HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES 22-049RESOLUTION NO. 22-049 THAT the City Manager be and he is hereby authorized to execute a proposal with Honesty Environmental Services, Inc. for the purpose of providing on -site asbestos consulting and air monitoring services for property located at 555 Main Street. The proposal is substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes. The meeting at which this resolution was approved was in all things conducted in strict compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Beaumont this the 8th day of February, 2022. - Mayor Robin Mouton - Honesty Environmental Services, Inc. January 26, 2022 City of Beaumont 801 Main Street Beaumont, Texas 77701 Email: Keith.folsom(a)-beaumonttexas.gov Tel: 409-659-7288 Attn: Mr. Keith Folsom RE: Proposal for Asbestos Consulting & Air Monitoring Services Former AT&T Building 555 Main Street Beaumont, Texas 77701 HES Proposal No. 22-046-702 Honesty Environmental Services, Inc. (HES) is pleased to submit the following proposal for the Asbestos Consulting Services to include the on -site project management, preparation of project documentation, and air-monitoring/analytical services at the above -referenced site. This project will be in compliance with the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) regulations for Renovation/Demolition in public buildings. The Asbestos Consulting Services include: • Providing state -licensed air monitoring technician to conduct air -monitoring services during the asbestos abatement process • Providing BDXII low volume pumps, Bios Defender Calibrator, air sampling cassettes • Providing Olympus CX22 Microscope with slides, coverslips, etc. • Providing state -licensed laboratory analysis with NIOSH 582 • Providing state -licensed project manager to observe and record the abatement contractor's work procedures and progress on a daily basis • Conducting visual inspections and clearance sampling by Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) • Preparing a final report that will be the owner's permanent record of the abatement project. The final report will include daily field reports, ambient air .sample results, documentation of usual and unusual events that occur during the abatement, and all pertinent submittals 14420 West Sylvanfield Drive, Suite 200 2300 Highway 365, Suite 450 Houston, Texas 770144E� Nederland, Texas 77627 Phone: (713) 856-5354 Phone: (409) 632-2601 www.honestyenvironmental.com EXHIBI Asbestos Consulting & Air Monitoring Services Former AT&T Building 555 Main Street, Beaumont, TX 77701 HES Proposal No. 22-046-702 Page 2of3 HES proposes to provide Asbestos Consulting Services as outlined above for a lump sum amount of $47,935.00. This amount includes two TDSHS-Licensed Project Monitors/Air Monitoring Technicians working forty-five days, 5 days a week, 10 hours a day along with daily air sampling and laboratory analysis. Add/Deduct Cost In the event the number of days worked exceeds the 45 days proposed, a charge of $1,143.00 per additional work day will be applied to the above amount to cover the cost of TDSHS-Licensed Project Monitors/Air Monitoring Technicians working forty-five days, 5 days a week, 10 hours a day (includes overtime rate) along with daily air sampling and laboratory analysis. In the event the number of days worked are less than the 45 days proposed, a credit of $1,143.00 will be applied to the above amount for each work day less than the 45 days proposed. HES appreciates this opportunity to provide our Asbestos Consulting Services to the City of Beaumont. Immediate attention will be given to this project upon receipt of this signed Client Engagement Letter by email at saraCaD-honestyenvironmental.com. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (409) 632-2601. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. Sincerely, Honesty Environmental Services, Inc. Daniel R. Ward Vice President Asbestos Consultant License No. 10-5479 Asbestos Consulting & Air Monitoring Services Former AT&T Building 555 Main Street, Beaumont, TX 77701 HES Proposal No. 22-046-702 Page 3 of 3 Your signature below hereby authorizes Honesty Environmental Services, Inc. (HES), to perform the environmental services detailed above. You further agree that the total cost of this project will be invoiced following the delivery of our completed results; and payment is due within thirty days. The payment of HES's invoice for performance of the above services is not subject to any contingency (e.g., sale, loan approval, transaction closure, or your payment from client) related to the site being investigated. AGREED TO AND ACCEPTED THIS DAY OF , 2022 by: Name: Signature: Title: Company: GREEMEN i TH1141; A01R MENT rnade this 9th day of I'� ill tfle year by and brtwcon The City of Beaumont, a legal entity organized and existing in the State o f `f'exas, hemi"na.fter desigtiated as the Owncr, and 11f1" Abatement tVroup LLC liereitialler designated as the C: NfiRA ']"OR. 