HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 99-115 RESOLUTION NO. -
THAT the City Council hereby approves the adoption of the West Oakland/Pear Orchard
Neighborhood Plan substantially in the form attached.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the lo -ri day of
- Mayor-
PURPOSE, INTENT AND SCOPE of this Document warehousing operations, restricted light indusu'y, business
offices, hotels and high density residential development.
Ae put pose elf this document is to provide guidcuu•e in
the planning Und implementation Uf both short and long It is highly desirable that the redevelopment of West Oakland
term "public" clevelopntent / re-development actions / fear Orchard occur in it manner consistent with the general
which ltn i'l]t he initiatec! in the Wcst Ocrklunc!/ Parr provisions of the Land Use turd Major Street components of the
Orchard neighborhood. Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan is however
very general in nature as it pertains to the future development
Specifically, it is the intent of this document to identify, of the area. This West Oakland/Pear Orchard Plan is more
evaluate,and make recommendations relative to the issues specific in dealing with land use and development rs;ues.
of publicly assisted new home construction, housing
rehabilitation, public facility improvements and street ABOUT THE NEIGHBORHOOD
improvements within the West Oakland /Pear Orchard
neighborhood. In doing so, this doe«meat will offer The geographical area covered by this West Oakland / Pear
alternative actions or recommendations which are designed to Orchard neighborhood plan is that area bounded by
improve the physical appearance of the area, expand the Washington Boulevard on the north, Avenue A and the
available housing opportunities for the residents of the area. Southern Pacific Railroad tacks on the cast, III-10 on the west,
and spur economic development opportunities within the area and Cardinal Drive on the south and west.
and the city. The scope of issues addressed in this plan will
emphasize those pertaining to housing development, The predominant use of developed land is single family
transportation,economic re-development and, in a limited way. residential. Commercial development exists mainly in the
public safety and public service facilities. form of small retail and service outlets along Fannett Road,
Eleventh Street and Washington Boulevard. Warehousing,
THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE ['LAN light manufacturing and other larger commercial type uses exist
along Cardinal Drive and the Santa Fe Railroad tracks. Public
Beaumont',., Comprehensive Plan includes four components: and semi-public uses are represented in the form of several
land use, transportation,parks and open space,and economic churches,Price and Blanchette Elementary Schools and Odom
development. The Land Use Plan component, originally Middle School. Ozer High School is currently constructing
new facilities o
adapted by City Council in August of 1952, consists of the n a large tract of land between Fannett and
goals,objectives.policies and proposals of the City Council for Fourth. A community YMCA is located in the southwest
Uiding the long-range physical growth and development of portion of the neighborhood. A large concentration of vacant
Beaumont. l'lx Ciry's Land Use Plan designates a majority of land is located at the neighborhood's southern perimeter along
the West Oakland / Pear Orchard neighborhood as a Cardinal Drive. Other pockets of vacant land can be tuund
Conservation and Revitalization area. Conservation and near the intersection of Sarah Street and Fannett Road.
Revitalization areas are those areas where immediate action is The inner core of the nei-hborhood contains some areas of
needed to prevent or reverse deterioration which is deterioration,while the southern and western peripheries have
characterized by fair to poor housing conditions, incompatible experienced limited growth and reinvestment characterized by
mixtures of land uses,and declining numbers of housing units newer single family structures on large lots,good infi-asu'ucture
and small businesses. and well-maintained yards. Pockets of unkept vacant land
Two areas designated as Neighborhood Growth Units are throughout the neighborhood are one of the largest problems
located in the extreme northwest corner of the neighborhood. fix'the residents. Though not an overwhelming problem,part
encompassed by Washington,Hillebrandt Bayou,and the Santa of the inner core is impacted by vacant structures, many of
which are in p
Fe Railroad line, and in the vicinity of Sarah and Eleventh. poor physical condition. incompatible land uses
These areas are intended to accommodate Beaumont's needs such as commercial intrusion in residential areas are not
for new residential neighborhoods and related shopping areas abundant, but still occur. The overall condition of the
and community facilities while still protecting single-family neighborhood is such that if the problems of the community are
residential areas from intrusions of incompatible land uses and not addressed in the near future. larger segments of the inner
vehicular traffic. core could succumb to more deterioration.
