HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 99-Ft AN ORDINANCE: ENTITLED AN ORDINANGE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AS A TAX UPON THESI_0 LOTS, PARTS OF LOTS,, BLOCKS, OR TRACTS OF LAND, --WHERE NOT DIVIDED INTO LOTS OR BLOCKS, FRONTING OR ABUTTING ON FRANKLLI_ZTREET FROM THE WEST LINE OF THE RIGHT-OF=WAY OF THE TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS RAILWAY= COMPANY TO THE EAST SIDE OF HOUSTON STREET-, AND KOUSTO n FROM THE NORTH SIDE'OF FRANKLIN STREET -TO THE -NORTH SIDE OF WASHINGTON BOULEVARD, -WO-THIRDS OF THE COST OF THE PAVING, GUTTER, AND INCIDENTAL DRAINAGE, AND ALL THE COST OF CURBING SAID STREETS APPORTIONABLE TO ,THE HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO PROPERTY, AND DECLARING SAID TAX A LIEN. UPON SAID PROPERTY AN_D A PERSONAL DEBT UPON THE OWNER OR OWNERS THEREOF' AND PROVIDING A TIME WHEN SAID TAX SHALL BECOME DUE AND PAYABLE, PRO- VIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SAFE AND ALL COSTS INCURRED IN COLLECTING SAME IF NOT PAID AT THE TIME IT BECOMES DUE AND PAYABLE, AND PROVIDING THE RATE OF INTEREST SAID TAX SHALL-BEAR.FROM THE TIME IT BECOMES DUE UNTIL PAID, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Subdivision (h) of Section 6.8 of the Charter, of the City of Beaumont, the City Commission of the City of Beaumont caused to be published for the time and __in the manner required. therefor by the. City C�ter, a notice of the Resolution of said Commission, passed on the day of November, A. D? 1927 order- ing a hearing to be given: to.the persons, firms, corporations, and. estates, their agents or attorneys owning property abutting on Franklin Street from tie; west line of the right-of-way of the Texas and New Orleans Ra,ilYway` Company to the east side of Houston Street, and Houston Street.from the north side of Franklin Street to the north side of Washington Boulevard, and calling upon all persons interested in said matter to appear and show cause, in conformity with the pro- visions of the Charter above referred to, why the assessment in said notice should not be made against said property and against the owners thereof, which hearing was to be held in the Cbunci 1 _Chamber of the -- City Hall of Beaumont, Texas, at. -4:00 o'clock P.M. on the 20th day of December , A. D. 1927= and, WHEREAS, a full and fair hearing in conformity with the Charter and law in such cases having been had in conformity with said notice and the Commission having inquired.into and determined all facts ne- cessary to the adjudication of all special benefits accruing to such owners by means of such improvements, and said hearing having been duly closed; and.,, It appearing that the assessment as proposed,in the above mentioned Resolution passed on the: tiday of November.', A. D. 1927, with the exceptions hereinafter noted, are in all respects fair and equitable and that there will be a.full and adequate and special benefit to the abut- ting, property and the owners thereof- fror:, and by reason of the pro- posed.pavement and improvement in excess of the amount assessed against the abutting property and the respective. owners thereof: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY -THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT: Section 1. That there is hereby assessed. against the several owners of property and against their respective property abutting on Franklin 1 and incidental dr" aina.ga 'of -said -streets, exc.I:usive of the whole costa between curb lines of improving said streets at their inter— sections: "with other streets and alleys, and all the cost of curbing said streeta. The lot, lots, parts of lots, blocks o.r tracts of --land on which said taxis levied -and assessed -are hereinafter describ-ad, to— gether- with the number of front feet"on such lot, lots, parts'of lots, blacks or tracts of -land, the -name or names of the owner or owners thereof, and the. proportionate amount of. th-e-.cost of • said paving and gutter, and the cost of said curbing to be "borne and paid for by such owner_or owners as shown by the statement prepared.by-the City Engineer of the City of Beaumont, which said amount is hereby levied and assess— ed as a tax upon such lots, parts of lots, blocks or tracts of land as shown, to wit: Sdot ion 2:. _ That-. said amounts so levied. and assessed shall ' become due and .payable-"-Upon--'the completion of the paving upon the portion - of said street -s upon which: said -lot lots-; .parts of lots, .blocks or tracts of land front and abut, ' and the amount of the _ tax hereby levied. and assessed, together with -the: cost of .colie-cting and interest q:t S -even per Cent (7j) per annum from the date.-- same- is collectable. until paid -is hereby declared. -a lien against said lot, lots, parts_ of lots, blocks or tracts of land superior to a.11 other, -liens,, claims,. or titles except city, county and state. taxes, and constitute a personal charge or- claim against -the owner.: or owners -of said lot, lots, .parts of lots; blocks or tracts of land:. Section 3. The fact that the portions of -the abova named streets as indicated are . in lead condition and jeopardize the wafety of the creates people travelling thereon/an imperative ublic emergency necessitating the suspension -of the rule requiring to be mead on 'three separate. days before their -passage. Wherefore, such rule is hereby suspended, and this Qrd nancen shall he. in .full force and effect from .and after its passage and publication: tasse:d by the affirmative: vote of all members of the Commission this, the 20th day of 15e-bember , A. D;V 1927. , ayor. m .,e State of Texas, Countp of Jefferson Before ,. the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared------------------ ---------------- known _________________________________known o me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says, that he is the___ �! '--------of the AU T E BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and f egoing was published in said newspaper, sucb publication being on the following dates: _ A_ -------------------- A. D. 192 _, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- _tacked. `. _ _ ••_ --- - --- - ---------------------- - rte;: �" . - - --------- -- -- --- -- ---�-- _ - , --- -- - -- - -. Sworn-_ to, and. 'subscribed before me, this------------ day of _ _ _ _77"_ _A. D. 1921- --------------- 92 _ --------------- -- ------ ----------- Notary Public, Jefferson unty, Texas. - � ;fir- . }'%�i;.-• , ce State of Texas, -- Countrp of Jefferson . Before m�e aundersi d authority, on this day personally appeared___________________ _ _ _ ------------ _ .... _ _ _know o me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- __ of the B 0 T RISE, . poses and says, that he is the -6 _ _ _�G� _ _ _ � BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and regoing wasp blished in said newspaper, such -publication being on the following dates: --- -------------------A. D. 192_x, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tached. _ Sworn .to. -.and subscribed before me, this------------ day of _ _ _ ___ ___ __ -- A. D.192�_ ------------ Notary Public, Jefferson ounty, Texas.