HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIN JAN 23 2001 M I N U T E S - CITY OF BEAUMONT Lulu L. Smith DAVID W. MOORE, MAYOR Guy N. Goodson, Mayor Pro Tern Andrew P. Cokinos CITY COUNCIL MEETING Becky Ames Bobbie J. Patterson January 23, 2001 Audwin Samuel Lane Nichols, City Attorney Stephen J. Bonczek, City Manager Barbara Liming, City Clerk The City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas, met in a regular session on January 23, 2001, at the City Hall Council Chambers, 801 Main Street, Beaumont, Texas, at 1:30 p.m. to consider the following: OPENING * Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call * Presentations and Recognition * Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items * Consent Agenda Mayor Moore called the meeting to order at 1:32 p.m. The Reverend Howard Cameron, Trinity Church,gave the invocation. Texas National Guard Lieutenant Colonel Gayle Botley led the pledge of allegiance. Present at the meeting were: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel and Patterson. Also present were Stephen J. Bonczek, City Manager; Lane Nichols, City Attorney; and Barbara Liming, City Clerk. *Presentations and Recognitions • Spindletop Celebration Chairman and former Mayor Evelyn M. Lord, of behalf of the Spindletop Commission, presented the City of Beaumont an engraved commemorative art block made of Irish crystal in appreciation for Council and City assistance with the centennial celebration of the Lucas Oil Gusher re-enactment and activities. She expressed appreciation for the early-on support and encouragement that gave the Commission courage to plan big and reach the accomplishment of a successful event for the community. Mayor Moore announced that the art block will be on display for citizens to see, said the celebration went extremely well, and enumerated all the events he attended from the prayer breakfast,the 10:30 a.m. gusher re-enactment, the Rotary luncheon, and the Blowout in the evening. He said it was a busy week in the community and that he enjoyed everyone of the activities and thanked the Commission for a job well done in bringing national recognition to our community. • Mayor Moore invited Dr. and Mrs. Neal T. Foley to approach the podium and announced their donation of a 35.91 acre tract of land in the Frederick Bigner Survey for the Housing Revitalization Program. Approximately 100 homes will be built in a new subdivision. On behalf of Council, Mayor Moore thanked Dr. and Mrs. Foley for their generous gift, and told them that the City desires to name the subdivision after them in remembrance of their generosity. Dr. Foley thanked God for the gifts given him that allow him the wherewithal to provide the donation, and said that when first contacted by Mr. Bonczek regarding a possible government sponsored public housing program, he was adamantly opposed because of the negative affect of the history of public housing. He expressed an interpretation of public housing taking advantage of people and locking them into situations. Because of Mr. Bonczek's persistence, Dr. Foley said he began to understand that this was not a typical government housing project at all, but designed to help individuals help themselves. Dr. Foley reported looking at sites throughout the City with the City Manager, walking through homes,and receiving explanation about helping working orcontributing community members get a stake in society. In penetrating review, he said he could not find a single criticism with the program. Dr. Foley said it is an excellent program that he supports very much. It will help the city, the tax base, revitalize the neighborhood, and help working, contributing members of our society. Mayor Moore thanked Dr. Foley for his explanation of the program and stated that "this is a program for people striving to make a difference in their community by having home ownership. It's not one of those"government projects"that stigma has been associated with a number of failures throughout the country." Mayor Moore voiced his displeasure in using the word "project"for housing programs because of the connotation. He stated that it is not where one lives, but how they live. He said that people walking into these homes have opportunity to take ownership, exhibit pride and care for a personal investment. Mayor Moore paralleled the name"Foley"and "better homes and revitalization of Beaumont" going hand in hand and again thanked Dr. and Mrs. Foley for their generous gift. Before continuing with presentations, Mayor Moore thanked Mayor Pro Tern Goodson for filling his place at events this past week during his absence from the city, and articulated pleasure in Councilmember Smith's return to Council after her recent surgery. Councilmember Smith conveyed delight in being back to work and thanked everyone for the encouragement, many cards and phone calls, and flowers. • Mayor Moore acknowledged