HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN JUN 05 2001 M I N U T E S - CITY OF BEAUMONT
Lulu L. Smith DAVID W. MOORE, MAYOR Guy N. Goodson, Mayor Pro Tern
Andrew P. Cokinos CITY COUNCIL MEETING Becky Ames
Bobbie J. Patterson June 5, 2001 Audwin Samuel
Lane Nichols, City Attorney Stephen J. Bonczek, City Manager Barbara Liming, City Clerk
The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session on June 5, 2001, at
the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m.to consider the
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. Councilmember Samuel gave
the invocation. Councilmember Cokinos led the pledge of allegiance.
Present at the meeting were: Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, and
Samuel. Mayor Moore (attending a National Association of Regional Councils meeting and
touring West Corporation's office in Omaha, Nebraska), Councilmembers Ames (out of city on
company business)and Patterson (death in family)were absent. Also present were Stephen J.
Bonczek, City Manager; Lane Nichols, City Attorney; and Barbara Liming, City Clerk.
Presentations and Recognitions
One proclamation was issued: "Management Week," June 6 - 11, 2001.
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson announced that the Executive Session will not be held.
Public Comment: - Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items.
Mr. William Lee, 4685 Ford Street, addressed Council in opposition to Agenda Item No.
5 authorizing intervention before the Public Utility Commission in various fuel cases
presently pending and to be filed in the future. He stated that a process is in place for fuel
reconciliation and explained how the PUC makes a determination of refunds or
surcharges based upon estimates and actual markets. Mr. Lee spoke of unregulated
utilities under Senate Bill 7, Entergy's continued adherence to State of Texas laws
Entergy's application to recover$138M in fuel reconciliation, and he commented that the
PUC approved all fuel cases and the Commission has original jurisdiction on fuel
surcharges. He requested the City allow the PUC to reconcile with reasonableness and
avoid the creation of a similar California deregulated environment.
Mr. David Heilman, 1285 Thomas Road, owner of Shepard's Uniform and Linen,
addressed Council in opposition to Agenda Item No. 3 regulating grit and grease trap
maintenance. Mr. Heilman expressed his thoughts about the differences of the traps and
questioned the change.
Ms. Candace Broucher, 7490 Pebble Beach Drive, addressed Council as owner of J&R
Services, a grease trap pumping company, and offered her assistance in answering any
questions regarding grease traps.
Consent Agenda
Approval of minutes of the regular meeting held May 22, 2001
Confirmation of committee appointments - No committee appointments.
A) Approve a resolution authorizing the settlement of the claim of Kelly Dugas / Christy
Fredrickson (in the amount of$72,000) - Resolution No. 01-131
B) Approve a contract to repair and paint the 1,000,000 gallon elevated water storage tank
located at Liberty Avenue and 13'h Street(with Gulf States Protective Coatings, Inc. in the
amount of$318,400) - Resolution No. 01-132
C) Approve a one (1) year contract for asphaltic concrete pavement placement (with CMM
Construction Co., Inc. ) - Resolution No. 01- 133
D) Approve a contract for Summer Food Service Program (with Moncla's, Inc. to provide 565
lunches for$45,369.50) - Resolution No. 01-134
E) Approve a bid for the purchase of one (1) hydraulic fusion machine (from SECOR in the
amount of$55,306) - Resolution No. 01-135
F) Approve the purchase of nineteen (19)Opticom priority control systems (in the amount of
$17,415 from Consolidated Traffic Controls, Inc.) - Resolution No. 01-136
G) Approve a bid for the purchase of one pneumatic pipe bursting unit (from T. T.
Technologies, Inc. in the amount of$133,354) - Resolution No. 01- 137
Councilmember Samuel moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Smith
seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, and
Noes: None
1. Consider a resolution authorizing the award of a contract for the Concord Road Pavement
Widening Project, Phase II in the amount of$4,026,428.90 to Excavators&Constructors,
Minutes June 5,2001 Page 2
Councilmember Samuel moved to approve Resolution No.01-138 authorizing a contract
in the amount of $4,026,428.90 with Excavators & Constructors, Inc. Councilmember
Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, and
Noes: None
2. Consider endorsing the Lamar University's Texas Department of Transportation -
Statewide Transportation Enhancement Program application for the MLK Parkway(Spur
380) Landscape and Beautification
Councilmember Cokinos moved to approve Resolution No.01-139 endorsing the Lamar
University's Texas Department of Transportation-Statewide Transportation Enhancement
Program application for the MLK Parkway Landscape and Beautification Project between
the East Lavaca northbound and southbound entrance and exit ramps. Councilmember
Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, and
Noes: None
3. Consider an ordinance amending Chapter 28, Article III by adding Section 28-107,
requiring all food preparation/food service establishments to properly maintain their grease
traps and separators, and all commercial/industrial establishments to properly maintain
their grit traps and interceptors
City Manager Bonczek stated that passage of the ordinance is important to the integrity
of the sanitary sewer system because over 50% of blockages are caused by grease that
greatly impacts business and residential areas. He said the City is currently under state
regulations requiring assurance of the prevention of sanitary sewer overflows and must
be in compliance to avoid possible fines,and said the ordinance protects public health and
welfare and minimizes service interruptions.
