HELD JANUARY 23, 1996 - 1 :30 P.M.
BE IT REMEMBERED that the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in regular session
this the 23rd day of January, 1996, with the following present:
HONORABLE: David W. Moore Mayor
Becky Ames Mayor Pro Tern
Andrew P. Cokinos Councilman-At Large
Guy N. Goodson Councilman, Ward II
John K. Davis* Councilman, Ward III
Bobbie Patterson Councilman, Ward IV
Absent: Lulu L. Smith Councilman, Ward I
Ray A. Riley City Manager
Lane Nichols City Attorney
Rosemarie Smith City Clerk
*(Councilman Davis arrived at 2:14 p.m. during presentation of Item 5.)
The Invocation was given by the Reverend Amos Landry, Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lauren Whitman and Nicholas Alexander Rusmisel, students
from Assumption School attending Council along with the school's curriculum coordinator, Mrs.
Patricia Goughenheim, to receive a proclamation for Catholic Schools Week.
Mayor Moore announced that Councilman Smith is out of town and that Councilman Davis is en
route to Council from a Houston ceremony where he received an award.
Mayor Moore announced that an executive session will be held in accordance with Section
25 January 23, 1996
551.071 of the Government Code to discuss contemplated or pending litigation: City of Beaumont
v. W/S Partnership, A General Partnership, et al, following the regular session of City Council.
Two Proclamations were issued: "Catholic Schools Week," January 28 through February 2,
1996; and a Proclamation recognizing 17-year-old "Brian Joubert" for heroic action taken
December 27, 1995 in the parking lot of HEB Pantry Foods on Major Drive to assist a patron
involved in a confrontation with purse snatchers.
Police Chief Tom Scofield presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Brian Joubert on behalf of the
Beaumont Police Department that read, "Certificate presented to Brian Joubert for your assistance
in the apprehension of a robbery suspect." Chief Scofield told Brian that his quick action and
observation helped the Police Department to do their job in aiding the victim. He said that citizen
participation in crimes such as these is greatly appreciated and congratulated Brian for his valor.
Mayor Moore asked Brian to share his feelings with the audience and Brian said that he was doing
his job at HEB and that he has a warm feeling in his heart and appreciates the recognition City
Council, the Police Department and everyone has given him. Mayor Moore added that it is
wonderful to have the media present to witness an outstanding deed performed by a young person
and said this happens everyday in our community. Mayor Moore said he is glad that Council
became aware of this act and proud to have the opportunity of having Brian here today to express
appreciation to him, because it is people like him that make a difference in the community.
Citizen comment was invited on the Consent Agenda and Main Agenda Items 2-6.
Mr. Lynn DeMary, 430 East Elgie, addressed Council in appreciation of Agenda Item 2 regarding
bond purchase agreements, Agenda Item 4 acquiring property for the Charlton-Pollard
Neighborhood Revitalization Project and Agenda Item 5 clearing lots for construction of home for
the Project. Mr. DeMary commented that the bond issuance represents city-wide improvements
and the two other items are moving forward with progress in the Charlton-Pollard Neighborhood
Mr. Allen Lee, 5095 Maddox, addressed Council to state that he received a letter from a lady who
said cleaning up the "cancerous rate" in the Charlton-Pollard neighborhood should be dealt with
before building more homes and putting more African Americans in that area.
26 January 23, 1996
The following Consent Agenda items were considered:
Approval of the Minutes of the regular City Council meeting held January 16, 1996;
Resolution No. 96-19 appointing Phillip Long to the Plumbing and Mechanical Board of
Review and Jesse Haynes to the Convention and Tourism Advisory Committee for terms
expiring January 22, 1998; reappointing Bonnie Cokinos to the Convention and Tourism
Advisory Committee for a term expiring November 1, 1997; Ida Mae Bouligny to the Senior
Citizen Advisory Committee for a term expiring November 15, 1997; and Mary Sims to the
Rehabilitation Board of Adjustments and Appeals for a term expiring September 14, 1996;
Resolution No. 96-20 authorizing acquisition of Parcel 44: 0.155 of an acre out of Lot 16, Block
B, Amelia Heights Addition (southeast corner of FM364/Major Drive and Washington Boulevard)
from Michael Kreager, Trustee, and John H. Felton, Individually, for the appraised value of
$10,700.00 for the FM 364/Major Drive Project;
Resolution No. 96-21 authorizing eminent domain proceedings to acquire Parcel 32: 1.134
acres out of Lot 1, Block 8 of Wescalder Fig Acres Addition for the appraised value of $13,620 from
owners, Richard Evans, Sr. and Frank Eastman, et al for the FM 364/Major Drive Project;
Resolution No. 96-22 authorizing execution of a deed (City-owned property originally purchased
for a water tower site in 1982) for Parcel 28: 0.100 of an acre out of the C. Williams Survey,
Abstract 59 to the State of Texas for the FM364/Major Drive Project; and
Resolution No. 96-23 authorizing an annual contract with R & R Uniforms for uniforms for the
Police Department in the amount of $17,171.75 (men's and women's short sleeve shirts @
$29.95; men's and women's long sleeve shirts @ $32.95; men's and women's uniforms pants at
$32.60; uniform caps @ $25.50; metal shirt button and hardware @ $.35; BPD patrol and staff
patches at $2.25; and USA flag patch at $1.00).