The area immediately north along Cardinal Drive is designated Environmental concerns in the area include noise from the
railroad lines and from major streets such as Washington Blvd.
as a Stable area. Stable areas are characterized by good or
excellent structural housing conditions and neighborhoods free and Cardinal Drive. Also, there are possible environmental
from blighting influences such as mixed land use patterns and hazards associated with a pond located on an industrial site in
abandoned buildings. the northeastern section of the neighborhood that in the past
may have been a waste water storage facility. Other concerns
The area along Cardinal Drive is designated as an Activity include open drainage ditches which can hold stagnant water
Corridor'. Activity Corridors may incl tide hi ghway commercial for many days after a heavy rainfall and act as a breeding
and open display retailing, wholesale distributing and ground for mosquitoes during the warm months.
Exhibit "A"
For this document,a goal is defined as a "general expression of a desired outcome,"while an objective is defined as a"specific end to
be achieved"tlu'ough some form of action taken in pursuit of a goal. Thus,in the process of formulating goals and objectives one moves
from the general to the specific. First,general goals are formulated.then objectives are defined and adjusted to be more applicable to
the issues and needs that were identified during the goals development phase of the planning process.
The primary goal of this plan is to provide some general guidance in making decisions concerning new home construction and
housing rehabilitation actions and the implementation of future public improvements. A second goal is to identify new
development/re-development opportunities and to suggest some priorities for specific short-term implementation. A third
goal is to make specific regulatory and physical improvements targeted to the area that will spur private sector development
and redevelopment. Some of these goals and objectives should be accomplished by the City, some by area residents and business
owners and operators,and others through the joint participation of all three. Some goals and objectives may be Iong-teen(ten plus
years)and other may be intermediate-terns(four to nine years)or short-term(one to three years). Specific goals and objectives are listed
below but not in any order of priority.
Goal 1: Make an immediate improvement in the Objective 2-2: Reconstruct area collector streets to provide
physical appearance of both the occupied and vacant sub-surface drainage,curbs and gutters,and sidewalks.
lots in the area.
Objective 3-2: Re-pave deteriorating local residential streets
Objective I-1: Clean tip and cut the grass on vacant properties in the area.
in the areas that need such action.
Objective 4-2: Review the City's current policies for sweeping
Objective 2-1: Take the necessary action to correct zoning and/or cleaning city streets and the specific schedule for such
violations in the area. actions within the West Oakland/Pear Orchard area to see if
changes are possible that would improve the process.
Objective 3-1: 'rake the necessary actions to correct for
violations of the City's Building and Environmental Codes
including the demolition of structures when needed. Goal 3: Improve the design and construction of the
area's street network to discourage through traffic,
Obiective 4-I: Clean the litter from open drainage ditches in correct traffic safety problems, and improve the
the area. quality and safety of the neighborhood environment.
Objective i-l: Assist home owners in making minor repairs Objective 1-3: Where appropriate, close off neighborhood
and repainting their homes. streets by the construction of cul-de-sacs.
Objective C-1: Within public rights-of-ways, trim or remove Objective 2-3: Where a street intersects another street at
trees that need pruning or cutting down, angles other than 90 degrees,reconstruct those intersections so
that they do intersect at a 90-degree angle.
Goal 2: Improve the physical condition of local Objective 3-3: Develop or redevelop, as a street Q for some
residential and collector streets in the area. other use, any existing street rights-of-way not presently
developed or which may be determined to be unnecessary as a
Objective 1 Provide sidewalks and curbs and gutters along sheet.
sheets in the vicinity of schools within the area.
Objective 4-3: Improve access to area schools.
Objective 5-3: Improve street signage.
Goal 4: Provide recreational facilities to serve all age
groups but with emphasis on youths and the elderly.
Objective l-4:Provide park facilities which provide-for active
and passive recreational opportunities such as a walking /
jogging trail plus several spots for passive sitting,bike paths,
and landscaped and open green spaces.
Objective 2-4: Redevelop the existing roadway bike path on
Fanneu Road and extend its length to connect with desirable
There is a current need for sidewalks on Iola Street destination points.
adjacent to Price Elementary School.
Objective 3-4: Provide for increased opportunities for youth f
recreational and social activities. Do so by either building a
Parks and Recreation facility for that purpose, assist in the
redevelopment of the existing YMCA facilities, or possibly
build separate but adjacent facilities. 4
Objective 4-4: Construct a community garden center where
local residents can grow vegetables and flowers.