Councilmember Cokinos recommended deferral to conduct a workshop for further
explanation. A lengthy Council discussion included minimum grit and grease trap
cleaning, more extensive cleaning for certain operations, cleaning exemptions, appeals
and arbitration procedures, notification of information to the general public, potential
impact of expenses to business owners,being in compliance with Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission regulations, prevention of service interruptions, and the
Minutes June 5,2001 Page 3
importance of protecting the sanitary sewer system. Further discussion included
explanation by Public Works Director Tom Warner and Water Utilities Manager Joe
Majdalani of the final decision and appeals process, cities of comparable size regulations,
number of businesses impacted, and installation and cleaning costs.
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson extended an invitation to Mr. Bill Munro, owner of Munro's Dry
Cleaning and Munro's Uniform, to address Council. Mr. Munro requested a workshop be
held to consider exemptions for laundries, and expressed dissatisfaction with the lack of
notification, and requested time to review the ordinance.
After further discussion, Council concurred to defer action on the proposed ordinance for
one week.
4. Consider amending Ordinance No. 01-040 relating to the structure located at 1507 Laurel
After explanation by Field Supervisor Pam Loiacano that the owner was present at the
public hearing to ask for an extension to repair the structure at 1507 Laurel, but did not
understand the procedure, Councilmember Cokinos moved to approve Ordinance No.
PENALTY. Councilmember Smith seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED.
Ayes: Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, and
Noes: None
5. Consider a resolution authorizing the City of Beaumont to intervene before the Public
Utility Commission in various fuel cases presently pending and to be filed in the future
After explanation of the item by the City Manager, Councilmember Cokinos requested
deferral of Item No. 5 to possibly conduct a workshop and to consider comments made
by Entergy representative William Lee. Mayor Pro Tem Goodson spoke about the City's
role and Senate Bill 7 and invited comments by the City Attorney. City Attorney Lane
Nichols explained that the resolution is a housekeeping matter; a resolution has already
been approved directing intervention in the unbundling case and fuel cases. That
resolution addressed fuel cases filed to a certain time. As a precautionary measure, Mr.
Nichols explained that a more open-ended authorization is requested to deal with fuel
matters. He gave an overview of the cases, recapitulated Mr. Lee's comments and
evaluation of procedures, emphasized the importance of the City of Beaumont's
participation and impact in ensuring accurate fuel factors and reconciliations, and spoke
of higher energy costs during the 1999 blackouts. Mr. Nichols advised Council that to
protect and benefit citizens, it is better for the City of Beaumont to be a player than a
sideline observer. Mayor Pro Tern Goodson suggested deferral to review past Council
action and thanked Mr. Lee and other Entergy-Gulf States representative for their
participation. The City Attorney addressed a current reconciliation case being filed outside
Minutes June 5,2001 Page 4
the time limits, confirmed that Entergy Gulf-States has filed and will file various fuel
related cases not covered by the previous resolution, and stated that the cost of
intervention is borne by the company who then transfers them on to rate payers. Council
concurred to defer Item No. 5.
Councilmembers comment on various matters
Councilmember Samuel reported citizen concerns regarding the construction site of a new
park near Mary Street that is not being contained by the contractor. He reported a lack
of fencing, accessibility of heavy equipment, open holes, and the overall area being
dangerous. Councilmember Samuel asked Demolition Field Supervisor Pam Loiacano
to investigate four dilapidated structures in the M.L. King area that are not secured. Two
are on the west side of Center Street in the 1100 block between Evalon and Ashley, one
on Long between Stephenson and Forrest and one at the corner of Ashley and Center.
Demolition Field Supervisor Pam Loiacano responded that the last two structures are
marked for demolition and should be razed within the next three to four weeks, and stated
the other structures will be immediately investigated.
Councilmember Samuel expressed pleasure with last Friday's ground breaking ceremony
for new home construction on Ashley Street and with the Beaumont Community Housing
Development Corporation, and stated this is the first new home to be built in that
neighborhood in 34 years. He noted everyone's excitement with the progress for the
Martin Luther King and Dick Dowling neighborhood,thanked Council for their support and
promised to continue the process of providing affordable housing.
Councilmember Smith requested the Water Utilities Manager to immediately send
notification of the proposed grit and grease trap ordinance to Mr. Munro.
