HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN DEC 11 2001 M I N U T E S - CITY OF BEAUMONT
Lulu L. Smith DAVID W. MOORE, MAYOR Guy N. Goodson, Mayor Pro Tern
Andrew P. Cokinos CITY COUNCIL MEETING Becky Ames
Bobbie J. Patterson December 11,2001 Audwin Samuel
Lane Nichols, City Attorney Stephen J. Bonczek, City Manager Barbara Liming, City Clerk
The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session on December 11,
2001, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m. to
consider the following:
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call
Presentations and Recognition
Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items
Consent Agenda
Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. The Reverend Carl Lewis, East Mount
Olive Baptist Church, gave the invocation. Mayor Moore led the pledge of allegiance.
Present at the meeting were: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos,Ames, Samuel,and Patterson (arrived at 1:35 p.m. during reading of the proclamation).
Also present were Stephen J. Bonczek, City Manager; Lane Nichols, City Attorney;and Barbara
Liming, City Clerk.
Presentations and Recognitions
One proclamation was issued: A proclamation honoring and recognizing "Carolyn
Howard"for leadership with Beaumont Main Street and declaring"Beaumont Main Street
Day," December 13, 2001.
Mayor Moore announced that the City of Beaumont captured eighth-place in the Digital
Cities Survey in the 75,000-125,000 population category. He congratulated Mayor Pro
Tern Goodson for his recent installation as the new president of the Texas Municipal
League; Councilmember Patterson for recent election as Regional Director of Region III
for NBC-LEO; and Councilmember Samuel for appointment to the Program Committee
and election as Vice-Chair for next year's meeting. Also, Mayor Moore announced that
HEB's annual Feast of Sharing will be held Saturday from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the
Civic Center and that everyone is invited to attend, and expressed appreciation to HEB
and the volunteers who assist them.
Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda except item 4
Mr. Roberto Flores, 2425 Buchanan, addressed Council regarding Agenda Item No. 7.
He referred to a newspaper article stating that Spanish population has increased both in
Beaumont and Port Arthur and requested that Council consider funding a larger area
designation for a park in The Avenues area. Mr. Flores spoke of the recent Old Spanish
Trail designation to College Street, the churches and cultural diversity in the area, and
College Street being the doorway or driveway to downtown Beaumont.
Ms. Becky Stedman, with IEA, addressed Council regarding Item No. 6 to state that the
assistance under consideration for them today is not operating assistance, but funding to
locate eight computers and two printers in the new Minnie Rogers Juvenile Justice Center.
Consent Agenda
Approval of minutes - November 27, 2001
Confirmation of committee appointments - No committee appointments made.
A) Approve a resolution authorizing the granting of a License to Encroach Agreement to
Apollo Environmental Strategies, Inc. (to install a monitoring well) into the right-of-way of
East Lucas Street(adjacent to Lot 12, Block B, Southerland Addition near the intersection
of Magnolia Avenue) - Resolution No. 01-290
B) Approve the purchase of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and air cylinders
(from Four Alarm Fire Equipment in the amount of$35,628) - Resolution No. 01-291
C) Approve the purchase of four(4)fourteen (14)cubic yard dump trucks(from Smart's Truck
& Trailer Equipment, Inc. in the amount of$331,975) - Resolution No. 01-292
D) Approve the purchase of one (1) track dozer (from Mustang Tractor & Equipment
Company in the amount of$158,985) - Resolution No. 01-293
E) Approve the purchase of one(1)compactor(from Mustang Tractor&Equipment Company
in the amount of$404,220) - Resolution No. 01-294
F) Approve a contract for $25,000 with BUILD, Inc., Beaumont Main Street, for the period
January 1, 2002 through December 31, 2002 to be funded through the General Fund,
Economic Development Department - Resolution No. 01-295
G) Approve a contract for the purchase of ready mix concrete(with Few Ready Mix Concrete
Co. for an estimated expenditure of$66,575) - Resolution No. 01-296
H) Approve a contract for telecommunication services (with Southwestern Bell for local and
long distance services through the State of Texas Cooperative Purchasing Program,TEX-
AN 2000) - Resolution No. 01-297
1) Approve a bid to Salenga Construction, Inc. of Beaumont (in the amount of$51,684) for
the replacement of the east sidewalk of City Hall - Resolution No. 01-298
J) Approve the purchase of one(1)tractor with a front end loader and rear mounted backhoe
(from Oil City Tractors, Inc. in the amount of$47,386) - Resolution No. 01-299
K) Authorize the settlement of a claim (with Bright Truck Leasing Co. in the amount of
$55,315.57) - Resolution No. 01-300
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 2
L) Authorize the settlement of a lawsuit (with Janice Haynes in the amount of $30,000) -
Resolution No. 01-301
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Council member Ames
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson commented that are several capital purchases on the Consent Agenda,
and the background information indicates that all of the equipment being replaced is 8 to 15
years old and will cost less to replace than to repair. He applauded City staff for their diligence
in researching the practicability and cost effectiveness of purchases versus repairs.
1. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with the United States
Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS) to
provide funding for the stabilization and restoration of the bank along the Neches River
for the access road to Lawson's Pump Station
Councilmember Cokinos moved to approve Resolution No. 01-302 authorizing an
agreement with the USDA/NRCS in the amount of$1,033,000. Mayor Pro Tern Goodson
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
2. Consider awarding a contract to stabilize and restore the bank along the Neches River for
the access road to Lawson's Pump Station in the northeast quadrant of the City
Councilmember Smith moved to approve Resolution No. 01-303 authorizing a contract
with Bo-Mac Contractors, Ltd., in the amount of $1,394,832. Councilmember Cokinos
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
3. Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a deed without warranty for the transfer
of surplus City property
Councilmember Ames moved to approve Resolution No. 01-304 authorizing a deed
without warranty for the north Y2 of Lot 14, Block D, Mayfair Addition, to correct an error
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 3
and transfer ownership of the real property to John V. Naymik. Councilmember Mayor Pro
Tern Goodson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
4. Consider a request for a specific use permit for a church and accessory uses and to delete
the eight(8)foot tall screening fence along the east property line. The property is located
at 3810 North Major Drive
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson moved to approve Ordinance No. 01-098 ENTITLED AN
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
5. Consider an ordinance regulating watershed protection as required by the City's National
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Permit
Councilmember Smith moved to approve Ordinance No. 01-099 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE
Cokinos seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
6. Council consider a request to enter into agreements with Institute for Educational
Advancement ($10,300) to assist with operating expenses for the Ben's Kids program,
Bethel Missionary Baptist Church ($2,050) for the demolition and clearance of a
dilapidated structure; Beaumont Metropolitan Y.M.C.A.forSection 108 funds($1,000,000)
and Economic Development Initiative-Special Projects funds ($462,500) which will be
used for renovations specifically at the L. L. Melton Y.M.C.A.; and to enter into
agreements with the 2000 Weed and Seed Initiative subrecipients: Beaumont Police
Activities League($5,000), Family Connection($10,000),Charlton Pollard Nursery School
($2,000), The Salvation Army Boys & Girls Club ($20,000), Dunbar Elementary School
Safe Haven ($25,829), Broader Horizon Computer Literacy Program ($11,000) and The
Salvation Army Truancy Program ($50,000)
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 4
Councilmember Ames moved to approve Resolution No. 01-305. Councilmember
Samuel seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
7. Consider a resolution authorizing Administration to proceed with the project
recommendations of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee regarding the use of
the funds from the Central Park sale
Councilmember Samuel confirmed that delay of one week would not affect passage of this
item and expressed a desire for additional information. Mayor Pro Tern Goodson and
Councilmember Patterson voiced questions that included actual cost of spray devices,
parameters of the use of the funds, why certain prior requests were eliminated, and
clarification of recommendations. Council concurred to defer the item, and Mayor Moore
instructed Council to list their specific questions and submit them to staff for answers.
8. Consider a request for a tax exemption for the "Coale Building" at 461-469 Bowie
Councilmember Cokinos moved to approve Resolution No. 01-306. Councilmember
Ames seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
9. Consider adopting a resolution that supports and endorses the application of the Jefferson
County Sheriffs Department to apply for grant funds from the Texas Narcotics Control
Program, as administered by the Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor, to
continue funding for the Jefferson County Narcotics Task Force, and to commit to
providing the matching funds not to exceed $62,147
Councilmember Smith moved to approve Resolution No. 01-307. Mayor Pro Tern
Goodson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith,
Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson
Noes: None
* Report from the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Jim Rich, president of the Chamber of Commerce, introduced the new Director of
Economic Development Rick Barrilleaux, and Economic Development Specialist Betsy
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 5
Henslee, and Board Chairman Bessie Chisum. Mr. Rich requested that Council renew the
partnership funding for economic development in the amount of$50,000. He expressed
his view that the partnership works well for Beaumont, commented about
accomplishments reviewed in the report distributed to Council(Exhibit"A,")and stated that
the most significant accomplishment is location of the West-Teleservice Call Center in
Beaumont. Last week they announced adding another 1,000 positions. Mr. Rich invited
Mr. Ed Myers, chairman of the Economic Development Division, to review projections for
the next year.
