HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN MAY 05 1987 RE%"1ULKR SESSION
HELD MAY 5, 1987 -- 1:15 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in
regular session this the 5th day of May, 1987, with the following present:
HONORABLE: Maurice Meyers Mayor
Bob Lee, Jr. Councilman At Large
Andrew P. Cokinos Council-man At Large
Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I
Mike Brumley Councilman, Ward II
Audwin Samuel Councilman, 'Ward III
David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV
Albert E. Haines City Manager
Lane Nichols City Attorney
The Invocation was given. by Mr. John Victorian, 7910 Wilcox Lane.
The "Fledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Brumley.
We, as a Council, continue to preach to the strength of our community and that
being the volunteer spirit. Witho�at question: today, we are going to have an
Opportunity for an-ybody who is present for those who- would have a m-ssaae taken
from this session to recognize the tremendous amount of volunteer support that is
W1 t1r,i ri this Chamber today and the elements of our community life and our community
activities present today. Before we wolild begin that portion, I would like to ask
our City Manager, who has a few special- introductions, if Ile would take opportupity
to do so.
Thank you, Mayor and Council. I am particularly pleased today to introdice two new
m---mbe r s to our TL-anagament group in the City. On Friday, Mr. �;orlman complete! an
intense and ti-Lie-consuming process for seeking and trying to locate an individual
who we felt could adequately provide management leadership to Our recreation
program's; and also this past week, we completed out of inv Office the same kind of a
process in looking for the POSitiO-i Of ECO-10MILC DeVeIODfnnent Director and I am
pleased to present to you two appointments that we have made. First, Mrs. Carol
Flatten. Carol, if you w i 11 stand, who will.. be to-,Jing over next Monday the
responsibili 'Iles of Economic Develop,-iient in the City. we are -very pleased to have
her with us this afternoon. Thank you, Carol; she's already started. And, I
th i ak, John, I'd like to call on Mr. Gorman to introduce his newest addition to
May 5, :-7
Thank you, Mr. Haines. Our Recreation Manager is a twelve-year veteran with the
Recreation Division. He has been responsible for supervision In the Athletic
Programs during that period and we are particularly pleased to be able to promote
Mr. Luke Jackson. Would you stand up?
We are just delighted with both . . . to have both Carol and Luke in these
assignments and responsibilities. We th I n1k they essentially round out the
management group city-wide to a greater degree. And, I think It's also appropriate
to recognize Sally Loveland, who is here. As you know, she is consulting with the
City on vario,,s prollects that we are . . . that are underway. Sally, if you-d stand
up and be recog .zed, as well. Thank you.
Carol and Luke, we are pleased for you in your new assignments and, for those who
perhaps aren't familiar with Luke Jacks-on -- not only has he done an outstanding
job for our community, but he has a reputation as being part of that Philadelphia
76ar All . . . . . . describe it . . . All 7/6er Team?
R. JACK-SON: The World's Greatest 1,2asketball Team.
KAYOR MEYERS: The World's greatest Baskel-,-ball Team.
COU!NC1T_`1"%N IM010RE: I thought It was tennis you ;played, Luke.
'MAYOR MEYERISZ: So, there'll be no question that the folks out on the playground
will learn how to slam dunk a tasketball, Luke. you, very much,
MI a v or Meyers Mrs. Flols Howard, Director of Individual zed Learning
Services, and Ms. Rae Berman with appro)cimstely eight students to today's session
of City Council.
MR. AL PIMU' ANS, C-a,1.rjTa-n of the Sesqjlcenteninlal Co:-in.-mission,
Thank you, Mr. Mayor. As you know, during this year, 1987, the City of Beaumont
will c--- I e I)r a fl-e its 1150th birthday; and, In order to plan for the Celebration
activities that are going to take place this year, Council, at One end of last
year, established the Beaut-nont Sesquicentennial Commission. And, at this time, I
would like to ask the ma m be r s of the Com-,Tiission who are in *_his room to please
stand and be recognized. That's Johnny Walker, Ed Dix, and a member of our
Executive Co,-,uittee, Tom Lamb, Julia Levy.
