HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 86-119 ORDINANCE NO. -11,9 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONDITIONAL DEED OF GIFT WITH THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING AND COLLECTING OF A SUFFICIENT TAX TO PAY THE INTEREST ON OBLIGATIONS INCURRED IN SUCH DOCUMENT AND TO PROVIDE A SINKING FUND AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. WHEREAS, the City desires to execute a conditional Deed of Gift with the United States of America whereby the United States of America will provide a GF-101B aircraft (F-100 Voodoo) to the City of Beaumont; and, WHEREAS, such conditional Deed of Gift requires the City to indemnify the government against all claims; and, WHEREAS, in order to assure the legal sufficiency of this transaction, the City must levy a sufficient tax to provide for repayment of the contengent liability associated with the agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 1. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, authorized to sign, in behalf of the City of Beaumont, the conditional Deed of Gift attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 2 . That the City Council shall, for each year that the agreement herein authorized is in effect, compute and ascertain the rate and amount of ad valorem tax, if any, based on the latest approved tax rolls of the City, with due allowances being made for tax delinquency and costs of tax collection, which will be sufficient to provide the money required to pay any sums which may be or become due during any such year together with all interest thereon, because of the agreement herein authorized. Said rate and amount of ad valorem tax is hereby ordered to be levied and is hereby levied against all taxable property in the City of Beaumont for each year such agreement is in force and effect, and said ad valorem tax shall be assessed and collected each such year until all the obligations herein incurred shall have been discharged. Section 3 . That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance, or the application of same to a particular set of persons or circumstances, should for any reason be held to be invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, and to such end the various portions and provisions of this ordinance are delcared to be severable. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the day of 1vA ,fir, / , 1986. - Mayor - 2 - CONDITIONAL DEED OF GIFT THIS AGREEMENT, made as of 14 October 1986 between the UNITED STATES OF MERICA (hete.ina6ta erfUed "the GoveAnment" oA "Athe donor") Aep,Le-dented by the Department of the Air Force, AMARC, Materiel Management Division, Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ and the City of Beaumont, Texas (heAe,inaiteA crated ".the donee") opeAa ing under the t.zt' m o4 the She of Texas and tocated at Beaumont, Texas WITNESSETH: 1. The SecAetaAy Z6 au.thmized by 10 U.S.C. 2572 to ttan �eA by gift on .loan, without expense to the United Statu and .teAmrs pAezckibed by the Sechetay, any o bts of ete combat ma.tet iae not needed by the Depa amen t. Donee i-6 et i.g.ibte candeA tow o6 10 U.S.C. 2572. 2. The donee ha,5 app.-.i.ed in wtitl ng by tettet dated 19 ,Tune 1986 jok a GF-101B Aircraft and ha6 agreed to assume and nay att co,5t6, cha,toez, and expensez incident to the donation, .inc,tud�ng the cost oU any tequ,itced p<t.epaAat'Ln jor tAan,5poAtation to Beaumont, Texas 3. The GoveAnment agAem (a) to Aetea_A_e GF-101B Aircraft , S/N: 59-0430 to the donee on an "a.5 iA-, where i/5" (aA-.vs and without ttaAAakty of any hrnd and (b) to notify the donee o f the avaiJabte date S u46 6 i cientt y in advance thetc.eo6 to enabte the donee to maize the necu6a, y a.dtangements not acceptance. 