Mr. Myers referred to sections of the annual report and projected programs for 2002 and
commented that the Economic Development Board has doubled in size and has four sub-
committees, which are: International Trade, Tension, Marketing and Recruiting, and
Strategic Vision that works closely with the City of Beaumont. Mr. Myers added solicitation
for continued funding for the Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Moore congratulated the Chamber of Commerce for a successful year and stated
he looks forward to a productive year in 2002.
Board Chairman Bessie Chisum added that a Small Business Development Division has
been established. Their goal is to make four calls monthly to small businesses to offer
their assistance, and she said they will enlist the advice of Council. Mayor Moore
requested that he be provided with their list of small businesses to incorporate into his
Mayor's Breakfast invitation list. Ms. Chisum thanked Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos,
and Samuel for attending a planning workshop this morning for the Minority Business
Development Division, formerly know as the Minority Affairs. She stated they will be
working on exciting project plans with Councilmember Samuel this Spring that they hope
will have positive results.
Councilmembers comment on various matters
Councilmember Samuel expressed pleasure with the Chamberof Commerce meeting held
this morning and observing private and public sectors working with City staff planning and
developing an area, and for the Chamber's step forward with economic development, as
well as community development.
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson reported an unexpected highlight of the National League of
Cities meeting was seeing Grants Administrator Johnny Beatty in Atlanta. Mr. Beatty was
recently recalled to active duty in Georgia.
Councilmember Smith also expressed pleasure in seeing Mr. Beatty, and reported he
informed her that his work schedule is twelve hours per day now.
Mayor Moore commented on the preparation and reception of the Olympic Torch Run
Monday, extended appreciation to the Central High School Band and the Ozen High
School Choir for excellent entertainment performances, and to Community Service
Director Maurine Gray and those who assisted her for coordinating a successful event.
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 6
He stated that the event brings warm enthusiasm to our community, and celebrates the
spirit of our County and Southeast Texas. He complimented the torch runners, and said
it was a great opportunity to see them run throughout the downtown community.
City Manager's Report - Impact Fees, Exemption-Non Commercial Leased Vehicles,
Olympic Torch Run, "Oh Holy Night" Cancelled, Beaumont Main Street News, Elmo
Willard Library Reading Series Recognition, FY2001 Goals and Objectives Results
City Manager Bonczek applauded Beaumont Main Street for a decade of service in
downtown revitalization, stated that the Texas Downtown Association recognized the
Classic Film Festival as the best promotion in Texas, and said the historic Lamb's building
was a finalist in the Adaptive Re-Use category. He congratulated Ms. Carolyn Howard for
her election as president of the Texas Downtown Association for 2002.
Mr. Bonczek addressed the goals and objectives report submitted to Council, commented
on impact fees, revisions to the law, suggested deferral of further discussion of the topic,
and announced that an ordinance will be presented next week for consideration regarding
a tax exemption of noncommercial leased vehicles.
He reported that the Elmo Willard Branch Library was one of 14 libraries in the Country
selected to host the PRIME TIME reading, discussion, and storytelling program and
complimented Community Services Director Maurine Gray and staff for their efforts in
bringing culture and values to our community.
Public Comment (Persons are limited to three (3) minutes).
Ms. Becky Stedman addressed Council to thank Council for entering into a contract for
funding to her organization and asked that the contract reflect the name change to IEA,
an acronym for Inspire, Encourage, and Achieve.
Mr. Clarence Provost, 2170 Washington Boulevard, addressed Council to reflect on the
September 11th tragedy that has brought forth a powerful and united nation. Mr. Provost
commented that good will stand out, said Beaumont citizens have weathered many
storms, and thanked Council for time spent in performing their duties. He admonished
everyone to work together for growth and success and asked God's blessings on America
and the City of Beaumont.
Mr. Roberto Flores, 2425 Buchanan, addressed Council to complain of problems with
excessive loitering and criminal activity at Fletcher Park and it being too small to serve as
a neighborhood park. He questioned the proposed playground equipment agreement with
the Beaumont Independent District, placement of the playground equipment, and the
school's playground area at Fletcher Elementary being closed and not accessible after
school and on weekends. Mr. Flores requested that consideration be given to enlarging
Fletcher Mini Park and the area not be ignored.
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 7
The regular session of City Council recessed at 2:34 p.m.
1. Consider a resolution supplementing the resolution adopted on October 15, 1991 which
authorized the issuance of Beaumont Multi-Family Housing Finance Corporation
Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding Bonds(Regency Place Apartment Project)Series
Consider matters related to employment, evaluation and duties of a public officer or
employee in accordance with Section 551.074 of the Government Code:
City Manager
L;�zL -g, , V
David W. Moore, Mayor
Barbara Liming, City Clerk
Minutes December 11,2001 Page 8
.� '� 1. '�° •�
- r tv wura r IK r�
• li r
171�4.1- 0111001010001
+ A ^= 0011011100101
2000-2001 Economic Letter from the Cbairman
Development Fund
Investor Honor Roll
GOLD STAR ($5,000 or more)
Beaumont Automobile Dealers
City of BCaUmOnt
CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth It has been one of the fastest vicars in
I:mergy recent mcnurry, and I have enjoyed r� '
Hibernia ]lank Cyet-y moment of it. It has rcally been a
ortOm�lobil Oil le isure to serve as your Chairman for d
Port of Beaumont pleasure
SE:'Texas Economic Dey. Foundation the past year. I believe the Chamber has
met many challenges head on and will
SILVER STAR ($1,000 to$4,999) continue to tackle the tough economic
American Valve & Hydrant problems that will certain]\, come Out-
BASF way. *"
Bank Onc :
Bo Mac Contractors Yt>ur Chamber staff, the board and its
Coburn Supply
Conn s man\,volunteers made many contribu-
Deli Management bons to our community during the \,ear
Dupont that have and will continue to provide
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company the catalyst for economic development
Lamar Advertising in the future.
Market Basket
Mason Construction I want to mention just a few of the
Mchaffv & Weber, ff.. things where our Chamber, including
Memorial Hermann Baptist Hospital our city and county leaders la ed a
Neches Industrial Park 'p
Phelan Investments vital role:
Reliant Energy Entcx
SouthT•rust Bank Business retention and job creation - Our Chamber purchased and rclo-
Southwestern Bell our program of visiting with our cated into our own building that has
�r BRONZE STAR (Up to$999) local business leaders and owners and will continue to make our
has paid huge dividends; this Chamber a much more vibrant
American Building Maintenance includes such businesses as Conn's, organization in t1ie years ahead.
Atofina Chemicals
Automatic Pump and Equipment VVestTeleser\,ices, our ongoing
Beaumont Hilton support and start of construction of Also, as you all know, during the vear,
Bill Clark Pest Control the Southeast Texas Entertainment we hired a new president, Jim Rich. I
Blood and Plasma Research Complex lead by our County Judge know with this new leadership group,
Burn's Properties Carl Griffith Jim Rich as president, along Mth our
Chisurn Resource Management new chairman,the board,and the
Card, Inc. Our leadership role in "Regional Chamber staff, that the v_car 2001-2002
Crawford Financial Cooperation" with the surrounding gill be a banner one for Beaumont.
Eastham Forgc, Inc. cities, counties, state and federal lead-
Foxworth Real Estate
G.A.J. Investments ers,education providers and private I want to thank the board that served
Gernter, Bernscn & Gertz industry to maintain and attract with me, the staff, and all the volunteers
Giglio Distributing industry and businesses to Bcaumont who gave many hours of their time and
Holiday Inn rklidtown and/or to Southeast Texas expertise in making this past year a very
Lamar Bank positive one and a very rewarding
X'IcDonald's Restaurants Provided strong support to our area experience for tne.
Mark Williams I Ionic Builders state representatives including testi-
Michacl Lee Advertising tnony in Austin that played an impor- Again, my thanks for all your support
1%,l a nro's
Nichols Company
tant role in retaining our Southeast and having me as your Chairman for
Procter Compare Texas junior"aver rights this past year!