-176- May 5, 1987
MR. POLLhNS continued:
My purpose in being here today is to extend an invitation to you, Mr. Mayor, and to
all the members of Council, and to all the citizens of our community to attend a
city—wide meeting to be held on May 13th at 7:30 p.m. at the Beaumont Civic
Center. The purpose of this meeting will be to share with the members of Council,
the Mayor, and all the citizens of this co;Tirnunity our plans for our Celebration
activities and hopefully to solicit their involvement in a meaningful way in all
the events and activities that we are planning. We will begin our Celebration
activities probably in the month of August and carry through to the second week of
October. The heart of our Celebration will be the week October 5th through llth,
where we will have a historical pageant presented for all the citizens of our
community. In order to present this historical pageant, we are going to need
hundreds of volunteers. So, there's a role for everyone to play in all of our
activities and we are hopeful that we will have an outpouring fro-in the community to
participate in all the fun and all the activities which we are planning. We will
have refreshments. We will have entertainment and most importantly of all we will
have information to provide to all of you about bow you will be able to participate
in the meaningful role
which you all will be able to play in our Celebration. We
are hopeful that we will fill the Civic Center, although that may be kind of far-
reaching, but, in any event we are looking forward to a large number of citizens to
0 9
appear at our party - at our city-wide meeting and help us get our Celebration
under-way in a meaningful way. if anybody has any questions or comments, I would be
happy to answer them at this time. We hope that you will all be there. We'll- be
looking forward to seeing you on May 13th at 7:30 p.m.
Al, I know that in working with, I guess, the director who will be helping this
nassive corps of citizens to come as volunteers for the celebration, you all have
put i r, a lot of tine and I've seen you sitting and worki-ng for several days
upstairs and we coma-mend you for i t. I think you understand the desire of the
c oirn o pity to have a celebration that they can all participate in and this meeting
on the 13th at 7:30 (D.M. ) is that opportunity to begin that Influx of citizens who
L i -
can dance and sing, play an instrument, smile, play golf . . . a friend of mine won a
golf to-drnament this waekend in the back . . . At any rate, I kpow that's what you
are wanting and we thank you for your work and effort.
'!R. Tt
P : 'S
--------- _L my pleasure. it's an awful lot of -fun for ma and I'm having a
good time and I invite everyone else to join and have some fun, too.
Another area that is I think of invaluable service in driving to assist us with our
e c on oma i y and one that probably we can do a great deal about to assist is the
Convention and Visitors Bureau. Tim Himp hill is here. Where are you, Tim? I
believe that Tim Hiraphill and Ric Warchol, Chairman of the Convention and Visitors
Bureau, Mrs. Bonnie Cokinos, also of the Convention and Visitors Bureau have some
recognition and presentations to make.
MIR.. RIC WARCHOL: Thank you, Mayor and Council. We do have some recognition to
make and as you all know, tourism is the second largest industry in our City and we
do like to take time out once in a while to recognize some citizens who have been
vital links in bringing conventions and organizations and associations that they
are involved with to our City. There's substantial financial impact to our
community, directly and indirectly, from these and we'd like to highlight a few of
those. To show you that the Bureau has been active, we have more to recognize
today than we have ever had to recognize in the past. We will only take about an
hour or an hour and a half or so, but -we will make it quick. First off, we have
the Southwest Liturgical Conference. Sister Virgil Kumimer was very instrumental in
bringing this group of 500 plus delegates which had a direct impact or direct
dollars, n e w dollars brought to our community of $150,000 and an overall impact
when applied to the multiplier of $750,000.
U.I M E R I would just like to say on behalf of Bishop who first
suggested it would be nice to bring the conference to Beaumont, that I was proud to
be the coordinator of this event and very happy that we could bring this economic
help to the City, too. As a person who comes to this part of the country, as you
can tell by my accent, I'm not a native, it's been wonderful to see Beaumlont pick
itself up by its bootstraps and really say we are not going to go down and I think
it's marvelous to see what you are doing as- a City. Thank you.