Community Development Grant Administrator Johnny Beatty and Administrative Assistant Janet Blunt who nominated and worked on behalf of Paula O'Neal, administratorof Some Other Place,forthe Audrey Nelson Community Development Achievement Award. He announced that on January 19, Paula O'Neal was honored and presented the award established by the National Community Development Association in 1987, for exemplary uses of CDBG funds which address the needs of families, homes and neighborhoods in Washington, D.C. Mayor Moore said Ms. O'Neal was recognized for her work with Some Other Place/Henry's Place, along with Teens At Work, Inc. from Fulton County, Georgia and The Riverside Artist Lofts of Reno, Nevada. Ms. O'Neal expressed deep gratitude to Mr. Beatty and Ms. Blunt for the nomination and read a letter composed for the Mayor and Councilmembers: "What a thrill it was for me to represent the work of Some Other Place/Henry's Place and the City of Beaumont this past week in Washington, D.C. at the National Community Development Winter Conference. The Audrey Nelson Community Development Achievement Award which we received as a result of Johnny Beatty's nomination is simply a wonderful affirmation of the work we are doing at Some Other Place/Henry's Place. We Minutes January 23,2001 Page 2 are deeply grateful for this recognition of the partnership between the City of Beaumont and Some Other Place. The work we do would quite simply not be possible without the willingness of the City of Beaumont to participate with use on this project designed to serve the homeless of our community. We thank you all for the funding that has enabled us through the years to serve so many who otherwise might not have been served and for this most wonderful recognition. And, the wonderful introduction by Mayor Moore. I was so touched by his words and I can only pray that I will be able to live up to them. If there is one thing I have learned during my years at Some Other Place, it is that no one alone can address and solve the problems faced by our community. It is only by working together that we can ever hope to alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate who live among us. We thank Mayor Moore, the members of council and the staff of the City of Beaumont for your willingness to work with us in order to address some of the needs of the homeless of our community. May God continue to bless and keep you in all that you do. Thank you again for this most wonderful recognition. We at Some Other Place look forward to a continuing partnership with the City of Beaumont to serve the homeless and low-income families of our community. Thank you for all you do to help us to help those who come to us in need." Ms. O'Neal stated that this was one of the most exciting experiences in her life, and that the work at Some Other Place is not done for an award, not for pay, and not for recognition, but is done because it is the right thing to do. She said that when asked by a commission at Jefferson County recently"how does this affect our community as a whole?"she replied that "what affects the people on the street does affect us and reflects on our community. What we can do to help enrich their lives will doubly enrich ours." Also, she acknowledged that they do not solve all the world's problems, but said they make a difference in the lives of the people they touch and expressed gratitude for all the City has enabled them and other projects to do through funding. Again, she expressed appreciation to Johnny Beatty and Janet Blunt and thanked everyone for a wonderful experience. Mr. Beatty commented that "it is always gratifying to know that we have a place like Some Other Place and Henry's Place that serve the no income and low income individuals in our society—individuals that perhaps fall through the cracks." He stated that without the vision of Council in distributing the funds, this could not have happened. • Mr. Gayle Botley of Gayle W. Botley&Associates presented the FY2000 audit report to City Council. As a Beaumont resident, taxpayer, and auditor, he stated that it is his pleasure to render an unqualified opinion for the City of Beaumont. Mr. Botley read a paragraph from the letter rendering a clean opinion:"in ouropinion,the general-purpose financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the City as of September 30, 2000, and the results of it's operations and the cash flows of it's proprietary fund types and non-expendable trust funds for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles." He congratulated the City, Finance Officer Beverly Hodges and her staff for successively earning clean opinions. Mr. Botley referred to page six of the audit showing the General Fund balance to be $9,023,591 at the end of Fiscal Year 2000, an increase of$1,122,266 over the beginning fund balance. He said there are significant reasons for the increase that include increase