HELD AUGUST 20, 1996 - 1 :30 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session
this the 20th day of August, 1996, with the following present:
HONORABLE: David W. Moore Mayor
Andrew P. Cokinos Mayor Pro Tern
Councilman-At Large
Becky Ames Councilman-At-Large
Lulu L. Smith* Councilman, Ward I
John K. Davis Councilman, Ward III
Bobbie Patterson Councilman, Ward IV
Absent: Guy N. Goodson Councilman, Ward II
Ray A. Riley City Manager
Lane Nichols City Attorney
Barbara Liming Deputy City Clerk
(Councilman Smith arrived after Roll Call before presentations.)
The Invocation was given by the Reverend Bruce Booher, Bethlehem Lutheran Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Rosemarie "Tu" Smith, Consulting City Clerk.
Mayor Moore announced that Councilman Goodson is out of town and recognized former Mayor
Evelyn Lord's attendance at today's meeting.
(Councilman Smith arrived.)
Mayor Moore recognized Dr. Jim Jordan, Professor of the Department of Geology and Physics,
Earth and Space Resources Laboratory at Lamar University and students Mark Adams, Talina
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Grimes and Karen Woods. Mark Adams, team leader for the group, briefly described Lamar
University's G-team experiment aboard Nasa's KC-135 Microgravity aircraft. They won an
opportunity to fly on the plane by submitting a proposal to the Texas Space Grant's Students
Understanding of Reduced-gravity Flight (SURF) Academy competition. Mark said three other
participating universities were the University of Houston, Rice University and Texas A & M. The
KC-135 achieves microgravity by flying a series of parabolas, and in their experiment, the students
reproduced effects of gravity by rotating a water-filled cylinder at a specific speed that produces
an acceleration on the cylinder walls equal to that of gravity. Professor Jim Jordan complimented
the Lamar students as the best on the planet and said they made Beaumont and Lamar University
proud. Mayor Moore added compliments to the students and Dr. Jordan and said Lamar
University is one of Beaumont's best assets.
Mr. Gene Landry, Chairman of the Drug Free Beaumont Commission, presented certificates of
appreciation to Lieutenant Ray Beck and Officer James Martin for their work with the Y.A.L.E.
(Youth Academy for Law Enforcement) Program. Mr. Landry said that 60 students participated in
the program and acknowledged support from the Beaumont Police Association and from District
Attorney Tom Maness. Officer Martin commented about the enthusiasm and positive attitudes
displayed by everyone in giving of themselves and their time. Lieutenant Beck said that next year,
they hope to add another class and recognized the efforts of Officer Martin as being the backbone
of the program, said he looks forward to the future and that the youth of Beaumont are fortunate
to have men like Officer Martin leading this program.
Mayor Moore said this program began while Evelyn Lord was mayor, acknowledged that the Police
Department has developed it even further and received good coverage by the media and said this
is another alternative or option for summer activity for the youth.
Councilman Smith thanked Lieutenant Beck for extending a recent invitation to visit the Gist State
Jail to spend part of a day with the group, said she was impressed with everyone she encountered,
complimented Lieutenant Beck and Officer Martin and said the Judge joined them for lunch.
Councilman Smith encouraged visiting the Gist State Jail to witness the Criminal Justice System
Citizens were invited to comment on the Consent Agenda and Regular Agenda 1 through 3. No
one wished to address these topics.
The following Consent Agenda items were considered:
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Approval of the Minutes of the City Council meeting held August 6, 1996.
Resolution No. 96-188 appointing Eileen Lewis to the Beaumont Advisory Commission for
Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect for a term expiring September 21, 1996 and appointing
Marie Easley as Chairman of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway Commission for a term
expiring August 19, 1997;
Resolution No. 96-189 authorizing a Mutual Aid Fire Protection Agreement with Orange County
Emergency Services District#1;
Resolution No. 96-190 authorizing a six (6) month contract with Tri-Con, Inc. for furnishing
lubricants for the Fleet Management Division for an estimated expenditure of$27,500;
Resolution No. 96-191 authorizing acquisition of Tract 85, City Tax Plat F, David Brown League,
890 Devilleneuve from Arthur B. Redmon, Jesse T. Redmon, Barbara Redmon and Thomas 0..
Redmon for the appraised value of $2,525.00 for the Chariton Pollaird Neighborhood
Revitalization Project;
Resolution No. 96-192 authorizing acceptance of a ten (10) foot wide drainage easement out of
Lot 1 and 7-12, Block 9, Lot 6 &7, Block 15 and Lot 6-12, Block 16 of the Blanchette 2nd Addition
from the Beaumont Independent School District for the proposed Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle
School complex;
Resolution No. 96-193 authorizing renewal of an annual software support agreement with A.
L. Roark &Associates, Inc. in the amount of$41,616.90 for the system in use by the Police and
Fire Departments; and
Resolution No. 96-194 authorizing a contract with the Texas Department of Transportation to
install a traffic signal at the intersection of Spur 93 (West Port Arthur Road) and U. S. 69
(Cardinal Drive) frontage roads.