Saladin Pump
Spindletop Hill Properties • Continued support for the study for I
Tcxas Coffec Company deepening and widening the Sabine- j
•Texas Industries :Neches waterway that will assure our
Triangle Marinc local area businesses and industries
•Tytcx Properties have access to global markets Roy E. Wells
The 30th year of LB began August 2 with an passed during the 77th legislative session and Quarterh lunch meetings were sponsored fir
all-day retreat. Thcrc are thirty-nine partici- is now subject to voter approval in Jefferson members of the Beaumont city council,
pants in this\,car's class. Skills training County.The division further urged area lcgis- Jetferson Count commissioners, Beaumont
sessions have been conducted with Bessie lators to develop a state port strategy for Independent School District board of
Chisum and Dick and Lura I lanullond as Texas ports including assistance fix•capital trustees, fort of Beaumont commissioners,
presenters. Community awareness program improvements to ensure their competiti\e Drainage District 6 board members, Lower
topics will be economic development,crime, position in the global marketplace. Neches Valley Authority commissioners,
quality of life,education and COmmnlllty Chamber exccutiye ctnnmittce,and state otfi
resources. An all day skills session on topics The division was a catahst in the continued vials to discuss and identify emerging issues.
of leadership dynamics and expectations and formation of tllc Jefferson County Chambers
customs of difference cultures will he of Commerce Legislative Response Team,
conducted ill January. which ,vas announced to the public on Tune Medical Affairs Division
6,2000 after organizational meetings.The
Two youth leadership programs\ycre held in chambers of conuncrce in Beaumont,Groves, The medical affairs division continued to
March and June. One program was present- Nederland, port Arthur, Port Neches,and address the concerns from the membership of
ed to 42 BISD eighth grade students,and the the Golden Triangle I lispanic Chamber of the number of uninsured in Jefferson Count)
other program kicked off the ExxonMobil's Commerce formed a coalition to provide a and explored ways to reduce the numbers.
green-team summer work program for more mechanism to represent the views of their
than 90 students entering their senior year in members and provide an infilrmed response The medical affairs division also conducted a
Beaumont high schools. to the area legislative delegation on issues that surycy to determine the informational nerds
impact our cities.The coalition expressed of our clamber members. The following
Government and Public
their spirit of cooperation with the first were topics as a result of the survey.
Jefferson County Day Breakfast in Austin on
Affairs Division February 6,2001.A legislative agenda Federal and State Legislative Issues
adopted by the respective chambers'board of impactuig the healthcare environment:
The division supported historic efforts to directors was presented during this historic This is a pending luncheon based on out-
promote regional cooperation with activities legislative event in Austin. comes of Medicare changes in our area. This
during the 77th legislative session to promote will probably better serve our members if pre-
legislative matters of importance to the The division continues to emphasize federal sented after the first of calendar year 2002.
Jefferson County chambers of commerce and issues such as compliance with air quality
Southeast Texas.The City of Beaumont standards,support for the future of the Serving the medically uninsured in
FY2002 budget and financial direction U.S.Post Office Remote Fncoding Facility in Southeast Texas:
dominated attention and was the focus of the downtown Beaumont,and the strengthening Luncheon Datc: January 16,2001
division throughout the summer of 2001. of our national transportation infrastructure Location: Holiday Inn Beaumont Plaza
by ensuring full funding and reauthorization Speaker: Clark.'Moore, Executive
The government and public affairs division of ports and waterways infrastructure pro- Director- Ubi Caritas
prepared for the 77th Texas legislative session grams.A board resolution to the Outcome:The membership voiced their
with meetings with the legislative delegation, Environmental Protection Agency was appreciation of the information presented
extensive briefings with subject experts,and adopted urging the agency to finalize the about statistics in our area. They were also
membership surveys which led to the clean air plan for Southeast Texas. Support appreciative to learn of the medical resources
adoption of the chamber's 2001 Legislative for the Internet Freedom and Broadband available for their own employees.
Issues Agenda. Included were positions on Deployment Act was expressed by correspon-
water resources,transportation and infrastruc- dence.The division carefully monitored issues Keys to evaluating insurance plans:
ture,health,civil justice,higher education, related to broadening of relationships with Luncheon Date: February 8,2001
public school education,economic develop- Cuba for future trade. Location: Beaumont Hilton
ment,and air quality.A dominating issue, Speaker: Stephen Hoffman,Sr.VP-Marsh
which led to several trips to Austin,was the The City of Beaumont FY 2002 budget and USA
effort to oppose the elimination of junior financial direction was the top local public Outcome: Very well received by audience.
water rights from legislation on water issue for the year beginning with participation Several chamber members attended their
resources.The chamber board adopted letters on the City Manager's Financial first-time luncheon due to the topic.
and resolutions in support of a variety of Improvement Team,review of the issues
legislative matters. for a proposed storm water utility,and the Occupational Health,American
effort to adopt a budget with no new fees or Disabilities Act,&Worker's
Beaumont Day in Austin was held on a tax increase. Beginning with a budget sum- Compensation: Implications for the
February 26-27 when forty city and chamber mit on May IS, numerous briefings and activ- workplace:
leaders accepted recognition resolutions on ities were conducted throughout the summer Luncheon Date.August 23,2001 -Annual
the house and senate floors,met with state to educate the membership,staff,and board Healthfair/ Luncheon
legislators and agency representatives and on the financial issues facing the City of- Location: Beaumont Hilton
hosted a dinner at the University of Texas Beaumont. A resolution voicing opposition to S- ep•aker: Dr. Don Webb, Medical Director-
Club. State Senator David Bernsen closed the establishment of a storm water utilin,and DuPont, Beaumont&Orange
out the legislative session with a summary of opposition to any tax increase without further Outcome:The presentation covered broad
the key issues affecting Southeast Texas at the cost reductions and containment was present- topics and was general in information.
July chamber membership lunch. ed after a membership survey. Individual This was intentional to gather insight for
board members and staff'worked diligently future "specific"presentations on this
The division continues to play a crucial role with city leaders who faced difficult choices to material. The feedback illustrated a desire to
promoting the Port of Beaumont and the finalize the FY 2002 budget.A renewed hear"specifics"mainly with ADA&Worker's
Sabine-Neches Waterway.Among the issues effort to work together to address the city's C=ompensation.
was support of the new Jefferson County requirements for growth and development
Waterway and Navigation District,which will continue with the new program year.
Medical Affairs collaborated with the govern- Clayton,Senator David Bernsen,Dr. Don program and has now been enfolded into the
ment and public affairs division to help keep Webb,Dr. Robert Krienke,Dr.Jimmy College of Business at Lamar University.
each other abreast of the latest healthcare Simmons,Russ Waddill,and Tom Flanagan.
issues. Both divisions worked in tandem to Facilitated an atmosphere of cooperation
address with the legislative delegation in In April,over 500 people attended among groups,organizations,institutions,
Austin the healthcare issues facing Southeast Lobsterfest,an event that included a golf and individuals involved in economic
Texas. tournament,reception and steak dinner. development by actively trying to develop a
mentor program consisting of corporate
Recognition awards were given to Bessie business to small business,minority business
Membership Division Chisum for volunteer of the year,and Paula to corporate business and minority business
Bothc was recognized as the Athena award to minority business. This mentoring
Added 116 new members to our existing recipient. program will give the protege the tools to
member base through the efforts of the enhance their business operationally and
membership director and the membership The Beaumont Hilton,SouthTrust Bank secure procurement opportunities.
division. (mid-county location),World Gym and all
Munro's Dry Cleaners locations were the
Referrals of Chamber members were made in chosen sites to pick up your Beaumont Operations Division
response to over 600 inquiries for goods and Chamber of Commerce Directory and Guide
services. to Beaumont. Lunch was provided oomph- The purpose of the operations division is to
ments of Johnny Carino's Italian Restaurant oversee and review issues relating to internal
Cummulus Broadcasting continued to offer and Subway Sandwiches. Directory affairs to maintain effective operation of the
free radio ads to new Chamber members. distribution day was held December 14, Chamber.
2001.Cumulus Broadcasting was on hand to
The Ambassador Committee met monthly provide live broadcasting throughout the day. After extensive research and effort,the
and continued their retention program by All members of the Chamber staff and Beaumont Chamber of Commerce purchased
assisting our current members and adopting ambassadors were on hand to pass out the an outstanding facility at 1110 Park Street
new members either in person or by directories. that would meet the Chamber's current
telephone. needs as well as any future growth require-
ments,and the Chamber office was relocated
An new gift certificate program was intro- Mlnorlty Affairs Division April 1,2001. In addition to the chamber
duced and approved to begin in October offices,there are four tenants in the building.
with a goal of marketing our members. This division is an advocate for job creation, A reception for departing President John A.
business development and retention,facilita- Breier and an open house was held May 24,
The Member of the Month program was tory of commerce,promotes business educa- 2001. With input from the public relations
introduced and will be implemented in tion and supports entrepreneurism within the and communications division,a new sign and
October as a means of retention by showcas- area serviced by the Beaumont Chamber of stain glass were designed and installed.
ing and recognizing existing members. Commerce.
Monthly meetings were held with the
35 minority/women owned businesses were Re-energizing small and minority businesses executive committee and the board of
added to the Chamber roster. in order to meet the goals and mission(s),we directors. Officers,division chairmen and
have encouraged Chamber members to assist directors were nominated for the upcoming
Membership survey/questionnaire was and support the following programs and/or year. Directors'election ballots were mailed
developed and mailed to existing chamber endeavors: and tabulated. The Chamber membership
members who were 60 or more days past elected six directors for a one-year-term and
due. Facilitated and supported programs that six directors for a three-year-term.The
prepare students to enter the workforce and Chamber board elected new officers and
The Chamber of Commerce continued to become entrepreneurs by providing speakers division chairmen. An audit of the 2000
host the Business Interchange. It is a net- and a forum for the students to become financial statement was completed.The audit
working event held each Friday morning at educated about entrepreneurship and interact cover letter was reviewed by the operations
the Holiday Inn Midtown. It is open to the with business people who have made a division and staff and approved by the board
public and each person attending is given one success of their business. of directors.
minute to promote his/her business. Each
year this group has continued to grow and Facilitated the development of programs to Upon the resignation of John Breier,
this networking event has become an invalu- enhance the potential for business retention president of the Beaumont Chamber of
able opportunity to all Chamber members and growth by sponsoring some major Commerce since November 1998,the board
both old and new. seminars: of directors appointed a selection committee.