Objective 5-4: Provide an activity center for older adults and !
the elderly.
Potential gateway,rite: Washington at Hillehrandt Bayou.
Objective 6-4: Investigate the feasibility of locating a branch
library within the area that would serve south Beaumont.
Objective 3-7: Landscape the major streets and public
Objective 7-4: Provide some fonn of recreational facilities for facilities in the area.
the residential area west of Eleventh Street.
Objective 4-7: Increase the use of street and yard lighting to
create a safe and attractive looking environment.
Goal 5: Improve public safety and health facilities
and services.
Goal 8: Encourage the start-up of new businesses
Objective 1-5: Provide a police sub-station for the area. and increased employment opportunities in the area.
Objective 2-5:Provide improved street lighting,particularly at Objective 1-8: Retention and Expansion of existing
intersections,schools,parks,and other high pedestrian areas. businesses. Develop a data bank of information on the existing
businesses in the area and contact those businesses to see what
Objective 3-5: Construct covered bus stops at high traffic assistance the City might be able to provide that would result
locations and off-street bus bays on area major streets. in the continuation and/or expansion of those businesses. 'that
assistance should be in the form of technical and/or financial
Ob iective 4-5: Rehabilitate existing or provide new sidewalks assistance.
and curbs and gutters along streets in the vicinity of schools
within the area. Obiective 2-8: Business Start-W3. Provide incentives in the
Form of land, low interest loans,and/or reduced development
Objective S-�: Clean up drainage ditches in the area. fees in order to encourage new businesses to move into the area
and existing businesses to expand or to move to a more
appropriate location elsewhere in the area.
Goal 6: Improve housing opportunities in the area,
particularly single-family dwelling units. Objective 3-8: Development of a Small Commercial Shoppi g
Center(4-6 businesses 1. Assemble and develop parcels of land
Objective 1-6: Construct as many new residential dwelling for use as a small commercial shopping center. Provide this
units as possible. land to prospective business owners who have viable plans to
start and/or expand a business and who would agree to make a
Objective 2-6: Rehabilitate as many existing residential long-term commitment to the area.
dwelling units as possible.
Objective 4-8: Provide encouragement for moving existing
Objective 3-6: Provide incentives in the form of land,low- commercial / industrial businesses to a more appropriate
interest loans and/or reduced development fees in order to location in or near the neighborhood. Assemble and develop
encourage private sector home builders to construct and parcels of land for commercial/industrial uses. Make these
rehabilitate homes in the area. parcels primarily available for the relocation of existing
commercial / industrial businesses and secondarily to new
business startups.
Goal 7: Improve the physical appearance and public
perception of the area, its separate neighborhoods, Goal 9: Encourage public transit usage by area
and major streets. residents.
Obkctive 1-7: Make efforts in achieving Goal 6 occur first on
in-fill properties in concentrated areas rather than being Objective 1-9: Conduct a study to determine how transit
randomly dispersed on single lots throughout the area. services in the neighborhood might be improved.
Objective 2-7: Create identifiable "gateway"entrances to the Objective 2-9: Design and build one or more transit stops in
area and to neighborhoods within the area. the area which contributes to safe usage of public
transportation and the overall appearance of the neighborhood.
The West Oakland/Pear Orchard Iand Use Plan(see map on Concentrated new housing development should be limited to
the following page) is intended to produce a "vision of the areas where large tracts of vacant land currently exist,generally
future"for the neighborhood over the next twenty years. in the southeast corner of the study area south of Virginia
Street. Existing subdivisions to the north of this area are
characterized by nice homes with well-maintained lawns and
HOUSING IMPROVEMENTS curb and gutter streets.
The construction of new residential housing and the The center of the neighborhood, in the vicinity of Blanchette
rehabilitation of existing residential dwellings can play an School,offers smaller vacant locations suitable for"in-fill"
important role in directing and sustaining the social character residential development. This area is characterized by good
and future of the West Oakland/Pear Orchard Neighborhood. roadway conditions and good ingress and egress to major
This plan suggests immediate opportunities for public, private streets and thoroughfares. Many homes in this area could also
and joint public/private single-family home construction and benefit from rehabilitation activities.
rehabilitation. Also, this plan recommends several
development principles and policies pertaining to the
construction and rehabilitation of residential structures as
* Both new construction and rehabilitation projects are,
where practical,to be concentrated in one or more areas rather
than dispersed over the entire area.
k "In-fill" housing development for single-family
construction will be encouraged in order to improve existing j
areas rather than constructing large concentrations of new
single-family dwellings in undeveloped areas. The private
sector development corrununity will be encouraged to create
concentrated areas of new development.
