HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN APR 14 1987 REGULAR SESSION
HELD APRIL 14, 1987 - 1 :15 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, T--,xas, met in
regular session this the 14th day of April, 1987, with the following present:
HONORABLE: Maurice Meyers Mayor
Bob Lee, Jr. Councilman At Large
Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman At Large
Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I
Mike Brumley Councilman, Ward II
Audwin Samuel Councilman, Ward III
David W. Moore Councilman, Ward IV
Albert E. Haines City Manager
Lane Nichols City Attorney
The Invocation was given by Dr. Ralph Thompson, pastor of Amelia Baptist
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Cokinos.
We have some pleasant responsibilities to do before we gat into our regular
agenda today and they are varied, but I think they are all representative of
the activities of our community and what is right about our community. I'd
first I tlk-e to ask, Nell Phillips if she wolild stand for a -mioment. Nell, would
you come up to the mike and tell us the riame of the young gentleman who is
with you fro,, Sermany? I know he looks like he is enjoying every second of
that. I said . . . When I said we'd do that, he kind of tur-led arojr1d.
Thank you, Maury. This is 'Dirk Kohler frog? Ge rTi a n y and we've been so
fortunate, He's been visiting the United States for three weeks with -,ny
daughter who lives in Grand Saline. And, the friendship came about betw:�eq ay
20-year old grandson and this ,voting man when my grandson -visited Secmany with
the Tennis Tear two years ago and so tIlLs is the recipro--al visit and we've
had a wonderful time and he's been to the races in Arkansas and he's been to
Virginia and Jack Brooks made ,passes available for them in Washington, D. C. ,
so, we've tried to show him the good things about the United States and
especially Texas. And, thank you for introducing us.
-143- April 14, 1957
I'd like to ask Dirk if he would come up for a moment. Would you? Dirk
Kohler is from, I believe I'm pronouncing it correctly, Boenen, Germany, near
Cologne. Come on up, Dirk. Come up closer. I am delighted that we had
opportunity to 'know that you were coming. (Mayor Meyers Introduced members of
Council , the City Manager and City Attorney. ) We are appreciative of your
visit and we'd like you to become an honorary citizen of our City and I've had
this prepared for you and I'd like for you to see that it gets in your wallet
and take it home and remember us when you go back to Germany. And, the
microphone is yours if you'd care to make any comments.
Thank you. Thanks a lot. I hope I can put that into words what I want to
say. I am really surprised and I do not know really . . . you know, I came here
and to the City Council just to have a going j
you know she just told me we are
I 0
look at them. Now, I'm standing in front of the microphone.
Do they say in Germany, "Don't mess with City Hall?"
I really want to thank all of you, really. You know, I am just an hour or two
hours here in this town and I really am impressed. I am really impressed.
Thanks a lot, really.
MAYOR MEYERS: Thank you. Nice to meet you, Dirk.
Next, I'd like to ask Councilman Bob Lee if he would take care of some
important business today.
It's indeed a pleasure to have three new groups who are here today with us or
representatives from three new groups who will sign agreements to participate
in Operation Clean Street and in a moment I will ask the Mayor and MMaree
Calcote to all meet at the podium in the front to sign these agreements with
those representatives; but, before I do, I'd like to mention an experience
that I had this past Friday.
I was asked to attend a reception for a group of individuals who were In town
for a convention. It was the Texas Credit Managers Convention - the very first
time that Beaumont has had the Texas Credit Managers Convention in our fair
city. And the thing that came from the meeting that created an impact on me
more than anything else was the conversation that I was involved with with not
one but -nany of thosa people who commented on how clean our community was.
-144- April 14, 1937
And, I would say that it is a result of a lot of people's very diligent work,
a lot of it volunteer time and energy. And, these three groups who are going
to be signing up today have committed their energies and their time and the
time of the members of their organizations to help in that cleaning up of our
community. So, with that said, I would like the Mayor and Haree, the Chairman
of the Clean Community Commission, Mr. Pike Powers, Mr. Chris Mayo and Ms.
Sherry Commander to all meet at the podium down here.