4. The donee agAea to accept the p-topvLt y on an `f" i�5, wfzeAe i5" ba,6iz and be r-Lezpons.ibte Got aU aruiangeme► and eosti, .invotved in its movement. The donee sh..att, at no coot to the donoA, v� ,, nge and ray IoA c�-Aa.,56embty, packing, nating, ,t=r,5ncrLtation, and otheA act,,onz as necersvLy for the movement ag the donated pAope4ty to th_e donee`A_ d�P&y Zocation. D�C�—/, 9 EXHIBIT "A Addetionatty, the donee agneez to remove 6rom the goveAnment prem.caez, the donated stem within 6ixty (60) day-6 a'teA noti6.i.cation of the date the ait- ctcait/mi�,s.ite iz avai.eabte Sor pickup. 5. The donee 6haU use the donated p7opetuty in a cGAejut and prudent manneA, and .s hat maintain it and maize b uch repa.i to to it ass are necu s atG y to keep it .in-a c can and fsaje condition so that .i,tz appearance and use wiU not diz- ctced-it the donor. The donee agueh to uhe the donated ptopaty 6or dilsptay or edueatc.onat putr.posez on.-y and to protect the donated property Jrom van- da i m by dlisptaying it behind 6ence.3, on high pede-tats, or by other buit- ab?e means to detetc easy accros by ►rritsch.ievouA- younglsteAz or un'scruputouz .in.di.v,iduafA. The donee 'utitheh agreets to pf-ace the a.itccraA;t/mimite on diz- p&y within ninety (¢0) days 6ottowing phyls-i.cai' acceptance on the propetr ty and to provide the donor with an 8 x 10 photograph, depicting how the do- nated propehty -is d.ilsptayed. In addition, the donee agreez to 6urnitsh the donor a noty,-ized statement within 6 i6teen ( t 5) eatendar dams 6oMww.i.ng .the .ta,st day o6 each catendar year, certi6ying that the aite��jt is ztitt in the poA-6e6s'i.on of the donee and being disptayed in the 4curie mannet and condition als .indicated by the otiginat pho.�`og,-Laaph or pt�ovide an updated phetogtaph and detaiEs tegvding changers. Ir,struct,iou atee .set jottth in Attachonent A and are incorporated and made patLt o6 the Condition. Deed of Gijt. 6. The donee agrea tl t the donated a�h cAa't/rrri 5zite A ha t not be restored to 6 yting condition, none shaii the donated aittctra6t/mr�uite be jtcu)n unde& any cittc!rstancez. 7. The donee hhaU indemni4y, ,save halm ns, and defend the donor 6rom and aga,in✓st a.F'..i d-aem.5, demands, ac.t.ionz, ti.ab-r P.iti.ez, judgme.nU, co'st6, and attorneyl z "eels, a�tvcz ng out oj, ctaimed on account off, or in any manner 2 pked.i.cated upon pemona2 .i.njuhy, death, ok p�LopeAty damage caused by on &esutti.ng 6nom posse.asion and/oh use o6 the donated ptopeAty. 8. The donee agneca to attow au,thot i zed tep h es entat i.ve s o6 the Govetnment access to the donee`s h.eco,�-ds and 6ac,i i i.es to assure accutc.aey o6 in6ot- mation pt ovided the donalt and comptiance with the tvLrr,6 o6 thiz Conditi.onat Deed o6 Gift. 9. Tit 1,6 trans timed on 6pec,iat condition that the GF-101B Aircraft wiU not be Vans 4,med on, othe,,�.vi s e d igs pos ed o6 (including nedonat i.on) without the wLi ten content o6 the dono,,--L. I6 dispo,6 lion by any method including fedonati.on) without consent o6 the donor .ins atte-mpted, t;-tJ-e to the p�;-ope�ty .i,a .subject to Jon4e%turee, and the Gove'tnmert may tequiAe netwLn o6 the pkope&ty by the donee oA may Aepossesd the Oope&ty 6$om whomeveA may have possersion thaeoi, and the donee sh.aR bean ali expenses of ,-,etu.Ln and tepossess.ton as wed as att storage costz. 10. upon the 6a,i Uote o6 the donee to observe any o6 the coed ors set 6mth in thin Conditionai deed o6 Gijt and attachments theAeto, titte to the donated WLope,,Ay 6haU -LeveAt to and vest in the dono.,c. Kepcs,eV,6 .on of ati o) any palm o f the donated pAopaty by the donors shams be at no cost of expense to the donor, and the donee shams pay att maintenance, '- e.ight, trLarz- por�ation, and other changes at ti.bcc table to such tepomutlion. 11. 