HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 00-051 RESOLUTION NO. ,!2
THAT the City Council of the City of Beaumont approves of the 2000 Strategic Action Plan
described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes.
PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the /,5 day of
, 2000.
- Mayor -
Priority Initiatives
The 2000 Strategic Action Plan reflects the continued commitment of the Mayor and Council to
the following strategic directions:
• Build and Diversify the Economic Base
• Revitalize Neighborhoods
• Improve the Visual Appearance of the City
• Maintain Financial Stability
The strategic actions identified are not all inclusive as the FY2000 budget provides department
program goals and objectives. The administrative goals and objectives in the budget were
reviewed and approved by Council in September 1999.
In order to support future growth and community development within the available funding, the
Council has prioritized projects, services and investment opportunities. The Strategic Action Plan
development occurred after numerous neighborhood meetings with Council, Administration and
residents. These community building efforts focus on empowering citizens to identify and resolve
neighborhood issues and assist the City in allocating limited resources to improve the quality of
life in their area.
The City Manager will provide periodic status reports on each issue/project throughout FY2000
so Council can monitor progress in achieving these strategic actions.
With collaborative leadership among the Mayor/Council./Administration and citizens, the vision of
the City for the next millennium as a revitalized and economically diverse community will be
Build and Diversify the Economic Base
Strategic Initiative Issue Ownerfsl Due Date
• Prepare neighborhood economic Councilmember Audwin April, 2000
development plans in collaboration with Samuel
community leaders and residents in the City Manager
Executive Assistant to
Charlton Pollard, MLK corridor, Dick
the City Manager/
Dowling and other target areas in East Economic Development
Beaumont. Develop implementation Director
plan with identified financing alternatives. Plawiing Division
Finance Officer
Strategic Initiative Issue Owner(a) Due Date
• As the City establishes a leadership role Mayor FY2000
in economic development through a non- Councilmember Becky
profit corporation there is a critical need Ames
City Manager
to effectively coordinate City efforts with Executive Assistant to
other economic development agencies to the City Manager/
avoid duplication and enhance the area's Economic Development
capacity to successfully grow the local Director
• In order to open up prime development Councilmembers Lulu
areas the extension of Folsom and Smith and Guy Goodson March
Delaware from Dowlen to Major are City Manager 2000
critically important projects. Folsom Executive Assistant to
Road extension has been designed and the City Manager/
bids solicited. Delaware extension is on Economic Development
the Capital Improvement Program Future Public Works Director
projects list. The Dowlen/Major/105
corridors are also identified as future
growth areas for quality development.
Development Plans for the Folsom,
Delaware, Major and 105 corridors will Councilmembers S e t e b e r
Lulu Smith and Guy Goodson p m
be prepared to ensure high quality Executive Assistant to the City 2000
projects compatible with City growth MaWeC/Ec°nomi`
Development Di;wtor
objectives are achieved. Planning Division Manager
Work with Main Street, Chamber of
Commerce, community business leaders Mayor FY2000
in revitalizing downtown Beaumont Audwin Samuel
through Crockett St., Jefferson Theatre City Manager
and Hotel Beaumont restorations, Executive Assistant to
Neches Riverfront development including the City Manager
Hike/Bike Trail, increased market rate Planning Division
housing and other initiatives. Manager
• Collaborate with County, state officials Mayor
in facilitating the Southeast Texas Councilmember Andrew Cokinos FY2000
Entertainment Complex planning, design City Manager
and construction. Executive Assistant to the
City Manager/Economic
Development Director
Public Works Director
Planning Division Mgr.
Strategic Initiatives Issue Owner(() Due Date
• Reinstitute the Mayor's Breakfast Mayor February,
meeting to enhance the City/business City Manager May, August,
working relationship by listening, sharing Executive Assistant to November
the City Manager/
information and resolving concerns of Economic Development 2000
business leaders. This will be a quarterly Director
breakfast meeting of Mayor, staff and
approximately 50 business leaders.
• Invest City resources to address long Councilmembers Andrew FY2000-2005
term capital improvement projects for the Cokinos and Becky Ames
fire training facility In order to increase City Manager
g y Fire Chief
students and maintain a competitive Chief Training Officer
training opportunity for Industrial,
Municipal and Volunteer groups.