We are here for these people to sign their lives away. Honestly, what we are
doing is signing a participation agreement to be involved in Operation Clean
Street. Pike Powers represents the Beaumont Life Underwriters; Sherry
ComLnander, one of our great volunteers here in Beaumont, represents the
Fashion Showcase Productions; and Chris Mayo represents the Beaumont Housing,
Authority. All three groups have agreed to take on the responsibility of
cleaning up and keeping clean a certain part of our community for at least a
twelve month period of time. And, that means more than simply picking up
That means not only picking up the litter but also edging, mowing and keeping
the gutters clean of some extended street that we have in our community that
needs some work on it so we appreciate your committment to our City arid would
ask . . . Chris, why don't you start? Sign this agreement . . . if you would put
your Chris Mayo right here and the Mayor if he would follow suit In the place
designated for him . . . no, you do not get to keep the pen, sorry. Maree,
We will mail you a copy of what you have just signed. You have not had a
chance to read it but trust me. It will be just fine. If you would like to
say anything on behalf of your group, please make yourself welcome.
.L just think we've got about -fifty employees that all have an interest in this
City. They drive the streets and they see the improvements taking place and
at a staff some weeks ago, the subject of our involvement caie up. This is
one of the ways we tho,ight that we could contribute beyond the activities that
we are involved in that are housing related. Our folks got a jump on the
ague: a t. I drove through the area that we we,re- to agree to clean today.
They started this morning, so i-mi not sure when they worked that into their
rp ETU 1
lar schedule but . . . on otir time, right; but, we are starting and we
are glad to be a Dart of the Clean Street.
Thank you, very much, Chris. Now, Pike, if you would come forward. Pike, as
I said, is a representative of the . . . rLpresenting the Beaumont life
Underwriters and we certainly appreciate your willingness to get your group
together. Pike and I have been working on this for how long, Pike?
MR. PO4,ERS: Just about t1hrea months.
April 14, 1987
We've been trying to find the right street. Mayor, you've got your own pen.
'KAYOR MEYERS: This is like Appomattox.
And, Pike, if you would like to share a few words with us, please do so.
We are very proud to participate in this cleanliness movement and all of us
are Just like everybody else in Bealimorit. We want to see the "own core back
with a bang and one of the best ways we can do it is to have a clean place to
come. And, we are just delighted to do this work. We realize that we are
pretty lucky. We got a fairly clean area out there where we are and, in fact,
some of us I think will probably go out and dirty it up so we can get some
credit. Thank you.
Thank you. Last, but certainly not least, is Sherry Commander, who represents
Fashion Showcase Productions and I'll 'Let you sign this while I mentioll the
fact that Sherry is one of the people who make Sunday in the Park happen every
week. Not only with her activities regarding the organization but the fact
that her group - Fashion Showcase Productions and the great kids that she
works with - certainly provide somne terrific e titer tainment for the kids Who
come out. We thank you for that and for your willingness to be involved in
Operation Clean Streets and you, as well, are certainly will have an
opportunity to visit.
We thank you, very much. We have spent a lot of time and effort with the
Sunday in the Park proiact and it's taaight our modeling C:)r,,pa- n,.7 what It is to
give back to the community that's given us so much so now we are going to take
o-f f the fake nails and the manicures and go out and start cleaning 1,0. a r 11k,
you very much.
COUNCIL14N LEE: Thank you, Sherry. We appreciate it.
My Compliments to everybody who recognizes that most of the things that get
done well are done when we do their, ourselves and do them together and I thank
the three groups today that have come forward to join in this eflort and 1-m
certain that while the clean streets and the clean thoroughfares may �Iot cause
so:-aabody, as I've said before, to say how beautiful, if then_ were left uirkempt
and looking bad, they certainly would call attention to themselves by that
-146- April 14, 1987
Several proclamations were issued: "Beaumont Dog Show Week in Beaumont" -
April 18-26, 1987; "Volunteer Recognition Month in Beaumont" - April, 1987;
"Clean Air We*ek in Beaumont" - April 27 - May 3, 1987; and "National Community
Development Week in Beaumont" - April 11-18, 1987.
MAYOR PRO TE4 DAVID W. HOORE read the proclamation for National Community
6pM __iW_ 7_
, 6E eel�_ and asked Ms. Sherrell Cockrell to come forward and accept
the proclamation and he said, "At that time, I am sure she'd like to make a
spacial Introduction of a very special guest with us today. Sherrell, thank
you very much.
Sherrell, congratulations again for a very good job. There are members In the
audience of our Community Development Block 3 t7ant committees and commissions
and for those others present would you stand so that they can see you and give
them an opportunity to show appreciation for the efforts that you provide.
Thank you.