1j, at anut-ime,' the donated ptopvty iz no .E?ongeA used im d iz p&y of educat i_onae purposes, on t6 the donee no Zonge,t wizhe�s to keep the donated p`Lopvt y, w,r-itten notice shat be given to the donors, and tit,�e to the donated ptopetty shaft, at the. option o� the donor, hevvt to and vesst in the dono�L who zha.0 be enti.tted to Zmr+edh.ate &eposse-sion q the donated 3 pft,opeAty. The donor w• tt exercise it6 option within .6• xty (60) day.6 a6teA &eceipt o6 aftitten notice 6&om the donee and w• tt: a. Advize the donee that the donvt haz axothe,', AequiAement 6o,,L the do- nated item and Witt make apptoptiate a)ftangement6 6m the •tepositioning. b. Advize the donee that the donot dezau to take titte of Ate donated ptopeAty and wiU at&ange 6ok appLoW-Ote dizpozition at the rAezent tocation. c. Advize that the donors haz no 6uttheA rL equ t ementz 6o,- the donated ite-mA- and that the donee, at hit expense, 16 autliotized, bated on hiz pte�- utence, to dispoze o6 the donated • tem by one o6 the 6of-towing method-6.- (1) Dema_itoAize/de,6tt-Loy the pkope,tty to the extent tequ4Aed by cuA,tent VoD pot icy az zet 4,o&th by detaited gui'dance to be provided by the donor. The donee wiR be tequited to ceftti6y in j Ig to the donoA that wia -ovide the donoA with photog,Laph's. att �LequiAementz have been met and p�L A- (2) Ttar.6po,,Lt the donated pAope&ty to Vie nea,�ezt rriiUttaty activity, p,toviding the in,6taUation commando o6 that activity i,6 aateeabte to accept- ing the ptoporty. The donee wilt be kuponzibte 6vL any di6azsernbty necu- -6aty, and att ov,,tangementA, to accompl'Zsh the movement wt_U be sequined to obtain a �Leceipt 6,�om the trkU_itvLy • n,6taUation to be ptovided to tJ-tc denoti 6o,lt lLecmd pukpoze,6. ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE WITH TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 THE MY OF Br_AljMONT, TEXAS (heAeinazgluteA catted "appP-icari:,,-�ecipiert") HEREBY AGREES THAT it wiU- comptoy w.th T,r',tte VI 06 the Civit Rightz Act o� 1964, Section 606 o6 the FedeAat PP-LopeLty and AdminizfAative S u vic Act o6 , a 1949, " amulded, and Section 504 o6 the RehabiV_,ttatior Act o6 1973, as 4 amended, no person shatt, on the ground o tace, cotot, nationat otigin, sex, on handicap, be exctuded 6tom pah-ticipation in, be denied the bene6itz o6, on be otheltwise subjected to dizctiw-'nation undo, any p"togtam on activitJ4 6ot which the appticant-,kecipient receives a donation J&om the Depa&tment o the Ut Force or Nava, pursuant to Tithe 110, United States Code, Section 2572, and HEREBY GIVES ASSURANCE THAT it wilt immediatety take any meazutez necez- zaty to e6jectuate this ag,,-,eement. This agtewe►t shah continue in eJJect duAing the time the appticant-teci- pient Aetains ownvship, possession, at contA.of- o6 the donated ptopeAty. FuAtheA, appticant-)Yecipient agteez and assutes t,-at it6 .6ucce.6sou and/oA assigns witt be tequiAed to give tJ,is same assutance in and to any ci the pLopexty donated heAein. THIS ASSURANCE /,:z given in conzidetation of and bon the pt-ftpoze of obtaira:ng a donation o6 Fed etatty-o wned pupoty pins cant to Titte 101, Untted States Code, Section 11572, conzi-zting oS the 6otegoing item/items. 5 The appti.cant-tcecipient tecognd..zes and ag. &eu that such Fedet t donations wilt be made in tceti,ance on the kept esentatione and aguements made in this assukance and that the United States w.i.t.Q have the tight to seek 1ud iieiat enjoncement o6 this aszutance. THIS CONDITIONAL DEED OF GIFT is binding on the app.Q,i.cant-necipient, its succes- sou, tAansseneez, and assignees, and the pennon at peuorvs whose signatutz.es appea.t beeow aAe authotr ized to sign this Conditi_onat geed of G.i6t on beha , o6 the appt icant-nec i pient. Executed on behatj o6 the donor this FOURTEENTH day o6 OCTOBER 19 86 j at THE AEROSPACE MAINTENANCE AND REGENERATION CENTER (AMARC) , DAVIS- MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, ARIZONA United States o� krtketi.ca SBIRL J. BEENE Tice: Property Utilization. Specialist Agency: United States Air Force AdAezz: Davis-Monthan AFB, AZ 85707-5000 ACCEF"FANCE The donee, thrcough .c is au-thotc.ized neptezertative, he�,eby accepts tie to and det ivek y o f the donated ptcopeh.ty, zub ject to the cordZttionz cor t_a i.ned in the Deed o6 G.i 6t set Jot th above. Executed on beha6 o5 the donee this Stn day 06 December 19 85 at _-fity Hall, Bea,nont Texas THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS ----- ame--6- onne an c o�uc on 6 Tali fie: City Manager