City Manager Report- FY2002 Budget Preparation; SETRPC Relocation; Coastal Impact
and Assistance Program(C.I.A.P.); Fire Museum Summer Educational Program; Finance
Officer Leaves the City; Development Services Reorganization; 2001 Annual TxSWANA
Road E-O; Clean Air Plan for the Beaumont/Port Arthur (B.P.A.) Area; 32n' Annual Fire
Training School; Youth Academy Law Enforcement; Summer Reading Club; Summer
Work Program Updates; Current & Future Projects; Meetings
City Manager Bonczek reported working on various 2002 budget proposals and
alternatives for Council consideration to generate revenue and control costs. He said the
management team is working on decision packages to accommodate the $4 projected
budget deficit,are reviewing combinations of new revenues or reductions of programs and
services that have the equivalence of the deficit, and said they will be presented in a work
session on June 19. Mr. Bonczek reported the Southeast Texas Regional Planning
Commission (SETRPC) is looking for a new location in the Golden Triangle, expressed
his desire for the relocation to be in Beaumont, and announced that the Economic
Minutes June 5,2001 Page 5
Development Director will be working with the Chamber of Commerce and other groups
to identify potential sites and existing buildings that would meet their needs. He reported
that a Coastal Impact and Assistance Program application has been submitted and
received by the Texas General Land Office with the Neches River Park bank stabilization
plan and other projects being considered in the amount of $1.4M. He announced
personnel changes that include the resignation of Finance Officer Beverly Hodges who
will be assuming the duties as Finance Director in Lubbock, effective July 2, 2001. •Also,
the Development Services Managertendered resignation effective May 31,2001,and that
position will be eliminated and those duties absorbed by the Building Codes Division and
the Planning Division for a re-organizational savings of $65,000. Three Solid Waste
Management Division employees received awards atthe Solid Waste Association of North
America's Truck and Landfill Equipment Road-E-O. Mr. Derrick Newman placed first in
the Tractor Trailer competition, Ms. Felecia Thibodeaux placed third in the Rear Loader
competition, and Dwayne Matthews placed third in the Side Loader Competition. Lastly,
Mr. Bonczek reported that the Beaumont/Port Arthur clean air plan was approved and we
have until 2007 to meet the air quality standard for ozone.
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson added comments about the budget process and reported that
a waste water survey for medium sized cities printed in a recent publication showed
charges by the City of Beaumont are still in the lower half of the category for cities our
size, even with an increase last year. Mayor Pro Tem Goodson asked that staff obtain
additional information of ad valorem tax rate comparisons for cities our size as a guide
during the budget process.
Public Comment (Persons are limited to three (3) minutes).
Ms. Jerrie Drew, 3066 West Crockett, in the West End Addition, addressed Council to
question rezoning of the West End Addition and to request information on the adult literacy
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson directed Ms. Drew to speak with the City Manager after the
meeting about the rezoning issue. He stated that the City Manager has been asked to
review all City department staffing and program levels to determine any potential cost
savings, and that the adult literacy program is being reviewed.
Ms. Dorothy Evans, 2825 Arthur Lane, addressed Council to state that no mention was
made of the summer reading club and summer work program updates in the City
Manager's Report. The City Manager advised Ms. Evans that he condenses his report,
that a summer reading program will be implemented and has been successful in the past.
Ms. Evans added her views on the importance of reporting youth programs and citizen
input regarding programs.
Ms. Candace Broucher, 7490 Pebble Beach Drive, addressed Council to again volunteer
her assistance in interpreting the need for a grit and grease trap ordinance. In addition,
she invited Councilmembers and staff to preview a demonstration of the traps at her
business or call her 840-4620 for information.
Minutes June 5,2001 Page 6
Councilmember Smith injected that very long and interesting article appeared in the Wall
Street Journal regarding grit and grease traps, the collection, disposal and other related
Mayor Pro Tern Goodson asked that Councilmember Smith supply a copy of the article
to the City Manager for distribution to Council.
Mr. Robert Preston, 1190 Iowa,addressed Council to comment about a recent recognition
of Police Officer Sean Kevin Tolley, his views of case falsification, and complained about
the actions of Kappa Sigma Phi Sorority members.
Mr. Lashon Proctor (no address given) addressed Council to complain that without
congestion at Collier's Ferry Park, police officers are still there and that Rogers Park is
congested, but there are no officers there, and they remain open until after 9:00 p.m. Mr.
Proctor claimed inequity and stated that rules should be applied across the board and for
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Not conducted.) a waste water survey for medium sized cities
Consider matters related to contemplated or pending litigation in accordance with Section
551.071 of the Government Code:
Leah Marie Scott v. The City of Beaumont, et al
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m.
Guy N. Goodson, Mayor Pro Tern
Barbara Liming, City CI rk
Minutes June 5,2001 Page 7