On behalf of the Com.-Inunity Development Department, I would also like to
r-cogcrnilze our staff who is present in tha back who certainly has worked a lot
and made this program a successful program. Would you please stand? In
celebration of the National Community Development Week, we have a special
guest w
visiting ith us today who was part of our activities earlier today and
he would like to make a presentation to Council. Victor Hancock is the
Regional Administrator from the Department of Housing and Urban Development
for the Office of Coimmunity Planning and Development.
`MAYOR MEYERS: Than',-, you, Sherrell.
Mr. Mayor and members of Council, gsests. It-s my distinct pleasure . . . but
before I do 1 must make one small correction, less it be iiiisjnderstood. I am
the Regional DI r_a C tor for Cozir nity Planning and Development and there is a
Regional Ad;Ttinist-rator by the name of Sam Moseley. You hear that, Sam? He
would have liked to have been bare today to -nake this .'resentatlon. it is a
from our Department to the City of Reau-mont in recognition of
Outstanding p--r f ot:ri a i-,e in Minority B.usin ss Enterprise through the Community
Planning and Daveiopiient Program during the fiscal year 1936. We have goals
that are set. They ara presidential -mandates. The Reagan administration has
a croal for Mtnority B-ilsiness Ent-_rprise a-il then it is or do,,j;1 thro3gh the
Secretary of HUD, Sam;Tiel Pierce, and then, in turn, we ask the cities to
implement Dr07rairiis that will provide Minority 3-Is1 aess opportunities. Tlae
City of Beaumont has done an outstanding Job in this, Mayor, and we
congratulate the City of Beaumont and this Council and Ms. Cockrell for
implementing these programs in this manner and I would like to, at this time,
to present to you this small pro-ram, of our estean and appreciation.
-147- April 14, 1981,
Thank you, very much, Mr. Hancock. We had opportunity to visit and thank him
for his presence today at a luncheon and we are honored by the fact that you
would recognize our City for our efforts in this interest and we are pledged
to continue likewise and perhaps even improve. And, we thank you very much
for coming.
MR. HANCOCK: Thank you.
No one wished to address Council on Agenda Items B through D.
Mayor Meyers called an Executive Session, pursuant to Section II(e) of the
Texas Open Meetings Act, to consider contemplative 'litigation and to be held
imm diately following the City Council Workshop Session.
Councilman Cokinos requested that Council consider the rescinding of action
taken at the regular City Council session of April 7, 1,987, awarding a
contract with Keown Supply Company for furnishing a year's requirement of
ready mix concrete for street repairs, saying that he had information that the
company was not State approved. A lengthy discussion was held concerning
whether or not the City specifications called for State approved materials,
etc. Councilman Cokinos made a motion to resciftd action approving Resolution
87-75, passed bY Council on April 7, 1937, awarding the contract to Keown
Supply Company; motion was seconded by Councilman S
City '-Ittorney Lane N II ell o"I,s told Council that it would be an illegal act to
take such action without first posting the item for recoP-Ide-rstio-1 and tI,,at
e.mergancy post- rig two hours prior to such reconsideration is k.v St-
s ta til te. The motion and second 4:�re a t-7,e a U1 ef d to pas, the iten for
reconsideration by Councilmen Cokinos and Samuel.
, Iestioq .Jas cajl?,j on the mntlon to p`�st the item, for reconsideration.
dyes. Mayor Meyers `ayes. Council-.an lee
Councilman Smith
Cokinos Councilman Brumley
Councilman Samuel Councilman Moore
Motion to post ite-n for reconsideration failed 11--o pass.
P,e so I ci t Ii o a 87-75 awarding a contract with Bo-Mac Contractors, Inc. for
constructloa of Phase I of the Marina Expansion Project at a cost of
$52,248.00 for site work, 'pile driving, excavating and dredging was approved
on a motion m;-de by Cour
icl lmaa-i and seconded by C"olincliman wee.
Question: Oyes: All Naye s: None
-148-: 43- April 15, 1987
Resolution 87-77 authorizing a five-year extension through 1992 of the lease
held by the Department of the Army on the Armory at 3040 College Street (4.34
acres of land with provisions for additional extensions at 5-year intervals to
4-2-2040 for continuance with a $4.31 million renovation program of the
facilities) was approved on a motion made by Couacllmaa '400re and seconded by
Councilman Samuel.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution 87-78 authorizing execution of a three-year extension of a contract
with Beaumont Products and Services, Inc. for litter pickup on arterial
streets at $95,765.00 per year with an option for renewal at the end of the
three-year term (as a non-profit organization, certified by the Texas
Industries for the Blind and Handicapped, qualifies as an "assigned sheltered
workshop" - Chapter 122 of the Human Resourses Code provides political
subdivisions opportunity to award contracts by means other than normal
competitive bidding process when contracts involve a non-profit agency for the
blind or handicapped) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Samuel and
seconded by Councilman Moore.
