HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 22-067RESOLUTION NO. 22-067 WHEREAS, on March 9, 2021 the City Council of the City of Beaumont, Texas passed Resolution No. 21-055 awarding a contract in the amount of $1,320,000.00 to Brystar Contracting, Inc., of Beaumont, Texas, for the Lift Station & WWTP Repairs Tropical Storm Harvey Group 4 Lift Stations Project; and, WHEREAS, on October 8, 2021, the City Manager executed Change Order No. 1, in the amount of $2,337.00, to delete four 16"x8' RC footings and install a 9'x7'x14" spread footing for the Fire Training Grounds lift station platform, thereby increasing the total contract amount to $1,322,337.00; and, WHEREAS, on December 20, 2021, the City Manager executed Change Order No. 2, in the amount of ($1,377.00), to remove and replace the control panels and all electrical appurtenances on the existing service pole at the Pine Haven and Forest Glen lift stations, including deleting the installation of the proposed elevated platform and foundation, guard fence and 18" diameter HDPE driveway pipe, thereby decreasing the total contract amount to $1,320,960.00; and, WHEREAS, Change Order No. 3, in the amount of $34,190.00, is required to change the electrical service installation at the Fire Training Ground, Hillcrest, and Oak Ridge Lift Stations from underground to overhead installation and relocate the standby generator receptacles to a location 4 ft above ground level at the Carpenter Road, Charles, Fire Training Grounds, Hillcrest Drive, Holiday, Major Drive, Martin, Oak Ridge, Tram Road, and Voth Road lift stations, thereby increasing the total contract amount to $1,355,150.00; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: THAT the statements and findings set out in the preamble to this resolution are hereby, in all things, approved and adopted; and, THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute Change Order No. 3, in the amount of $34,190.00, for the additional work described above, thereby increasing the total contact amount to $1,355,150.00 for the Lift Station & WWTP Repairs Tropical Storm Harvey Group 4 Lift Station Project. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 1st day of March, 2022 - Mayor Robin Mouton - APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE CHANGE ORDER No, Three (3) DATE: January 27, 2022 PROJECT% City.of.Aeauniont, Texas Lift Ration $c WWTP:Repairs Tropical Storm Harvey Gaup A lift 5tatlons Did No. WU0121-10 OWNEW City of Seaur ont, Texas 301'Maln Street beau -Mont, TeXas 77704 CONTRACTOR: aryStor ContraWng, Inc, 83$5 Chemical Road Beaumont; Texas 77705 T6THE OwNt-R Approval of the following:contract chfte Is requested, s i e tat S f � REA5e3N FOR.' CHANGE; To cl�ange .the electrical service lnstallatlon at flee Fire Training Gratind, Hlllc(ett and Oak. Bldg 11f� � ;un , . underground to overhead Installation, and relocate the stand-by generator receptactes t� a location Oft above ground level at the Carpenter Read, Charl$s; Flre T(a ning Grdunds,'Hillceest )rlve, Holiday, Majv Drive, Martin,.`oak Ridge, Tram Road and 1lotlt Road lifts#atlens. ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMPLIPT: $ i,32�.000�0D,. i 320.96 REVISED.tONTRACT AMOUNT PER.CHANGE ORDER No, 2 D "THfS CHANCE ORDER oescrlption 2 CarpentIor.Road Llf t Station. Relocate the.stand-by.generator receptacle to.a.lvcatim Alit eboVe Brood $ 3,419,00 level, ADQ $3,4t9.001LS 3 Charles 5#reef tilt Station. Relocate the Stand=by generator t�eceptacle to a location. 4ft. above ground $ 31419,0.0. level, ADD $34419.40/1 S 6 F1re:Tralning Grounds.t,ift station, Change Rnder�graund eleetrlcaI service installation to overhead $ 31419,00. elecidcal service lnstallatlon� #DD $o,DDji.S� relocate the stand-by gerietator receptac a to a ocat or), aboveground level ADD `$3�419;09/1.5 3 H1llerest prlve Llft Station. Change underground electrical servIce.tnstallatlpn tq,overhead. electrl el $ 3,419,00 service initallatlan QD $O, J S. Relocate the stand-by generator receptaeletQ a 1004000h above ground tev �, A D 9 Ho Way Lif Station. Relocate the stand-by generator receptacle ko. q location Oft. above. grpon0 level.: $, :$A19..0Q.. ADD $3,t9�ooli.S 10 ; Ma or Drlve'Lift Station. Relocate the stand-by generato�t receptacle to a tueetlon.�_ft ab Aground level► %419,00 A4p$3,4J:n0ji,5 11 lvlariln I�ift,8t tlonR Relocate f ife stand�bY Reneroto' receptacle to n location Ott above ground level $ ,4 9►+DAD $31419i001Ls Rid a Lift StatlOn, Chan a under round eiectrfeal service n tallatlan to 6verhend le trlcal selrvlce x� Oak g . . g .. R ............ installation, ADD Q400 ,1 %. Ae ovate t e Stan - .Y enerutQr receptac a o.a npty ova., nn a oye ground level► ADD 53;419�4D�t.S 5 Trani itaad lli't 5iatlon. Relocate thostand-by generatar reeeptaete tn.a loeatlon a Qve: graur d tevel, $ ,4 .A[ ADD $3,49.0�/I.S 16 Voth Road i.lf t Station. Relocate the stand-b 8ener�itQt recepti 06 ty a loc60 �ft.�bove �r�und te1►+a1.. ► 9,419,ao Avg $�►419:o���s TOTAL AMOUNT -OF TfifS Cti�#f�PE ARG�R: 4,1gDD ; TOTAL REV15EDr CONTRACT AMbt!NT iNCLUDiNG TNiS CHANCE ORDER} 4 ,3 55,150.00 PERCENT" t3F.�"HIS,Ci�AN�E�1tDEif �'�D9� TOTAL PERCENT CHANGE RDERTO DATE coNtnA�' �rIM e original Contract Time: 210 ca endar days Revised Contract time p.er prevlous. Change Qrders 3B catendar days Additlonel Thr a reaUir.ed thls Chonoe [3rder: 80 calendar da s 417 Revised Contract 1'ime.p+er this Chonge.Order . cele.in: dove a IR �w i f a ley r f„ a r 1� i t IY �I ;j GON�I