MR. WARCiOL: The second one we would 'Like to recognize today was held in T anuary.
was a Counsellors Cooperative {Workshop. To ac-c,,pt these here today are Don
Johnson and Tish Foyle. This group brought about 350 people in at a direct impact
04 new dollars to our community of $205,000, roughly $525,000 overall impact. . .
MRS.- TISH FOYLE: Thank you and we also appreciate so fouch the help that the
Convention and Visitors Bureau has given us and also their assistance in bringing
another national convention here which we will be sponsoring next Nove. bler. T' ink
MR. W?R CH 01" In March, we had the Texas Association of Occupational Tlealtlh Nurses
in town. There were about 200 representatives at a direct irfDaCt Of $60,000; an
overall impact of around $300,000 and Mary Nelson is 'are.
MAYOR :1EYERS: Let me tell you, they had a good time.
MRS. MARY NELSON: Mayor Meyers, we enjoyed your kicking-off our conference in
MAYOR MIEYERS: I enjoyed the crawfish race.
MRS. NELSON: . . .and we do appreciate all the help the Visitors Bureau did for our
organization. Thank you.
MR. WARCHOT, See. We make an arrangement with these people, Mayor. Prior to to
giving them a plaque, they have to give some praise back to us. In March, we had
the Texas State Sh--ine Patrol here which had about 300 delegates in their group who
broug!-t—Ca-i—i about $90,000 directly; overall impact of arovind $450,000 and
John Sabot is here.
C�Z 7
MR. JORN SABOT: Thank you. Thank you, Mayor Meyers. You lucked out. I was going
to try to have you speak to us but I didn't think you get up early in the morning
except to play golf; but we did enjoy ourselves and everyone from across the State
of Texas had a great time in Beaumont. They look forward to coming back and seeing
us soon.
MR. WAR,19OL: The end of March, we had the Texas Association of Symphony Orchestras
here, which is even more delightful because it brings additional culture In as well
as new dollars from convention business and they had a direct impact of $37,50^0 and
an overall impact of $190,000 and Gayle Villere is here.
MRS. GAYLE VILLERE: Mr. Mayor, we thank you for kicking-off our conference and on
Ue-5a U76-f— the Beaumont Symphony Women's League who was the hostess group for this
organization, 1-m very pleased to accept this. Again, I would like to point out
the I'L Trip a c t that cultural groups have on this town and the way that new industry
looks at our community having this type of thing in progress.
MR. VARCHOL: Fourteen more will be done. No, I was just kidding. The next plaque
we are going to give out Is something a little bit different. The Convention
Bureau and the Hospitality Committee decided to honor this group, not for bringing
people into town but for welcoming those who are coming into town and Baptist
Hospital of Southeast Texas took out an aggressive billboard campaign. I'm sure
everybody has seen them. There isn't a thoroughfare that comes in or out of the
City that you don't see a "Welcome to B-eauntiont" sign and that's the large part of
the billboard. The small part says "Baptist Hospital" and, so, for our "Large part,
we'd like to recognize Baptist Hospital. On behalf of tbein, we have Selman Clark,
'��7 n to accept the plaque.
Rick Kennedy and Any Blac
'1R. SE! 'M-kN' CLARK: Mr. Mayor and Councilmembers. We certainly accept this plaque
and it's a privilege for us to do so and ;nay we in turn applaud each you as
Councilfi�=_-,.ab'ers who have ',-een instrumental in providing a cl.imate that we can all
participate in this kind of activity in recognizing our City of which we are very
WARC'HOI We don't have a plaque for Councilman Moore but we would 'Like to
k- Cou zcilman t gore for being i n s tr u m,-?n ta I in helping the Conve-nition. Bureau
successful bring in a convention that will be co7ilng up soon. Thank you.
MAYOR F R S Ric, i think there may be some other memul-bers of the Buraau present
ff you wanted to ask, them to stand and be recognized. . . The Board. I see Some . . .