- Capital and Financing program After review of 14 applications,three candi-
Beaumont Enterprise Specialty Publications - Information about the business dates were chosen to be interviewed by the
offered special discount rates to new opportunities from commercial,state, selection committee and the directors. Upon
Chamber members. federal and the local state educational recommendation of the selection committee,
institutions. the Chamber directors approved the recom-
38 ribbon cuttings and 8 business after hours mendation for James E. Rich,vice president
were conducted in an effort to help support Facilitated services to entrepreneurs,minority of economic development at the Chamber,to
our businesses through networking events. businesses,and small businesses by sponsor- be offered the position.Mr. Rich began his
ing an Austin trip to educate members about duties as president of the chamber on August
Bi-Monthly luncheons were held featuring State of Texas Historically Underutilized 17,2001.
dynamic speakers such as Judge Carl Griffith, Business(HUB) Program and the develop-
Clark Moore,Stephen Hoffman, ment of a Fast Trac Entrepreneur training
Congressman Nick Lampson,Michael
The Chamber assisted Options Resource and Beaumont was created to widen the focus not Transportation Division
Career Center,Inc.,Houston,Texas,a busi- only on the Chamber,but on entertainment,
ness that contracts with companies to assist activities and dining in the area,as well as The transportation division continues to
employees and families with their relocation Chamber events and programs. emphasize the importance of transportation
needs,by supplying relocation information to systems to the economic well being of our
help local businesses who brought new Twelve issues of Headline News,a one-page economy.
employees into Beaumont. newsletter,were e-mailed and/or faxed to
every member of the Chamber. The major emphasis of the division continues
Staff participated in computer training to be the Port of Beaumont and the future of
sessions,telephone usage and customer Five billboards per month remain under the Sabine Neches Waterway.The United
service seminars,the National Association of contract to publicize Chamber events, States Army Corps of Waterway.T study to of
Membership Directors conference in accomplishments and benefits. States Arm),
improvements is in progress,and
Toronto,Canada,Leadership Beaumont and the chamber continues to create attention
the United States Chamber of Commerce The"Dining&Shopping Spree"coupon leaders and the public on
and educate local
Institute for Organizational Management in book continued to be published to encourage the importance l the study as a regional
Tucson,Arizona.They also attended people to dine and shop locally,and the economic development issue.
meetings of the Texas Association of Business number of coupons available to consumers
and Chamber of Commerce and the Gulf increased from the previous year. The division worked with the legislative
Coast Chamber Executives. delegation,area chambers of commerce,
Committee continued to monitor the industry,port authorities,economic
Chamber employees made contributions to progress of displays at the Jefferson County development organizations, and the
support the United Way campaign, Airport. Jefferson County Navigation District to
participated in the Christmas Angel Tree gift support legislation to expand the Jefferson
program and were volunteers at the The committee continued to support the County Waterway and Navigation District
Spindletop 2001 celebration. Chamber in creating the Membership to include all of Jefferson County.The new
Directory by reviewing editorial and making navigation district will continue to have the
To help with the New York Recovery effort, changes as needed. sole responsibility for maintaining the
the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce waterway from the Gulf of Mexico to
became an out of state member of the Small Business Beaumont.The legislation was introduced
Manhattan Chamber of Commerce.This and passed the 77th Legislature and is now
chamber lost a number of their chamber Partnership Division subject to voter approval.A major effort to
members in the September 11,2001 terrorist inform the membership and educate the
attack and would need to assist many of their The division coordinated the nomination public concerning the importance of the
members get back on their feet. process,followed by a review by the formation of a countywide navigation
committee and interviews of the finalists for
A board retreat to plan the 2002 program of the outstanding persons for the prestigious district was conducted through public
work was facilitated by Michael Clayton, Small Business Person of the Year award. meetings,literature,and press releases.
president/CEO,Better Business Bureau of The winners were Toby Hayes of J&J The chamber sponsored,with other
Southeast on September 17,2001. Manufacturing and J. David Heilman of
Shepherd's Laundry. Both firms were chambers of commerce and economic
development organizations,an area mixer at
The Chamber contracted with Target honored May 9th by the local SCORF,
Marketing to publish a new street map.The Chapter and at the Chamber's small business the Southeast Texas Regional Airport to
draw attention to the facilities available for
map will be ready for distribution in luncheon. At that luncheon,twenty-five
small businesses showcased their firms with meetings and to encourage local air travel.
booths,networking,and promotional items. Other transportation activities included the
Texas officials designated the week of Michael Clayton of the Better Business effort to secure the approval of funds to
October 22-26,2001 as Chamber of Bureau of Southeast Texas gave a wonderfully build the access roads to the Southeast
Commerce Week. A proclamation from the motivating talk that inspired all in attendance. Texas Entertainment Complex.
City of Beaumont was presented to the
Beaumont Chamber of Commerce October The 8th annual Business Showcase occurred The chamber also met with Department of
23,2001. A business after hours celebration in September of 2001. Nearly 100 Chamber Transportation officials during the annual
was hosted by Collision and Classics,and members showcased their business in an trip Beaumont Chamber President Jim Rich exhibit booth.The Showcase had a new look to
Austin t t encourage state legislation
joined area chamber leaders from Port this year with new publicity,a postcard to develop a state port strategy for Texas
Arthur,Orange and Silsbee on the mailing to 10,000 local businesses,and the Ports including assistance for capital
Jack Pieper Show. offering of business-related workshops. The improvements.
luncheon that accompanied the Showcase
Public Relations & featured a speaker,Mark Dotzour,Ph.D.,
Chief Economist/Director of Research,Texas
Communications Division A&M who talked about what is happening
to the economy of Southeast Texas. The
The public relations and communications winners of the single booth contest was
division reviewed and provided input for Commercial Metals Company,and the
Metropolitan Beaumont and Southeast Texas double-plus category was won by
Business Monthly. The division worked CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital. Even in
closely with the Beaumont Enterprise,who the light of the tragic terrorist attack on that
publishes both publications. A story budget same day,exhibitors drew a crowd of over
for the entire year for Metropolitan 2000 to the Civic Center.
2002-2001 Executive Committee,
Division Cbairmen & Vice Cbairmen
Chairman: Medical Affairs Division Small Business George W.Gardner
Roy E.Wells Partnership ivision President
Industrial Park Manager Chairman: p G.A.J. Investments&
E.I.duPont de Ncmours& Harold Patton Chairman: Associates,Inc.
Company Senior Vice President Johnny Casmore
Memorial Hermann Baptist Legislative&Regulatory Advisor y Tom Gob
Vice Chairman: Hospitals ExxonMobil Refinery President
Bessie Chisum
Entre Business Technology Center
Owner Vice Chairman:
Chisum Resource Management Randall Odom Vice Chairman: Dewey J.Gonsoulin
Robert Swerdlow Attorney
Director Business Development Associate Dcan/Professor
Past Chairman: CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital Lamar University Mehaffy&Weber,P.C.
Dalton Babincaux
President Georgine Guillory
American Valve&Hydrant Membership Division Transportation Division Owner
Fiscal Affairs Chairman: Chairman: Chairman:
Charles S. Ege Paula Bothe C. L.Sherman Carolyn Howard
President President Consultant Executive Director
Bank One,Texas,N.A. Four Alarm Productions,Inc. Ritter Lumber Company Beaumont Main Street
President: Vice Chairman: Vice Chairman: Robert Krienke
John A.Breier Adrian Hudspeth George Gardner President
Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Community Reinvestment President Lamar Institute of Technology
Compliance Officer G.A.J.Investment Associates
Jim Rich Hibernia Bank Eric Meadows
Beaumont Chamber of Commerce Real Estate Manager
Minority Affairs Division 2000-2001 Directors Phelan Investments
Economic Development Eddie Arnold Gary Moore
Division Chairman: Regional Manager Dean of the College of Business
George Gardner Southwestern Bell Telephone Lamar University
Chairman: President
Ed Myers G.A.J.Investments&Associates Dalton Babineaux Ed Myers
Administrator/CEO President Administrator/CEO
CHRISTUS St.Elizabeth Hospital Vice Chairman: American Valve&Hydrant Christus St.Elizabeth Hospital
Luis G.Silva Manufacturing Company
Vice Chairman: Silva Employment Network Jolene Ortego
Eddie Arnold Sam Bean Director of
Regional Manager Operations Division President Communications/Publications
Southwestern Bell Telephone NAACP Beaumont Independent
Chairman: School District
Education Division Robert Krienke Nancy Beaulieu
President VP Marketing&Advertising Harold W.Patton
Chairman: Lamar Institute of Technology Hibernia—Beaumont Senior Vice President
Memorial Hermann Baptist
Gary Moore
Dean of the College of Business Vice Chairman: Paula the Hospitals
Lamar University Mike Ireland Presideenn t
President Four Alarm Productions,Inc. Lou Perfetti
Vice Chairman Efficient Systems Plant Manager,West Plant
Tom Burger Goodyear Tire&Rubber Company
Larry Beaulieu
Facilities Manager
Station Manager Public Relations &
KFDM-TV Channel 6 ExxonMobil J.Milton Prewitt
Communications President
Division Bessie F.Chisum J.M. Prewitt Company
Government and Public Owner
Affairs Division Chairman: Chisum Resource Management C.L.Sherman
Nancy Beaulieu Consultant
Chairman: Vice President Marketing& Joe Domino Ritter Lumber Company
Bessie Chisum Advertising President/CEO
Owner Hibernia-Beaumont Entergy Roy E.Wells
Chisum Resource Management Industrial Park Manager
Vice Chairman: Charles S. Ege E.I.DuPont de Nemours
Vice Chairman: Carolyn Howard President
Lou Perfetti Executive Director Bank One,Texas,N.A.