of EMS collections, franchise fees, and in building and alarm permit fees. He commended prudence in city management. Mr. Botley also alerted Council that GASB 34, an accounting standard, that has been enacted that will greatly impact operation of the Finance Department. He said the budget format and analysis will change, and the next audit document will probably double in size. Minutes January 23,2001 Page 3 He said recommendations have been made that need to be aggressively pursued to meet the FY2002 deadline. He said that action must be taken in this year's budget planning to meet the requirements and it will be a costly undertaking. Mr. Botley stated this would be his last year to perform the audit, and he hopes that his professional performance will encourage future employment of smaller firms to conducts audits. Mayor Moore thanked Mr. Botley for completing the audit in a timely manner and congratulated Finance Director Beverly Hodges and her staff and City Comptroller Paula Labrie for winning 14 consecutive financial awards. In response to a question by Councilmember Cokinos, Mr. Botley stated that, from the auditor aspect, the City of Beaumont is sound financially, but there are challenges to continue with cost effective measures. Mr. Bonczek added his appreciation to Mr. Botley for his professionalism and extremely hard work in performing the audit. *Public Comment: Persons may speak on scheduled agenda items. No one wished to address these items. * Consent Agenda * Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held January 16, 2001 * Confirmation of committee appointments - No committee appointments. A) Approve a contract(with Interstate Batteries for estimated annual expenditure of$25,144.27) for the purchase of automotive batteries - Resolution No. 01-017 Councilmember Cokinos moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson Noes: None GENERAL BUSINESS 1. Consider an amendment to Section 21-75 of the Code of Ordinances related to authorized positions in the Police Department. Councilmember Smith moved to approve Ordinance No. 01-004 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 21-75 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO AMEND THE GRADE I,GRADE II AND DEPUTY CHIEF POSITIONS IN THE BEAUMONT POLICE DEPARTMENT; PROVIDING FOR Minutes January 23,2001 Page 4 SEVERABILITY AND PROVIDING FOR REPEAL. Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson Noes: None 2. Consider authorizing the execution of a contract with Southeast Texas Community Development Corporation, Inc. (SETCDC) in the amount of $60,000 using 2000 HOME funds Mayor Pro Tern Goodson moved to approve Resolution No. 01-018 Councilmember Ames seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson Noes: None 3. Consider amending the ordinance which authorize the issuance of City of Beaumont,Texas, Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2000 Councilmember Smith moved to approve Ordinance No. 01-005 ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT, TEXAS, WATERWORKS AND SEWER SYSTEM REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2000;AND CONTAINING OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. Mayor Pro Tern Goodson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson Noes: None 4. Consider a resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept a payment in lieu of taxes from Beaumont Methanol Corporation in the amount of$480,154 by February 1, 2001 and grant an extension of thirty days to present an amended Industrial District Contract for the aforementioned industry which will include a provision for an additional $100,000 payment based on the monthly economic performance of the plant for the remaining of the contract period (December 31, 2001) Councilmember Smith moved to approve Resolution No.01-019 Mayor Pro Tern Goodson seconded the motion. MOTION PASSED. Ayes: Mayor Moore, Mayor Pro Tern Goodson, Councilmembers Smith, Cokinos, Ames, Samuel, and Patterson Noes: None Minutes January 23,2001 Page 5 COMMENTS * Councilmembers comment on various matters Councilmember Patterson announced that a South Park Neighborhood meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on January 25 at the South Park Baptist Church and reminded constituents that a Ward IV meeting will be held January 31 at the L. L. Melton YMCA. Councilmember Patterson again welcomed Councilmember Smith back to Council and voiced additional congratulations to Johnny Beatty and CDBG staff and to Paula O'Neal upon receiving the award in Washington, D. C. last week. Councilmember Samuel congratulated Johnny Beatty and staff for hard work that resulted in the award to Paula O'Neal and Some Other Place and extended greetings to Councilmember Smith. He thanked Dr. and Mrs. Foley for the donation of property to Ward III, said he is excited about the plans in place for affordable housing in the city, and commented that it speaks