HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 22-315 RESOLUTION NO. 22-315 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: WHEREAS, on February 15, 2022, the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas passed Resolution No. 22-057 awarding a contract in the amount of $1,584,104.00, to Elite Contractors and Equipment LTD, of Kirbyville, Texas, for the Fleet Management Parking Lot Reconstruction Project Phase II; and, WHEREAS, on October 3, 2022 Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $0.00, was required to adjust the time frame to an additional 14 calendar days due to inclement weather; and, WHEREAS, Change Order No. 2, in the amount of $466.00, is required to adjust the estimated quantities in the contract to reflect the actual quantities used in the completion of the project, thereby increasing the total contract amount to $1,584,570.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the statements and findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby, in all things, approved and adopted; and, THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute Change Order No. 2, in the amount of $466.00 for reasons described above, thereby increasing the total contract amount to $1,584,570.00 for the Fleet Management Parking Lot Reconstruction Project Phase II; and, THAT the City Manager be and he is herby authorized to execute final payment in the amount of $86,822.70 to Elite Contractors and Equipment LTD, of Kirbyville, Texas, for the Fleet Management Parking Lot Reconstruction Project Phase II. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 6th day of December, 2022. r���UMOAr tdi�, "se II h ; ;P - Mayor Robin Mouton - s - 0 • Contract# 001.002 22-Nov-2022 09:38 AM CST Fleet Management Parking Lot Reconstruction Phase II Beaumont Beaumont,Texas 77701 Project Number:PW0122-08 001.002: Change Order No. 2 - Final Grand Total: $466.00 For 001 Fleet Parking Lot Ph.II Division 01 Line Item Unit price Type Group 3.0 Construction Scope of Additional 51 SY of Sodding and Grading.Additional 10 LF of PVC Conduit. Work Notes Finish out the actual quantities for all items to close out the project. Awarded To Elite Contractors and Equipment,LTD TJ Pilgrim 28741 Reason Quantity Adjustment Code Days 0 Changed Attachments • Change Order Summary Original Contract Sum 1,584,104.00 Substantial Completion Date 4-Oct-2022 Net Cost by Previous Approved COs 0.00 Net Tame Change By Previous COs 14 days Contract Sum Before This CO 1,584,104.00 Substantial Completion before This CO 18-Oct-2022 Contract Sum Changed By This CO 466.00 Time Changed By This CO 0 days New Contract Sum 1,584,570.00 1 New Substantial Completion Date 18-Oct-2022 All Change Orders make up 0.03%of the Original Contract ` Accounting and Status Accounting Status • Item Id 319 Exhibit "A" PO Number 431084 ,FEMA Number Accounting Project Code GIFPLR I Custom Accounting Field 04 Custom Accounting Field 05 I Custom Accounting Field 06 Custom Accounting Field 07 1 Custom Accounting Field 08 Line Items Item# Account Code WBS/Section Description Quantity UoM Unit Price Total Amount 3.0 Construction 162-6002 01000 GRADING AND BLOCK SODDING 51.00 SY 6.00 306.00 618-6023 01000 CONDUIT(PVC)(SCH 40)(2") 10.00 LF 16.00 160.00 Total 466.00 Grand Total:466.00 Approval Approved Due:29-Nov-2022 Name or Role Status Actions 1 Extemal-GC Approved TJ Pilgrim 22-Nov-2022 09:17 AM CST 2 Project Manager Approved Colby Anderson 22-Nov-2022 09:18 AM CST 3 City Engineer Approved Amalia"Molly"Villarreal 22-Nov-2022 09:30 AM CST 4 Director Approved Bart Bartkowiak 22-Nov-2022 09:32 AM CST 5 Admin Approved Crystal Garza 22-Nov-2022 09:38 AM CST APPROVED BY: ATTESTED BY: Kenneth R.Williams Date Tina Broussard Date City Manager City Clerk Contract#001.001 03-Oct-2022 12:46 PM CST Fleet