'I'lle Ownev and the Contraetur, in eonsid0ratinrr of the Mutual eovetlants hereloafter set forth, agree as fol I Qvs: ARTI C LY I o T I WORK IN; Con(ractor shal I cone pt4o the ''Fork m sped f ied or i nd'lea ted U nder the J3 id Schedu c(a) o f the Owii�r's Contncct Doevniews entitled. Contract for Commercial Asbestos Ahatemelit of the ti•netttres located of 555 Main Street, I itnnj nnt, Texas 'The 'fork is generally described as: Fur ishing Ull NhOrmaterilal, ieq uipment, and s of ervis"0 n nCMICHary tO Mninve and legs illy dispose Of AU nshestoa C011tAim"ug matet`ln IN at the hyo strivetures noted In the City of Heatlmont Bid Specification 17t 122-06 and as na test i k Addeadum.9 No. I and . The Woa`k tG he perfr rmcd under this Contract shall he eonlinencod oil [lie date specified by the Owner iit (lie Noticc to Proceed and the Work shall be fully cone plet&d 'fil 60 calendar days. The Owner and the Contractor i�eognize that time is 6r[he esseiic& of this Agivement and that the Owaor in ay suffer t ina ne ial loss if the Work Is not completed within the ti tree specified in this Article 2, herein, plus any extensions thereof allowed in accordance with Article 3 of the, Instructions to Bidders. Tlwy also recognize the delays, exponse, and d i H'reu l tie:' involved ill Proving in a legal prneeed i ng the ac-tual lass suffered by tine Owacr if (hie Worlt is not completed oil iiine. Accordingly, instead of m1u)"ring any stwh proof, the Owner and the Coutraetor agree that as liqu i dated darn ages for delay (but not as a penalty) the Contvaetor shall pay the Owner thr, sual- of $2 50 for each calendar day that expires alter the time speciDed in this Article 25 lt01-u111, ARTICLE 3. CON'T`RACT 11111I CF. The Owner sha l l pay the Co)%motor for the completion of the Work !11 per rdajjee W ltli the o11traGt Documents in current funds the Con tmut Price(s) nam cd in the Contractor's Bid and Bid Sefiodul e s ill the arnou m or 759572F80. ARTrCLP� 44 THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 'tyre C011tract Dwuinents consist of; Ul of B��r ritoa at Did N uin bor 'fl 1122 µa , Scope of Fork, Bid Spoc►fications, Ben11111vrrt City courlbiI R.esotLit io11 'l 22-041,1 riforinatioit Required Soiled ule of Prevailing Leal 'gage Rate-5, Addendum No. L & 2, and all (1)a ge Orders and Work D irecti vc Changes wl i ich ni ay be 'Issued subsoquent to the Effective Date ot`tho Agyeenient and HIV liot attached hereto, Docuinents wh is It will becoine part of these Contraet € ocu incti is subsequent to Award wnsist of: Notice of AvvaM, Perfonnailee and Parnent bonds, Certificates of Insurance,, Evidrnw of Workers Coinpensation coverage, and Notice to Pt�)ueed. ARTICLE So PAYMENT PROCEDURES Payment will he inado in ;ucordaiitu with ArdOle 5 of the Vetieitt Cond itions of Agreement, ARTICLE 6* NOTICES Whenever ally Provision of' tile Contract Doetunents requ"i-cs (lie giving of writtei) Notice, it shall be d corned to have been val idly 9i Yen i f delivered i n person to the l nd i v id rra l or to a mrem Ines of the fi rrn or to are officor o f th a corporat 1 on for wlioin it i s i nten (led, or lif dell vexed at or seat by registered or certified ina.11, poatage prepaid, to the last bus tiros$ address known to tine giver of the Notice, '1'erins used in this Agroonent wh [oh are defined 'In Artlole l of the Gonnal Coiid1tions wild Supp'leinen 1my General Conditions wi 1 i have 111 a mefln h igsindicatul in said Gen oral Conditions and S upplarnentary O cnevil Condli t io(ls. No assignm ont by a party hemto of `arty right.. u ndor or- inter is lu the Contract Dootin'ients will bo bin ditlg oil aliother Marty horeto witl oat the written c€ nsont oFtlie park sought to be bound; and s ec"f but without io l tattoll mollies that in ay become duc and monies that arc due bray not be assigned Without suoh consent (except to 1 he extent that the o ffect Of this i=tisiet'son inay be l rin ited by law), alld uIlless "offioally stated to the contrary is any written consent to an assigi incia no assigninont w'It relea,% or discharge the asstgnor 11roin any duty or responsibility rri-i4er Clio Contract Docuinonils, 1%he Owner and the Contractor cash binds itself, its patiners, successor.% assigns, and legal repirsentatives to the caller party hcroio,, its, pailners* succemrss ussign.%, and legal reprewnt .tives in respect of all coyonmits, agreements, and obligations corltalired Ili 1I10 Contract t)Wuuanonts. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and ampl oyeas from and against any and all claims or suits for i n j u rlos, damages, lose, or i 1 abi l lty of whatever kind of c ha garter, arising out of or in connection with the perform a nee by the Contractor of those services contemplated by thi's Ag reed ent, based upon the negligent acts of Contractor, its officers, agents, employees and expressly ineladi n a a liagati a ns of negligence, acts or omissions of the City of Beaumont its agents, officers or employees, when such negligence to the City arisen from the vicarious negligent performance of professional work undertaken. by Contractor h6reu n d er , IN WITN ESSS W HE, RE0 I,", (lie Owner alld (lie COI)tractor have causod(h is Agk-=11011t to bo oxecuted th day and year first written i1bove I I CITY OF BEAUMONT STAI'l OF'TEXAS L City mallop, Atte.-st. c, K PfP Abatement Groa& LLC CON"FRACTOR BYA, Attest$