well of not only Council, but of the staff that continues to work toward providing affordable housing. Councilmember Ames added agreement to previous Council comments and told the City Manager that she is pleased with the wonderful compromise with Beaumont Methanol. Councilmember Cokinos questioned two EMS units from Orange County operating within the city limits of Beaumont and requested a report concerning their reason for recent activity. Mayor Moore asked that all Councilmembers receive the information. Mayor Pro Tern Goodson reported that last Friday, Building Codes Manager Don Burrell, Councilmember Cokinos, and he attended a meeting called by Senator Bernsen and two state representatives regarding improvement of employing local contractors in private sector projects as well as the public sector. Mayor Pro Tern Goodson relayed to the City Manager a concern raised by Mr. Dan Hedsell regarding licensing requirements for all contractors(general, building, plumbing, electrical etc.) to insure compliance with licensing. He stated that the primary concern is entities using licensed contractors for the benefit of getting work for residents outside the city and not employing the highly skilled labor force available in Beaumont. He thanked the senator for hosting the meeting and said he and Councilmember Cokinos learned a lot at the meeting and will share other information later. Councilmember Smith stated that she is happyto be back at Council,congratulated Finance Officer Beverly Hodges and her department's performance in the Finance Department this past year, and stated that Mr. Botley spoke highly of them and the cooperation his accounting firm received. She complimented Mr. Botley's auditing services and expressed pleasure with Paula O'Neal receiving the award, and said it indicates the compassion of the city for the less fortunate. Councilmember Smith commented that our city is the sum total of all of our citizens. Anything that adversely impacts the lower income or homeless impacts all of us, and we should remain mindful of that factor. Mayor Moore congratulated the City of Beaumont in attracting additional jobs to our community though the U. S. Postal Encoding Service and said he feels they recognized that Beaumont employees are productive workers. They will be adding 700 more jobs at their facility. With businesses closing, Mayor Moore said we all have to work a littler harder and closer together to continue progress and momentum. He said that economic development is not only creating, but Minutes January 23,2001 Page 6 keeping jobs in our community. He complimented movement of the City Manager and staff to keep Beaumont Methanol afloat and in the employment market. In concluding comments about the importance of businesses and industry to our economy, Mayor Moore congratulated Kyle Hayes and the Economic Development team and again encouraged keeping the momentum moving forward. *City Manager Report: City Manager Stephen J. Bonczek reported that the first meeting of the Storm Water Advisory Committee was held Monday and said they will meet bi-weekly for a period of time, and he will keep Council informed of their activities. Another issue underway is electric deregulation, and Mr. Bonczek stated that the City Attorney Lane Nichols, Central Services Director Kirby Richard, and he will be attending a joint meeting with other cities Friday in Port Arthur to discuss options and how to work together. He told Council that the subject is complex, and they will be submitting information to Council. He announced that the Partnership in Governance meeting is next Tuesday at Tyrrell Park,the performance of the production Chicago is sold out,the Service Awards Banquet for City employees will be Friday evening at the Harvest Club, and the Classic Car Show and Demolition Derby will be this weekend at Fair Park to raise funds for the Fire Museum. Mr. Bonczek informed Council that he has received many calls from citizens relative to greatly increased gas bills and our franchise agreement with Entergy/Reliant Corporation. After counsel with the City Attorney, Mr. Bonczek stated that he has apprized citizens that the Railroad Commission regulates oil and gas, and the City has little input. The City addresses cost of service, but the cost of gas is dependent upon the market and fuel charges that are out of the City's control. He added comments about future development of methanol uses. Mayor Moore directed comments to Public Works Director Tom Warner about railroad tracks, and said that repairs were made to the tracks on Washington Boulevard, but need additional attention. * Public Comment (Persons are limited to three (3) minutes). Mr. Leroy Lewis, III, 1201 Euclid, addressed Council to invite Councilmember Patterson to a neighborhood association meeting in Ward IV on the 31 Tuesday of each month, thanked Council and the City Manager for working with him and