Management Parking Lot Reconstruction Phase II Beaumont Beaumont,Texas 77701 Project Number:PW0122-08 001.001: Change Order No. 1 Grand Total:$0.00 For 001 Fleet Parking Lot Ph.II Division 01 Line Item Unit price Type Group 3.0 Construction Scope of 14 Calendar Days are being granted due to Inclement weather. Work • Notes Awarded To Elite Contractors and Equipment,LTD TJ Pilgrim 28741 Reason Time Extension Code Days 14 Changed Attachments Change Order Summary Original Contract Sum 1,584,104.00 Substantial Completion Date 4-Oct 2022 • Net Cost by Previous Approved COs 0.00 Net Time Change By Previous COs 0 days Contract Sum Before This CO 1,584,104.00 Substantial Completion before This CO 4-Oct-2022 Contract Sum Changed By This CO 0.00 Time Changed By This CO 14 days New Contract Sum 1,584,104.00 New Substantial Completion Date 18-Oct-2022 All Change Orders make up 0.00%of the Original Contract Accounting and Status Accounting Status item Id 301 ` PO Number 123073 psMA Number . Accounting Project ovue eIFpLa Custom Accounting Field n4 � _-_- -�- -_ - -'_ �__�_ -- ooumm�n_munonu-rmmoa- oon���wwonunu-neF�moo Custom Accounting Field 07 Custom Accounting Field 08 ' i-_'-____-_'-_- - - ' -- - - - ---- -- ---- --'---'- -'--... ...........-.......... ... --- Line Items . Acitem count Code mBSIoecuon Description Quantity UoM Unit Price Total Amount ----- ' - ---- - -- -'------ i..... -' - ............... ......' ... - ----'---- -- -----'-----'--'-----'----'- ------------'--' --�- - -� Approved Due:10-O:a022 ---- -'--- -'-'- -................. ... --- -' --- - -- -- � -----'---- ' � '�--- --- -'--' | Name u,Role Status Actions; � 1 s*nmol-oc Approved | TJpilgrim � oo-Oct-202211oomwCST / ----'------- '- '-- ---''-'----------'---- - � - � - '-' -' � -�-' �-- ' ! | u Project Munuuo, Approved | Colby Anderson / oo'oct-uozx11'uw*�nnT . . ---'__.'-___- _-_ _ --__- --'-----'---_�_-_---'- _ ' -- --' --�-'--- - --' ' � x City Engineer Approved � Amulia"Mmny"Villarreal | oo-Ocw2m21u:1oPwCST � 4 o Approved Director � Bart ��n�x o o ! ___o»-.ma02utc*oPM CST __ o *umin Approved . / Crystal Garza | ! ' oo-0cl-zmm1o:47pmCST � ���........� APPROVED BY: � 4d-u-k-z:7' 90- Invoice # 001.008 29-Nov-2022 12:56 PM CST Fleet Management Parking Lot Reconstruction Phase II Beaumont Beaumont,Texas 77701 Project Number:PW0122-08 001.008: Elite Contractors and Equipment, LTD - Fleet Parking Lot Ph. II Amount Due: $86,822.70 For Contract Contract-001 Fleet Parking Lot Ph.II Date 22-Nov-2022 Line Item Unit price Type Group 3.0 Construction Pay Period 01-Nov-2022 to 18-Nov-2022 • Retainage WC 5.00-MS 0.00 Payment To Elite Contractors and Equipment,LTD TJ Pilgrim 28741 Date Due Terms Attachments • • Line Items Work Materials Account WBS/ Completed Stored %WC %MS Item# Code Section Description Quantity UoM Unit Price (WC) (MS) Retainage Retainage 3.0 Construction 100- GC 01000 PREP RIGHT-OF-WAY 0.00 LS 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 Contract 104- 01000 REMOVING CONC PAV 0.00 SY 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 105- 01000 REMOVING STAB BASE AND 0.00 SY 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6000 ASHPALT PAV 110- 01000 EXCAVATION(CHANNEL) 0.00 CY 30.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6002 110- 01000 EXCAVATION(SPECIAL) 0.00 CY 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6003 162- 01000 GRADING AND BLOCK 0.00 SY 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 6002 SODDING 260- 01000 LIME TREAT(HYDRATED 0.00 TONS 380.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6002 LIME(SLURRY)) Work Materials Account WBS/ Completed Stored %WC %MS - Item# Code Section Description Quantity UoM Unit Price (WC) (MS) Retainage Retainage 360- 01000 CONC PAV(JRCP)(8") 0.00 SY 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6000 427- 01000 SURFACE FINISHES FOR 0.00 SF 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6006 CONCRETE 446- 01000 FIELD CLEANING AND 0.00 SF 20.00 1,060.