I thou-1-it while you, were here.
MR WARCHOL: Surely. We have 'Gus Keriotis who is on our Board. Alex Self from
e holiday inn an our Board; Tom "arwell in the !,, ck corner; Bill Kirribrough from
the Port and of coul_se, Bonnie Co'kinos, -my :able-bodIed assistant.
ME�,ERS: Well, as I said at the outset, this is an example oil, I guess, truly
the k I-rid of volunteer participation we want and so next up with a lot ;yore to go,
folks, Is Maree Calcote, and if you want to take three guesses and waste the first
two, she'll be talking about our Clean Commanity Commission. Maree . . .
MRS. MAREE CALCOTE, Chairman of the Clean Community Commission: We are delighted
today to present "Pride in Beaumont" awards to some of our citizens; but before we
do that I would like to point out to Council that this weekend we had two big clean-
ups. The Social and Civic Club with Bob Pollard as its president and David Moore
working very hard cleaned up the Hebert Cemetery and they removed 8 tons of debris
and put In 220 manhours and we are very pleased that they were able to do that this
weekend. Also, the Adult Probation Department worked with the Sanitation Division
and they cleaned up 6.5 miles in the City, removing 1.3 tons of litter and donating
108 manhours to this. So, we are very pleased with these groups that continue to
work so hard to help us.
Today, we -would like to present Certificates. The first one, we would like to call
up is Mrs. Audrey Bonnette. Audrey had called me . . . less than a year ago, and
said that the First Baptist Church of Voth wanted to clean up in their area and we
provided the bags and they did a wonderful job. She called again this year and
they did it and we are very pleased that you take such an interest in the
community. We want to thank you very much.
The next person we would like to recognize is Katie Duff. Katie is a member of the
Parks and Recreation Coma-mission b Katie atie has--i-f-w-aii—i—one a wonderful job in being
a tremendous example in her neighborhood as to what citizens ought to be to keep
this a beautiful community.
Now, I'd like to ask for Myrtle White to come forward. Is she here? Well, we had
some difficulty in reaching her telephone but we had sent her a letter; but she
a person who owns some property. She is a true example of getting out and
Cleaning up In the areas and we would like to send this to her in the mail. 'vex t,
I wo-uld 'like to recognize Munro Cleaners. Bill. . . this business has been constant
in its endeavors to keep downtown area very clean and very nice and we would just
like to recognize you. (Mr. Bill Munro addressed Council to say, "I'd like to
thank Kenneth Wilson, our number one rnaintenancle -man right here who's mostly in
charge of keeping Munro's looking good. All the vlunro's e,Dployees who do that
little bit extra and after all, keeping Eeau.mont clean Is our business. ") Ne X t,
I'd like to call on Sybil Ann Davis. Her property was pi_-1•.ed because- she does an
outstanding job in her neighborhood and Is a true example of -what citizens ought to
do in having pride In their community and we want to thaak- you. �(M
rs. T)avis -said,
"I want to say thanilks to everybody concerned in this. I think it's wonderful and T
clean up my place and also everybody elses in the neighborhood. They get :mad at me
but I do I t- arlyVay.
N'ext, I'd like to recognize Mr. Bill Cease from Val spar Paint. Valspar Is a large
concern bere and the y-ve done an exceptional ,J ---
o!) in cleaning and beautifying the
area that is heavy industriall,-,ed area and we would like to recognize them. Also,
Bill, come forward, with him today Is John Mitchell who is from the office in
Bal timore and he is in the back. Bill, wee really want to thank you for the
tr e i ardour -ob that Valspar has
i done. (Mr. Cease said, "-Mr. Mayor a-nd -aiaabers of
Council. r'e'd 'lust like to say that Valspar Corporation, one of our prime
philosophies is to have pride in the com-unities in which we operate and we are
very pleased to say that Beaumont is Just the type com-7I.,anity that we are excited
about being in and with volunteers like Maree to do such an outstanding job, it
certainly mtakes it exciting to be a part of Beaumont. ")
I 1 Q
MRS. CAbCOTE continued: And, then, we would like to recognize Air. and Airs. John
Speer. sir. and Airs. Speer bought a house that was in a very poor condition and
they have taken that house and been a real example in the neighborhood as to what
we need to do in reclaiming some of our older and more beautiful neighborhoods and
we would like to thank you and we are glad that you are here today. (Mr. Speer
addressed Council to say, "Mayor, I'd just like to sake one comment. This is part
of what I feel is part of our heritage. This house is approximately 87 years old
at this time and is part or close to the downtown area and we are just proud that
we are able financially and physically to do this for our community. ") That
concludes our awards today.