supporting his ideas and thanked them and Chief Scofield and Chief Coffin for hiring more police officers. Mr. Lewis also thanked Council for the temporary repair of the street in front of Odom Academy and spoke of possibly constructing an overpass bridge on College Street near Park Shadows for the safety of children crossing the street. He also stated that more street lights are needed in front of Ozen High School, said lights are out on Delaware between Lucas and Edison, and told Council that he has a system to stop robberies in Beaumont and would share them with Council. Mr.Joseph Chavis,2275 West Virginia Street,addressed Council to presented a petition with 1,600 signatures. He said the patchwork repairs that have been made in the front of Odom Academy are not acceptable as overall repairs for Virginia Street from the 1400 block through the 2200 hundred block. He said the street is narrow, difficult for night driving, during rain, or in the fog, and said a center stripe is needed. Mr. Chavis said the petition is presented to request immediate improvements on Virginia Street. Minutes January 23,2001 Page 7 Public Works Director Tom Warner, in response to Mayor Moore's question, stated that the repairs are incomplete because of rain, and that the area Mr. Chavis is addressing extends beyond those repairs from Mercantile to Avenue A. Ms. Cornelette Vallier, 5675 Springdale, addressed Council in support of the petition for improvements to Virginia Street to enhance safety conditions. Ms. Vallier recounted her own childhood walking to school and voiced concern for her child's safety as he nears school age and encouraged widening Virginia Street. She further addressed safety and health as a primary concern for all businesses. Ms. Georgine Guillory, 3690 South 11th Street, addressed Council to complain about the condition of Virginia Street. She cited certain sections of the street not being level and dangerous. Mayor Moore explained the status of the work on Virginia Street and encouraged citizen participation in neighborhood associations and assistance in prioritization of projects. Mrs. Bernard, 2275 Virginia, added comments about congested traffic and difficulty in backing out of her driveway at certain times. She stated that Council attendance at neighborhood association meetings would be appreciated to be better informed and be provided an opportunity for questions and answers. Mayor Moore stated that Councilmembers and staff do attend neighborhood association meetings and challenged consistency of citizen attendance at them to form a partnership and work together. He stated that there are about 47 to 52 neighborhood associations in the city of Beaumont, and because of conflicts in scheduling, it is difficult for all Councilmembers to attend every meeting every time. The next Ward IV meeting is Wednesday, January 31. Councilmember Patterson added comments that needed repairs to Virginia Street have been consistently addressed, has been moved up to the scheduled projects list and a temporary, safety measure was constructed. She addressed future curb and guttering of Virginia Street from Mercantile to Avenue A and limited funds for all streets. The City Manager complimented Council efforts in directing construction of the safety lane and for design and engineering in preparation for the eventual construction and enclosed drainage. Mr. Bonczek added that staff efforts in conjunction with Council will be made to fund the Capital Improvement Program in the Budget Summit. Mayor Moore added that wheels are in motion, progress has started with the safety lane and design and engineering phase, and the project will move more aggressively when funding is available and encouraged joining forces with Council and staff to move forward. Ms. Gethrel Williams, Fortune Lane, addressed Council in support of completing Virginia Street to the satisfaction of citizens. She stated that citizens only see patching, and want to be assured that the project is completed in a timely manner to meet the urgency of the matter. Ms. Williams addressed rising gas utility costs for the elderly and solicited Council influence for possible grants or other funding that might help alleviate their situation. Mayor Moore assured citizens that he understands the problem in front of Odom School and that a first class job will be completed there. He also addressed increased utility costs and working Minutes January 23,2001 Page 8 together and helping each other in conjunction with the government. Mayor Moore said, "caring and giving and being concerned is always a local issue, and I firmly believe that all politics are local and all major levels of concern are local." He challenged citizens to come work with Council and have a great 2001. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:46 p.m. Davi .W. Moore, Mayor V4,*-, - . Barbara Liming, City Clerk Minutes January 23,2001 Page 9