HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 80-Fa AN ORDINANCE Changing the name of Polk Street from the north side of Emma Street to the north side of Washington Boulevard to Avenue B. f WHEREAS, citizens owning, property along Polk Street fnom the north side of'Emma Street to the north side of Washington Boule- vard have rdquested the City Commission to change the name of said Street to Avenue B; the said Street being a contiftuation of Avenue B - -as—extended:-� — -- -. - - -- -- -- - _-- - - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BEAUMONT That the name of Polk Street in the City of Beaumont from the north side of Emma Street to the north side of Washington Boulevard be and it is hereby changed 'to Avenue B, and from and after the passage of this ordinance the name of said Street shall be Avenue B. Passed by the affirmative vote of all members of the Com- mission, this' the .� day of September, A. D. 1927. ` -MAYOR - --- Iion. 1, yor and City Commission of the City of 3eaau:iont . October 1st, 1929. Gent1eaaene On the 30th day of Jul7i, 1929, your honorable bony p ssed_ an Ordinance designed to vacate ,Avenue -Prom Cedar "treet to Crocl,:ett Street. You erroneously assumed thL),t thi_action -�;,as taken on -petition of all persons owning property contiguous to the Street area to be abandoned. `_C'he Beaumont Iron ',forks Company initiated the suggestion foi, closing livenue "B" between Crockett ane. 13onharn Streets. much suggestion was predicated upon their need of that Sti°eet crea as a site for a heavy concrete- factory building, to be equipped with unusually heavy machinery. The area of Avenue "Bre bet7.ieen Crockett Street and Bonham Street, as I'7ell as betv!eein Boinhain .street and' Cedar. G treet, at the time of the suggestion for the closing; thereof, had never been used for Street purposes. This .,venue ^n'3 area was in no demand for street purposes because blocked by the Railroad yards of the T. L�; Y.O. icy. Co., and for the reason that property abutting; on such area i.as ampiy served by other streets. .Lt the same time, tlic City found itself confronted. with a public demand for -Cne opening and extension of .Fulton and Irving `streets across the Kansas City Southern _' aily-ia,y Company's right-of-way and across propert!r ollned by the Ji;etate Oi lid Pcg��i, CLeCeoSed,nit by Charles 1). .mith ani. One 1.:.A. i,-�cCree,.and that said Paggi .iistabte and Charles 1). Smith agreed that they viould acouire tlne necessar�r S'ir;htS- of-Vla,y for the Opening? -..Y L extension of said 'ultOn '53t-i-eet c1.no-' Irvine' Street, conveying same to the City of Beaumont for the sum of Twelve Hundred Ii'ifty (,1250.00) Dolla,,rs, ar_d a resolution rias drawn and passed by the City Commission of the City of Beaumont- on the 2nd day of July, 1929, embodying the terms *of th)e understanding bet-�reen the City of Beatuaiont and ,the said Pa,g gi ilsta:,,te wird d Charles :D. Smith, an it is no -\T brought to the attention of the City of Bea:urr_ont that t'Lle said Charles D. Emith and Charles Pa,ggi , re pre se nt i ng the, Paggi -,_,State, �;rere L1nd1SC10Sed cgeTltS Of c1 e De&Llziilont Iron „Orl'.S Cor.aiDany insaid transaction, and that the transaction was really in truth. anti in fact based upon the f ollot. ing; understanding a. That the Beaumont Iron Works Compc),ny v;7ould 6:)urchase andciid porch=:ase, for the use of 'L, -,ie City of Beaumont the reauired 9 land L or tine opening_; of Ioulton Street and Irving (Street ayring; there- for the s win of `_-�i xte en Ilundred ' p` (,1600.OU ) Dolly rs and caused the sane to be conveyed to said City by the Pazgggi Est9�te and Charles D. E'.tnith on the 1st day of July, 1929, said R�,.ggi Estate a.iid `.iii th being J the unciisciosed trustees for said ?3eL,,1,unont Iron '..Jor};:s Company, and said conveyance to the City of Bea,unont being; the consideration rn.oving fr'oi72 the.13eO�uraont .iron ,foil"s COinpa,fly t0 EaJ c, City for the relinquish- ment by said City to Se�,1C_ _;;',,urP_ont Iron ',aOrko C0m-Many 0f the !