Plant Manager,West Plant Beaumont Main Street
Goodyear Tire&Rubber Company
Advisory Directors Johnny Casmore Sharon D. Evans William Lee
Legislative&Regulatory Advisor Attorney Customer Service Manager
Lonnie Arrington ExxonMobil law Offices of Sharon D. Evans Entergy-Texas
Fabricon International,Inc. Michael Clayton Kyle Hayes Jane E. Parker
President/CEO Executive Assistant to City Manager Vice President
Danny Babineaux Better Business Bureau of &Economic Development Director Community Bank
President Southeast Texas City of Beaumont
Air Comfort,Inc. James M. Roberson
Gerald Condon Adrian Hudspeth Executive Vice President
Slate Babineaux President Community Reinvestment Community Bank
Vice President Collision&Classics,Inc. Compliance Officer
Air Comfort,Inc. Hibernia-Beaumont Robert A.Swerdlow
Rex L.Cottle Associate Dean/Professor
A. B. Bernard Corporate Vice President of Jay Johnston Lamar University
President Development District Manager
BGI Enterprise,Inc. Transit Mix Concrete and Reliant Energy Fntex
Materials Company
unambcr History
In January 1903, 160 citizens under the leadership of Sam Park which we all desire to realize."
met in the City Council chambers and organized the Beaumont Now,almost a century later,the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce. They agreed Beaumont had arrived at a remains a catalyst for economic development,legislative and public
pivotal point in her history. "With unsurpassed natural advan- policy initiatives,leadership,and community development.The
tages,"they said,"Beaumont can accomplish whatever she Chamber is a strong advocate on behalf of the business community
undertakes and a well connected commercial board will be for the overall development of Southeast Texas'exceptional quality
of incalculable benefit in the bringing about of those results of life and economic growth.
Chamber Mission: The Beaumont Chamber of Commerce serves its members and community as a catalyst to have a
positive impact on the economic well being of Beaumont and the surrounding region.
Adkins,Tish Breaux,Tim Dichm,John Grimes,Collecn Kucnzli,Donovan Moor,Ted Roberson,Marty Thomas,Karen
Aldrich,R.C. Brenner,Deborah Dixon,Kimberly Guidry,Darrell J. Iaday,Samuel P. Moore,David Robinson,Charles W. Thompson,Caralec V.
Alfred,Everette Broussard,Joseph Dobranski,Christy Guillory,Georginc Iamb,Tommy Moore,Ed Robinson,Dean Thompson,Skylar
Agee,Donald Broussard,Louis Dodson,Marie Gustafson,Paul LeBlanc,David Moore,Gary A. Robinson,John W. Timaeus,Dana
Allen,Barry Burger,Tom Doguet,Veronica Hagan,Robert W. LeBlanc,Richard Moreland,Virginia Roby,John Tortorice,Joe
Allen,Carla Burgess,Lola Dollarhide,Datran Halliburton,Colleen I.ee,William Morrison,Andrea Rogers,Herman F. Trahan,Howard
Allen,Joshua W. Burrell,Neil A. Dollinger,John E. Hallmark,Dan S. Leger,A.J. Mouton,Camille Rogers,Pamela Trammell,Janice
Allen,Mackie Buscher,Sheri "Jcd" Hallmark,Waymon Leger,Bcth Mueller,Kate Rogers,Regina Travis,lion H.
Ames,Becky Buser,Steve Domingue,Mark Hancock,Carolyn Leger,Pat Munro,Bill Rogers,Victor J. Trieb el,Carol
Arnold,Eddie Byrd,Darby Domino,Joe Hardey,Kathleen Leister,Laurie Hall Myers,Ed Rollins,Faye Trylowsky,Ubiana
Arnold,Gene Cansler,Linda C. Douglas,Dianna Hardy,Irene Liming,Barbara Nantz,Bill Ruddy,Kenneth E. Turk,Jeanie
Arnold,Sheri Carlucci,Joseph Duchin,Brian Harmon,Betty Little,Coni Neild,Patricia,M. Runion,Sheri Umphrcy,Walter
Arrington,Lonnie Carter,Nicholas Duplechin,Ida Lee Harris,Jennifer Locke,David Neild,William E. Rutherford,Verna Vacek,Carlos
Avery,Yolanda Casmore,Johnny Durio,Katie Harrison,Tom Loeb,Fred Nelson,Doug Samuel,Audwin Vaughn,David
Babin,Brian Castle,Lynn Duty,Jerry B. Hawa,John Long,Jamie Ncy,Alyce Sattler,Brian Viator,Mark
Babineaux,Bret Chargois,Timothy Edwards,Lum C. Hawkins,Claudie D. Long,Robyn Nichols,Howard G. Saunders,Adam Vickers,Reagan
Babineaux,Dalton Chase,Doug Edwards,Mary Ann Hayes,Kyle Lord,Evelyn Nichols,Iane Saxe,Brenda Walden,Sally P.
Babineaux,Dana Chase,G.R."Rocky" Ege,Charles S. Hayhurst,Les Louviere,Penny Nichols,Paula Schaible,Curt Walden,T.Lynn
Babineaux,Danny Chatwell,Jimmy Eisen,Jay Haynes,Jessie Lowery,Jennifer Nix,H.M. Schultz,Russ Walker,Kathryn
Babineaux,Slate Chisum,Bessie Ellender,Hilda Hemmings,Andy Luedke,Kimberly Nolen,Christy Scoggin,Ann Ware,Sheila
Bailey,Linda Clark,Bill Evans,Panthcia Henderson,Lois B. Lungs,Delores O'Neill,Rhonda Scott,Marvel Warner,Tom
Baker,TwHa Clark,Gearid Evans,Sharon D. Henry,Wade Mabry,Chris Odom,Randall Segura,Carl Wascom,Jury
Balfinz,James A. Clark,Joseph Ewing,Thomas M. Hickman,Beverly Maloney,Don Oliphant,Denise Shelton,C.A. Webb,Oveta
Barber,Forest Clark,Laura Fair,Emile Hickman,Bill Manhart,Fred Oliver,Carolyn Sherman,C.L. Wcinbaum,Charles H.
Barrett,Richard Clark,Nell Finley,Barbara Hicks,Martha Mann,Margie Ortego,Jokene Shirk,Charlie Weinbaum,Johnny
Barron,Barbara Clayton,Michael Fiorenza,Cassic Hill,Polly Mannschrcck,Dan Owens,Patti Shults,Stacy Wells,Boyd
Banos,Ken Clifton,Leonard Flowers,Polly Hiltpold,Karen Mason,Charles Parker,Jane E. Silva,Luis G. Wells,Roy E.
Beadle,Drew Clocrcn,Peter Foxworth,Buddy Holland,Mike Mason,Jim Parmer,David Simmons,Jimmy Wenner,Robert D.
Bcan,Sam Coco,Amy Frank,Tom Holland,Wayne Mason,Patsy Patterson,Bobbie Simon,Cheryl West,Zekc
Beaulieu,Larry Cody,Rhett Galassi,Ann A. Holly,James L. McCallum,Nell Patton,Harold W. Simpson,Michael Whceler,Ice Y.
Beaulieu,Nancy Coker,Gary W. Gandy,Leigh Holmes,Ingrid McCauley,Anne Pearce,Jan Smith,J.Mitchell wheeler,Ron
Becker,Carl Cokinos,Andrew Gardner,George W. Holmes,Shannon McClure,Shelton Peden,Brandon Smith,Kirk M. Whitaker,011is
Bennett,Richmond Cokinos,Jimmie Gardner,Jeff Holt,Tim McDonald,William Perfetti,Lou Smith,Lester C. White,Matthew
Benoit,Susan Collctti,Chris Garland,Mark Howard,Carolyn McDorman,Robert Pero,David Smith,Lulu L. White,Wilton G.
Bernard,A.B. Condon,Gerald Garlick,Starla Hudspeth,Adrian McFarland,Mike Perrett,George Smith,Sam Williams,Cheryl
Bernard,John Cooley,Pam Gauthier,Tiffany Huff,Ken McGlone,Marianne Peters,Laura Smith,Shannon Williams,Ernie
Bcroscn,David Corder,Bobby Gavrclos,Christine Hughes,Anna McHam,Paula Pctticr,Cecil Sonnicr,Virginia Williams,Terry D.