Question: Ayes: All Mayes: 'done
Ordinance No. 87-24 a m e n d i n g S>e c t I o-1 26-24 of the Code of Ordinances to
establish a redocad school speed zone to 20 miles per hour on Corley Avenue in
the vicinity of Eighth Street for the safety of school children walking to and
from Fehl and Price Eleimentary Schools was considered:
O'R,D I N_ANC_E- '-0. 9_7-24
SPPED ZONES; PR`1,7T,-,T0,7, Fc)i-,, SvvEl-�k-,31TITI';
,J� —N
Co:I I C, mo a n
Moore s a I d Mat he had a s,,,2 d t I i-_3 t th-_ speed s to d y be d on e c 1
0 1-Z
the number of 'Kids that go to and from school In the area and that he had
'roped tEat the City might see the need to have some type of school crossing
guard - some perso nnel there - to help those students in that particular area,
T necessarily ri remedy
h��ccause_ even though we change the speed, is not necessa ily goi 9 to me
the p r o b'-e A length-,, discussion ,,a., held. Director of Public Worlks, Tom
said tc_�i a t the study c) 2d the need for raluced spend zone wit!'
flashing I I"7h t s to Indicate the area, but that there was not
conicezitration of ch i I d r e n In a glvan area to 'warrant a crossing gg;jard
at this t I n,=. The ra�ed for a program to educate the children to cross at a
certain sp2cifiad area was discu�ssed.
April 14, 1937
Councilman Moore said that the City -should take the initiative, set up the
guard, direct the traffic of the students going to and from the school and
havae them understand this is where we want you to cross. I think waiting to
see if s o.ne type of pattern is going to start and they meet at one common
point is a mistake and I just want to go on record saying that I think we
should do that. "
ou nc 11 Tn,,3 n Samuel auestioned increased police patrol of the area for creation
of awareness of the school speed zone in the area.
Councilman Samuel made a motion to approve the ordinance; motion was seconded
Councilman Moore said, "I was hoping that maybe members of Council would feel
as I do that we do need to have someone out there, if we are not going to do
it for the duration, at least during this initial break-in period, you know,
of changing the speeds and kids proceeding . . . I think what is going to
happen is that those kids are going to probably develop a false sense of
security with t 11 o s e flas'lliig lights and all and p ople who 'have been
travelling that street for any given length of time may continue to travel at
the sane rate of speed and I just think we need to program that activity right
now. I think changing the speed zone is great but I think we need to have
some assistance up there. "
The City 'Ma-nager said, "I think it is appropriate what Councilman Uore's Is
sj ggj,3 ti-,Ig a-
� j1d, you k1low, as we put that in, it's not only helpful to notify
t`• t! police but to :rake svir? that th_ children are -educated and instructed as
to the crossing and IL certainly have no problem in discussing that with Mr.
?darner and we can get it -worked through. I would hesitate to make it a
?�,r-Ranent assi--ni obvioisly a Nadgetary
�ejt of a orossing guard there. That's
0 - -
t te n, too; bu t, I think t 0 get it started what you are suggesting is
appropriate and we will proceed. "
Councili-iian "looce sug 0 g-a s te d t7n a t there are still so ms e ,.
, ,Ol Oyes w 0 Z7'�,1 n 9
par t tirne 1a so m c-i a-_i t y or anotler and thl's day be a-ioth 0.)�)Ortalj ty to
'or, q- one of two back.
L. Gut ' n;_1 ,n
L.1 aqswer to a qijestion by Counci ma'. Sam�jel, the �IL
don't 'Know if it's . . . we'll -make sure that we have so body Ci,nre to
Wit': th P_ children as they come there for the first while and we-11 just S,?2
how it goes ant" we can come back, and let you k ow.