`iveni,7.e "B" area be tureen Crockett ;std.' G't C,i Ct Bonham-treet. b• 1'I1at the Sa1CL rag;gi St to an.. the Sc1icl Claarles 3D. 51111th i1ouli,'•. release the City of 13o�.-urnont froin its obligation, evidenced by SO,i d reSoluti0n of the City COmmission Of the City Of 'Bea r_'lont "!sassed on (-Inc 2nd day of ,Tull: 1929 to pa said Estate a,nC_ Cha,_ es ' 1 , , y a -^1 1� the sum of Twelve Ilundred 1"iity (,„1250000) Dollars, receipting therefor in C. That the City would relinouish to the T,,-, 'i-1— - It now transpires that. the said Ordinance of July 30th, 1929, does not reflect the agreement of the parties and should not be effective as to that portion of Avenue "B€' betc�,leen Crockett,. Street and -Bonhczjn Street, for "tele following reasons: First$ all of the property. owners abutting upon said. Avenue 1'B" between Crockett Street and Bonham Street did not join in the request for closing said Avenue "B". Second, the reservations of the ordinance permitting the use by the City of the Avenue "B" area for purposes of public utility, are inconsistent- vi.th the ends for which said Company requires the property, and constitutes. a complete failure of consideration moving to said Company for its payment of said Sixteen Hundred (Z',)1600.00) Bolla,rs-. Premises considered, the undersigned respectfully petition your honorable body to rescind that portion of said Ordinance affecting avenue `4B11 between Crockett Street and Bonham Street9• and thereupon t.o pass an ordinance under which there.will be authorized a relinquishment by the City of Beaumont to the Beaumont. Iron ,"Jorks- Company of the said City's rights in Avenue "B11 between. Crockett " Street and Bonham Street in exchange for the conveyance heretofore. made to said City of Beaumont of said Fulton and Irving Street areas by said Paggi Estate and'said Charles B. Smith", as the undisclosed trustees for said Beaumont Iron'Vorks Company, ?respectfully Submitted. Beaum.o 4 Ir n r Company, y / sident.. Beaumont, Texas, 25e Ci%/ o2 ?ez io Et, 32c2on , Tex 2. 2Ee/Bon C ice •. Dear Sir, . Coe2i2 mii conversatio-n vi-, Iii }ou ao4 city &%%095x/ J,2. yOs2i8, held in yo22 office os the Ist i,(1-+ %Sia Co ,E' Ey2eee to 3016 the Oity o2 3o goat Ks2»lee§ Zoom all dace/es and defend any and L11 Suite y «e ass e2te6 a/size% it \y the }JSSo 'i. :ci-io 2ai1l Oo7l9a2>z, /2oUir out o£ %2e action of the Citr of 2eEe3ont in relin- quishing to this Company the rights of the City o2 res m st in .iv enue 113II 2e%Seen "Docket% E2E 20!!l G \t2eete. z . .. . 2eaumont IZo2 Joe »B 9 , . / 2y . . President.. i ESTABLISHED 1000 M. W. LOWLY COMPANY REALTY SPECIALISTS . V BEAUMONT. TEXAS, August 811 1927. Engineer Depatment, City of Beaumont. Beaumojt, Teras; Gentlemen; J. E. LIGHT, Notary The writer lives on the east � side of Block No.? West Ogden Addition, when this street was opened it connect ed with Avenue C. (Av.B. not then being opened north;)and the street was generally called Avenue C our number being 1660; Some ten years ago the connection with Avenue C was closed and Avenue B. was opened but we were still called 1660 Avenue C.- which caused- mud1 confusion, we. then con— sulted your department and were advised to take the matter u up with the Post Office Department, which. was done and our street was changed to Avenue B. and our number was changed. from 1660 to 1760 Abenue B. which it is now on Post Office Telephone and other files, but recently we notice a number of street signs oalling our street Polk street which already Is causing confusion. I have talked with a number of my neighbors and we; dog not want our street name cahnged but wish it to remain Avenue B. and shall thank you to take down the Polk Street signs and make it Avenue B. on your records andmaps. Thanking you for your. attention , I am Yours truly, 31. W. LOWRT, �r Attorney i ESTABLISHED 1000 M. W. LOWLY COMPANY REALTY SPECIALISTS . V BEAUMONT. TEXAS, August 811 1927. Engineer Depatment, City of Beaumont. Beaumojt, Teras; Gentlemen; J. E. LIGHT, Notary The writer lives on the east � side of Block No.? West Ogden Addition, when this street was opened it connect ed with Avenue C. (Av.B. not then being opened north;)and the street was generally called Avenue C our number being 1660; Some ten years ago the connection with Avenue C was closed and Avenue B. was opened but we were still called 1660 Avenue C.