"In-fill" housing development and rehabilitation will
be desired and built,architecturally and cost-wise, to fit in with
the immediate surrounding area.
An example o/'potentiad rehabilitation projects
This plan also supports the position that a residential located in the neighborhood.
structure should be saved if it can reasonably and economically
be rehabilitated to its former architectural appearance and use
or renovated to architecturally blend in with its environment. COMMERCIAL/MIXED-USE AREAS
Those buildings which are"not rehabilitabee at a reasonable
cost"should be secured from public trespass and demolished. It is intended that commercial development be primarily
tr r" located along Cardinal Drive,Fanoett Read,Eleventh Street
j and Washington Boulevard.
„ ” `•: F ,a: One of the larger areas identified for commercial use is the
. 'ti'`:. ri-• vacant area located at the inter.sec6ows of Fscmea !toad,
Eleventh Street,and Sarah Street. This area could possibly be
s� developed as retail commercial due to its proximity to ni*x
streets and could act as a buffer between Cardinal Drive and
the industrial and commerciat uses to the south,and the single-
family residential areas to the north.
This plan recommends amixed-use area south of Saah Sheet;
north of Cmdmal Drive,and east of F'annett�Road. [iris area
•^ is intended to allow a mix of offices,corrunercial,warelnxisin",
and possibly high density,imilti-fatuity housing.
An example o/'the ntanv gtrality residential structures
located in the neighbor•homL
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Low Density Residential
Med to High Density Residential �--��MARDI - - _ fIP.�INIA k�} yCAMPLlS
--t DRIVE= -F
Mixed Use Development '` L--� C^� '��• I
. General Commercial
Industrial/Warehousing w
Public/Senli-Public ,x :3 1•��.; ti
Open Space N
Lt ,
Major Streets
Existing Future
ONE Major Arterial
■� ■■■■ Secondary Arterial
�� ■■■■■ Major Collector
0 10013 20130
Prepared by the Planning Division.City of Beaumont.Texas September. 1998
Currently,park and recreational facilities in the West Oakland It is recommended that all collector streets be improved by the
/ Pear Orchard Neighborhood are provided by Liberia Park addition of sub-surface drainage,curbs.gutters, new pavement
(Neighborhood Park) and Sprott Park (Community Park). and the addition of sidewalks on at least one side of the street.
However, there is a need for neighborhood park/recreational Streets should also be improved in the vicinity of Price
facilities in that portion of the neighborhood west of Fourth Elementary,Blanchette Elementary,SoUtherland Elementary,
Street,an area where there is no apparent vacant suitable land. Odom Academy, Ozen High School, and Liberia and Sprott
This plan proposes to create a landscaped,linear park along the Parks in order to improve pedestrian access.
unused Dolores Sweet right-of-way which extends between
Euclid Street and Fannett Road. A bike / pedestrian path
could be incorporated into this park and a few lots north of Possible improvements include:
Euclid could be acquired to provide access to Washington
Boulevard. Along the Delores Street right-of-way, a few * Curb and gutters,new pavement and sidewalks along West
scattered adjacent lots could be acquired in order to make this Virginia St.
park wide enough in various locations to accommodate small * Curb and gutters, new pavement and sidewalks along
recreational facilities such as playground equipment or park Southerland St.
benches. Such a facility would greatly improve bike and * Sidewalks along Usan St.
pedestrian access from the neighborhood to Price Elementary " Curbs,gutters and new pavement along Usan St.from
School, which is adjacent to the Delores Street riglit-of-way. Sarah south to West Virginia.
" Sidewalks along Sarah St.
* Curb and gutters, new pavement and sidewalks along Iola
Other park issues include the need for additional land at the St.and Waverly St.
Sprott Park site. Vacant land to the east of Sprott Park might
be acquired and additional facilities built to better serve
community needs.
it is recommended that Southerland Street connect with Harriot
Street at the S.P.Railroad tracks. This will allow Southerland
Street, a major collector street, to extend across the S.P.