Berry,Arthur Cothran,Kat Gec,Larry Ireland,Mike McKinney,Karen Peyton,Mike Standley,Patti Wimberly,GA.
BeuNer,Sharon Cottle,Rex L. Gentile,Jada Jackson,Kathleen McMurray,Kim Poole,Mary W. Stanton,Lois Ann Wimberly,Ruby
Bieber,Roland Cox,David Geyser,Bill James,Joy McNicholas,James D. Prcwitt,Milton I. Stevens,Steve Wise,Pamela
Billingsley,Wade Cousins,Stephanie Giles,Tamara James,Rhoda McNinch,William Prichard,David Stewart,Jan Wolf,Michad
Blanchard,Chad Crawford,George Gober,Tom Johnson,Jackie Meadows,Eric Quinn,Barbara Stoma,Steve Worthey,Tim
Blanchettq Donna Crawford,Ronald Goebel,Dave Johnson,John Melancon,Russell M. Ramos,Angel Strassburger,Julie Ycmmn,Dorothy
Block,JoAnn Crawford,Walter Goldbeck,Tanya Johnson,Miriam Merriam,Harland Ramos,L.olita Straughter,Hebcrt Young,Gwen
Bloodsworth,Cindy Crolcy,Jerre Gonsoulin,Dewey Johnston,Jay Midkiff,Rhonda Randall,Mary Strodcr,Robert Young,Kristic
Bonczek,Stephen Croley,Maureen Goodman,Ron Jones,Ransom Miller,Kim Reaud,Jon Sullivan,Eric
Bordelon,Jayne Crook,Walter C. Goodson,Guy Kaszynski,Gay Miller,K Scott Reckline,Lewis Swerdlow,Robert A.
Rothe,Paula Crow,Troy Graham,Wade Kennedy,Stephen Milligan,Mary Reece,Woodrow Taft,Donald
Bourdier,Terry Curtin,Larry Grantham,Steve Kiefer,Michael W. Minbella,Linda Reed,Ronald D. Tapley,Allan
Boyd,Gwen Daniel,Kandy Gray,Maurine Kimbrough,Bill Miranda,William F. Rcese,Jerry Tennison,Donna
Boykin,Bonnie Delgadillo,Christina Greenaway,Celia Kirkland,Roy D. Moncla,Leon Rice,Herb Theobold,Mark
Breaux,Merlin Deshotel,Joe Griffith,Cad R Kricnkc,Robert Monroe,Vemicc Ritter,Allan Thomas,Carrot
Beaumont Cbamber of Commerce
2000 - 2001 Financial Review (internally prepared)
Balance Sheet
September 30, 2001
Current Assets:
Cash 158,617.89
Dues Receivable/Other 11,696.38
Prepaid Expense 12059.03
Total Current Assets 182,373.30
Property and Equipment:
Furniture and Fixtures 103,345.26
Leasehold Improvements 6,338.79
Less: Accumulated Depreciation (72,417.57)
Total Property and Equipment 37,266.48
TOTAL ASSETS 219,639.78
Liabilities and Fund Balance
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable (9,486.04)
Deferred Income 93,866.04
Total Current Liabilities 84,380.00
Fund Balance:
Unappropriated 135,259.78
Statements of Revenues and Expenditures for the twelve months ended September 30, 2001
Revenues: Expenditures:
Membership ........................................363,396.21 Accounting................................... 5,253.25
Interest....................................................2,774.90 Advertising .....................................8,110.78
Publications...........................................32,062.13 Bank Charges..................................1,131.78
City of Beaumont .................................50,000.00 Food...............................................2,419.72
Economic Development Project.............95,325.00 Office Overhead............................46,093.46
Projects ...............................................214,675.66 Personnel....................................286,789.63
Rent......................................................26,087.50 Insurance......................................14,406.40
Contingency Fund.................................29,824.46 Printing .............................................795.00
Other ....................................................36,537.70 Postage...........................................8,221.00
TOTAL REVENUES ..................850,683.56 Bldg Rent/Maintenance ...............68,844.84
Transportation/Travel ....................9,677.26
Economic Development..............213,181.74
Moving/Relocation ......................23,944.19
TOTAL EXPENDITURES......................851,167.13
Past Board Chairmen
1903 - 1904 Sam Park 1957 W.F. Reed
1905-1906 T.S. Reed, Sr. 1958 John E. Gray
1907 W.C. Tyrrell 1959 W.D. Norwood. Sr.
1908-1909 S.G. Burnett 1960 Elmo S. Beard
1910 Joe E. Carroll 1961 J. Winston Procter
1911 C.R. Bone 1962 Ben J. Rogers
1912 W.P. Hobby 1963 Robert W. Akers
1913 J.J. Nathan 1964-1965 D. Pat Wheat
1914-1915 E.J. Emerson 1966-1967 R.M. "Jack" Frost
1916-1918 E.E. Plumly 1968 Wm. W. Phillips, Jr.
1919 Ben S. Woodhead 1969 Gus A. Becker
1920 John L. Keith 1970-1971 Mark A. Steinhagen
1921 W.F. Graham 1972 Elvis L. Mason
1922 T.S. Reed, Jr. 1973 Robert Q. Keith
1923 A.F. Townsend, Jr. 1974 Carlton Baker
1924 H.M. Hargrove 1975 Maurice Meyers
1925 Joe Rosenthal 1976 Wm. E. "Bill" Neild
1926 G.H. Shepherd 1977 Tom Lamb
1927 R.H. Kinsloe 1978 Tommy LeBlanc
1928-1929 P.B. Doty 1979 Norman R. Lee
1930-1931 C.E. Walden 1980-1981 Patrick H. Phelan
1932 (2 mos.) J.L. Mapes 1982 Warner E. Rogers
1932 (10 mos.) E.W. Gildart 1983 Carroll W. Conn, Jr.
1933 M.W. McMaster 1984 Victor J. Rogers
1934-1935 T.H. Nees 1985 D.P. "Danny" Wheat, Jr.
1936 Tom P. Walker 1986-1987 Larry G. Beaumont
1937-1938 M.G. Thames 1988 Wilton G. White
1939-1941 J.C. Clemmons 1989 Billy J. Franklin
1942-1943 (8 mos.) B.A. Steinhagen 1990 Joe Bob Kinsel, Jr.
1943 (4 mos.) E.C. Davis 1991 James C. Yarbrough
1944-1945 D.C. Procter 1992 Calvin S. Spindor
1946-1947 Caldwell McFaddin 1993 Dan S. Hallmark
1948 J. Paul Tullos 1994-1995 Lonnie Arrington
1949 Ray A. Choate 1996 Larry Beaulieu
1950-1951 I.F. Betts 1997 Steve Gartside
1952 T.T. Hunt 1998 Nancy Beaulieu
1953 Gene E. Ohmstede 1999 Thomas W. Gober
1954-1955 E.C. Rechtin 2000 Dalton Babineaux
1956 W.E. Ivers 2001 Roy E. Wells
2002 Executive Committee and Board of Directors
Bessie Chisum Roy Wells Charles S. Ege Eric Meadows Jim Rich Paula Bothe Toni Burger
Chairman Past Chairman Vice Chairman Chairman for President Chairman for Public Chairman for
ONvner Industrial Park Co-Chairman for Fiscal Affairs Beaumont Chamber Relations& Minoriry Business
Chisum Resource I'vianager(Retired) Second Century Chairman for of Commerce Communications Development
Management F.I.duPont de President Finance& President Partnership
Nemours& BankOnc,Texas, Administration Four Alarm Facilities,Manager
Company N.A. Real Estate Manager Productions, Inc. I:xxonAiobil
Phelan Investments
_ c-
Gerald Condon George Gardner Ed Myers Jolene Ortego Jane Parker Lou Perfetti Robert Swerdlow
Chairman for Chairman for Chairman for Chairman for Chairman for Health Chairman for Chairman for Small
Membership Transportation Economic Education & Human Services Government& Business
President President Development Director of Vice President Public Affairs Development
Collision&Classics G.A.J. Investments Administrator/CEO Communications/ Community Bank Plant Manager Partnership
&Associates,Inc. CHRISTUS St. Publications Goodyear Tire & Associate
Elizabeth Hospital Beaumont Rubber Company Dean/Professor
Independent School Lamar University
• r
Eddie Arnold Dalton Babineaux Sam Bean Joe Domino Jay Eisen Bill Frank Dewey Gonsoulin
Vice Chairman for President President President/CEO Vice Chairman for Vice Chairman for Attorney
Economic American Valve& NAACP F.ntergy-Texas Education Finance and Meh4,&
Development Hydrant Vice President Administration Weber,P.C.
