA and IB and present pictures to Council, but upon Mayor Meyer's instruction left the pictures with the City Clerk since speaking on zoning items is exempted from public comment. Mayor Meyers restated that public comment be directed to items on the agenda not dealing with zoning changes. Mr. Ben Rogers, 2010 Thomas Road, addressed Council requesting information regarding the amount and specific grant qualifying for Item No. 7 authorizing filing an application for a planning grant from the Economic Development Administration, and asked Council to approach Superintendent Mike Taylor regarding consideration of locating the Planetarium on their downtown property instead of the 3395 Harrison Avenue location. Delia Harrington, 815 Willow Street, addressed Council stating she is in accordance with Mr. Brown and concurs with Mr. Rogers that the Planetarium should be built downtown. Mr. Henry Dannebaum, 1567 Wall Stree, addressed Council in support of the alcohlic and drug abuse program and supported Mr. Bill Brown's notification process. Mr. Raymond Chaisson addressed Council in opposition to the proposed location of the alcoholic and drug abuse home. -000- -280- July 28, 1987 The following Consent Agenda Items were considered: Approval of the Minutes of the regular City Council sessions held July 7 and 21, 1987; Resolution 87-152 authorizing pledge and release of $550,000.00 in securities held as collateral for City deposits by Texas Commerce Bank; and Resolution 87-153 appointing Terry Williams to the Transit Advisory Commission for a term expiring 6/30/90, Elmer Ashcraft to the Airport Advisory Commission for a term expiring 5/31/92, Mary Rush, Grace Cordts, and Bill Nantz to the Clean Community Commission for terms expiring 9/30/88, and Acynthia Lewis to the Sesquicentennaii Commission for a term expiring 12/21/87; and Resolution 87-154 authorizing Betty Dunkerley, Acting City Manager, to sign application documents and assurances and provide other information in connection with an application with the Urban Development Action Grant for a waterwork project for the City Manager in his absence, Councilman Samuel inquired if a definite site had been determined for the waterpark, Norman Whitaker, Planning Director, reported a tentative site is being negotiated with Coca-Cola Co. by the developers of the waterpark for property South of Cardinal Drive , The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Lee. Motion: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance No. 87-55 changing the zoning from R-S to GC-MD for property at 2580 East Lucas Drive, a 0.919 of an acre tract described as Tax Plat D-27, Tr 33, H. Williams, Jr. Survey, Abstract 57, (requested by Jo Ann Comea°ux, proprietor of Community Funeral Chapel to operate a funeral home in the former Pinecrest Church of Christ building); site is currently split zoned RS and GC-MD was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 87-55 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTRICTS AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING FROM RS (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT) TO GC-MD (GENERAL COMMERCIAL-MULTI- PLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT) ON PROPER'T'Y LOCATED AT 2580 E. LUCAS DRIVE, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Samuel and seconded by Councilman Moore. Question: Ayes: All Napes: None -000- -281- July 28, 1987 An ordinance granting a specific use permit for a funeral home at 2580 East Lucas Drive was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 87-56 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A FUNERAL HOME ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2580 E. LUCAS DRIVE, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS, The ordinance was approved by eliminating the current fencing requirement, but retaining the right for future requests on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Samuel. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance 87-57 granting a specific use permit for a church at 3060 Dowlen Road, 1100' North of Delaware on the East side of Dowlen Road (requested by Jesse L. Eastep for Pinecrest Church ,of Christ) for construction of a new church to be called Dowlen 'toad Church of Christ, a 11 ,616 sq. ft. brick building to include an assembly auditorium area with initial seating capacity of 710 and classroom facilities was considered. ORDINANCE 87-57 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR A CHURCH ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3060 DOWLEN ROAD AND DESCRIBED AT 1100 FEET NORTH OF DELAWARE ON THE EAST SIDE OF DOWLEN ROAD, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded by Councilman Smith. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Ordinance 87-58 granting the H-C Designation for pproperty at 1224 Hazel Avenue at Center and described as Lots 10-12, Block 7, Jirou Addion (requested by Mrs. Frank W. "Mary Anna Crary" Anderson for her ancestral home known as the Crary House) was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 87-58 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, AND IN PARTICULAR THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ZONING DISTICTS, AS INDICATED UPON THE ZONING MAP OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, BY ESTABLISH- ING AN H-C (HISTORICAL-CULTURAL) OVERLAY ZONE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1224 HAZEL AVENUE, LOTS 10-12, BLOCK 7, JIROU ADDITION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. -282- July 28, 1987 The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley. Question: Ayes: All Napes: None -000- An ordinance granting an amended specific use permit (requested by Jim A. Covert for the Beaumont Independent School District) for construction of a planetarium at the central administration offices of the Beaumont Independent School District at 3395 Harrison Avenue was considered: ORDINANCE 87-59 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ISSUING AN AMENDED SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR ADDITIONAL FACILITIES ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3395 HARRISON AVENUE, BEAUMONT, JEFFERSON COUNTY, TEXAS. The ordinance was approved with a stipulation for the 8 foot privacy fence to be constructed along the property lines of Lots 8 through 13 on a motion made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Samuel after discussion relative to capacity and use of building, consideration of another site for planetarium, and fencing requirements. Question: Ayes: Mayor Meyers Nays: Councilman Moore Councilman Lee Councilman. Cokinos