WASHIniGTON �_J �� Railroad tracks and straight into the Stadium Shopping Center,
which is located east of the neighborhood. This could possibly
EUCLID be accomplished using existing vacant properties. (Existing
i I road shown in blue,possible connection.shown in red.)
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Some changes in the area's current zoning district Dwelling-Medium Density)classification without adversely
classifications and boundaries will be needed in order to pursue reducing the amount of high density zoning available for such
the implementation of the land use plan presented in this use or affecting the existing multi-family units. The majority
damument. A very generalized description of how the zoning of land currently zoned GC-MD (General Commercial -
might be changed is provided below with an accompanying Multiple Family Dwelling) is generally located along
map on the following page. An in-depth "Re-zoning Cardinal Drive and at the intersection of Eleventh, Fannett,
Study"will be needed before a lot by lot specific change in and Sarah. Smaller tracts of land zoned GC-MD are located
zoning can be recommended, along Washington Boulevard, Fannett Road, and Eleventh
Street. Any rezoning to GC-MD should be restricted to the
The majority of the study area is zoned RM-H (Residential major thoroughfares in the study area.
Multiple Family Dwelling- High Density)and a significant
proportion of this area is occupied by single-family residential An area currently zoned GC-MD located west of Eleventh
dwellings or is vacant of any use. Of the RM-H zoned Street at Fannett Street could be rezoned to LI (Light
properties,only a few contain a multi-Family use. Most multi- Industrial)to better reflect the surrounding uses. Also,this
family dwellings, including two public housing complexes, property is located in a flood hazard zone which would prove
exist south of Sarah. The majority of the area zoned RM-H difficult for retail commercial or residential development.
could be rezoned to RS (Residential Dwelling - Single
Family) to better reflect the current use of land, and also to A small vacant area on Sarah Street located south of the
encoura(ye new single family home construction. Washington Manor Apartments near Fannett Road is currently
zoned RCR(Residential Conservation and Revitalization).
It is also possible that some of the land currently zoned RM-H This zoning designation is inappropriate because the property
could be rezoned to an RM-M (Residential Multiple Family is vacant and could be re-zoned to RM-H.
:a iiiiiiic R50LITHERLAND..q................ :i
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El �_ -. ` iiiiiiiiFLCRIDi't'.•••.....
wt's',• .t
RM-H(High Density ResidentiaTI _ •..
RCR(Residential Revitalization 8c Conservation)
(3C,-MD(:;General Conunercial-Multiple Family Residential)
0 1000 2000
C-M(Coinmerci,al Manufa,'bi ing)
LI(Light Industrial)
Note:This is a representation of the oftiCin!zoning map and is not in itself ein officied toning map of the Cite of Beaumont.
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The West Oakland/Pear Orchard neighborhood is an area hounded by Washington Boulevard on the north, West Port
Arthur- Road on the dust, and Cardinal Drive oil the south and west. Presently, the West Oakland/Pear Orchard
neighborhood is in need of phYsiced improvement.' resulting from. such conditions as poorly maintained lots, open
drainage ditches, dilapidated Structures in the area, Poor'Street conditions, and limited housing opportunities. Due to
these and other,factors and an expressed desire fi•oni the West Oakland/Pear Orchard Neighborhood Association to
preseive and revitalize the neighborhood, the Cite of'Beaunuuut Planning Division began the process of'creating this
neighborhood plan.
The adoption of this neighborhood f)la)1 Will amend the West Oakland/Pear Orchard portion of*the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. The West Oakland/ Pear Orchard neighborhood plan was adopted br Cite Council Resolution
oil --------
Beaumont City Council Beaumont City Planning Commission
The Honorable Mayor David W. Moore Laurie Lei.ster, Chairman
Councilwoman At-Large Becky Ames Greg Drkernan, Vice-Chairman
Councilman At-Large Andrew Cokinos Glenn Bodwin
Councilwoman Lulu Smith, Ward 1 Sally Bundy.
Councilman Gun•Goodson, Weird 2 Dale Hallmark
Councilman John Davis, Ware(_? Carlos Hernandez.
Councilwoman Bobbie Patterson, Ward-t Dohn LaBiche
Bill L icas
Albert Robinson