Regional Manager Sampson Steel CFO
Southwestern Bell Corporation Conn
- a-
Georgine Guillory Carolyn Howard Robert Krienke David Parmer Mary Randall Russ Schultz
Vice Chairman for Co-Chairman for President President Secretary/Treasurer Vice Chairman for
Membership Second Century Lamar Institute of Memorial Hermann JEAMARI Group,Inc. Government&
(hvncr Executive Director Technology Baptist Hospitals Public Affairs
Revues Beaumont Main Street Dean of Fine Arts&
Lamar University
20012002 Program of f Work
Ybe Beaumont Chamber of Commerce serves its members and community as a catalyst to have a positive impact on the economic
well-being of Beaumont and the surrounding region.
ECONOMIC - Maintain a cooperative marketing effort Support Beaumont Independent School
DEVELOPMENT DIVISION with Texas Department of Economic District
Development,Partnership of Southeast
MISSION STATEMENT Texas, Entergy,area realtors and other Support Jason Alliance of Southeast
To enhance the economic vitality of Beaumont, trade allies. Texas.
Texas,through a coordinated effort to bring Assist in acquiring new business partners
ideas,energies and monies together toward Actively promote public awareness of the for Beaumont Independent School
specific economic developmentgoals and progress of the Neches River deepening District's School Business Partnership
objectives. Financial and resource development and widening study and its importance to Program and provide a representative to
will be a mayor focus of the Economic the area.Support the expansion of the serve on advisory board and participate
Development Division. Jefferson County Navigation District to in the Beaumont Public School
all of Jefferson County. Foundation's Inc.
• Focus on a capital fund campaign to raise Explore financial issues for the future of
a minimum of$120,000 for the economic Cooperate with City of Beaumont, public education.
development program by September 30, Jefferson County,Port of Beaumont, Support the Urban Education Summit.
2002. Entergy, Partnership of Southeast Texas,
Texas Department of Economic Support Lamar University and Lamar
• Further develop the organizational strut- Development and appropriate state and Institute of Technology by:
ture of the Beaumont Economic federal agencies to accomplish Chamber
Development Foundation,a 501c(3) economic development mission. Chamber membership luncheon
organization aimed at more aggressive and The economic analysis panel will meet Encourage and support closer partner-
focused economic development efforts. quarterly to disseminate economic ships between Beaumont schools and
information to leaders from the Lamar,generating and providing greater
• Focus on business retention and job Beaumont area. positive exposure for Lamar to potential
creation within existing industry and Publish periodic news concerning trends, students
business. new and expanding businesses,and other student recruitment
economic development news. campus beautification
- Continue to work with the executives of Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies
West Teleservices Corporation and other Actively support the development of the job recruitment in$25,000 plus.rage
appropriate allies for their continued Southeast Texas Entertainment Complex, category
expansion and employment goal of 2000 downtown redevelopment such as the
employees. Crockett Street Entertainment District Support Leadership Beaumont's 30th
Work with United States Postal officials and waterfront development,and the anniversary programs by:
elected representatives,and other allies to Jefferson County initiatives to promote
ensure the continued operation of the the Southeast Texas Regional Airport. recruiting nominees
Beaumont Remote Encoding Facility. participating in the development of an
Visit corporate offices of businesses and Facilitate and partner with local allies and endowment for the Beaumont Chamber
industries of major employers to express community organizations to develop a foundation (dba the Leadership
appreciation and identify growth oppor- long-range strategy to ensure area growth Education Foundation)
tunities. and development through the completion participating in the design and imple-
Identify locally owned businesses with of a comprehensive economic develop- mentation of a public service/candidate
potential for expansion and provide assis- merit plan.The plan will serve as the road forum
tance in growing their businesses. map to guide community development,
Continue to promote and enhance small job creation,and retention efforts. Partner in workforce development educa-
and minority business. tion and provide representation on appro-
Continue to work with public and EDUCATION DIVISION priate boards.
private entities to promote new trade
The education division has long recognized the PUBLIC AFFAIRS DIVISION
• Target business groups for direct solicita- tie between quality schools and a successful
tion to aggressively market Beaumont community and will reinforce those ties with MISSION STATEMENT
through trade shows,direct mail,market the Beaumont Independent School District and The Government and Public Affairs Division
missions and trade allies to attract new other Beaumont schools, Lamar University and will focus its efforts on pending and proposed
industry and to develop a more diverse the Lamar Institute of Technology by support- legislation or regulations that impact the inter-
business base. ing and facilitating programs that foster ests of the Beaumont business community and
positive results. that support the Chamber's economic develop-
ment mission and related programs. The
Division will communicate with the Chamber County Drainage District 6, Lower year members through member to member
membership on these issues and present the posi- Neches Valley Authority, Port of interaction and communication on a regular
tions of the Chamber membership to appropri- Beaumont,Lamar University,the state of basis. Ibis will be accomplished by demonstrat-
ategovernment and public officials. Texas and other appropriate entities to ing to our members that they should support
advance the interests of Beaumont consis- their Chamber because we support them.
• Focus division efforts and resources on tent with the Chamber's mission and pri-
local,state and federal issues which are orities for the 2001-2002 program of New Money
critical to the economic growth of the work. • Increase membership base by adding 10
Beaumont area,including: new members per month including
Partner with local taxing entities to Continue role in coalition of six chambers minority businesses. We will also send
maintain business costs and a business of commerce,known as Jefferson County welcome letters to new businesses in the
climate competitive in a global Chambers of Commerce Legislative area with an invitation to become a mem-
economy. Response-ream(JULRT),to provide a ber of the Chamber;this letter will
Support the election to expand the mechanism for area chambers to represent include information about benefits,
Jefferson County Navigation District to the views of the members by providing a upcoming events and opportunities for
all of Jefferson County and improve- united,informed response on legislative involvement in the Chamber.
ments to the Sabine-Neches waterways issues that could impact our communities
to enhance economic viability. at any given time. • Implement the Gift Certificate Program
Maintain and increase involvement in and conduct a strong Membership cam-
statewide water planning issues, HEALTH & HUMAN paign with emphasis on generating gross
particularly Region I (Southeast and SERVICES DIVISION dollar sales.
Deep East Texas).
MISSION STATEMENT • Develop a list of large businesses in the
• Conduct surveys,beginning in early fall, Provide a mechanism by which the Chamber area for membership recruitment.The
2001,of the Quick Response Team and president of the Chamber and the board
and the medical community can interact and
the Chamber membership for state and discuss mutual issues, explore common interests of directors will conduct this recruitment.
federal legislative and regulatory issues of and promote communication between business
concern. Advise Chamber membership of and medicine. Retention
findings and resolutions adopted by • Oversee Ambassador program and imple-
Chamber board on behalf of the 0 Make known pertinent information merit Member of the Month program as a
membership. regarding healthcare issues through edu- means of recognition and appreciation of
cational luncheons and/or seminars. existing members.
• Meet locally with area,state and federal
elected representatives and staff.~by fall Maintain and further development • Continue to conduct monthly orientation
2001 on issues and legislation needed or communications in which the business programs and survey membership needs
affecting the Chamber mission and and medical communities can discuss semi-annually and annually.
program of work. health care issues.
• Implement ACH (Automatic Clearing
• Encourage presentations and briefings to House)debit program for payments of
Provide input to the government affairs
the division,if appropriate,un specific renewals.
division as to the medical community's
areas of concern relating to members' position on legislative issues and encour-
legislative and public policy interests. Networking
age its members to participate in legisla-
tive trips to Austin and Washington. • BI-monthly luncheons to provide
• Schedule trips in early 2002 to Austin members with informative speakers and
and Washington, D.C.with collaborative Publish the Health Services Directory opportunities for networking.
delegations from the Chamber,City of
Beaumont and the Beaumont area busi Encourage Chamber membership and • Continue the Friday morning Business
ness community to contact state and participation to healthcare providers. Interchange to promote networking
federal and elected representatives,their before hours.
staffs and regulatory agencies to voice Evaluate and develop provider develop-
specific areas of interest of the Chamber merit recruitment ideas. • Conduct at least 4-6 Business Before
membership. Hours/Business After Hours Mixers
• Evaluate future healthcare trends and the
• Continue quarterly joint meetings of • Conduct ribbon cuttings and ground-
impact on local businesses.
Chamber executive committee with area breaking ceremonies to celebrate the
governmental leaders to advocate opening of new businesses.
Research a health insurance plan for small
Beaumont's business interests as endorsed to medium sized businesses.
by Chamber board for its membership MINORITY BUSINESS
and to maintain close relations with local, MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT
state and federal elected and appointed DIVISION PARTNERSHIP
• Cooperate closely with Beaumont MISSION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT
Independent School District,City of The membership division will increase and To actively recruit, mentor,and champion the
Beaumont,Jefferson County,Jefferson strengthen the membership base. We will work development of historically underutilized
to improve the renewal rate of first and second businesses in the Beaumont community,i.e.,
ethnic minority businesses,women owned Present to the board of directors an • Set billboard schedule by November 30,
businesses,and small businesses. This division annual operating budget that addresses 2001
shall continue to encourage membership and the ways and means by which budget
participation by minorities in all chamber requirements will be met. • Lay the groundwork for the 100th
activities. anniversary celebration for the Beaumont
• Advise the board of directors of the ongo- Chamber of Commerce.