Revitalize Neighborhoods
Invest City resources to address infrastructure Counrilmember Becky Ames FY2000
City Manager
needs in neighborhoods and commercial areas ExecutiveAssistazrtto the eity
including street/drainage and water/sewer Manager/Economic
Developmerd Director
improvement projects Public Works Direct"
In order to enhance quality of life and support Councilmember Bobbie
neighborhood economic development efforts in Patterson FY2000
Southeast Beaumont the following City Manager
street/drainage projects need to be financed and Executive Assistant to
constructed - Blossom St. reconstruction, 23rd the City Manager/
St.-College to Washington, Avenue A-Virginia Economic Development
to Cardinal Drive and Virginia-Mercantile to Public Works Director
Avenue A-
As youth are a critical resource to families in Mayor FY2000-2005
strengthening and revitalizing neighborhoods, a Executive Assistant to the City Manager/
Youth Summit has been created. The Mayor's Economic Development
Youth Summit empowers 50 high school Director
students from City schools to meet once a month
with the Mayor to share ideas and concerns on
community issues impacting youth. There are
recommendations to the Mayor of the Student's
voice in improving life opportunities for young
Strategic Issues Issue Ow Due Date
Meet with the Beaumont Independent School Ci Mi��°'�B°�i°P' February
`�� 2000
District to discuss City use of school facilities Executive Assistant to the City
Muwgcr/Ecm=c Development
after school for recreation and other Director
programs/services. Consider the recent ma&Recreation Director
Recreation Advisory Commission
legislation to allocate business franchise tax
monies to schools/non-profits serving the needs
of children for funding.
Enhance Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in Coundlmembers Lulu smith and March
the North area of City by adding a fifth EMS City Maug r 2000
unit and med station or rivate contractual Executive Assistant to the city
p Manager.Bconomic Development
ambulance service. Director
Public Health Director
Create a Communities 2000 commission
comprised of the President and officers from Mayor
every neighborhood association in the City. City Manager February
meetings with Executive Assistant to 2000
There would be monthly g the City Manager/
Mayor/Council and Administration to discuss Economic Development
and resolve critical issues and have citizen input Director
on allocation of resources for neighborhood
Develop a plan to create a fully integrated Public Councilmembers Lulu FY2000
Health&EMS Department. The purpose of this Smith and Audwin
reorganized department would be to provide Samuel
better and more comprehensive public health City Manager
Director of Public
services to the community. Additionally, this Health
reorganization will expand the City's ability to
identify specific health care issue and link those
population groups with appropfiate health care
Design and construct a new facility for the CouncilmembersBobbie FY2000
Spindletop Branch Library. The new building Cokirm anaAndrew
will be located on the comer of 11 th, Sarah, and city 14—ger
Director of Libraries
Fannett, Library Commission
Work with city staff to provide for the Mayor FY2000
consolidation of the City's communication City Manager
network into a new combined and centralized Fire Chief
800 MHZ ro system. The project includes the Police Chief
Y P J Ceraml services Director
construction of a new communication center on
the second Boor of the new Municipal Court
Building for the dispatching of fire, police and
EMS services, as well as, providing non-
emergency and after-hours communications for
Strateeic Initiative Issue Owners) Due Date
operating departments. The total estimated cost
of the project is $4,000,000.
The availability of primary indigent health care Councilmembers Lulu Smith FY2000
for some children is a serious concern to the and A city M a anagnag Samuel
sustainability of families and neighborhoods. Executive Assistant to the city
There are funds for the Children Health Development Director
Insurance Program (CHIP) that provide Director of Public Health
assistance for eligible children. Children who
don't meet the criteria for Medicaid from
families who can't afford insurance are at risk.
The challenge is to secure funding to do public
education on CHIP and direct care programs
from local physicians. A partnership with the
County will also be explored.
The increased growth in the northwest part of Councilmembers Guy FY2000
the City of families and businesses have impacted Goodson and Lulu Smith
police resources. The establishment of a city Manager
Police Chief
northwest command station would facilitate Central Services Director
police law enforcement operations through
assignment of officers having a holding area for
arrested persons, reduction of travel time
completing required reports, reduced time at
shift change and positive effect on gas usage and
vehicle maintenance.
Improve the Visual Appearance of the City
Work with the Planning Commission, Guy Goodson March
g n' City Manager
Development Review Committee and Executive Assistant to the City 2000
Administration in creating a sign overlay district Manager/Economic
Development Director
for Dowlen, Gladys, Major and 105 area Planning Director
addressing Billboards, add benches, monument Planting commission
signs, amortization in order to achieve a more
aesthetically pleasing appearance of this major
development area.
Increase code enforcement efforts, housing cow ember Andrew FY2000
rehabilitation and demolitions, landscaping, Executive Assistant to the City
beautification; upgrade of City facilities and Manager/Economic
Development Director
other initiatives to improve the appearance of Clean Community Director
neighborhoods and commercial areas.
Strategic initiatives Issue Owner(s) Due Date
Maintain Financial Stability
Explore alternative revenue services to the Councilmember Guy Goodson April
Executive Assistant to the City
property tax such as fees, increased use of Nianager,'Economic 2000
federal/state grants, increased collections of Development Director
Finance Officer
money due City, sale of City assets, etc. while
maintaining sensitivity of impact on various
segments of the community.
Analyze allocation of resources for Councilmembers Becky Ames FY2000
and Bobbie Patterson
programs/services and capital projects to ensure City Manager
equitable distribution throughout the Finance Officer