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6002 PAINTING STEEL 479- 01000 ADJUSTING MANHOLES 0.00 EA 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 496- 01000 REMOVE STRUCTURE(PIPE) 0.00 LF 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6007 496- 01000 REMOVE STRUCTURE 0.00 EA 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6023 (JUNCTION BOX&SURFACE INLET) 496- 01000 REMOVE STRUCTURE 0.00 EA 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6030 (BOLLARD) 500- 01000 MOBILIZATION 0.00 LS 70,000.00 7,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 502- 01000 BARRICADES,SIGNS,AND 0.00 MO 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 TRAFFIC HANDLING 5067- 01000 PRECAST CONC 0.00 EA 400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 WHEELSTOP 5084- 01000 FIXED BOLLARD 0.00 EA 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 550- 01000 CHAIN LINK FENCE 0.00 LF 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 6003 (REMOVE) 550- 01000 CHAIN LINK FENCE 0.00 LF 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6009 (INSTALL) 618- 01000 CONDUIT(PVC)(SCH 40)(2") 0.00 LF 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6023 618- 01000 CONDUIT(RIGID METAL)(2") 0.00 LF 60.00 1,920.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6070 752- 01000 TREE AND BRUSH REMOVAL 0.00 EA 375.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6015 ' 9000- 01000 REMOVE AND REINSTALL 0.00 LS 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 MEATL COVERING (STRUCTURE) 9001- 01000 SPEED CUSHIONS 0.00 EA 1,250.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6001 Total 9,980.00 0.00 Change Order No.2-Final-3.0 Construction • Work Materials • Account WBS/ Completed Stored %WC %MS Item# Code Section Description Quantity UoM Unit Price (WC) (MS) Retainage Retainage 162- 01000 GRADING AND BLOCK 0.00 SY 6.00 306.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6002 SODDING 618- 01000 CONDUIT(PVC)(SCH 40)(2") 0.00 LF 16.00 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6023 Total 466.00 0.00 Grand Total:$10,446.00 Summary 1. CONTRACT SUM+AMENDMENTS 1,584,104.00 2. NET CHANGE BY Change Order 466.00 3. CONTRACT SUM TO DATE(Line 1+Line 2) 1,584,570.00 4. TOTAL COMPLETED&STORED TO DATE 1,584,570.00 5. RETAINAGE • 5a. 5.00%Of Completed Work(Column I on Continuation Sheet) 0.00 5b. 0.00%Of Stored Material(Column J on Continuation Sheet) 0.00 TOTAL RETAINAGE(5a+5b) 0.00 6. TOTAL EARNED LESS TOTAL RETAINAGE 1,584,570.00 7. LESS PREVIOUS CERTIFICATES FOR PAYMENT 1,497,747.30 8. CURRENT AMOUNT DUE $86,822.70 9. BALANCE TO FINISH,INCLUDING RETAINAGE(Line 3 less Line 6) 0.00 • Change Order Summary NET CHANGE by Change Order $466.00 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Total changes approved in previous pay periods 0.00 0.00 Total approved this pay period 466.00 0.00 TOTAL 466.00 0.00 Accounting and Payment Status Invoice Id 462 Payment Status Check#s Paid Date Paid Amount $0.00 PO Number 431084 FEMA Number Accounting Project Code GIFPLR Custom Accounting Field 04 Custom Accounting Field 05 Custom Accounting Field 06 Custom Accounting Field 07 1 Custom Accounting Field 08 I Approval Approved Due:6-Dec-2022 • Name or Role Status Actions . 1 External-GC Approved TJ Pilgrim 22-Nov-2022 10:01 AM CST 2 Project Manager Approved Colby Anderson 22-Nov-2022 10:02 AM CST 3 City Engineer Approved Amalia"Molly"Villarreal 22-Nov-2022 01:54 PM CST 4 Director Approved Bart Bartkowiak 22-Nov-2022 05:19 PM CST • 5 Admin Approved Crystal Garza 29-Nov-2022 12:56 PM CST Created by:Crystal Garza on 22-Nov-2022 Last Modified by:Crystal Garza on 29-Nov-2022