Support the FastTrac Program of Lamar ing financial condition of the Chamber
University Institute for Entrepreneurial through monthly presentation of actual SMALL BUSINESS
Studies to provide training and development operating results compared to budget. DEVELOPMENT
for new and existing entrepreneurial
Identify and review am significant issues PARTNERSHIP
with the board of directors that might
Develop and implement an active,chamber influence the financial position of the MISSION STATEMENT
sponsored,mentor/incubator program organization. The Small Business Development Partnership
including all business functions such as: shall continue to facilitate thegrowth of the
• Track and report the results of non-dues Chamber's business members and provide serv-
fund raising projects,including summation ices via recognition,educational programs,
• Management practices,team building& of the actual financial results of the com- and networking opportunities.
• Business Strategy/Planning pleted project compared to expectations.
• Develop a focus on business retention
• Marketing • Conduct a review and assessment of the and job creation with existing small
• Account/Financials recommendations of the Second Century businesses.
• Operations and managing growth Project and identify any remaining issues
• Capital/Financial Resources for future Ion planning. •
g range g P g• Work closely with the Minority Business
• Procurement/Warehousing
Real-estate Development Division and other divisions
• • Oversee and review all issues relative to of the Chamber to increase recognition of
• Insurance &employee benefits the internal administration of the small business members.
• Safety, Health& Environmental
• H/R Policies/Programs Chamber's operation,including policies '
and procedures,human resource issues, Promote four(4)visitations a month with
• Legal and capital expenditures. small business owners and members.
These visitations will be organized by
Recruit ethnic minority business roa board e Oversee the management and operation members of the division and reported on
lives for Chamber membership and d b boa of the Chamber's office facility including at monthly meetings.
maintenance and repair,improvements,
and lease administration for existing and Conduct a minimum of three quality sem-
Continue provide initiatives(programs future tenants. inars,utilizing the Membership Division
and seminaars,etc.),which create opportuni-
ties for ethnic minorities to network with PUBLIC RELATIONS & Survey to select topics of interest.
chamber members&activities including,
Economic Development Council, Business COMMUNICATIONS • Establish a committee to solicit Domino
Showcase,LobsterFest, Leadership DIVISION lions and select the two outstanding busi-
Beaumont,as well as other chamber division
nesses in the categories of retail/service
meetings/activities. MISSION STATEMENT: and manufacturing for the prestigious
The public relations and communications divi- Small Business Person of the Year awards.
FINANCE & sion supports the Chamber and promotes the The winners will be recognized during
value of it mission, initiatives and events National Small Business Week at a recep-
ADMINISTRATION through public relations efforts both internally tion,at a membership luncheon,and at
DIVISION and externally by informing and educating its the Chamber's Annual Meeting.
members and the public. This effort is to be
MISSION STATEMENT made locally,state wide, nation wide and, Continue the education conference for
The mission of the Finance and where appropriate, internationally. small businesses to be held in June during
Administration Division is to oversee the fiscal Small Business Week. Find ways to
affairs of the Chamber to insure that there are Develop resource and press list along with expand the mini trade show.
adequate liquid assets to carry on the primary promotion planning tools for divisions to
mission of the organization,the division is also use to implement the marketing of their Work with Small Business Development
responsible to insure that the internal opera- individual projects. Center and Institute of Entrepreneurial
tions of the Chamber (personnel,building Studies at Lamar University.
operations,and capital expenditures)are • Set story budget for Metropolitan
consistent with the policies and procedures Beaumont by October 12,2001 with a • Diversify business base and participation
established by the board of directors. goal of selling Beaumont's image. in high tech sector.
Review and assess the marketing of
• Oversee the preparation of the annual Metropolitan Beaumont,and recommend • Review awards for possible expansion into
budget including all expenditures a strategy for improving ad sales and other areas. (Investigate merits of select-
required to meet the requirements of the printing profitability. ing and presenting a new award to recog-
Chamber's program of work. nize medium sized businesses.)
• Investigate ways to utilize the Chamber's
web site.
DIVISION Professional Staff
MISSION STATEMENT Jim Rich Richard "Rick" J. Barrilleaux
The Transportation Division shall promote the President Director of Economic Development
utilization of our intermodal transportation
systems(air, ivater, railroad, trucking,and Shirley Bartos Lou Saldana
telecommunications) to increase economic Senior Vice President Bookkeeper
growth in our region. 7be maximization(f
our intermodal systems mill enhance economic
development. Gay Chionsini Jodi Thibodeaux
11'rajects[I1ant qer Receptionist-Secretar)
• Monitor progress to complete the forma-
tion of the new Jefferson County Virtue Alexander Lorna Welborn
Navigation District for the Sabine Neches Membership Director Student Employee
Tiffany Gauthier Judy Watson
• Continue to support the Southeast Texas Office Administrator Vickie Cleveland
Regional Airport and possible jet service.
Director of Loans
• Work with various public and private Betsy Henslee
entities to provide space to expand the
Port of Beaumont's rail interchange Economic Development Specialist
yard operations while supporting the
desire to access waterfront property
for development.
• Promote the importance of the Port of
Beaumont as a major port of entry for
international trade and economic vitality.
2002 Advisory Directors
Don Allee Charles D. Foxworth Skylar Thompson
Port of Beaumont Foxworth Real Estate Corporation Market Basket Stores
Lonnie Arrington George W. Gardner T. Lynn Walden
Fabricon International, Inc. G.A.J. Investments & Associates, Inc. Orgain, Bell & Tucker
Danny Babineaux Kyle Hayes Wilton G. White
Air Comfort, Inc. City of Beaumont SouthTrust Bank
Slate Babineaux Adrian Hudspeth Other Division Vice Chairmen:
Vice Chairman for Public Relations & Hibernia-Beaumont
Communications Randall Odom
Air Comfort, Inc. Jay Johnston Vice Chairman for
Reliant Energy Entex Health & Human Services
A. B. Bernard Director Business Development
Vice Chairman for Small Business Craig Kinsel CHRISTUS St. Elizabeth Hospital
Development Partnership Kinsel Motors, Inc.
BGI Contractors, Inc. Luis G. Silva
William Lee Vice Chairman for Minority Business
Johnny Casmore Entergy Development
ExxonMobil Owner
Harold W. Patton Silva Employment Network
Michael Clayton Memorial Hermann Baptist Hospitals
Better Business Bureau of Southeast Sonny Sherman
Texas Marty Roberson Vice Chairman for Transportation
Community Bank Consultant
Rex L. Cottle Ritter Lumber Company
Transit Mix Karen Thomas
Lamar University
Members with 25 Years and over Anniversaries
25 Years: A-Ok Moving & Storage
Brock Audio, Inc.
Burns Properties, Inc.
L.G. Balfour Company
M & D Supply, Inc.
Spindletop MHMR South Campus
Triangle Equipment, Inc.
30 Years: Caffey Automotive, Inc.
Carroll-Sherman Construction, Inc.
Talon Insurance Agency, LTD
35 Years: American Valve & Hydrant Manufacturing Company
J & J Manufacturing Company
Charles S. Nacol Jewelry Company
McJunkin Corporation
40 Years: Equistar Chemicals, LP/PD Glycol
Automatic Pump & Equipment Company, Inc.
Burris Transfer & Storage Company
Southeast Texas Water Conditioning/Culligan
Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
KBMT-TV, Channel 12
45 Years: Gateway Shopping Center
Richmond O. Bennett, III
Luby's Cafeteria
Southern Avionics Company
The White House
50 Years: Connor Plumbing, Inc.
Woodhead & Reidy Advertising
55 Years: Apac-Texas, Inc.
Kinsel Motors, Inc.
75 Years: Graybar Electric Company, Inc.
1110 Park Street • P.O. Box 3150 • Beaumont, Texas 77704
(409) 838-6581 • Fax (409) 833-6718 • www.bmtcoc.org
December 11, 2001 13FAUMONT mu
The Honorable David Moore,
Mayor, City of Beaumont
and Members of City Council
801 Main Street
Beaumont, Texas 77704-3827
Dear Mayor Moore and Council Members:
On behalf of the Beaumont Chamber of Commerce and the Beaumont Economic
Development Foundation, I am requesting your consideration of renewing the partnership
and funding assistance from the City of Beaumont toward our community's 2001-2002
economic development program.
We cordially request economic development funding of$50,000 from the City of
Beaumont. This funding is utilized to perform marketing, business recruitment, and
retention services.
We will conduct a 2001-2002 fund development campaign through the Beaumont
Economic Development Foundation, which will include investment from area businesses,
individuals and other entities. Our funding goal from this private sector campaign this
year will be $120,000. The Chamber of Commerce will continue to provide dedicated
staff resources from its general budget for approximately$134, 152. Combined the total
budget for our economic development effort will exceed$290,000.
We very much appreciate your continued support and look forward to working with you
in the future.
Sincer ,
James E. Rich,
An Accredited Member Of The United States Chamber Of Commerce
450 Bowie Post Office Box 3150 Beaumont.Texas 77704 409.838.6581 Fax 409.833.6718