The Consent Agenda was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded
by Councilman Patterson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Assistant Vice-President Rod Carroll, on behalf of First Bank and Trust, presented a cash award
to Brian Joubert for his valor, courage and quick action taken in defense of a victim in a purse
snatching robbery on December 27, 1995. Mr. Carroll informed Brian that his mother, Peggy
Joubert, an employee at First Bank and Trust, is quite proud of his courageous deed, as well as
First Bank and Trust.
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Ordinance No. 96-5 granting a Specific Use Permit to the Beaumont Seventh Day Adventist
Church, represented by Deacon Marshall W. Duff and Bruce W. Baxter, architect, for construction
of a church in an RM-H District at 3175 South Major Drive, south of Willow Bend Drive abutting the
Willow Creek Town homes, subject to: 1. All drainage directed west to South Major Drive; 2:
Phase II parking lot constructed at time of church construction; and 3. The tract to be subdivided
according to Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances, was considered:
Ordinance No. 96-5 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded by
Mayor Pro Tem Ames.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
City Manager Riley introduced Agenda Item No. 2 authorizing bond purchase agreements on
$16,205,000 in Refunding Bonds, Series 1996 and $16,000,000 in Certificates of Obligation,
Series 1996 and asked Mr. Frank Ildebrando, the City's Financial Advisor with Rauscher Pierce
and Refsnes, to make a report to Council.
Mr. Ildebrando called Council attention to the Market Summary for both bond sales, indicating that
the interest rates received are approximately 1/2% lower than previously estimated with the interest
cost on the Refunding Bonds at 4.964% and 5.127% on the Certificates of Obligation. Mr.
Ildebrando reviewed the cover of the Official Statements showing interest rates in each specific
maturity of each issue, called attention to the Market Rate Comparisons of other Triple A rated
bonds sold compared to the sale of Beaumont's bonds the week of the sale showing that
Beaumont's interest rates equaled or were lower in virtually every maturity. He said the
underwriters performed extremely well of hitting the market and selling the bonds at the right price.
He next presented the Debt Service Schedule that indicates actual interest to be paid per issue per
year and noted that the target amount of tax supported debt came in approximately $65 to $70,000
less each year for approximately one-half million dollars less in interest payments estimated over
the life of bonds. Mr. Ildebrando reported out that the Moody's Investor Service rating for the City
of Beaumont's credit rating has been upgraded to A-1, a full recovery since the ESM crisis in 1985.
Lastly, he presented a Summary of Underwriter's Sales, indicating individual sales of each
underwriter. Mr. Ildebrando confirmed that the underwriters performed much as expected and said
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they did a very good job. Mr. Ildebrando told Council that bond purchase agreements must be
adopted today to execute sale of the bonds and that next week the legal documents for adoption
of the bond order issuing both bonds will be on the agenda.
Council expressed appreciation to the City Manager and Staff for overseeing a good financial
structure for the City of Beaumont, commented about the lower insurance premiums resulting from
the upgraded rating and the interest savings to tax payers and said because of the City Manager,
Staff and community at large, the City has the best financial picture ever relating to funds available
in reserve accounts and by any standard, exceed the achievements of 1985. In addition, Mayor
Moore said the vision of City Staff, such at Public Works Director and Water Utilities Director S.
A. Webb, regarding forthcoming repairs, expansion and improvements for the city has been
significant in preparing Council for prospects of the future and having the necessary infrastructure
and capacity in place at this moment.