I would like to make one more statement to Council, though, and I would like to
thank the Police Department for help in this. We signed - a year ago, we signed a
contract with the State in that the City of Beaumont would receive $20.00 for every
citation written on a street that was maintained by the Highway Department. To
date, the City of Beaumont has received $600.00 back. We are very pleased with
MAYOR MEYERS: Everything we do is driven by the motive of improving our business
and creating jobs and John Victorian of Western Gulf Communications and Robert
iorris of Medi°Quick have been working awfully hard to stage this second Small
Business Trade Fair that will come up next week and, John and Robert, you :ray want
to make a comment to alert the people about this.
MR. ROBERT MORRIS: Air. Mayor and Councilmem hers, I'd like to thank you for giving
us�tlie opportunity to extend an invitation to everyone here to attend the Small
Business Trade Fair next week. It will be on Tuesday, May the 12th, from 10:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Civic Center and we will have over 120 businesses, s7r>all
businesses, represented there and I appreciate you giving rye the opportunity to
tell everyone about it.
MAYOR MEYERS: Thank you for coming.
MR. JO'l:N VICTORIAN: Air. *:ayor and Councilmen, I'd like to 'just mention a couple of
thin sY� ?flatW e want to get across to the public a')out the Trade Fair. I work on
several hoards and Committees and we talk about business retention a ;whole lot
within the community. I think one of the best ways that we can demonstrate our
willingness for retention of businesses in the comet-,i Fity is to visit this Trade
Show. When you visit the Trade Show, other than the seainars that's going to be
taking place, you are Going to be able to see over 150 booths, like Bob said, over
120 husinesses and I promise you when you come in Far ^; n are
t�- � t0 t.��M �._viC Center, you
going to see at least one business that you didn't even know existed. Bow can we
buy local and sell local, if we don't know about all of the businesses and the
services that's provided in our community. The Trade Fair is going to be one
example of providing people with the information on the b::sinesses that we can buy
from in our community. Thank you.
Mayor Meyers called an Executive Session of the Beaumont City Council, pursuant to
Section 2(g) of the Texas Open Meetings Act, to consider appointment, employment,
evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or
employee, to be held immediately following the City Council Workshop Session.
Several proclamations were Issued: "National Barrier Awareness Day in Beaumont" -
May 7, 1987; "Mental Health Month in Beaumont" - May, 1987; "Nursing Home Week in
Beaumont" - May 10-16, 1987; a proclamation recognizing Berry_ Chandler, Social
Services Director for both the Lindbergh Health Care Center and the College Street
Health Care Center, for "Successfully fostering enthusiasm and happiness among the
residents and has encouraged them to seek positive, creative activity to enrich
their lives . . . has been chosen as the outstanding Activities Director for Region
10, Texas Department of Health . . . " A letter from Mayor Maurice Meyers and
addressed to Mr. Chandler was also read, "On behalf of the City Council and the
citizens of Beaumont, I comment you for the tremendous commitment in time and
effort you have made to the quality of life for the elderly. Because of your
drive, integrity, and dedication to the highest standard of care for our
convalescing aged and chronically ill citizens, you have brought posit-Al.ve
recognition to yourself and to Beaumont, Texas. We recognize your outstanding
achievement as Social Service Director of the Lindbergh and College Street Health
Care Centers, and as an outstanding comarmunity leader and individual. "
""Kaleidescope 1987 Weekend in Beaumont" - May 9 and 10, 1987; "Better Hearing Month
in Beaumont" - May, 1987; "Shrine News Day in. Beaumont" - ?gay 9, 1987.