Mayor '-Teyars suggested that the motion to approve the ordinance be amended to
Inic 11)1 e t?'a`, th re tzi I I b?, at t':e point of 11 -iltial chang7e, so,21! oiy there
Question callel .7)-1 the notion to approve the ordinance with the a7iendment that
s o rri e on e will be there for the education of the children during the initial
chaaq,� in the establish-fient of the school speed zone and public awwareness:
ayes. All Naves: None
_150- April 14, 1987
Resolution 87-79 authorizing a contract with Bob Shaw Consulting Engineers for
engineering services for design of the High School Ditch Project of the
Comprehensive Drainage Program for fees not to exceed $160,000 to relieve
flooding near Central High School, formerly Beaumont Charlton Pollard, in an
area bounded by Ashley, 1st, Southern Pacific Railroad, IR-10, Oxford, South
and 10th Streets was approved on a motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded
by Councilman Brumley
Question: Ayes: Mayor Meyers Nayes: Councilman Cokinos
Councilman Lee
Councilman Smith
Councilman Brumley
Councilman Samuel
Councilman Moore
Resolution 87-30 authorizinrig a contract with Mark Whitelay and Associates,
Inc. , for engineering services for design of the Cartwright Street Project of
the Co:nprehersive Drainage Program for fees not to exceed $243,533-00
(complete the Cartwright system from IH-10 to Avenue "E") was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Brumley and seconded by Councllman, Lee.
question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution 37-31 authorizing a contract with Garrod and Darter, Inc. for
engineering services for design of the Fanain. Street Box Project of the
Comi,ona-hensiva Oralaage Program for fees not to exceed $160,000 (relieve
flooding In an area boaaded generally by Iii-10, College, 4th and the So-,ithern.
Pacific tracks) was approved on a motion made by Councilman Brumley and
seconded by Co..iicil,nari Sarni-lel.
Q,L]--s t lon- Ayes: All None
COUNCILI,IAN MOOR E: Mayor, before we move on, I asked that these items be
i: the Agenda last weak because of some of the concerns that Al
addressed and "ve had soine additional coavarsation with Torn W"arner, ?'jbllc
o r'.s, acid th,e o n I Y a,_1 d,I t i o-al t` i i7 w°_ 3r? a sk,I;,I g we --r P- riot a s':I ri g L h a t
you go oLit- and monitor each job that's under construction but we are going to
ask that maybe P, little bit more spot checking and moolto-ring of the
admir-iistration, of the 'I B-E policy. if we do th at effective' if we F
ind y,
anybody not ablding by the I r policy as stated, then hopefully they will
understand as the cr[t--Ti states, they will no "Longer be able to perform any
contract for the City of Beaumont. I just want to make sure we are real clear
on that one and after hearing that, I 'feel a little bit gore comfortable
voting on these today. I appreciate the opportunity.
COUINCJL'�ANI S A Tj E T As T stated last waek, this s not a problem t�'l-a t I s
---------- - - -----�f L - I L L
unique with Beaumont. It's a problem that's being faced with procure:n;-n.t
process across the Nation and some of these same things have been addressed
and I would like to find out from our Legal staff -11 it's possible and on? way
of de te r T71 ag so-na of these vlol.itio-s or so-ne of these `cant companies Is by
posing some penalty for a violation of that sort - misrepresentation, and I'd
like for our L=gal staff to evaluate the possibility of a fine being ass�2ssz3d
for anyone that cones on as Minority -E n t e r p r I s e and are foond not to be
Minority Enterprise.
April 14, 1937
Councilman, we'll look into that and determine whether that is the sort of
matter that could be made the subject of criminal law and report back to you.
Ordinance No. 87-25 adopting an Emargency Management Plan was considered:
The ordinance was approved on a mottoa made by coinci1mal Cokjaos and seconded
by Councilman Moore.
Question: Ayes: 411 Nayes: None
Resolotion S7-82 aithorizing the filing of an application with the 10ted
States Department of Rousing and Urban Development for a grant in the amount
of $150,000 under the Emergency Shelter ants prugcan to secure an Emergency
Shelter Brant for the homeless and authorizing $30,000 of reprogrammed
Community Development Block Grant funds to be osed as the cash portion for
match of the grant ( the former fire station building at 375 Coliagp Street,
valued at $120,000 would complete the local match - the project budget would
provide $150,000 for rehabilitation of the property, 415,000 for operations
and maintenance of the facility and $15,100 for foot aid it is propopol that
the shelter would be operated by the New Jerusalem ussion) was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilma% Moore,
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: Nora
-152- April 14, 1987
Resolution 87-33 endorsing selection of the TIouston-Beaumont site land near
Liberty - for the proposed Superconducting Super Collider (a major high
energy) research laboratory acid pledging support to efforts to attract the SSC
to Southeast Texas (the proposed site meets requiremerits for proximity to an
ititernational airport, metropolitan , area and ,major uriivarsi ties, as well as
the &vo_echnical requirements - project will employ approximately 6,000
csonstruction jobs and . 2,500 permanent employees) was approved on a motion
made by Councilman Lee and seconded by Councilman Brumley.