Resolution No. 96-24 authorizing a bond purchase agreement on $16,205,000 in Refunding
Bonds, Series 1996 was considered:
Resolution No. 96-24 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Cokinos and seconded
by Councilman Goodson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 96-25 authorizing a bond purchase agreement on $16,000,000 in Certificates
of Obligation, Series 1996 was considered:
Resolution No. 96-25 was approved on a motion made by Councilman Goodson and seconded
by Councilman Cokinos.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 96-26 authorizing a contract with Casco Industries, Inc. in the amount of
$34,700.00 for protective clothing/bunker gear for the Fire Department (approximately 50 coats
at $416 each and pants at $278 each, $694 per set) was approved on a motion made by
29 January 23, 1996
Councilman Cokinos and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Ames.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Resolution No. 96-27 authorizing acquisition of Parcel 41: Lot 5, Block 4, McGovern Addition (520
Jackson Street)for the appraised value of$2,700.00 presented by Jack Aulbaugh from Mamie and
Arthur Green for the Charlton Pollard Neighborhood Revitalization Project was considered.
Councilman Cokinos thanked Staff for providing the independent appraisal information he
requested last week, reiterated his disapproval of accepting an appraisal higher than that of the
Appraisal District, said there should not be such a disparity in the appraisals and again commented
about outstanding back taxes.
Mr. Riley explained State statutes requiring Council action on land purchases and independent
appraisals, said the purchases for the Chariton Pollard Neighborhood Revitalization Project are
being purchased from Community Development Block Grant funds and the Department of Housing
and Urban Development has certain rules and regulations we are required to follow in expending
those funds. The appraisal rendered by the Appraisal District for the purpose of levying taxes is
not recognized. An appraisal from an independent appraiser used for sale purposes is required
and we cannot negotiate that appraisal value.
Other comments included appreciation for saving money, an assessment that the appraisal seems
to be in line with other appraisals with land values at about $.35 or $.36 per foot, a request that
Council be consistently provided per square foot value of the properties and acknowledgment that
the higher appraisal is a plus to the community and a positive indicator.
Resolution No. 96-27 was approved on a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Ames and seconded
by Councilman Patterson.
Question: Ayes: Mayor Moore Nayes: Councilman Cokinos
Mayor Pro Tem Ames
Councilman Goodson
Councilman Patterson
(Councilman Davis arrived at 2:14 p.m. during presentation of R-96-28.)
Resolution No. 96-28 authorizing a contract with American Remediation in the amount of
$28,495.00 for the clearing of ten (10) adjacent parcels of property located in the 2200 block of
Sabine Pass, the 400 block of Neicy and the 400 block of Flowers Street, described as Lots 6
through 13 and parts of Lots 5 and 14, Block 1, Flowers Addition, for construction of ten (10)
30 January 23, 1996
homes to commence by mid-February for the Charlton Pollard Neighborhood Revitalization
Project was approved on a motion made by Councilman Goodson and seconded by Mayor Pro
Tem Ames.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
After a brief discussion, Resolution No. 96-29 accepting the $30,940.12 bid of Dean Pump, Inc.
for the abandonment in place of a 4,000 gallon steel tank located at the Police Station and for
the installation of a 2,000 gallon fiberglass fuel tank designed to meet the Environmental
Protection Agency and Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission regulations for
underground fuel storage facilities was approved on a motion made by Councilman Goodson and
seconded by Councilman Patterson.
Question: Ayes: All Nayes: None
Mayor Moore noted the broad span between the lowest and second low bid, confirmed confidence
in Staff perusal that the low bid met all specifications and asked that if any changes are made, the
item be brought back to Council.
Mayor Moore asked the City Clerk to give her report concerning a petition to create a Civilian
Review Board. She read from a memo written to the Mayor and City Council, dated January 22,
1996 concerning the initiative Petition:
"In accordance with Article XI, Section 3 of the Charter of the City of Beaumont, I am certifying the
results of the Initiative Petition recently refiled by Mr. Allen Lee after finding of insufficiency. It was
refiled on Monday January 8.
1 find the petition to be insufficient in the following particulars:
1) It was refiled on the eleventh (11) day after its receipt by Mr. Lee. The Charter requires that the
petition be amended within ten (10) days.
2)A valid petition would have required a valid signature, printed name, residence address, voter
precinct number and voter registration number of 3,395 qualified voters of the City of Beaumont.
The petition contained 2,485 such signatures. This review of the petition was completed on
Wednesday, January 17th, at approximately 4:30 p.m."
The City Clerk said that copies of the memo were sent to Mr. Allen Lee, the City Manager and City
31 January 23, 1996
Councilman Davis expressed concern about declined attendance at neighborhood association
meetings in Ward III and asked for Staff assistance in reviewing neighborhood associations and
to make suggestions for attendance improvement and how to make citizens aware of their valuable
contributions at these meetings.
Mayor Moore pointed out that perhaps an attendance decline is a positive, not a negative indicator,
and that perhaps the decline is because his constituents see their needs being met and
unnecessary to attend the meetings.