'The Minutes of the regular City Council Session held April 28, 1987 were approved
on a motion made by Councilman Cdkinos and seconded by Councilman Lee.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
An ordinance granting a specific use permit for expansion of a cemetery along
-egele Street northward along the east side of the uni mord roved Broussard Street at
the dead-and of Potts Street on 1.85 acres of property described as Tract 1A and
Lot 1, Plat B-8, J. W. Bullock, Abstract 7 (requested by W. H. Taft, president of
the Community Cemeteries, Inc. ) was removed from the agenda without City Council
co si de r a t I on.
Public Comment was called for Agenda Item C.2. No one wished to address City
Council concerning this Agenda Item.
M 1
ay 5, 9:�57
Ordinance No. 87-35 providing for the reorganization of the Police Department was
This ordinance restructures the Police Department into two main divisions - an
Administrative Services Division and a Field Operations Division - each to be
headed by a Deputy Chief of Police. The new Administrative Services Division would
include a Planning and Research Unit, a ManagemeT-n-t -1 ormation System Unit and a
Central Records Unit, each headed by a major. It would also include an
Organizational Development Unit and an Operational/Crime Analysis Unit, both
reporting directly to the Deputy Chief, and a Training Unit under the supervision
of a Captain. The new Field Operations Division would include the Bureau of
Patrol, consisting of four patrol watches, each under the direct supervision of a
captain, a Communications Unit under the supervision of the co-amanders of the
First, Second and Third Watches and a Special Tactics and Response Unit undser the
supervision of the commander of the Fourth Watch. The Bureau of Tnvestigations,
supervised by a Captain, would Include a Crimes Against Property Unit and a Crimes
Against Persons Unit, each beaded by a Lieutenant. The Special Crimes Bureau,
beaded by a captain, would deal with crimes requiring specialized Investigative
techniques and training and would include a Youth Services Unit and a Narcotics and
Vice Unit, each beaded by a Lieutenant. A Community Relations Unit would be set up
to operate under the direct supervision of the Chief of Police and an Internal
Affairs Detail would function as an extension of the Chief's Office. A Major would
be assigned to the Chief's Office as Administrative Assistant. The Deputy Chiefs
would be second in the line of co-mmand over the department and would be responsible
directly to the Chief and would assume comimand of the department in the absence of
the Chief of Police.
The ordinance was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded by
Councilman Cdkinos.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Councilman Lee reminded those present of the Sunday in the "lark activities in
Riverfront Park to be hosted by Ms. Sherry Commander of Fashion Showcase
Productions to be held May 10, 1987.
Councilman Cokinos congratulated Councilman Moore for being named "Tamale King" and
9 L
Mayor Meyers and Councilman Lee for second and third place winners in the Tamale
Eating Contest that was held during the Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Sunday, May 2nd.
-183- Mav 5,
Mfrs. Delia Harrington, 815 Willow Street, addressed Council to thank them for the
dedication of the Delia Harrington Welcome to Beaumont Park.
Mr. Henry Dannenbaum, 1567 Wall, addressed Council to complain about loud music
from car radios and to again express his support of half-way houses being placed in
Mr. Earl Massey, 6225 Beau View, retired Beaumont Chief Electrical Inspector,
addressed Council to request that some type Council policy be adopted for
establishment of some type of time schedule to hear - at least in Workshop Session -
recommendations from Advisory Boards, especially those working with the national
codes such as the Electrical, Plumbing, Building and Mechanical Codes.
There being no further business, the meeting was recessed before continuing with
the City Council Workshop Session.
I, Rosemarie Chiappe.tta, Secretary in the City Clerk's Office, certify that the
above is a true copy of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held May 5,
1 987.
Rosemarie :hiappetta
-184_ May 5, 1987