Councilman Smith Councilman Brumley Councilman Samuel -000- Ordinance 87-60 amending the Zoning Ordinance to allow greater flexibility in the selection of sites for small, light industrial land uses was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 87-59 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 30 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF 'THE CITY OF BEAUMONT TO ESTABLISH THE REQUIREMENT OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT FOR CERTAIN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL LAND USES; PROVIDING CONDITIONS FOR SUCH SPECIAL USE PERMITS, PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- -283- July 28, 1987 Ordinance 87-61 placing a moratorium through August 12 on the issuance of building permits and certificates of occupancy and compliance for any residential care land uses included in the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification Manual, Group No. 836 to allow time for completion of a study of possible amendments to the zoning ordinance was considered: ORDINANCE NO. 87-61 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM UNTIL AUGUST 13, 1987, ON THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS FOR ANY RESIDENTIAL CARE LAND USE INCLUDED IN THE 1972 SIC MLANTUAL, GROUP 836; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Moore and seconded by Councilman Samuel. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None Mayor Meyers suggested that Council draft a letter to State Legislators from Council encouraging them to take leadership in creating a notification process . r the programs created in Austin by them and for them to meet personally with citizens in these public hearings in our community as they occur. Council generally concurred but want to remain involved with citizens when these situations arise. They desire to be supportative, but not act as an intermediary to the State. -000- Resolution 87-155 authorizing the filing of an application for a $50,000 Economic Development Administration Section 302 (a) Planning Grant was approved on a motion by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- The first reading of three ordinances granting amended franchises to REM, BFI, and Waste Express for commercial garbage collection services were considered: AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO REM WASTE CONROL, INC. TO OPERATE A COMMERCIAL CONTAINER GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; PROVIDING THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, OBLIGATIONS, AND LIMITATIONS OF SUCH SFRVICE; PROVIDING INDEMNITY TO THE CITY; RETAINING AUTHORITY TO REGULATE RATES; PROVIDING FOR FRANCHISE PAYMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. -284- July 28, 1987 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO BROWNING FERRIS INDUSTRIES TO OPERATE A COMMERCIAL CONTAINER GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; PROVIDING THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, OBLIGATIONS, AND LIMITATIONS OF SUCH SERVICE; PROVIDING INDEMNITY TO THE CITY; RETAINING AUTHORITY TO REGULATE RATES; PROVIDING FOR FRANCHISE PAYMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO WASTE EXPRESS TO OPERATE A COMMERCIAL CONTAINER GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE IN THE CITY OF BEAUMONT; PROVIDING THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, OBLIGATIONS, AND LIMITATIONS OF SUCH SERVICE; PROVIDING INDEMNITY TO THE CITY; RETAINING AUTHORITY TO REGULATE RATES; PROVIDING FOR FRANCHISE PAYMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. After a lengthy discussion regarding percentage of gross revenue, possible acceleration clause, cleanliness and condition of the sites where containers are stored, and proper enforcement of environmental violations, a motion was made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley to defer these ordinances for one week. Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None -000- Councilman Brumley reported that the July 23rd "Concert on the Move" at Rogers Park was a great success and all those in attendance enjoyed an evening of fun. Councilman Smith invited everyone to the next "Concert on the Move," Thursday, August 6, 1987 at Kline Park on Major near Highway 105. The theme will be Country Western. Councilman Lee complimented Councilman Samuel on reading the comics for the children so well at last week's "Sunday in the Park" and announced that the Beau-Mont Community Players will will be in charge of the events for "Sunday in the Park" on August 2nd, Councilman Samuel concurred that last week's "Sunday in the Park" was very nice and there was a good attendance. Councilman Moore asked Tom Warner, Public Works Director, to review the construction projects, especially the one between IH 10 and 4th Street, and be sure they don't forget the finishing touches of clean-up, and where they leave off, let the City continue. Mayor Meyers complimented Councilman Brumley on setting a standard of excellence for organizing "Concert on the Move" in Ward II. About 1,500 were in attendance for a beautiful evening. He also thanked John Gorman, the Police Department, the Fire Department, and everyone involved in this success. -000- -285- July 28, 12987 Mrs. Marie Hubbard, 1990 Nora, adressed Council to speak in opposition of rumors suggesting renaming Sarah Street or Lavaca after Dr. L. L. Melton since they are already a part of history--named after Usan Hebert family members and suggested renaming Lavaca, Sarah, and tie into M. L. King Parkway. Mr. Usan Hebert, grandson of Usan Hebert, addressed Council in opposition of renaming Sarah Street and stated his desire to work with the City. Mr. Raymond Chaison, 1130 Lamar, addressed Council to speak in opposition of renaming Sarah Street and in favor of renaming Lavaca, Sarah, so the street would not have two names. Mayor Meyers recognized the Hebert family and announced that Council has received no proposal to change the name of Sarah Street to L. L. Melton. Councilman Moore reaffirmed there were no plans in motion to rename Sarah Street, primarily because Dr. Melton would not approve of anything of a divisive nature. Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 1567 Wall Street, addressed Council again in support of residential care units stating they are properly supervised. -000- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. -000- I, Rosemarie Chiappe tta, City Clerk, certify that the above is a true copy of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held July 28, 1987. Rosemarie Chiappetta City Clerk -286- July 28, 1987