Councilman Patterson complimented and congratulated the City Manager and Finance Department
Staff, said a half-million dollar savings in interest on the bond issues is significant and said she is
pleased with the A-1 rating the City received. Also, Councilman Patterson announced Operation
One Vote will conduct another voter registration drive on Saturday, January 27, from 10:00 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m. at all eleven (11) Market Basket and Lucky Seven stores throughout the city.
Mayor Moore shared that P. D. Glycol received the OSHA Star Excellence Award for outstanding
safety and operations at the plant on Gulf States Road last week and said it speaks well of our
community in that corporate entities are balanced with the quality of life we desire for our citizens.
Mayor Moore congratulated State Representative Al Price, Dr. Carroll Thomas, BISD School
Superintendent, and the Southeast Texas Development Corporation for sponsoring a seminar with
Dr. Leon Sullivan, president of Morehouse College, as keynote speaker and an excellent day of
activities for the young people. Another speaker included Mickey Washington who helped make
the event exciting for the young people. He thanked all those who participated in the function.
Mayor Moore shared Council's commitment to keep council meetings open for citizen involvement,
added comments about neighborhood association input and announced that next the regular
session of City Council will be held at the John Gray Institute on Lamar University's campus at 6:30
p.m. This will be the first fifth Tuesday of the year and an effort to take the meetings into the
neighborhoods beginning in Ward IV with others conducted on fifth Tuesdays in other wards.
Mayor Moore invited citizen comments on any subject and requested that comments be limited to
the three to five minute time frame.
Mr. Allen Lee, 5095 Maddox, addressed Council to refute the invalidity of his petition, said the
deadline was met, the intent of the Charter was never meant to ambiguous with no date for the City
Clerk's office to complete the amended petition, spoke about willful malice, ignoring 4,000
petitioners for a review board, complained about insufficiency ruling of registered voters, spoke to
need of purging voter registration list, compared the number of registered voters to census figures,
charged a conspiracy and cover up within City government. Mr. Lee complained about petition
process information given him by City Clerk and City Attorney personnel, said he will file a law suit
against the City of Beaumont, a Declaratory Judgment at District Court or Criminal Court or solicit
32 January 23, 1996
Justice Department intervention, claimed racism in the Police Department, spoke about the school
district and the District Attorney's office and stated expressions recently coined to represent racism.
Mr. L. E. Johnson (no address given) addressed Council to complain about Police harassment,
spoke about his daughter's death, cited incidents with police officers he felt were unacceptable and
requested they be removed from street duty, claimed he has registered his complaints with
authorities at the Police Department and spoke in support of Citizen Review Board for the Police
Mr. Charles Johnson, 5080 Helbig Road--Plymouth Village Apartments, addressed Council in
support of the Civilian Review Board, said the right "to examine the content of character" of every
officer is all that is being asked, said this is not a racial issue, reported a visit from a police officer
and requested removal of that officer from the Plymouth Village Apartment Complex and stated that
articles in the Beaumont Enterprise suggest that Council has already decided against a Citizen
Review Board. Mr. Johnson said he was quoting from the Beaumont Enterprise that said "Many
people think they have treated poorly at the hand of the police, but many people also ought to
consider that their behavior brought that treatment on themselves." Mr. Johnson disclaimed this
statement, spoke of patrolling Plymouth Village, excessive speeding and opening the back gate
to the complex to allow school bus entrance.
Mayor Moore suggested that some of the concerns expressed by Mr. Johnson should be directed
to the apartment management, said that he and Councilman Davis will be visiting Plymouth Village
and spoke about the improved living changes there and asked that Mr. Johnson advise him of the
next resident meeting.
Councilman Davis showed Council a Staff report concerning Mr. Johnson's complaints presented
last week, volunteered to share that report with Mr. Johnson after Council meeting and told Ward
III residents that their complaints will be investigated.
Mrs. Ruth Naumczik, 370 Giles. addressed Council to speak about the good things happening in
Beaumont, thanked Council for their leadership and loyal support to constituents, complimented
the informative newsletter distributed by Councilman Patterson with water bills, said Beaumont has
one of the finest police chiefs who has put in place a Community Oriented Policing Program, the
Civilian Police Academy and the Citizens on Patrol Program. She spoke of volunteers and
neighborhood associations working with the Police Department. She claimed that Beaumont is
an example for other cities, said that Beaumont now has forty-four neighborhood associations
working and said we need to continue working with the Police Department and again applauded
City leadership.
Ms. Geri Hudson, 1760 Terrell, stated to Council that the newspaper reported the Civilian Review
Board to be a moot question because both Black and White Councilmembers are against it,
claimed that Michael Siebe is the only police officer ever found to be guilty, reviewed an incident
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of alleged brutality by a police officer who was found not guilty, but the lady was given a financial
award for compensation by the City, spoke about Council endorsement by the Police Department
and cited another incident with a police officer.