The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Cokinos and seconded
by Councilman Ames.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 96-195 authorizing a three-year contract with Memorial Sisters of Charity to
serve as third party administrator (TPA) for City employees medical/dental insurance plans,
effective October 1, 1996 with an option to renew for one additional year (Medical Administration--$8.23;
Dental Administration—$1.40;Utilization Review Large Case Management--$1.75; COBRA Administration--$.30; Claims
253 August 20, 1996
Repricing--Included; Projected Monthly Cost--$7,400; % of Current Monthly Base-78%) was approved on a
motion made by Councilman Smith and seconded by Councilman Ames.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 96-196 authorizing an annual contract with Browning-Ferris, Inc. to furnish
containers and solid waste collection for twenty-seven (27) City facilities in the amount of
$3,454.29 per month was approved on a motion made by Councilman Smith and seconded by
Councilman Patterson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 96-197 authorizing a contract with the Texas Department of Transportation to
receive $296,946 in grant assistance from the State Public Transportation Fund (PTF) to help pay
up to 50% of the City's share of FY 1997 operating expenses for the Beaumont Municipal
Transit System was approved on a motion made by Councilman Patterson and seconded by
Councilman Ames.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Mayor Moore suggested clean up and proper signage at the Central Transfer Facility near the
Federal Building, questioned the possibility of increasing hours of bus service and an upcoming
report. Public Works Director Tom Warner said a report of the entire Transit System will be
submitted in September or October.
A Public Hearing on the the proposed FY 1997 Annual Operating Budget and the FY 1997-2001
Capital Improvement Program was opened.
Mr. John Keye, representing the Beaumont Heritage Society, 2985 French Road, addressed
Council to report that the John J. French House welcomed over 8,000 students and visitors in tours
during 1996, thanked those who volunteer and financial contributors, such as the City of Beaumont.
Mr. Lynn DeMary, 430 East Elgie, complimented the City Council, City Manager and Staff for
presenting an excellent budget without a property tax increase, asked that funding of a helicopter
for Police Department use be included in the budget, if it is not included in another budget,
because it is a very important safety issue for citizens and recommended continued efforts in the
Capital Improvement Projects to conclude improvements on South 11 th Street and Concord Street
as rapidly as possible within budget constraints.
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There being no one else desiring to speak, the Public Hearing was closed.
Councilman Davis commented that not asking for a tax increase is a good indicator of the condition
of our financial stability and suggested that Beaumont Main Street, at the appropriate time, be
given consideration for inclusion in the budget in some manner to recognize their efforts in the
redevelopment of the Downtown area. The City Manager explained that all revenues are presently
dedicated and that new programs for next year's budget should be presented for consideration in
the near future.
Mayor Moore announced an Executive Session will be held in accordance with Section 551.071
of the Government Code to discuss contemplated or pending litigation: Claim of Joseph Pete
following the regular session of City Council.
Mayor Pro Tem Cokinos expressed appreciation to the City Manager for the water supply status
report he requested, but said he would like to pursue the issue further and consider drilling another
water well at Loeb. The City Manager explained the daily water needs for the City of Beaumont
and discussed emergency measures. He said our main source of water is supplied by the Neches
River, and we are not dependant on the reservoirs and confirmed that our water supply is sufficient
and there is no immediate need to drill another well in Loeb.
Councilman Patterson complimented the South Park Neighborhood Association for the new
Welcome to South Park sign, reported that Mr. John Naumczik, husband of Ruth Naumczik, is
critically ill and asked that they be remembered in our prayers, told Ward IV constituents that
wading pools will reopen next summer and stated that she thinks every park, neighborhood or
community, should have restroom facilities, either permanent or portable.
Mayor Moore added compliments to Councilman Patterson and the South Park Neighborhood
Association for their progress, especially the Welcome to South Park signage, said they took an
eyesore and turned it into something beautiful and pointed out that John Naumczik was among
those working on the sign. Also, Mayor Moore commented that the Night Out Against Crime was
well planned and received at the McCabe-Roberts Avenue Christian Church and at the Police Sub-
station and a special program was presented by the Stiles Correctional Facility members; added
his thoughts about the faithful, volunteer support of John and Ruth Naumczik and encouraged
prayer and visits to the family; voiced satisfaction that the same level of services will be provided
in the budget without a tax increase; and introduced future plans for creation of Youth Workforce
2000 and thanked corporate citizens for employing youth this past summer, complimented
Department Heads for helping to make their work experience meaningful and said the young
people have proven to be an asset to the City.
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The Reverend Samuel Leday, Route 5, Box 557, owner of a business at 1445 Lindbergh, said that
his brother is critically ill and asked that he be included for prayer and sited a problem with
receiving incorrect figures from a vendor in preparing a bid for automobile repairs for the Fleet
Division and asked for consideration of a fair adjustment to his bill.
Mr. Richard Graham, 8275 Westgate, addressed Council on behalf of Westgate Place Addition to
request installation of a street light at the end of their street and that redesign of the street be
considered to include a cul de sac instead of a dead end street.
There being no further business, the meeting was recessed to conduct an executive session.
1, Barbara Liming, Deputy City Clerk for the City of Beaumont, Texas, certify that the above is a true
copy of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held August 20, 1996.
Barbara Liming,
Deputy City Clerk
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