- which caused- mud1 confusion, we. then con— sulted your department and were advised to take the matter u up with the Post Office Department, which. was done and our street was changed to Avenue B. and our number was changed. from 1660 to 1760 Abenue B. which it is now on Post Office Telephone and other files, but recently we notice a number of street signs oalling our street Polk street which already Is causing confusion. I have talked with a number of my neighbors and we; dog not want our street name cahnged but wish it to remain Avenue B. and shall thank you to take down the Polk Street signs and make it Avenue B. on your records andmaps. Thanking you for your. attention , I am Yours truly, �r J_ tA i ESTABLISHED 1000 M. W. LOWLY COMPANY REALTY SPECIALISTS . V BEAUMONT. TEXAS, August 811 1927. Engineer Depatment, City of Beaumont. Beaumojt, Teras; Gentlemen; J. E. LIGHT, Notary The writer lives on the east � side of Block No.? West Ogden Addition, when this street was opened it connect ed with Avenue C. (Av.B. not then being opened north;)and the street was generally called Avenue C our number being 1660; Some ten years ago the connection with Avenue C was closed and Avenue B. was opened but we were still called 1660 Avenue C.- which caused- mud1 confusion, we. then con— sulted your department and were advised to take the matter u up with the Post Office Department, which. was done and our street was changed to Avenue B. and our number was changed. from 1660 to 1760 Abenue B. which it is now on Post Office Telephone and other files, but recently we notice a number of street signs oalling our street Polk street which already Is causing confusion. I have talked with a number of my neighbors and we; dog not want our street name cahnged but wish it to remain Avenue B. and shall thank you to take down the Polk Street signs and make it Avenue B. on your records andmaps. Thanking you for your. attention , I am Yours truly, i The State of Texas, County of Jefferson f Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ................ iC. .. .. _ . ... kno n to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de-_ i poses and says that he is the.. .ice. I a .. of the _ BFAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county; that a copy of the within and r foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following- dates: i .. . ..... ..A, D, 192, .., and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at• tach;d: .... .,. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this.., day n A. D, 192. uy oeseara -. , . - y AN ^ORDINANCE. Changing the name of Poll: street from ,the north side of Emma street to ;the north side of Wasri- j ington boulevard to overte. B longhe Polk .. citizens owning ' P P Y street from the north side of Emma street to the north side of Washington boule ', ward have requested the city commission e the name, of said street, to to ;hangthe said street being .a' con- ; AX 3x x0103 P002, U uI "a 011pun The State of Texas, County of Jefferson Notary Public, Public, Jefferson County Texas. Befor e, the undersigned authority, on this day -personally appeared ...... . . ... . ... . . . .... .. . . . .. 0-...'. V. known to me, who being by me duly sworn, on his oath de- poses and says that he is the. . , , . -, ... .......... he -BEA ANT -M— 2WAIS1�4— BEAUMONT JOURNAL, a newspaper published in said county,; that a copy of the within -and foregoing was published in said newspaper, such publication being on the following dates: ... / , ....... . A: D. 192. Q, and a newspaper copy of which is hereto at- tacked. Sworn to and subscribed- before me, this.. , ,��day of.c. , .. 4._...A. D, 192.Cf. Notary Public, Jefferson County, Texas.