The Reverend Samuel Laday, Route 5, Box 557, Beaumont, whose business is located at 1445
Lindbergh, addressed Council to state that the need for a Citizen Review Board remains, said
people have been beaten by police officers, said the need for the Review Board has become a
personality matter and that it should be a concern about citizens. The Reverend Laday said that
citizen desire for a Review Board began before August, spoke about the possibility of Beaumont
becoming a model city, said he will consult with the City Clerk regarding petition validity
requirements, told Council they could put a Review Board in place and expressed his belief that
no one will examine and find himself guilty. He also spoke about having legal counsel, the
commandment by Jesus to love one another and discussed a legal remedy to be put in place to
provide legal representation for the poor proposed by Dan Morales.
Ms. Glenda Dent, 2070 Harriott, addressed Council in support of the Citizen Review Board, said
she helped with gathering information for the petition, said the Review Board is for all citizens and
expressed views on other issues such as newspaper articles, her son, rights of citizens and justice.
Mr. Robert Preston, 1190 Iowa, attempted to begin discussion with the City Attorney and was
advised by the Mayor to state his comments and perhaps questions could be answered later. Mr.
Preston talked of past Legal Department personnel during what he called "days of legalized
prostitution," the Police Department, Tom James (conducted an investigation), compared past and
present legal counsel, complained about a non-responsive former mayor and neighborhood
association president and said the neighborhood association was organized because of a citizen's
dissatisfaction with the Police Department. Mr. Preston commented about regularly sending a fax
to Council, City Manager responsibility of the Police Department addressed by the Charter,
accused corruption by City personnel and refusal to enforce laws around his home and spoke of
a disagreement with his neighbor.
Mr. Kenneth Twine, 1090 Harriott, told Council he did not sign the petition, but is in favor of a
Citizen Review Board. Mr. Twine related an incident that he and his son had with a police officer
in his yard, the fear they experienced, his displeasure with police response at a hearing and asked
Council to consider a Citizen Review Board for everyone.
Mrs. Pat Henderson, 970 Saxe, addressed Council to express appreciation to Public Works
Director Tom Warner, City Manager Ray Riley and Council for the progress made on the South
Park Drainage Project. She discussed starting dates, acquisition of rights-of way for increased
capacity of the outfall ditch and said the majority of law abiding citizens are grateful for the
improvements that have created a better and safer situation in Beaumont.
Mr. George Jackson, 520 Norvell, addressed Council in opposition of a Police Citizen Review
Board. Mr. Jackson said the Police Department faithfully helps people in times of distress, said
34 January 23, 1996
the Chief of Police is responsive, and expressed his view that a Review Board would handcuff the
Police Department.
Mr. Tobe Duhon, 2545 Amarillo, addressed Council in opposition to recent action financing a pilot
program for after school activities. Mr. Duhon said the State provides monies for tutoring
programs, and if churches want to get involved in community services, they should provide the
facilities and volunteers. Also, Mr. Duhon expressed views about a Citizen Review Board. He said
members would be appointed by Council and probably would reflect the feelings of Council, said
the issue can be on the ballot and decided by the citizens.
Mr. Tony Jones, 3715 East Lucas, addressed Council in favor of night Council meetings, said he
will not be able to attend because no public transportation is available after 6:00 p.m. and
requested that added transportation be considered. Also, Mr. Jones addressed the need for bus
service to the new Super Walmart and the Social Security Office. Councilman Davis advised Mr.
Jones to contact Kyle Hayes at the number listed at the bottom of the first page of the Council
Mayor Moore told citizens their participation is appreciated, said a number of issues have been
reviewed during recent weeks, said Council understands the concerns of citizens and is in tune
with situations, spoke about Citizen Review Board appointments, said Council will look at
possibilities, but will not be bullied, pushed or abused, but will do what is practical and fair for
everybody. Mayor Moore said all is not perfect, but tremendous improvements have been made,
said endorsements mean nothing if compromise or wrong is required. He said City Council will
represent all people and issues will be resolved one at a time and discussed hard personnel
decisions that the Police Chief had to make.
Councilman Davis pointed out that the South Park Drainage Project that Councilman Patterson first
encouraged has started to come to fruition.
There being no further business, the regular session of City Council recessed before convening
in executive session.
1, Rosemarie Smith, City Clerk of the City of Beaumont, Texas, certify that the above is a true copy
of the Minutes of the regular City Council session held January 23, 1996.
Rosemarie Smith
City Clerk
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