Question: Ayes•. All Nayes: N or,e
Samuel reported a co:nplalnt by 'Ir s. Eloise Simmons, 3220
1hristopher, aboit swarm of roaches in t%e drainage culvert near I-Iler home. In
addition, he reported a dangerous situation oi Magnolia in the vicinity of
Jill Street, Saying that tl)era is no speed break or signal lights, etc. , to
help citizens in the area of the housing project or residents to cross to the
shopping area oo the -west side of 'iagno!La and that there have been several
near pisses w"V I y�d-s tri an Nehi c.olar traffic. Councilman Samuel also
mie q ti one d an 'ABE appeals board that he had discussed with Mr. Yiax Patterson,
Resource Manager. He also reported -a drainage pro'blaii of Mr. Cuban Shaakle,
3395 Robinso,
'I Stre-et. Tia requested that all these imatters b,a investigated and
that he be given a ..apart about solutions to these problems.
C ou n(-,1<<1.3C1 1o0"-2 reported large potholes on Washington 'B ou I ea v a r d from
Interstate 10 to M. L. Ting Park-..Fay. in addition, lie complimented the
•p j)�ar anic a of the newly impra�ed ',I-i'ahiland Avenue belt said that speeding is ROW
• P r o',)I e.-q avid requested co;-isiiaration of additional s i gia I lights as a
d-atarrant of tlae speeding.
Councilman, C ok i n o s asked th a t the City Mlan3ger Insure that 0--irictl is not
gi V"ri 1,11SI-Iri-7ation on City ite.ms. T`,e City as;'-2d IL' a for Should
raj Fl?tated in- c i I p a {°-,z so t'ia at Coonc 11 c a Z r m?c e I v e n .d:?d, or
a I I, L 1,3.1 31 I I f Or M a t i o"i irie r e I y by L-e q,,i e s t i a it prior -_o C o dn c m, e e ,-i S7 s So
that prop_r aSIerS to
c a ba' ollt iced wit'-. sufflci .t time for
pcepar3',T_on of correct I n f or;ra t I oi, . '1'_ sale th-- f Dr - had bera d I scon tI.-mue d
I Caw I 8 o ri e mb e r o f C o;i n-i I w as isig the focal. -t as e t' Z dcided th3t ;
forms would again be included In Co_i-ici! Packlets each '-4:
Councilmia-i i. t i_1 said that Mr. David I 245 E. --ill, reported a falleri
tree O"Ier a utility line and wo:ild 11%e to kaol wilo to zoatl3ct of
tile?nt? tree.
1,o oi n m a-i T t h t d a y i^i t'I- P a rk ,4 o 1;1 d n n t d i z nda.y
h,,��c a,
1- se of Eas t:?r but that the follo.aing :Sunday's faStivl ties •oul d be ','ios ted
by th e I-auraoqt T-f I j-2 ,e n.d e
tjt SC%ool District and invill-d all to brlcig their
fa-miilles to e(Ijoy the afternoon.
Mayor "av�rs aa,,aia stated the naed, for a policy for City emipioypes In not oriiv
anS4-ring the telephones in a ?roper' aid court:?ous. man-r= b t in d LI . ' t
C I tiZ'nS pleasa7itly in pe r's on and p--,..r e ri C3 I:,';T�q
-11 � te d that the Mar.apgrer have a
10 o-i
.-s 43:ill b-? in,,s.,7er?d a.-il a,-iy t1hat
leval that are due.
-153- i 1 1 �---i
, , 1 9�7
Mr. Ellington Elliott, 530 Enfield, addressed Council to question the deficit
In the operation of the Mass Transit System.
There being ao fur user bas-IL-isss, the meeting was recessed before continuing
with the City Council Workshop Session.
I Rosemarie Chlappetta, Secretary in the City Clerks Office, certify that the
above is a true copy of the Minutes of the reg5ilar City Council session held
,kpril 14, 1987.
Rosemarie Chiappetta
April 14, 1957