HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 82-114 i ORDINANCE NO. ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A SPECIFIC USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A BUSINESS FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4120 COLLEGE. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Beaumont considered the issuance of a specific use permit to operate a business for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on i property located at 4120 College to Arthur Hanson, his heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns for that certain property hereinafter described; and, WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the issuance of such specific use permit is in the best interest of the City of Beaumont and its citizens, subject to the hereinafter described conditions; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA'-� ,k;ED BY THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 1. That a specific use permit to operate a business for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on property located at 4120 College, in accordance with Section 30-26 and Section 30-40, as amended, be granted to Arthur Hanson, his heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns for that certain tract described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes. Section 2. That the specific use permit herein granted is expressly issued for and in accordance with each particular and detail of the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof for all purposes. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the day of - 1 g J . F` - Mayor - EXH.I13 LT "A" That ccr'cain tract cr Ywrccl of fund out of th3 'Cuvid '-rown L^_3cjuc, and also out of College .%r_-z Pddition jofferson County, Texas, Tc„3s, acccrding to to the City of i•3aumont , jcficrson County, map or plat tl.er_of of record in the ofiica of th3 County 3 lark d Jefferson County, Tz,':as, more particularly descri BEGIN at a steel rod in thz -oath lire of Lot 139 of College r.cres ��ddition, which hcginning point is Iocat-d South39 degrees, i 59.S,minutas East a distant, of 33 fcni irc:� ti:e c,,a:aon comer of Lots 93, 99, 133 ,:nd 1-0 of College 1cr's r`.dUiiion; TIMigcE North 89 decrees 59.5 Mlnutcs vest along t;Zc outl► line of Lots 139, 140 and 141 of College Acres Addition a distance of 233 feet to a concrete clonuncr,t marking the canmon corner of Lots 96, 97 , 141 and 142 of Coilcge l�cre s P.ridi+Son; TI.Er10E South 0 degrees, 0.5 minutes Vic-St along the Fast line of Lot 96 a distance of 260 fart to a raorurncnt in the North right-of-LYay line of U. S. Highway S0; THENCE 1%orth 05 decrees, 24.5 rainutcs vest alone the I:crLh Line of U. S. Highway S0 a dir Once of 112.2 feet to a concrete monument mtskin7 the interscetion of the North right-of-way line of U. S. ggliv:cy 0.0 cad the East line of 0 40 foot street; TH_E14CE Forth 15 degrees, 31' milnutes V.ect Glom t`3c East rich*-cf-way line of said •4.0 foot street a cistz-nec cf 624.63 feet to a Concrete monurr►c nt, and contlauing alonco, tine Last rlaFt-of-way lire of said street which Lt this poirt,is 60 fact in width, N,-rth 15 degrees , 33 c:inutcs Veest a distcnce of 321. 92 feet to a concrete rnonutLncnt marring the Sou:hv:Lst - corner of a tract of land hcrctofcro conveyed by Theodore ` W. Ecrenson to The Eorden Company by deed dated I'-inb: r 19, 1957, recorded in Volume 1090 , Pa?e 50, wed I;ccorcis, of 1cfferson County, Tc2:P-s, 'il-.'I'CL South 89 degrees, 59.5 ninutes Last along the South line of the aforesaid tract of land cenvoye to the B:>rCcn Company 655 .59 feet; THrNCL South 0 degrcec, 10.5 minutes Wect a distance ,l of 125 feet; MrNCE South 09 degrees, 59.5 minutes East a distance of 125 feet to t M Vest rig}.t-cf-wz!Y Unc of Int .rstate Highway Nunil. cr 10; TI-7I.CE South 0 degrees , 10.5 minutes Yvcrt t disti--1 cf 211.74, feet to a nonwncnt rn3r::ing the ccr-jt_r).inc of ti,' former Stagg Drive; TIMENCr in a Y:E.-terly direction along the centerline of the former Stagg Drive 175 .5 feet to rzarkcr; • ,3 TIiEIdCL South 0 degree s , u .5 minute s `':c st, 30 feet to a point in the forth line r,f Lc: 139, �. ci: Feint is located 30 fcct I"a3t of the Nc thw st corn_r Of Lct 131; T:II I:Cr continuing Oca:h 0 dc-IrLcs , 0 .5 r:►ir,utcs cistanc,:: of 2,12.50 feet to tI-_ Ul:.c3 of L:ginair.i. gry. I $. ,Y U.14'/�'-� ale 44 h" SITE PLAN TO ACCOMPANY REQUEST BY ARTHUR HANSON FOR A SPECIFIC k� USE PERMIT FOR RESTAURANT, LOUNGE, AND CLUB. n D CliyOf Beaumont. ��- cc�c nd t PLANNING DEPT $}':; AUG 2 T° 1982 EXHIBIT "B" t` _ PROPO-5",E.0 A114;11T (rL f/.e E4Jcv' APpoeovia sY: nsnvrN ..L�1�i4Ci DAVID W. CAMPB_EL w►TS: /t�.. .��... f � 6�1,. mos2a Original Map Located In Map Folder in Vault of Clerks Office